305 research outputs found

    User experience guidelines for mobile natural user interfaces: a case study of physically disabled users

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    Motor impaired people are faced with many challenges, one being the of lack integration into certain spheres of society. Access to information is seen as a major issue for the motor impaired since most forms of interaction or interactive devices are not suited to the needs of motor impaired people. People with motor impairments, like the rest of the population, are increasingly using mobile phones. As a result of the current devices and methods used for interaction with content on mobile phones, various factors prohibit a pleasant experience for users with motor impairments. To counter these factors, this study recognizes the need to implement better suited methods of interaction and navigation to improve accessibility, usability and user experience for motor impaired users. The objective of the study was to gain an understanding of the nature of motor impairments and the challenges that this group of people face when using mobile phones. Once this was determined, a solution to address this problem was found in the form of natural user interfaces. In order to gain a better understanding of this technology, various forms of NUIs and the benefits thereof were studied by the researcher in order to determine how this technology can be implemented to meet the needs of motor impaired people. To test theory, the Samsung Galaxy s5 was selected as the NUI device for the study. It must be noted that this study started in the year 2013 and the Galaxy S5 was the latest device claiming to improve interaction for disabled people at the time. This device was used in a case study that made use of various data collection methods, including participant interviews. Various motor impaired participants were requested to perform predefined tasks on the device, along with the completion of a set of user experience questionnaires. Based on the results of the study, it was found that interaction with mobile phones is an issue for people with motor impairments and that alternative methods of interaction need to be implemented. These results contributed to the final output of this study, namely a set of user experience guidelines for the design of mobile human computer interaction for motor impaired users

    Guidelines for the design of a mobile phone application for deaf people

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    Deaf people in South Africa are no longer a minority group and their needs regarding communication and interaction must therefore be taken into consideration. This demographic does not communicate and interact in the same way as hearing people, which means that any existing usability or accessibility guidelines do not apply. As a result, Deaf people do not have access to information in the same way that a hearing person does. Providing proper access to Information and Communications Technology services, which meet their particular needs, will help the hearing impaired to better integrate into society. The importance of demolishing the communication barrier between the hearing and the hearing impaired is very important. Many people assume that sign language is somehow based on oral language. However, this is not the case. Sign languages are natural visual-spatial languages, and form a contrast with spoken languages which are auditory-vocal based. Acknowledging this fact in 2008, the South African Sign Language Policy Implementation Conference together with several governmental bodies suggested that South African Sign Language should become recognized as the 12th official language of South Africa. Due to the fact that cell phone technology continues to evolve, it will remain a tool of communication upon which Deaf people heavily rely on. The cell phone fulfils a basic need for everyone, but especially for the Deaf demographic as they rely on the short message system to communicate. Deaf people are currently faced with a lack of appropriate mobile phone applications, which would allow them to communicate with hearing as well as deaf people. The primary objective of this research was therefore to make mobile technology equally accessible meaning usable to members of the Deaf demographic. The focus of the research was to investigate the communication barrier and a range of variables that can influence the deaf user’s experience. Topics such as user interface design, usability and interaction were investigated. The outcome of this research was to propose a set of guidelines that, when applied to the design of a website or to phone application accessibility, would ensure communication and interaction from a deaf user. The proposed set of guidelines was then applied to the design of the high fidelity prototype of a mobile phone application. The specific application is a messaging phone application that allows deaf users to communicate with other deaf and hearing users via short message system. A mobile phone application that allows Deaf people to send and receive messages based on the sign language alphabet. The application was named Signchat. Purpose of this was to visibly display how the guidelines were implemented in Signchat. While Signchat’s main purpose is to accommodate the needs of Deaf people, it is also a learning tool and an application that bridges the gap by allowing deaf and hearing users to communicate

    Guidelines for the design of a mobile phone application for deaf people

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    Deaf people in South Africa are no longer a minority group and their needs regarding communication and interaction must therefore be taken into consideration. This demographic does not communicate and interact in the same way as hearing people, which means that any existing usability or accessibility guidelines do not apply. As a result, Deaf people do not have access to information in the same way that a hearing person does. Providing proper access to Information and Communications Technology services, which meet their particular needs, will help the hearing impaired to better integrate into society. The importance of demolishing the communication barrier between the hearing and the hearing impaired is very important. Many people assume that sign language is somehow based on oral language. However, this is not the case. Sign languages are natural visual-spatial languages, and form a contrast with spoken languages which are auditory-vocal based. Acknowledging this fact in 2008, the South African Sign Language Policy Implementation Conference together with several governmental bodies suggested that South African Sign Language should become recognized as the 12th official language of South Africa. Due to the fact that cell phone technology continues to evolve, it will remain a tool of communication upon which Deaf people heavily rely on. The cell phone fulfils a basic need for everyone, but especially for the Deaf demographic as they rely on the short message system to communicate. Deaf people are currently faced with a lack of appropriate mobile phone applications, which would allow them to communicate with hearing as well as deaf people. The primary objective of this research was therefore to make mobile technology equally accessible meaning usable to members of the Deaf demographic. The focus of the research was to investigate the communication barrier and a range of variables that can influence the deaf user’s experience. Topics such as user interface design, usability and interaction were investigated. The outcome of this research was to propose a set of guidelines that, when applied to the design of a website or to phone application accessibility, would ensure communication and interaction from a deaf user. The proposed set of guidelines was then applied to the design of the high fidelity prototype of a mobile phone application. The specific application is a messaging phone application that allows deaf users to communicate with other deaf and hearing users via short message system. A mobile phone application that allows Deaf people to send and receive messages based on the sign language alphabet. The application was named Signchat. Purpose of this was to visibly display how the guidelines were implemented in Signchat. While Signchat’s main purpose is to accommodate the needs of Deaf people, it is also a learning tool and an application that bridges the gap by allowing deaf and hearing users to communicate

    Factors impacting Tablet PC usage in low-income communities

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    The purpose of this research was to identify factors that impact on tablet PC usage in low-income communities. In order to determine and identify these factors a main research question and sub-research questions were formulated. The primary research question of this study was "What factors impact on tablet PC usage in low-income communities?" This main research question was answered by creating three sub-research questions followed by triangulating the results from these questions. The first sub-research question was aimed at determining whether prior exposure to touch screen technology impacts the user experience. In order to reach this objective an extensive literature review was conducted on the tablet PC landscape in South Africa. This literature review, coupled with the case study helped answer this first research question. The second sub-research question was concerned with determining whether existing user experience guidelines are relevant to South African users. A thorough literature review was conducted on user experience guidelines and related studies. This literature review, together with the results from the case study helped answer this second research question. The third sub-research question involved identifying specific factors which help improve the user experience of tablet PC users in a specific context. This research question was addressed in the case study. Each sub-research question provided results which were analysed in order to answer the main research question. The factors which impact on tablet PC usage were thus identified and recommendations were proposed

    Improving the design of virtual reality headsets applying an ergonomic guideline

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    L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és estudiar l’ergonomia d’ulleres de Realitat Virtual (VR) de baix cost i millorar els seus punts febles. Una Guia de Disseny Ergonòmic ha sigut creada per facilitar l’avaluació de dissenys actuals, basada en l’observació i en comentaris d’usuaris. Aquesta Guia ha sigut avaluada per experts en VR de l’Associació d’Interacció Persona-Ordinador (AIPO). La metodologia emprada és el model del Procés d’Enginyeria de l’Usabilitat i l’Accessibilitat (MPIu+a), en el qual l’usuari és el centre del procés de disseny en tot moment. Aquest model és iteratiu, repetint el cicle d’anàlisi de requeriments, disseny, implementació, prototipatge, avaluació i llançament fins que un resultat satisfactori ha sigut obtingut. Participants voluntaris han avaluat la qualitat de diferents ulleres de VR i han ajudat a crear una Guia de Disseny Ergonòmic. Les seves idees han generat preguntes per millores de disseny aplicades a les noves ulleres, i han validat les modificacions fetes. El resultat final són unes ulleres de cartró, basades en el model Cardboard d’Easy Phone però millorant la seva ergonomia modificant el disseny per satisfer les necessitats de l’usuari. Aquests canvis han reduït significativament el dolor als pòmuls, el nas i el front, i el disseny general és ara més atractiu per els usuaris. Més investigació serà necessària per resoldre problemes d’usabilitat trobats al utilitzar la tecnologia de Realitat Virtual amb aquestes ulleres

    Kodinportti Mobile user interface usability research and redesign

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    Abstract. Usability is described as follows “The extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use”. Usability plays a crucial role in the success of interactive products and services. With good usability can be achieved an important competitive advantage in an ever-growing market if it is involved in software products development life cycle. User experience (UX) is based on people’s expectations and the following emotions and it involves extensively everything that happens outside the screen. UX design aims to emphasize features that are bringing pleasure in addition to practicality. Usability evaluation is easy and very cost-effective way to analyze user interface and find possible usability problems. In general, the empirical methods like heuristic evaluation and usability testing are the most used and principal means to evaluate user interfaces. This thesis focuses on exploring the usability of Kodinportti Mobile application. The motivation for the study is to improve its user interface (UI) more user-friendly using usability research methods that include heuristic evaluation, usability testing, and user experience research. The practical work in the study is responsible by the University of Oulu usability testing course student group and the group also reports the results of research. The goal of the study is to redesign the app’s UI. Kodinportti Mobile is designed to meet the needs of the residents of the housing association and serves as a supplement to the electronic bulletin board for the residents. Mobile application UI design applies the same basic guidelines as any other UI design process and in mobile application UI design, it is often recommended to keep it simple as possible and cut out as much as possible. The results of usability research revealed several flaws in the apps usability and user experience. In the final phase of the thesis, the concept plan of new UI was designed based on the research results. There was also a perception during the process that it would be recommendable that designers are involved in all stages of the process. That would improve the process and minimize the possibility of misunderstandings during the process, which will certainly have a positive impact on the result

    A Usability Study of Virtual Reality Systems: On Best Practices for User-Centered Design in Virtual Reality Gaming Interfaces

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    In an effort to gather a list of best practices for user-centered design in virtual reality gaming interfaces, this study combines evidence from industry anecdotal observations, heuristic evaluations, and usability testing with three of the leading virtual reality platforms on the market: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and Windows Mixed Reality. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected from a variety of usability scales and questionnaires, think-aloud tasks, observation, and semi-structured interviews. The results of the study suggest that immersion is an effective design feature across all interfaces, however the lack of real-world awareness resulting from immersion can be a major usability concern. Pain-points included controller design and button mapping, physiological comfort, and adapting to new methods of movement and interaction required in 3D virtual environments. The findings emphasize the need to prioritize learnability in the design of VR systems. The paper concludes with fifteen guidelines for designing user-friendly virtual reality interfaces.Master of Science in Information Scienc

    Young endurance athletes as users of sports information system: Case Polar Electro Oy

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    The topic of this Master’s thesis is Polar Flow sports information system, and young athletes as users of it. As a specific target group is the generation Z. The aim of the thesis is to find solutions to the following questions: Is the Polar Flow service in its current state interesting to the young users and what are the elements which make the service interesting to the young users? Answers for these questions were studied with usability testing, where the participants went through Polar Flow service simultaneously answering to questions. The UI views of the usability testing are presented in the research, followed by the development suggestions, which are based on the findings of the usability test. Findings show that Polar Flow service is interesting to the young competitive athletes. Elements, which make the service interesting are the following: the consistent design and accurate data about training, sleep and recovery.Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa aiheena on Polar Flow urheilutietojärjestelmä, ja nuoret urheilijat sen käyttäjinä. Nuorista tarkempana kohderyhmänä sukupolvi Z. Tutkimuksessa haetaan vastauksia kysymyksiin: onko Polar Flow palvelu tämän hetkisessä tilassa mielenkiintoinen nuorille käyttäjille ja mitkä elementit tekevät palvelusta mielenkiintoisen nuorille käyttäjille. Vastauksia näihin kysymyksiin on etsitty käytettävyystutkimuksella, jossa osallistujat kävivät läpi Polar Flow palvelua vastaten samalla kysymyksiin. Tutkimuksessa esitellään käytettävyystutkimuksen UI-näkymät, sekä kehitysehdotukset, jotka perustuvat käytettävyystutkimuksen löydöksiin. Tärkeimmät löydökset tutkimuksessa kertovat Polar Flow palvelun olevan mielenkiintoinen tavoitteellisesti treenaaville nuorille urheilijoille. Elementit, jotka tekevät palvelusta mielenkiintoisen, ovat johdonmukainen design palvelussa sekä tarkka data harjoittelusta, unesta ja palautumisesta

    Contributions to Web Accessibility: Device-tailored Evaluation, User-tailored Interface Generation and the Interplay with User Experience

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    149 p.AbstractThe Web has an incredible importance in our modern society and for many people it has become a fundamental part of their lives. It enables us to Access a huge amount of information, and use a wide range of services related to diverse areas of our daily activities, which has the potential of making our lives easier. Its ubiquitous nature and advances in mobile devices have led to the possibility of accessing the Web any time and from anywhere. This has numerous and obvious advantages, but at the same time it poses challenges related to the Universal Design (UD), as websites need to adapt to the existing diversity of users, devices and interaction contexts. For instance, to ensure the accessibility of a website, in addition to the human diversity, the features of the existing computing devices with access to the Internet, as well as features of the environment where the interaction will occur have to be considered. Similarly, this information can be used when checking the accessibility of websites, so that evaluations are closer to what users are really experiencing when accessing the websites.In this thesis a device tailored web accessibility evaluation framework and an automated web-based user tailored interface generator are presented. The evaluation framework deals with device specific information. Empiricaldata showed that more accurate and reliable accessibility reports are obtained in comparison to performing evaluations that do not consider device specific information. The interface generator takes into consideration information about users and their interaction context, in order to adapt web based user interfaces. From the conducted case study it was concluded that the automatically generated user tailored user interfaces were fully operable.These two tools can be of great help for web developers to create and maintain accessible content for a wide range of users and interaction contexts. Accessible and adapted user interfaces do not necessarily provide users with an enhanced experience though. With the aim of investigating how accessible user interfaces influence the experience of users and understanding if accessibility is related to a better user experience, a user testing was conducted. In order to investigate this relationship, data from 11 participants was elicited about their subjective accessibility perceptions and their user experience with four websites with different levels of accessibility. Results showed that participants¿ user experience and their perceived web accessibility are closely related. In addition, web accessibility is correlated to three attributes (typical - original, conservative - innovative, lame - exciting) of the hedonic quality stimulation dimension of the user experience. These findings provide the web community with additional knowledge about the interactions between the user experience and web accessibility. LaburpenaWeb-ak izugarrizko garrantzia dauka gure gaur egungo gizartean, eta persona askorentzat beraien bizitzan funtsezkoa bihurtu da. Web-ak informazio kantitate handirako atzipena eta eguneroko ekintzekin erlazionatutako zerbitzu anitz erabiltzea ahalbidetzen du, beraz gure bizitza errazteko ahalmena dauka. Bere nonahiko izaerak eta gailu mugikorretan gertatu diren aurrerakuntzek,Web-a edozein momentutan eta edozein lekuan atzitzeko aukera eragin dute. Honek abantai anitz ditu, baina aldi berean Diseinu Unibertsalarekin zerikusia duten erronkak sortzen ditu. Adibidez, webgune baten irisgarritasuna ziurtatzeko, pertsonen aniztasunaz gain, Interneterako atzipena duten dispositiboen eta elkarrekintza gertatzen den inguruaren ezaugarriak hartu behar dira kontuan. Informazio hori ere erabili daiteke web guneen irisgarritasuna ebaluatzeko, era honetan ebaluazioek, erabiltzaileak web gunea atzitzerakoan duten esperientzarekin antza gehiago izango dute.Tesi honetan, web irisgarritasuna dispositibo mugikorren arabera ebaluatzen duen tresna bat eta erabiltzailei egokitzen diren Web-ean oinarritutako interfazeak automatikoki sortzen dituen sistema bat aurkezten dira. Ebaluazio tresnak dispositibo mugikorren ezaugarrien informazio espezifikoa erabiltzen du. Datu enpirikoen arabera, irisgarritasun ebaluazio txostenak zehatzagoak eta fidagarriagoak dira dispositibo mugikorren inguruko informazio espezifikoa erabiltzen bada irisgarritasun ebaluazioetan. Interfazeak sortzen dituen sistemak, erabiltzaileen eta elkarrekintza gertatzen den inguruneko informazioa erabiltzen du. Burututako ikerketa kasu baten emaitzen arabera, sistemak sortutako erabiltzaileei egokitutako interfazeak guztiz funtzionalak zirela ondorioztatu zen.Bi tresna hauek, eduki irisgarria mantentzeko eta sortzeko oso lagungarriak izan daitezke web garaitzaileentzat. Batez ere erabiltzaile anitz eta elkarrekintza ingurune desberdin ugari existitzen direla kontuan izanda. Interface irisgarri eta egokituek ordea, ez dute beti erabiltzaileen esperientzia hobetzen. Interfaze irisgarriek erabiltzaileen esperientzian duen eragina ikertzeko, eta ea irisgarritasuna erabiltzaileen esperientziaren hobekuntzarekin erlazionatuta dagoen ulertzeko, erabiltzaile proba bat burutu zen. Hamaika erabiltzaileen irisgarritasun pertzepzioa eta erabiltzaile esperentzia aztertu ziren lau web gune ezberdinen inguruan, gune bakoitzak irisgarritasun maila ezberdin bat zuelarik. Emaitzen arabera, erabiltzaileen esperientzia eta irisgarritasun pertzepzioa oso lotuta daude. Gainera web irisgarritasuna, erabiltzaile esperientziaren hiru atributuekin (antigoaleko - original, atzerakoi - berritzaile, aspergarri - interesgarri) erlazionatuta dagoela ikusi zen. Emaitza hauek, web irisgarritasunaren eta erabiltzaile esperientziaren arteko erlazioari buruzko ezagutza gehitzen du web komunitatera. ResumenLa Web tiene una importancia increíble en nuestra sociedad moderna, y para muchas personas se ha convertido en una parte fundamental de sus vidas. Nos posibilita el acceso a una gran cantidad de información, y el uso de un gran abanico de servicios relacionados con diversas áreas de nuestras actividades diarias, lo que tiene el potencial de hacernos la vida más fácil. Su naturaleza ubicua y los avances en los dispositivos móviles han posibilitado el acceso a la Web en cualquier momento y desde cualquier sitio. Esto tiene numerosas y obvias ventajas, pero a su vez plantea retos en relación al Diseño Universal, debido a que los sitios web tienen que estar adaptados a diversos dispositivos y contextos de interacción. Para asegurar la accesibilidad de un sitio web, además de la diversidad humana, hay que tener en cuenta también las características de los dispositivos con acceso a Internet, incluso las del entorno donde ocurre la interacción. De forma similar, esa información se puede usar al evaluar la accesibilidad de los sitios web, de manera que las evaluaciones estén más cerca de lo que los usuarios experimentan al acceder a un sitio web.En esta tesis se presenta una herramienta para evaluar la accesibilidad web a medida de los dispositivos móviles, y un sistema para la generación automática de interfaces web adaptadas al usuario. La herramienta de evaluación automática maneja información específica de dispositivos móviles. Los datos empíricos demuestran que se obtienen informes más precisos y fiables en comparación a realizar evaluaciones donde no se tiene en cuenta información específica de los dispositivos. El sistema generador de interfaces maneja información relativa a los usuarios y su contexto de interacción. Mediante el caso de estudio llevado a cabo, se concluyó que las interfaces generadas automáticamente adaptadas a los usuarios eran completamente operables.Éstas dos herramientas pueden ser de gran ayuda para los desarrolladores web para la creación y mantenimiento del contenido accesible teniendo en cuenta un amplio rango de usuarios y contextos de interacción. Sin embargo, las interfaces accesibles y adaptadas no necesariamente proporcionan una experiencia de usuario mejorada. Con el objetivo de investigar como influyen las interfaces accesibles en la experiencia de los usuarios, y entender si la accesibilidad esta relacionada con una mejora en la experiencia de usuario, se realizó una prueba de usuario. Para investigar esta relación, se analizaron datos de los 11 participantes sobre sus percepciones de accesibilidad y su experiencia de usuario con cuatro sitios web con diferentes niveles de accesibilidad. Los resultados demuestran que la experiencia de usuario y la accesibilidad percibida de los participantes están estrechamente relacionadas. Además, la accesibilidad web está correlacionada con tres atributos (típica - original, conservadora - innovadora, aburrida - interesante) de la cualidad hedónica de la experiencia de usuario. Estos resultados aportan a la comunidad web conocimiento adicional sobre la interacción entre la experiencia de usuario y la accesibilidad web

    A client-server architecture for distributed and scalable multimedia content analysis: an Android app for assisting phone users in shooting aesthetically valuable pictures

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    Nowadays developing modern scientific image and video analysis algorithms faces the issue of distributing them among the open community with multiple versions for very different platforms. This requires software development skills usually unknown by the researchers outside of the computer science world. Client/server communications have acquired a leading role by abstracting the business logic of applications from thin clients running on small devices like smartphones which end users can carry with them. The present work describes the design, modeling, development and testing of a client/server architecture that has the ability to perform computations on image and video characteristics on independent Matlab® instances and offer production efficient SQL persistence to store the results. All of this, immersed in a user authenticated environment. This project has been specifically focused on a currently ongoing study by researchers from Universidad Carlos III and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Their main goal is to estimate the aesthetic value of images and videos by the computation of audiovisual content. However, the architecture has been designed and built with the objective of being applicable to any kind of biomedical, audiovisual or any other engineering image or video analysis study.Hoy en día, desarrollar nuevos algoritmos científicos que analicen videos o imágenes lleva consigo el problema de la distribución abierta a la comunidad con las múltiples versiones de las distintas plataformas utilizadas. Para que ello sea posible, se requieren habilidades de desarrollo de software que normalmente son desconocidas por parte de los investigadores no inmersos en campo de la informática. Las plataformas cliente/servidor han adquirido un rol primordial al abstraer la funcionalidad principal de las aplicaciones de los clientes livianos como los teléfonos inteligentes que pueden llevarse en el bolsillo. Este trabajo describe el diseño, modelado, desarrollo y prueba de una arquitectura cliente/servidor que tiene la habilidad de realizar cálculos de características de imágenes y videos en instancias independientes de Matlab® y ofrecer persistencia de datos SQL al nivel de un entorno de producción donde guardar los resultados obtenidos, todo ello sumergido en un ambiente donde los usuarios están completamente autentificados. Este proyecto ha estado particularmente enfocado a una investigación actualmente en desarrollo por investigadores de la Universidad Carlos III y la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo el estudio del valor estético de imágenes y videos a través del cálculo de descriptores objetivos. De todas maneras, la arquitectura se ha diseñado y construido con el objetivo de posibilitar la aplicación a cualquier otro estudio dentro de la ingeniería biomédica, audiovisual u otra ingeniería donde se requiera el análisis de video o imagen.Ingeniería Biomédic