25 research outputs found

    KOHA ILS: The Next Level

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    Koha is an Open Source Integrated Library Systems was developed in 1999. Koha has been adopted by libraries in Malaysia starting in 2008. After 7 years, Koha has been chosen by significant numbers of libraries in Malaysia including large academic library recently. The trend gives indication of library acceptance in Open Source Software as compared to other Open Source ILS Software. This paper intends to discuss post implementation of Koha Open Source ILS in perspectives; technical perspective, new suggested features and managerial perspective related to Koha and open source software. This paper gives overview of selected features that might be missed by Koha users, what more can be done with the system and few critical issues in managing open source software implementation

    Особливості міграції на АБІС Koha

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    Considered requirements for modern automated library information systems, one of which is free and open ILS Koha. The main stages of migration to the Koha ILS are presented. The structure of MARC formats for bibliographic and authoritative records is described. The peculiarities of preparation of bibliographic, reader and other data during migration are studied.Розглянуті вимоги до сучасних автоматизованих бібліотечних інформаційних систем, однією з яких є вільна та відкрита АБІС Koha. Представлені основні етапи при міграції на АБІС Koha. Описана структура MARC- форматів для Досліджені бібліографічних особливості та авторитетних підготовки записів. бібліографічних, читацьких та інших даних при міграції

    Open Source Integrated Library Systems in Public Libraries

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    One of the most fundamental decisions a library makes is choosing an integrated library system, or ILS. A public library can remove unwanted outside influence and save money by switching their ILS to free and open source software, or FOSS. This article is an examination of the progress made by FOSS ILSs to become not only contenders against proprietary systems, but also an appropriate choice for financial, functional, and philosophical reasons. Included is a timeline of published evaluations, the milestone of 14% adoption, a summary of the current landscape, and example implementation cases. A functional analysis shows why a public library can now safely make the switch. A philosophical analysis shows why they should do so. Finally, a proposal is made to “Buy Back America’s Libraries, and return ownership of the keystone of our public information infrastructure to the people

    Usability of library management software: An evaluation of the learnability of circulation module in service delivery in Federal University Libraries in Nigeria

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    The study evaluated the learnability of circulation module of Library Management Software (LMS) used in service delivery in Federal University Libraries in Nigeria. Quasi experimental method was adopted for the study. The study evaluated the learnability of circulation module. Purposive sampling technique was adopted to select 40 participating users for the study from a population of 385 library staff consisting of librarians and para- professional staff. Observation was used as instruction to collect data for the study. Results indicated that SLAM (66.36%,), Alexandria (58.38%) and NewGenLib (65.69%) circulation modules were at acceptable region, but the level of acceptability was low due to usability issues with registration templates and features. The study recommended that registration templates and features should be improved when developing newer version in order to achieve maximal performance within a short time. Keywords: Circulation, Evaluation, Learnability, Library management software, Usability

    Open Source Automation Software: Stirring Automated to Integrated Library System

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    The explosion of the World Wide Web; dynamic nature of information technologies, such as open source; the increase in electronic resources; and the rising expectations of library users have contributed to the changing nature of the Automated Library System (ALS) since its inception in the  1970s. These changes are reflected in the conceptual differences between the ALS and the Integrated Library System (ILS). The ALS is identified as simply a database to house and retrieve a library’s holdings while ILS is identified as robust clusters of systems involving every process and module related to library operations. This article presents a review on the evolving features of some commonly adopted Open-Source ILS Software (Koha, NewGenLib, Evergreen, PMB and OpenBiblio) which had stirred ALS to ILS, as well as justifications and barriers to the use of open source software in academic libraries. Keywords: Automation, integrated library system, library, softwar


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    Libraries in this digital era must acclimatize with content on how to manage resources for optimum use to the benefits of their institution and fulfilling potentiated expected roles as to collects describes preserves and provides essential roles of information resources to users. Consequence upon these, the study investigates the library system software use in Baptist theological seminaries libraries in Nigeria, it focuses on applying in tracking items owned ordered which consist of a relation database and of two graphical users interface .Various ILS were considered as KOHA, OPAC, Atrium and NewGenLibrary which stimulate application of computers to perform the library routines and operations in a systemized way based on quality services requirements for library development to meet up to global standard of digital libraries. If these are juicy of ILS the study preempt that, the theological libraries should align to the adoption and use of ILS. The study further emphasized that theological libraries should fully automate all sections of the library operations .the paper conclude and recommends that theological libraries should make ILS facilities available and training and re-training of library staff possible, management should prioritized and fund library and they should ensure and create forum for resources sharing and experience, finally library staff should accept and use these various ILS to power theological library routines to stand shoulder to shoulders with other theological libraries in the world not as competitors but to excellently performing library operations

    Um ano depois: o balanço da implementação do Koha nas Bibliotecas da Universidade de Aveiro

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    Um ano após a mudança do Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Bibliotecas (SIGB) proprietário ALEPH para o sistema open source Koha nas bibliotecas da Universidade de Aveiro (UA), os Serviços de Biblioteca, Informação Documental e Museologia (SBIDM) e os Serviços de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (STIC) em conjunto, pretendem partilhar os desafios da mudança, assim como apresentar a experiência da implementação de serviços, funcionalidades e aplicações de valor acrescentado realizadas na plataforma. Assim, desde a integração com a Rede Central de Utilizadores da UA até à configuração do Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC), foram várias as atividades realizadas no koha, entre configurações, implementações, parametrizações, correções e melhorias. Neste sentido, e em forma de balanço após um ano de uso do sistema, realizouse uma nova análise SWOT com o objetivo de percecionar a evolução do sistema nas bibliotecas da UA relativamente aos pontos fortes/pontos fracos e oportunidades/ameaças. Com esta apresentação, pretende-se, assim, que a comunicação pública destes resultados possa contribuir para a comunidade das bibliotecas, a nível nacional, nos momentos de tomada de decisão sobre o futuro das próprias bibliotecas.publishe

    SLIS Student Research Journal, Vol.3, Iss.2

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