11 research outputs found

    Digital Document Interactions: What Knowledge Workers Do Every Day

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    Much knowledge in today\u27s organizations is explicit — in data bases, in expert systems, in procedures, and in knowledge management systems. One of the most common forms in which organizational knowledge resides is as documents (Paepcke, 1996; Ruggles, 1998). And today, those documents are most likely to have been created and exist digitally (Orlikowski & Yates, 1994). This paper presents pretest results from research in progress about what knowledge workers do with digital documents in organizations and briefly discusses the implications and directions for future research. Results from a larger sample will be available at the conference

    Information and Communication Technology Literacy Here and Abroad: A Comparison of College Students in the US and the British Vigin Islands

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    Information technology literacy has become a global imperative. This paper compares perceptions of ICT competency of freshmen enrolled in a public US university with students attending a community college in the British Virgin Islands. Participants completed a self-assessment instrument that addresses three broad areas of IT competency: computer hardware, networking and systems software; application/productivity software; and the Internet and information literacy. While there were significant differences between the two student groups on some individual items, the basic ranking of skill levels was remarkably similar. The findings, some intuitive and others unexpected, create starting points for further investigation. More importantly, the findings underscore the need for educational institutions around the globe to implement standardized assessment of IT literacy


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    In the modern era, world has completely relied on software technology. As software applications became highly demanded, security concerns have arrived. Application security has become one of the chief concerns where companies have to protect their systems from vulnerabilities. Various other securities include mobile or end-point security, operation system security and network security. All these security categories are intended to protect their users and clients from the malicious intents and hackers. Application security became a prime requirement. Security risks of the applications are enveloped and lead to direct threat to the available business. All the application vulnerabilities take the advantage to compromise the software application security. Once a flaw is been found and private data access is determined, attacker will have capability to exploit the software application vulnerability to facilitate cyber crimes. The confidentiality of the data, availability and integrity of resources are targeted by the cyber crimes (“What is Application Security?” 2019). Overall, more than 13% of the reviewed sites were compromised with the web application security vulnerabilities and they are not completely extinct even with the traditional security methodologies (Application Security Vulnerability, 2014). In order to resolve these numerous common security issues, few of the detection, remediation and prevention techniques are to be used which includes defensive programming, sophisticated input validation, dynamic checks, and static source code analysis. In this paper, runtime environment framework is been introduced. This research study extracted few publications. All the publications considered various approaches to resolve the issue. In this research paper framework, machine learning is utilized to train and predict the output. Firstly, a sample java code is executed in various CPU cores and the generated output files are collected. These output files are then used to train machine learning. Machine learning results are then compared with actual output for decision statement

    CarPostal entertainment

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    Le but de ce travail est de favoriser la croissance du nombre de passagers dans les cars postaux en développant une plateforme pouvant accueillir des services à valeur ajoutée. Ces services doivent être accessibles par les occupants du car via leurs smartphones ou tablettes. La plateforme doit répondre à plusieurs contraintes, tel que le multilinguisme et le fait d’avoir une interface agréable et fonctionnelle pour l’utilisateur (UX Design). Pour ce faire, plusieurs étapes ont été planifiées. Premièrement une analyse de solutions existantes, tant propriétaires qu’open-sources, a été réalisée. Suite à cette analyse, il en est ressorti que des solutions propriétaires existaient, mais qu’elles ne répondaient pas forcément aux besoins spécifiés. C’est pourquoi le choix s’est porté sur le développement d’un nouveau système. Le développement à débuter par un choix des outils et des technologies à utiliser, avec notamment le choix d’utiliser un Raspberry Pi en tant que base de la plateforme. Puis le développement de la plateforme a été réalisé, avec notamment la configuration du hardware, la création de l’interface utilisateur et la réalisation de différents tests. La troisième étape du projet comprend le développement de quelques services afin de pouvoir tester et valider le fonctionnement de la plateforme en environnement réel. Dans ce but, elle a été placée un certain temps dans un car de la ligne Sierre – Zinal. Les résultats seront ajoutés à ce rapport sur forme d’errata. Pour conclure, la dernière partie du projet concerne la rédaction de ce rapport. Le but étant de documenter le travail réalisé pour ainsi permettre la continuité du développement. Un CD-ROM contenant tous les codes sources est disponible à la fin de ce rapport

    FPGA-based Accelerators for cryptography

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    Cryptography involves mathematical theory and encryption meth- ods. Cryptography algorithms are designed around computational hardness assumptions. This leads to heavy computational intensive algorithms. Sometimes a software approach could not be enough, but a hardware approach could be very complex. In this project, we present a halfway between software and hardware approach using an FPGA. The intended outcome of the project is the design and development of two hardware-based accelerators for cryptography that can be dynamically loaded into the FPGA. Mul- tiple approaches are presented during the project in order to design and test the accelerators

    Financial Engineering

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    SuperBIB: A set of superior programs for the Unix bibliographic system

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    Debian Clusters for Education and Research: The Missing Manual

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    Computer supported IT training for managers

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    It is widely acknowledged that communications and information technologies (C&IT) have revolutionised organisational life. However, although C&I technologies have extensively entered the workplace, in many organisations they seem to be making very little contribution to the achievement of the goals of the organisation. The research that has been focused in this area has suggested that potential users in the organisations are perceived (and often perceive themselves) to have inadequate knowledge and skill to utilise the technologies effectively. It also indicates that the users frequently lack motivation to use the technologies because they feel that the technologies are insufficiently supportive of tasks, which they need to perform. This latter observation appears to be particularly important where the users have the choice as to whether and when they will use the technologies (i. e. they are 'discretionary' users) as is often the case with managers in a non-C&IT focused organisation. Service and an interest in the role of training in this process. As a starting point, a study of previous research work was undertaken which indicated that conventional training was likely to be of limited usefulness in this environment. It also indicated that C&IT based support systems in the workplace were being suggested as a possible The research presented in this thesis started from a perceived need to improve the effective utilisation of the new technologies by managers in the Malaysian Civil supplement to existing conventional training methods. These results were field tested by undertaking a survey of a sample of managers in the Malaysian Civil Service to determine their perception of existing training and to assess the potential acceptability of C&IT based support for their work. The results of the survey confirmed the other research studies by indicating that the existing training, while satisfactory in itself, did not seem particularly relevant to the workplace tasks that the managers needed to carry out. The results also indicated that the knowledge and skill gained through training had frequently been forgotten or lost by the time it was needed in the workplace. Finally, a significant number of the managers who were surveyed indicated that they were interested in `point of need' support and that, although they would prefer that support to come from people, they would be interested in trying a C&IT based system, if one were provided. An examination of the requirements for point of need support indicated that any system must include both information about the usage of the C&I technologies and equipment themselves and about the application of the technologies to the tasks which needed to be performed in the workplace. Given the spatial distribution of the managers and the relatively rapid evolution of the applications that the managers would be expected to use, it was postulated that a fully distributed system with `learning' capabilities would require. To test the principles involved a prototype Web based system was developed and released. Initial feedback has been collected and analysed and suggestions are made for the application of the findings to improving the effectiveness with which managers use communications and information technologies in the workplace