14 research outputs found

    Resilience engineering for sociotechnical safety management

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    Modern societies call for a reconsideration of risk and safety, in light of the increasing complexity of human-made systems. Technological artefacts, and the respective role of humans, as well as the organizational contexts in which they operate, dramatically changed in the last decades with an even more severe transformation expected in the future. Rooted in human factors, ergonomics, cognitive engineering, systems thinking and complexity theory, the discipline of resilience engineering proposes innovative approaches for safety challenges imposed by the dynamic, uncertain, and intertwined nature of modern sociotechnical systems. Resilience engineering aims to provide support means for ensuring that systems can sustain required operations under both expected and unexpected conditions. This chapter aims to provide a summary of the scientific field of resilience engineering, as well as a description of two methods common in the field, the resilience analysis grid and the functional resonance analysis method. Following two examples, the chapter proposes a multidisciplinary research agenda for the field

    A Data-Analytics Approach for Enterprise Resilience

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    © 2001-2011 IEEE. Enterprise resilience plays an important role to prevent business services from disruptions caused by human-induced disasters such as failed change implementations and software bugs. Traditional expert-centric approach has difficulty to maintain continued critical business functions because the disasters can often only be handled after their occurrence. This paper introduces a data-analytics approach, which leverages system monitoring data for the enterprise resilience. With the power of data mining and machine learning techniques, we build an intelligent business analytics system to detect the potential disruptions proactively, and to assist the operational team for enterprise resilience enhancement. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on a real enterprise system monitoring dataset in simulation

    Can dissonance engineering improve risk analysis of human–machine systems?

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    The paper discusses dissonance engineering and its application to risk analysis of human–machine systems. Dissonance engineering relates to sciences and technologies relevant to dissonances, defined as conflicts between knowledge. The richness of the concept of dissonance is illustrated by a taxonomy that covers a variety of cognitive and organisational dissonances based on different conflict modes and baselines of their analysis. Knowledge control is discussed and related to strategies for accepting or rejecting dissonances. This acceptability process can be justified by a risk analysis of dissonances which takes into account their positive and negative impacts and several assessment criteria. A risk analysis method is presented and discussed along with practical examples of application. The paper then provides key points to motivate the development of risk analysis methods dedicated to dissonances in order to identify the balance between the positive and negative impacts and to improve the design and use of future human–machine system by reinforcing knowledge

    Knowledge Management and Organizational Resilience in Iranian Public Organizations

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    This study examines the relationship between knowledge management and organizational resilience. The statistical population of this study is 28 Public organization of Iran. The sample for the Study determined 270 Meddle and senior Managers that selected by simple random sampling. Organizational resilience questionnaires Mafabi et al (2012) and Knowledge management Amah (2013) were used. The reliability of the questionnaires in Iran renew determined. Data analysis was performed by means of descriptive and inferential statistics. Using descriptive statistics, demographic characteristics were examined. Pearson correlation coefficient used for answers to research hypothesis. The study was performed using the statistical software SPSS20. The results showed a positive and significant relationship between knowledge management and organizational resilience. Specifically, knowledge acquisition, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing and knowledge utilization, were revealed to have a positive and significant influence on organizational resilience. Hence, concluded that knowledge management specifically knowledge acquisition, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing and knowledge utilization, enhances organizational resilience in Iranian public organizations. Keywords: knowledge management, organizational resilience, knowledge acquisition, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing, knowledge utilization

    Towards the Resilient Operator 5.0: The Future of Work in Smart Resilient Manufacturing Systems

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    Most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown industries all around the world that their current manufacturing systems are not as resilient as expected and therefore many are failing. The workforce is the most agile and flexible manufacturing resource and simultaneously the most fragile one due to its humanity. By making human operators more resilient against a range of factors affecting their work and workplaces, enterprises can make their manufacturing systems more resilient. This paper introduces "The Resilient Operator 5.0" concept, based on human operator resilience and human-machine systems\u27 resilience, providing a vision for the future of work in smart resilient manufacturing systems in the emerging Industry 5.0 hallmark. It suggests how to achieve appropriate smart manufacturing systems\u27 resilience from a human-centric perspective through the means of the Operator 4.0 typology and its related technical solutions

    Synergies between paradigm I5.0 and Risk Prevention for the improvement of Occupational Health and Safety

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    Tras sucesivas revoluciones industriales, recientemente se propone un nuevo paradigma de fabricación denominado Industria 4.0 (I4.0). Sin embargo, sin que todavía se encuentre totalmente consolidado dicho paradigma, aparece un nuevo enfoque emergente que hace referencia a la Industria 5.0 (I5.0), el cual plantea diversas incógnitas para la comunidad científica y profesional. Surge así la discusión entre expertos acerca de las principales diferencias, la definición de los habilitadores tecnológicos, el impacto de la Transformación Digital (TD) en la sociedad, su efecto sobre el bienestar laboral, etc. Desde la perspectiva de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SST) resulta esencial la valoración de nuevos escenarios y riesgos emergentes en ambientes de trabajo industriales. A través de una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva se persigue determinar las implicaciones de la TD en relación con la SST. Se realiza una propuesta metodológica para facilitar la concepción, gestión y mejora continua del área de la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales (PRL) en las organizaciones. Finalmente, se presenta un caso de estudio, la aplicación de dicha propuesta a un puesto de trabajo en una planta de producción especializada en moldeo por inyección de plástico.After successive industrial revolutions, a new manufacturing paradigm called Industry 4.0 (I4.0) has recently been proposed, considered the last industrial revolution. However, without this paradigm being fully consolidated, a new emerging approach appears regarding Industry 5.0 (I5.0), which raises various unknowns for the scientific and professional community. Thus, the discussion between experts arises about the main differences between both paradigms, the definition of technological enablers, the impact of Digital Transformation (DT) on society, its effect on professional well-being, etc. From the perspective of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), it is essential to assess new scenarios and emerging risks in industrial work environments. Through an exhaustive bibliographic review, the aim is to determine the implications of DT concerning OHS. A methodological proposal is made to facilitate the conception, management, and continuous improvement of the risk prevention area in organizations. Finally, a case study is presented, the application of this proposal to a workstation in a manufacturing plant specialized in plastic injection molding

    Non-conscious errors in the control of dynamic events synchronized with heartbeats: A new challenge for human reliability study

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    This paper studies the synchronization between dynamic events with heartbeats and its impact on non-conscious errors in the control of dynamic events. It proposes a methodology to compare two groups of subjects: a group for which alarms are synchronized with the heartbeats of the subjects and a group for which they are not. Quantitative and subjective data were recorded during four experimental phases from a low level to a high level of workload. Results showed that there was a significant impact of such a synchronization of events with heartbeat: people produced more errors when this synchronization was present and they were not really conscious about the disruption of their abilities. This study is very promising and shows the interest of developing future on-line or off-line human reliability assessment methods based on unsafe behaviors associated with this synchronization

    Resilience Decision-Making for Complex Systems

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