12 research outputs found

    Contextual Problem Solving Model Origination

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    Problem solving has become a central focus of instructional activity in technology education classrooms at all levels (Boser, 1993). Impact assessment considerations incorporating society, culture, and economics are factors that require high-level deliberation involving critical thinking and the implementation of problem solving strategy. The purpose of this study was to analyze components, sequencing, and challenges associated with technology education student identification and development of problem solving models that factor societal, cultural, and economic considerations. Additionally, this study investigated individual problem solving strategies concerning methods, solutions, and abilities. This study identified that there is no apparent effect on initial component selection of problem solving modeling whether challenged with environmental or manufacturing issues. Students highlighted problem identification as the initial phase of the developed models. Perception of technology education student problem solving ability is high, but students tend not to vary from prescribed categorical stage models that are commonly demonstrated and used in the teacher preparation program

    How indirect supportive digital help during and after solving physics problems can improve problem-solving abilities.

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    This study investigates the effectiveness of computer-delivered hints in relation to problem-solving abilities in two alternative indirect instruction schemes. In one instruction scheme, hints are available to students immediately after they are given a new problem to solve as well as after they have completed the problem. in the other scheme, hints are only available as worked out problems after students have finished their solution. The instruction schemes are supplied by means of a web-based program, Physhint, which supports the development of strategic knowledge [Pol, H. J., Harskamp, E. G., & Suhre, C. J. M. (2008). The effect of the timing of instructional support in a computer-supported problem-solving program for students in secondary physics education. Computers in Human Behavior, 24, 1156-1178]. This program supports novice problem solvers while undertaking physics problems concerned with forces by providing hints structured in accordance with Schoenfeld's episodes [Schoenfeld, A. H. (1992). Learning to think mathematically: Problem solving, metacognition, and sense making in mathematics. In D. A. Grouvvs (Ed.), Handbook of research on mathematics teaching (pp. 224-270). New York: McMillan Publishing]. An experiment was carried out in four schools in order to study students' use of the hints in both of the computerized instruction schemes, as well as the effect of different uses of the available hints on students' ability to solve physics problems. The experiment consisted of three groups. Two groups of students were assigned to one of the two instruction schemes and a control group was selected for the purpose of comparison. The results of the experiment show that both computerized instruction schemes are effective. Students working with the most elaborate instruction scheme show an increased use of their pallet of heuristics and algorithms in the post-test. Furthermore, the instruction scheme in which hints are available to students during problem-solving proves to be most effective when students show an increase in the systematic use of hints during problem-solving. This paper therefore provides an insight into how a computer program implemented in school practice can improve students' strategic knowledge. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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    ABSTRAK Problem solving learning physics (penyelesaian masalah pembelajaran dalam fisika) merupakan tajuk utama pada penelitian kali ini. Penyelesaian masalah pembelajaran dipilih karena dalam penerapan pembelajaran selalu mendapati kendala, dimana kendala ini ditangani dengan cara yang berbeda pada setiap situasinya. Seperti yang kita ketahui, bahwa fisika merupakan salah satu pelajaran yang kurang diminati peserta didik, kurangnya minat ini memicu berbagai kendala dalam pembelajaran. Seiring berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan penelitian, telah banyak peneliti yang mencoba memecahkan permasalahan pembelajaran dalam fisika, seperti dengan menerapkan berbagai model pembelajaran, mengembangkan produk, dan beberapa treatment lainnya yang digunakan untuk memecahkan permasalah dalam pembelajaran fisika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan bibliometrik (kuantitatif). Populasi yang digunakan sebanyak 58 artikel yang bersumber dari database Scopus, dengan 53 sample yang digunakan pada penelitian ini. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa dokumentasi, dan teknik analisis yang digunakan ialah lima tahapan analisis bibliometrik. Tujuan dari dilakukannya penelitian ini ialah untuk menyajikan tinjauan literature bibliometrik dalam menemukan rekomendasi peluang penelitian dimasa datang, dengan menggunakan visualisasi dari perangkat lunak VOSviewer. Berdasarkan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini, kata kunci Problem Solving Physics Learning setelah dipetakan oleh perangkat lunak VOSViewer menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 47 items yang dinaungi oleh penyelesaian masalah pembelajaran dalam fisika. Rekomendasi peluang penelitian yang peneliti sarankan ialah items android (operating system), dan learning media yang memiliki keterhubungan dalam jaringan, akan tetapi kedua items ini tidak memiliki keterhubungan jaringan dengan deep learning, maka items-items ini dapat dipadukan dan dijadikan sebagai kata kunci baru untuk penelitian berikutnya yang tentunya relevan dengan “problem solving physics learning”

    Determining student difficulties in solving problems related to force and motion units via hint cards

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    WOS: 000361659800021In order to improve students' physics problem solving skills, the points which students have difficulty in during the problem solving process must be identified. in this study, It is aimed to determine the points in which students have difficulty in by using clinic interview method with the help of hint cards. 17 different problems related to 10th class "Force and Motion" unit have been designated and 9-11 different hint cards which have the same titles for each problem have been prepared. 17 problems have been solved by 21 students studying at 2 different schools in Trabzon. Firstly, all students have been asked to solve the given problems by thinking out loud, then, students who were able to solve the problem have been asked to tell the process in details and clearly; the students who have failed to solve the problems were asked to retry solving the same problem by using hint cards. Students have come up with the correct solution for some problems without using hint cards, while for some other problems; they have needed to use the hint cards. Whereas these students, despite using hint cards, could not come up with the correct solution to some problems. It was clearly seen that students have used the hint cards which include formulas and steps of solution mostly. It was determined that there ought to be a hint card about unit conversions and the "sample solution" hint should be expressed more clearly. It was retained that some students have had superficial problem solving approach and they have difficulty in making plan, an important step in problem solving; some students have little awareness about their own problem solving process and that proposing hints can help to solve the problem only to a certain extent. Teachers have been suggested to teach the simplest steps of the problems in a clear way, to give students enough time to solve the problems by themselves, to help students find their own wrong steps in the solution process. Accordingly, researchers have been suggested to determine the difficulties that students who are at different levels have while problem solving on different topics

    Öğrencilerin Kuvvet ve Hareket Ünitesi ile İlgili Problemleri Çözerken Güçlük Çektikleri Noktaların İpucu Kartlarıyla Belirlenmesi

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    In order to improve students’ physics problem solving skills, the points which students have difficulty in during the problem solving process must be identified. In this study, It is aimed to determine the points in which students have difficulty in by using clinic interview method with the help of hint cards. 17 different problems related to 10th class "Force and Motion" unit have been designated and 9-11 different hint cards which have the same titles for each problem have been prepared. 17 problems have been solved by 21 students studying at 2 different schools in Trabzon. Firstly, all students have been asked to solve the given problems by thinking out loud, then, students who were able to solve the problem have been asked to tell the process in details and clearly; the students who have failed to solve the problems were asked to retry solving the same problem by using hint cards. Students have come up with the correct solution for some problems without using hint cards, while for some other problems; they have needed to use the hint cards. Whereas these students, despite using hint cards, could not come up with the correct solution to some problems. It was clearly seen that students have used the hint cards which include formulas and steps of solution mostly. It was determined that there ought to be a hint card about unit conversions and the “sample solution” hint should be expressed more clearly. It was retained that some students have had superficial problem solving approach and they have difficulty in making plan, an important step in problem solving; some students have little awareness about their own problem solving process and that proposing hints can help to solve the problem only to a certain extent. Teachers have been suggested to teach the simplest steps of the problems in a clear way, to give students enough time to solve the problems by themselves, to help students find their own wrong steps in the solution process. Accordingly, researchers have been suggested to determine the difficulties that students who are at different levels have while problem solving on different topics.Öğrencilerin fizik problemlerini çözme becerilerini geliştirmek için öncelikle problem çözme sürecinde yaşadıkları zorlukların bilinmesi gereklidir. Bu araştırmada klinik mülakat yöntemi, ipucu kartları ile birlikte kullanılarak öğrencilerin problem çözme sürecinde güçlük çektikleri noktaların belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bunun için 10. sınıf “Kuvvet ve Hareket” ünitesiyle ilgili 17 problem ve her bir problem için aynı başlıklara sahip farklı 9-11 tane ipucu kartı hazırlanmıştır. 17 problem Trabzon’daki 2 farklı okulda öğrenim görmekte olan 21 öğrenci tarafından çözülmüştür. Öğrencilerden problemi sesli düşünerek çözmeleri, çözdükten sonra problem çözmede başarılı olan öğrencilerden süreci açıkça anlatmaları; problem çözmede başarısız olan öğrencilerden ise ipucu kartlarını kullanarak problemi tekrar çözmeye çalışmaları istenmiştir. Öğrenciler bazı problemlerde hiçbir ipucu kartını kullanmadan, bazı problemlerde ise ipucu kartlarını kullanarak doğru çözüme ulaşmışlardır. Öğrenciler bazı problemlerde ise ipucu kullanmalarına rağmen doğru çözüme ulaşamamışlardır. Öğrenciler problem çözme sürecinde en çok çözümde kullanılabilecek formülleri ve çözüm adımlarına yönelik ipuçlarını içeren kartları kullanmışlardır. Birim dönüşümleri ile ilgili bir ipucunun olması ve “örnek çözüm” ipucu kartının başlığının daha anlaşılır şekilde ifade edilmesi gerektiği belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda bazı öğrencilerin yüzeysel problem çözme yaklaşımına sahip oldukları ve problem çözmenin önemli bir aşaması olan plan yapmada zorlandıkları; bazı öğrencilerin kendi problem çözme süreçleri hakkındaki farkındalıklarının düşük olduğu; ipucu sunmanın problem çözmeye belli bir yere kadar yardımcı olabildiği tespit edilmiştir. Öğretmenlere sınıfta problemleri çözerken en basit noktaları bile çok açık şekilde sunmaları, öğrencilere kendilerinin problemi çözmeye çalışmaları için yeterince süre vermeleri, yanlış çözen öğrencilerin nerelerde hata yaptıklarını belirlemelerini sağlamaları; araştırmacılara ise farklı seviyedeki öğrencilerin, farklı konularla ilgili problemleri çözme süreçlerinde güçlük çektikleri noktaların belirlenmesi önerilmiştir

    Habilidades metacognitivas envolvidas na resolução de problemas em Física: investigando estudantes com expertise

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    O presente estudo tem por objetivo identificar a forma como estudantes de Física experts em resolução de problemas estruturam seus pensamentos e recorrem as suas habilidades metacognitivas. Para isso, foram selecionados estudantes de um curso de Física apontado por seus professores como bons resolvedores de problemas. A partir dessa identificação eles foram submetidos a sessões de entrevistas clínicas, nas quais resolveram três problemas de Física e por meio do protocolo de pensamento em voz alta, foi possível obter dados e analisar a forma como organizam o seu pensamento no momento em que resolvem os desafios. Como recorte do estudo, limitou-se a análise em termos das habilidades metacognitivas, especificamente em termos dos elementos: planificação, monitoramento e avaliação. Os resultados apontam para a presença destes elementos e são promissores em termos de fornecer subsídios para a prática docente do professor de Física

    Heuristic Trees as a Digital Tool to Foster Compression and Decompression in Problem‑Solving

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    This design-based study addresses the issue of how to digitally support students’ problem-solving by providing heuristics, in the absence of the teacher. The problem is that, so far, digital tutoring systems lack the ability to diagnose students’ needs in open problem situations. Our approach is based on students’ ability to self-diagnose and find help. To this purpose, we introduce a new type of digital, interactive, help-seeking tool called a heuristic tree. Students’ use of this tool is supported by a help-seeking flowchart. The design of heuristic trees is based on our reinterpretation of the notion of heuristic in terms of terms of compression. Our research question is: How do heuristic trees and the help-seeking flowchart influence students’ problem-solving behaviour? This question was studied in the context of a number theory course for in-service mathematics teachers. During five weeks, fifty students worked on fifty-five problems supported by heuristic trees. Our data consists of video observations of two small groups of students, a teacher log, interviews with these two groups, and a survey filled in by twenty-three students. The main results are that the support by heuristic trees and the help-seeking flowchart allows students to work in the absence of a teacher and to engage strongly with problems, maintaining ownership of the solution methods. Moreover, as intended by the tree structure, students learned to focus not just on the small steps of the solutions, but also on the general heuristic techniques, theorems, and concepts that should be learned in the process of finding those solutions

    Metacognição e Ensino de Física: Revisão de Pesquisas Associadas a Intervenções Didáticas

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    O estudo apoia-se no entendimento de que a metacognição é favorecedora da aprendizagem, na medida em que possibilita aos alunos regular e controlar seu pensamento. Entretanto, nem todos os sujeitos conseguem evocá-la espontaneamente, necessitando de situações explícitas para isso. No contexto escolar, essa explicitação tem exigido uma reorganização didática que tem discutido modos de agregá-la aos conteúdos curriculares. Diante do exposto, busca-se realizar uma revisão em pesquisas que descrevem intervenções didáticas em Física guiadas pela metacognição, de modo a identificar como essa associação tem sido tratada na literatura e quais as contribuições e tendências para sua inserção em sala de aula. De forma específica, pretende-se: descrever aspectos gerais envolvidos nessas pesquisas; identificar como se processam as práticas no ambiente escolar; examinar o modo como o conceito de metacognição se manifesta nos estudos e quais as aproximações teóricas presentes; e esclarecer alguns dos delineamentos metodológicos utilizados nas pesquisas. A seleção dos estudos ocorreu a partir da base de dados ERIC e identificou um universo de 16 pesquisas. Como resultado, dentre outros aspectos, destacam-se o crescimento e a disseminação dos estudos, a concentração de pesquisas envolvendo a resolução de problemas, a diversidade de aproximações teóricas associadas à metacognição e a ênfase dada ao emprego de questionários como forma de avaliar as intervenções para o aumento do uso do pensamento metacognitivo pelos alunos. Além disso, os estudos analisados revelam a necessidade de mais pesquisas que tratem da intencionalidade de investigar as contribuições dessas intervenções para a aprendizagem dos conhecimentos em Física