18,762 research outputs found

    A New Paradigm to Address Bid Protests

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    Sponsored Report (for Acquisition Research Program)distribution unlimited.The goal of this study is to offer senior decision-makers a useful framework to evaluate, articulate, and recommend modifications of the government''s bid protest policy to improve procurement outcomes. Most countries allow disappointed bidders to protest public procurement decisions as an oversight mechanism to minimize fraud and errors by procurement officials. The expectation is that allowing bid protests increases transparency and accountability and encourages competition, reducing the cost of public purchases. A key contribution of this study is to add an economics dimension to a bid protest process that is mostly thought of in legal terms. The economics approach suggests firms are likely to use the protest process strategically to improve their competitive bargaining position and will be equally strategic in their decision to protest an award. The conclusion is that a firm''s responsibility to its shareholders can lead it to undertake protests for reasons substantially different from, and fundamentally opposed to, the government''s objectives. The economics approach suggests minimizing the risk of protests that result in cost overruns, schedule delays, and performance gaps, while preserving the benefits offered by protests to promote competition and ensure the integrity, transparency, and accountability of the procurement process. Adopting an economics perspective reveals two other crucial insights: firms can exploit protests to extract concessions (Fed Mail), and risk-averse officials can overreact in attempts to achieve protest-proof procurements (Buy-offs). In recognizing costs as well as benefits of a protest system, the economics approach invites a review of alternative portfolios of governance mechanisms that complement bid protests (internal audits, external audits, independent investigations, alternative dispute resolution, increased training and incentives, etc.), to improve procurement outcomes.Naval Postgraduate School Acquisition Research ProgramApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    The influence of personal knowledge management on individual health care decision-making : an action learning approach : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Management at Massey University, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand

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    Appendix B and Appendix K were removed at the author's request.Background: Making effective health care decisions is important. Despite the large volumes of information available, individuals often face personal limitations evaluating this information and making optimal decisions. Personal knowledge management has been suggested as a method of addressing information barriers and improving decision-making. Personal knowledge management has, however, been mostly applied within an education context, in order to improve individuals’ learning performance. From the available literature in this area, very limited research or significant conceptual development has been undertaken on personal knowledge management and its influence on decision-making, particularly in the health care context. Aims and Significance: This study examines an effective personal knowledge management strategy for older adults (aged between 46 and 75) with limited computer/technological skills by answering the following questions: How do older adults access and evaluate information and knowledge for health care decision-making? How can personal knowledge management help older adults with limited computer/technological abilities manage their information and knowledge for health care decision-making? How effective is an action learning training program in supporting older adults with limited computer/technological abilities for health care decision-making? The aim of this study is to provide an understanding of the use of action learning and personal knowledge management pertaining to older adults’ health care decision-making. Examples of relevant health care concerns include, diabetes and obesity or other issues of this nature, but are exclusive of severe health issues, such as cancer. The findings will offer educators and researchers an understanding of ways to help these individuals to navigate the world of information regarding critical personal decision-making, with specific reference to health care. Method: To investigate this issue, a qualitative study was conducted using action learning with thematic and grounded theory coding techniques. New Zealand patient health care support groups and churches provided a source of older adults with health-related issues as volunteers. Participants were asked to practice personal knowledge management strategies, focusing on their personal health-related issues after each learning session. In the following session, the issues or experiences that the participants encountered whilst conducting their self-practice exercises, within their groups were discussed. Findings: This study found that the older adult participants in this study used Google, Facebook closed groups, YouTube, online videos, health care support groups, family and medical professionals as information sources before embarking upon this training program. To evaluate alternative treatment options, these participants rely predominantly on family, friends, medical professionals and their personal life experience for decisions. This study found that major factors that negatively impacted older adults’ effective information interpretation and decision-making include: barriers to accessing accurate and relevant health care information and knowledge, barriers to computer-based technology use, and humanistic barriers. The findings suggest that a four-stage personal knowledge management strategy could help older adults (with limited computer/technological skills) to overcome the barriers to effective information interpretation, and making informed health care decisions. Finally, this study suggests some practical training/learning techniques for older adults. For instance, major individual health-related issues of the older adults within the pre-training program need to be confirmed, followed by a warm welcome prior to the commencement of the training program. I learned that it is important to pre-diagnose participants’ abilities in learning and computer-based technology before designing the training program. This can help to develop an appropriate training program for a specific cohort. Conclusions: The findings of this study contribute to the development of an academic understanding of personal knowledge management conceptualisation in the consumer decision-making field, with the aim of improving older adults’ information and knowledge management processes. This study serves as a vantage point for further empirical research in personal knowledge management and older adult education and training

    Nonprofit Endowments: Management Controls over Documenting Restrictions and Designations with Best Practices

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    The financial management and reporting of endowment funds is a major undertaking of many nonprofit organizations. Research is scant on the subject of systems for documenting, managing, and controlling endowment funds. The general problem explored was whether the nonprofits studied have properly implemented a system to track and maintain documentation of their endowment funds to avoid being at risk of noncompliance. The research design employed in this qualitative research was the case study methodology. Specifically, a multiple-case study approach explored how three affiliated Midwestern nonprofits had a managed and controlled their endowment documentation. This applied doctoral research project examined how three affiliated Midwestern nonprofits document and control endowment funds, and to what extent a system exists and such documents have been maintained, to determine whether the nonprofits studied were at risk of noncompliance with donor-imposed restrictions or applicable accounting and legal requirements over restrictions and designations. The two primary biblical concepts explored in this study were accountability and stewardship. The research focused on how these concepts related to the management and control of endowment funds to ensure good stewardship of a major source of funding and accountability to donors and other stakeholders. One primary goal of this study was the completion of a set of best practices for use by the nonprofit sector and those advising nonprofits in the management and control of endowment funds

    Health, Human Rights, and Structural Violence: Identifying Barriers to Healthcare Access of Deaf American Sign Language Users in Rhode Island

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    Deaf American Sign Language (ASL) users possess both human and legal rights to health. Yet, despite these rights, this linguistic minority group continues to experience challenges in accessing health care services. Using a structural violence framework, this study identifies the barriers to healthcare access of Deaf ASL users in one particular state - Rhode Island. More specifically, this study seeks to uncover the structural and social forces that constrain agency of Deaf ASL users in their attempts to access healthcare. Survey methodology is used to obtain both qualitative and quantitative data from 11 community stakeholder groups. Results show that Deaf ASL users in Rhode Island experience numerous structural barriers to accessing health care, including economic, civil, political, and cultural constraints. The structural disempowerment and reduced agency experienced by Deaf ASL users, perpetuated by the state’s institutionalized social structures, prevents Deaf ASL users from getting their health needs met. Implications for embodied health risks that result from human needs deprivation, trauma, and social disadvantage are discussed. Recommendations are offered on actions toward transformative justice, which can lead to greater fulfillment of human needs and realization of the inherent dignity, worth, and human rights of Deaf ASL users

    Language, Deals and Standards: The Future of XML Contracts

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    eXtensible Markup Language (XML) structures information in documentary systems ranging from financial reports to medical records and business contracts. XML standards for specific applications are developed spontaneously by self-appointed technologists or entrepreneurs. XML’s social and economic stakes are considerable, especially when developed for the private law of contracts. XML can reduce transaction costs but also limit the range of contractual expression and redefine the nature of law practice. So reliance on spontaneous development may be sub-optimal and identification of a more formal public standard setting model necessary. To exploit XML’s advantages while minimizing risks, this Article envisions creating a publicly-oriented foundation to set XML-based standards for the private law of corporate contracts. The Article’s specific inquiry concerning corporate contracts illuminates XML’s broader implications, making the standard-setting model it contributes adaptable to other contexts

    The impact of social media as a strategic approach to corporate communication when handling crises at a selected South African bank

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    This study investigates the impact of social media as a strategic approach to corporate communication when handling crises at Bank X in the Gauteng province of South Africa. The study had three over-arching objectives; to determine the challenges that are encountered when handling crises about communication at Bank X, to determine if the leadership has the willingness to change their approach when formulating the strategy; to determine if social media has an impact on strategy formulation of crisis communication at Bank X; and lastly to make recommendations to Bank X’s leadership on how to incorporate the social media component as a communication approach to effectively handle crises. This research followed a qualitative research approach through one-on-one Microsoft Teams in-depth interviews with 10 participants. The study, through the analysis of the primary data, secondary data, and literature reviews, underpins and supports that there is an opportunity for Bank X to incorporate social media as a strategic element to the crisis communication strategy. The organisation’s crisis communication strategy needs to incorporate social media from a strategic perspective for it to be ahead of the curve when a crisis emerges online. The implications for Bank X are a lesson in the evolution of technology in the communication space and how imperative it is for the bank to evolve

    Bankruptcy Reform and Homeownership Risk

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    Conflict of interests in high-tech investment advisory

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    What are the potential sources of conflict of interests in investment advisory services and how should the law design legal tools of retail investor protection? These are the questions addressed by this book, which explores the new legal challenges of investor protection in the context of digital investment platforms and genAI advisors. The author analyses the investor protection tools provided by competition law, regulatory and private law frameworks, taking Brazil as case study, where investment advisory experienced a unique market change and a major regulatory reform. This book addresses a worldwide audience and concludes with a set of policy recommendations

    Developing a Prototype of an Internet-based Decision Aid to Assist Student Survivors of Sexual Assault at Colleges and Universities with Making Informed Choices about Seeking Care and Pursuing Justice in Real-time.

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    abstract: Sexual assault at colleges and universities in the United States is a significant health and human rights issue that impacts somewhere between one-in-four and one-in-five students. Despite the alarmingly high burden, overall rates of disclosing to crisis, health, and victim services, and reporting to schools and law enforcement remain low. In order to buffer students from associated short- and long-term harm, and help them reestablish safety and pursue justice, empirically-supported, innovative, and trauma-informed secondary prevention strategies are needed. To address this pressing issue, the current study used a trauma-informed, feminist community research approach to develop and design a prototype of an internet-based decision aid specifically tailored to assist students at Arizona State University who experience sexual assault with making informed choices about reporting and seeking care, advocacy, and support on and off campus. Results from preliminary alpha testing of the tool showed that: 1. It is feasible to adapt decision aids for use with the target population, and 2. While aspects of the tool can be improved during the next phases of redrafting and redesign, members of the target population find it to be acceptable, comprehensible, and usable.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Global Health 201
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