290 research outputs found

    Constantine\u27s sword: the church and the Jews

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    Holocaust writing and the limits of influence

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    This article raises questions about the role and function of influence in Holocaust fiction. Particular attention is paid to the works of fiction in which authors are consciously using documentary materials. Three case studies are presented: Once by Morris Gleitzman, Call the Swallow by Fergus O'Connel, and Polsk Krigsommar by Mogels Kjelgaard. In each case, the links with the documentary sources are analysed in detail

    Videopelin käsikirjoittaminen

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    Opinnäytetyöni tarkoituksena oli löytää keino kirjoittaa käsikirjoitus videopelille. Tämän toteutin tar- kastelemalla erilaisia tapoja kirjoittaa tarinaa. Perehdyn työssäni elektronisten pelien historiaan ja käsit- telen videopelin rakentamiseen liittyviä tärkeitä aiheita, kuten tarinan synty, pelien lajityypit ja kohderyhmät. Tietopohjana olen käyttänyt kirjallisuutta ja pelialan artikkeleja. Työssä on pohdittu myös pelien asemaa nykymaailmassa ja miksi videopelejä pelataan. Työni toiminnal- lisessa osassa selvitän yksityiskohtaisesti omaa The Lost One -projektiin kirjoitettua käsikirjoitustani.The purpose of this thesis was to find a way to write a script for a video game. This was carried out by observing different styles, how to write a story. In the thesis history of electronic games is examined, as well as other important subjects concerning constructing a game, such as an initial idea for a story, game genres and their target groups. As a knowledge base literature and gaming industry articles have been used. This work discusses the state of video games in modern society and reasons for playing them. In the fuctional part, the thesis project, a game called The Lost One, and its script are explained in detail

    Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books 25 (08) 1972

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    published or submitted for publicatio

    State College Times, April 19, 1933

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    Volume 21, Issue 95https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/12863/thumbnail.jp


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    Writing is one of the skills that is very important for students to master it besides listening, speaking and reading skill. Writing is obtained by text, for example of the text is Narrative text. In writing skill, the students not only know how to write a story, but they have to understand the content of the text and know the grammatical aspect in writing. The purpose of writing, in principle is the expression of ideas, the conveying of a message to the reader, giving pleasure and information and served of other function. The purpose of this study is explaining the way how the way the teacher implements SWELL method and the students’ responses toward the method on eight grade students of MTs Darut Tauhid Banjaran. The design of this study is descriptive qualitative. The researcher used this design in order to analyze the SWELL method on teaching writing narrative text for eight grade students. The researcher conducted this study from January 13rd 2015 to January 20th 2015. The researcher took eight grades as the subject of the study. The class consisted of 20 students. The instruments of this study are observation, interview and document. The researcher conducted in three meetings, than the researcher analyzed the result of observation compared by the result of interview and document. Based on the result of the study, the research finding are showed that the SWELL method which was implementing at eight grade students of MTs Darut Tauhid Banjaran was effective, besides SWELL method could make the students thought creatively, it could also make them be more socialize and active in teaching learning process. So they could easily understand the material, then they could improve their writing skill. Based on this research, the researcher gives some suggestions, firstly the teacher should uses media in teaching writing narrative text because by using media the students will be more enthusiastic and can develop their main set in writing. Secondly, the researcher suggests the next researcher to conducts research in the same lesson in different level. The researcher hopes that this study can afford idea for English teachers in improving their teaching skill in writing using SWELL method and there are some other researchers who observe and conduct another research in different way because it help us to teach English better especially at teaching writing using SWELL method

    Thank God I\u27m Alive and Not in Jail: A Short Story Collection

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    For this project, I used my grandparents’ journals to write stories loosely based on their lives. I introduced and concluded each story in the present: in scenes drawn from interactions between my grandparents, myself, and my siblings in the last decade. In addition to retelling some of my grandparents’ stories, my aim in these stories was to explore the effects of dementia on my grandparents, specifically thinking about what happens to a story when the person who lived it has forgotten it. “The Quest for the Curlers” is about my grandma and her friends trying to fix a friend’s hair. “Thank God I’m Alive and Not in Jail” is about my grandpa and his friends playing hookie. “A Picnic Gone Wrong” is about a Saturday that was supposed to be relaxing for my grandma and her friends but ends up going terribly wrong. And “The Little Red Wagon That Wouldn’t Fly” is about my grandpa meeting his closest friends—friends who appear in earlier stories—when he was ten. The last story tells the story of how my grandparents met and fell in love. The reading I did to research for this project taught me about writing memoirs, writing Southern dialect, and what life was like in the 40s and 50s in the South. The most important parts of the writing process were the workshops with Dr. Martin and my peers. Their feedback helped me to figure out what worked and didn’t work and how to hone my writing skills. Key words: historical fiction, grandparents, 40s, 50s, writing, short storie

    Collaborative planning and prewriting : the effects of structured peer collaborations on primary-age students\u27 writing development

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