626 research outputs found

    cii Student Papers - 2021

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    In this collection of papers, we, the Research Group Critical Information Infrastructures (cii) from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, present nine selected student research articles contributing to the design, development, and evaluation of critical information infrastructures. During our courses, students mostly work in groups and deal with problems and issues related to sociotechnical challenges in the realm of (critical) information systems. Student papers came from four different cii courses, namely Emerging Trends in Digital Health, Emerging Trends in Internet Technologies, Critical Information Infrastructures, and Digital Health in the winter term of 2020 and summer term of 2021

    The Classification of Artificial Intelligence as Social Actors

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    Robotic honey bees are drones that are mobile and can successfully pollinate flowers by mimicking the behavior of wild bees in nature. This technology is a potential solution to the declining wild honey bee population. Although robotic honey bees could offer a positive solution to a problem, the fictionalization of robotic honey bees in the popular television show Black Mirror depicts the downside of independently operating drone bees. In the television show, the drones go rogue and pose a threat to human life. Concepts stemming from the anthropology of religion, like “fetish” and Bruno Latour’s actor-network theory, offer ways to think about advances in artificial intelligence and may help us understand the place of these objects and artificial intelligence in the culture. This project will investigate whether robotic honey bees fit into one of these categories or if an expansion of Bruno Latour’s actor-network theory needs expanded

    Impact of digital content marketing (DCM) on customers’ online purchasing behavior

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    Abstract. This study aims to understand how digital contents are acting as a motivating factor to influence on customers online purchasing behavior as well as online purchasing process. More clearly this study will understand and analyze the phenomenon closely on how digital contents are influencing customers into customers five stages of the online purchasing process. The theoretical framework is formed during the study which is based on the findings of previous researches related to digital content marketing and online purchasing behavior. The research is conducted on the qualitative method where semi-structured interview is applied for data collection. The target age group for data collection is 25 to 34 who purchase mostly electronic products from the online marketplace. The empirical analysis is done based on abductive reasoning approach. The finding of the study shows that digital contents affect on customers online purchasing process. The research also found that the right structure and strategy should be applied to create and distribute digital content which engages customers towards digital contents and motivate them to rely on digital contents into the online purchasing decision-making process. Finally, the study showed theoretical contributions, managerial implications, and suggestions for further research regarding digital contents

    Shifting metaphors in direct-to-consumer genetic testing: from genes as information to genes as big data

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    This article analyses shifts in metaphors in direct-to-consumer genetic testing, analyzing the websites and select media coverage of the nutrigenetic testing company Sciona (2000–2009) and the personal genome service 23andMe (2006–). Sciona represented genes and communication through the classical metaphor of information; genes coded for disease, and this information was transmitted from the expert company to the consumers. 23andMe represented genes and communication through a new metaphor of big data; genes were digital data or a resource that was browsed, correlated with other data, uploaded and retrieved across lay customers, websites and companies. In terms of understanding health 23andMe tests and research still cast genes as coding for disease to be mitigated by lifestyle change and targeted drugs. However, rendering genes digital data or resources changed their social and economic meaning; genes could be circulated, shared and traded, which legitimized 23andMe’s business model of consumer genetics and private biobanking

    Semi-automated Ontology Generation for Biocuration and Semantic Search

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    Background: In the life sciences, the amount of literature and experimental data grows at a tremendous rate. In order to effectively access and integrate these data, biomedical ontologies – controlled, hierarchical vocabularies – are being developed. Creating and maintaining such ontologies is a difficult, labour-intensive, manual process. Many computational methods which can support ontology construction have been proposed in the past. However, good, validated systems are largely missing. Motivation: The biocuration community plays a central role in the development of ontologies. Any method that can support their efforts has the potential to have a huge impact in the life sciences. Recently, a number of semantic search engines were created that make use of biomedical ontologies for document retrieval. To transfer the technology to other knowledge domains, suitable ontologies need to be created. One area where ontologies may prove particularly useful is the search for alternative methods to animal testing, an area where comprehensive search is of special interest to determine the availability or unavailability of alternative methods. Results: The Dresden Ontology Generator for Directed Acyclic Graphs (DOG4DAG) developed in this thesis is a system which supports the creation and extension of ontologies by semi-automatically generating terms, definitions, and parent-child relations from text in PubMed, the web, and PDF repositories. The system is seamlessly integrated into OBO-Edit and ProtĂ©gĂ©, two widely used ontology editors in the life sciences. DOG4DAG generates terms by identifying statistically significant noun-phrases in text. For definitions and parent-child relations it employs pattern-based web searches. Each generation step has been systematically evaluated using manually validated benchmarks. The term generation leads to high quality terms also found in manually created ontologies. Definitions can be retrieved for up to 78% of terms, child ancestor relations for up to 54%. No other validated system exists that achieves comparable results. To improve the search for information on alternative methods to animal testing an ontology has been developed that contains 17,151 terms of which 10% were newly created and 90% were re-used from existing resources. This ontology is the core of Go3R, the first semantic search engine in this field. When a user performs a search query with Go3R, the search engine expands this request using the structure and terminology of the ontology. The machine classification employed in Go3R is capable of distinguishing documents related to alternative methods from those which are not with an F-measure of 90% on a manual benchmark. Approximately 200,000 of the 19 million documents listed in PubMed were identified as relevant, either because a specific term was contained or due to the automatic classification. The Go3R search engine is available on-line under www.Go3R.org

    Semi-automated Ontology Generation for Biocuration and Semantic Search

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    Background: In the life sciences, the amount of literature and experimental data grows at a tremendous rate. In order to effectively access and integrate these data, biomedical ontologies – controlled, hierarchical vocabularies – are being developed. Creating and maintaining such ontologies is a difficult, labour-intensive, manual process. Many computational methods which can support ontology construction have been proposed in the past. However, good, validated systems are largely missing. Motivation: The biocuration community plays a central role in the development of ontologies. Any method that can support their efforts has the potential to have a huge impact in the life sciences. Recently, a number of semantic search engines were created that make use of biomedical ontologies for document retrieval. To transfer the technology to other knowledge domains, suitable ontologies need to be created. One area where ontologies may prove particularly useful is the search for alternative methods to animal testing, an area where comprehensive search is of special interest to determine the availability or unavailability of alternative methods. Results: The Dresden Ontology Generator for Directed Acyclic Graphs (DOG4DAG) developed in this thesis is a system which supports the creation and extension of ontologies by semi-automatically generating terms, definitions, and parent-child relations from text in PubMed, the web, and PDF repositories. The system is seamlessly integrated into OBO-Edit and ProtĂ©gĂ©, two widely used ontology editors in the life sciences. DOG4DAG generates terms by identifying statistically significant noun-phrases in text. For definitions and parent-child relations it employs pattern-based web searches. Each generation step has been systematically evaluated using manually validated benchmarks. The term generation leads to high quality terms also found in manually created ontologies. Definitions can be retrieved for up to 78% of terms, child ancestor relations for up to 54%. No other validated system exists that achieves comparable results. To improve the search for information on alternative methods to animal testing an ontology has been developed that contains 17,151 terms of which 10% were newly created and 90% were re-used from existing resources. This ontology is the core of Go3R, the first semantic search engine in this field. When a user performs a search query with Go3R, the search engine expands this request using the structure and terminology of the ontology. The machine classification employed in Go3R is capable of distinguishing documents related to alternative methods from those which are not with an F-measure of 90% on a manual benchmark. Approximately 200,000 of the 19 million documents listed in PubMed were identified as relevant, either because a specific term was contained or due to the automatic classification. The Go3R search engine is available on-line under www.Go3R.org

    Argumentation in biology : exploration and analysis through a gene expression use case

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    Argumentation theory conceptualises the human practice of debating. Implemented as computational argumentation it enables a computer to perform a virtual debate. Using existing knowledge from research into argumentation theory, this thesis investigates the potential of computational argumentation within biology. As a form of non-monotonic reasoning, argumentation can be used to tackle inconsistent and incomplete information - two common problems for the users of biological data. Exploration of argumentation shall be conducted by examining these issues within one biological subdomain: in situ gene expression information for the developmental mouse. Due to the complex and often contradictory nature of biology, occasionally it is not apparent whether or not a particular gene is involved in the development of a particular tissue. Expert biological knowledge is recorded, and used to generate arguments relating to this matter. These arguments are presented to the user in order to help him/her decide whether or not the gene is expressed. In order to do this, the notion of argumentation schemes has been borrowed from philosophy, and combined with ideas and technologies from arti cial intelligence. The resulting conceptualisation is implemented and evaluated in order to understand the issues related to applying computational argumentation within biology. Ultimately, this work concludes with a discussion of Argudas - a real world tool developed for the biological community, and based on the knowledge gained during this work

    Data-Generating Patents

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    Patents and trade secrets are often considered economic substitutes. Under this view, inventors can decide either to maintain an invention as a trade secret or to seek a patent and disclose to the public the details of the invention. However, a handful of scholars have recognized that because the patent disclosure requirements are not always rigorous, inventors may sometimes be able to keep certain aspects of an invention secret, yet still receive a patent to the invention as a whole. Here, we provide further insight into how trade secrets and patents may act as complements. Specifically, we introduce the concept of “data-generating patents,” which refer to patents on inventions involving technologies that by design generate valuable data through their operation or use. For instance, genetic tests and medical devices produce data about patients. Internet search engines and social networking websites generate data about the interests of consumers. When data-generating inventions are patented, and the patentee enjoys market power over the invention, by implication, the patentee also effectively enjoys market power over the data generated by the invention. Trade secret law further protects the patentee’s market power over the data, even where that data is in a market distinct from the patented invention and especially after the patent expires or is invalidated. We contend that the use of patents and trade secrets as complements in this manner may sometimes yield socially harmful results. We identify the conditions under which such results occur and make several recommendations to mitigate their effects

    Early identification of important patents through network centrality

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    One of the most challenging problems in technological forecasting is to identify as early as possible those technologies that have the potential to lead to radical changes in our society. In this paper, we use the US patent citation network (1926-2010) to test our ability to early identify a list of historically significant patents through citation network analysis. We show that in order to effectively uncover these patents shortly after they are issued, we need to go beyond raw citation counts and take into account both the citation network topology and temporal information. In particular, an age-normalized measure of patent centrality, called rescaled PageRank, allows us to identify the significant patents earlier than citation count and PageRank score. In addition, we find that while high-impact patents tend to rely on other high-impact patents in a similar way as scientific papers, the patents' citation dynamics is significantly slower than that of papers, which makes the early identification of significant patents more challenging than that of significant papers.Comment: 14 page
