194 research outputs found

    Integrating E-Commerce and Social Engineering Perspectives on Trust in Online Communication

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    Currently, interpersonal trust in computer-mediated communication is a research topic for e-commerce as well as usable security researchers. While the e-commerce researchers focus on gaining warranted trust, usable security researchers focus on preventing misplaced trust, in order to protect users from social engineering attacks. In this paper an approach to integrate findings and theories from both fields is proposed in order to create a complete model for predicting trust in electronic messages or websites, whether they are authentic or not

    Pengaruh Digital Value, Price Value, Hedonic Value, dan Social Value terhadap Kepercayaan Pelanggan Pengguna Digital

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    Revolusi industri 4.0 dan era globalisasi mendorong kemajuan teknologi yang pesat dan menghadirkan digitalisasi. Kemajuan teknologi ini memfasilitasi munculnya pembayaran seluler dalam bentuk dompet digital dan m-pembayaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis pengaruh faktor nilai digital, nilai harga, nilai hedonis, dan nilai sosial terhadap kepercayaan pelanggan pada pengguna pembayaran digital. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik target sampling. Besar sampel yang digunakan adalah 100 orang. Data dari survei yang disebarkan melalui media sosial dianalisis menggunakan SPSS 23. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor motivasi hedonis dan kemudahan penggunaan mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap penggunaan pembayaran seluler, sedangkan nilai digital, nilai harga, dan nilai sosial tidak mempunyai pengaruh terhadap penggunaan pembayaran seluler

    An Analytical Study of the Trust Concerns of Online Buyers in India

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    Trust is an important requisite for any online transaction to take place. This paper presents an overview of various trust factors which exist in Indian e-Commerce market place and the customers’ inclination towards these factors. The study attempts to provide a tool to the e-vendors to understand what the customers expect from a website in order to make that initial purchase and hence, improve upon their online stores to attract more customers. In addition to this, the study aims at enhancing the knowledge base of the online customers by providing them a finer insight with a view to indulge in online shopping more advantageously. The study is based on the data collected through questionnaires and is conducted mainly on the experts in Indian e-Commerce market who have in depth knowledge about executing online transactions successfully. The study uses pair-wise comparisons to assess the significance of each of the trust factor within its class. Expert Choice software is used to perform sensitivity analysis on these factors. Keywords: e-Commerce Trust, Indian Customers’ Trust, Online Trust, Trust Factor

    Podizanje nivoa informatičke konkurentnosti i razvoj različitih servisa elektronskog poslovanja kao strateška šansa Srbije

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    U radu se analiza mogućnost za podizanje konkurentnosti srpske privrede kroz jačanje informatičkog sektora i servisa elektronskog poslovanja. Trenutni nivo razvoja informacionog društva u Srbiji je nedovoljan, a imajući u vidu dinamičan tehnološki razvoj i veliku globalnu potrebu za proizvodima i uslugama informatičke industrije, postoji veliki potencijal za razvoj ovog sektora u Srbiji. Servisi elektronskog poslovanja u oblasti elektronske uprave, elektronskog zdravstvenog sistema, elektronskih platnih sistema, e-obrazovanja i izvedenih usluga su još uvek nedovoljno razvijeni u Srbiji, ali veliki potencijal i velike očekivane uštede po tom osnovu, su razlog zbog kojeg treba raditi na njihovom razvoju, a sve u službi podizanja konkurentnosti srpske privrede. U radu se analizira trenutno stanje i daju predlozi i mere za budući razvoj u oblasti razvoja elektronske uprave, e-obrazovanja, elektronskih platnih sistema, elektronske trgovine i drugim izvedenim servisima

    Uso de las redes sociales como instrumento de las Pymes para la generación de confianza

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    Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo es comprender cómo el uso que las pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) hacen de las redes sociales influye en la confianza del consumidor. Concretamente, se estudia como la reputación percibida, la calidad de la información, la comunicación activa y la comunicación boca a boca (WOM) a través de Facebook influyen en la confianza del consumidor hacia las pymes. La originalidad de la investigación radica en el contexto de estudio, las pymes. Marco teórico: El estudio se basa en la literatura sobre el comportamiento del consumidor en las redes sociales y su confianza hacia la empresa. Metodología: El modelo conceptual propuesto se evalúa mediante una encuesta online en la que participaron 157 usuarios activos de redes sociales. Los datos fueron analizados mediante la técnica de ecuaciones estructurales de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS-SEM). Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la reputación percibida, la comunicación activa y la comunicación boca a boca influyen positiva y significativamente en la confianza del cliente. Esta investigación contribuye a la teoría y la práctica de la gestión de las pymes de su presencia en las redes sociales, al mejorar el conocimiento de su influencia en la confianza del consumidor.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    It was nice with the brick so now I'll click: The effects of offline and online experience, perceived benefits, and trust on Dutch consumers' online repeat purchase intention

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    The present study investigated the factors influencing Dutch consumers’ intention to continue purchasing from a brick-and-click clothes shop’s online channel after an initial commercial exchange. Results on the online survey with 513 respondents reveal that their repeat online purchase intention is influenced by the quality of their previous online purchase experience with the retailer, their perception of the benefits associated with online purchasing, and their trust in the retailer. Analysis also shows that respondents’ previous offline purchase experience and online purchase experience contribute to their trust in the retailer. Additionally, respondents’ previous online purchase experience positively influences their perception of the benefits associated with purchasing online. The modified model also shows that respondents’ trust in the retailer positively influences their perceptions of online shopping benefits

    Trends in Phishing Attacks: Suggestions for Future Research

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    Deception in computer-mediated communication is a widespread phenomenon. Cyber criminals are exploiting technological mediums to communicate with potential targets as these channels reduce both the deception cues and the risk of detection itself. A prevalent deception-based attack in computer-mediated communication is phishing. Prior phishing research has addressed the “bait” and “hook” components of phishing attacks, the human-computer interaction that takes place as users judge the veracity of phishing emails and websites, and the development of technologies that can aid users in identifying and rejecting these attacks. Despite the extant research on this topic, phishing attacks continue to be successful as tactics evolve rendering existing research less relevant, and users disregard the recommendations of automated phishing tools. This paper summarizes the core of phishing research, provides an update on trending attack methods, and proposes future research addressing computer credibility in a phishing context