124 research outputs found

    HR Professionals’ Preferred Skill for Business Graduates in Service Sector

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    The current study attempts to explore the skills that are valued by service sector HR professionals (public listed) and to identify the top four needed skills by service sector HR professionals. Based on the literature review two objectives were formulated that seventeen skills are the anticipated attributes for employability and the most preferred skills preferred by HR professionals are adaptability, leadership, team work and work ethics. To assess employability,” Employer Perspective of the Business School Graduate” scale was adapted from Jackson (2013) study. The sample of the study consisted of 126 HR professionals from public listed companies in service sector. Rotated Component Matrix was used to calculate the top four preferred skills. The findings of the study suggest that four skills were preferred by HR professionals i.e. 1) adaptability, 2) leadership, 3) teamwork, and 4) work ethics. The implication of the findings is discussed in the study.

    Social Media Success for Academic Knowledge Sharing in Indonesia (Conceptual Model Development)

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    The aim of this study is to investigate how success is the social media as a tool for knowledge sharing among scholars in Indonesia. To evaluate the success of social media we develop a model base on Delone and McLeane IS Success Model. In this article, we would like discuss the process of developing the research model. In developing the model, we conduct literature review from knowledge management, social media and IS Success Model area from previous study. This study resulted in the social success model for academic knowledge sharing in Indonesia.The aim of this study is to investigate how success is the social media as a tool for knowledge sharing among scholars in Indonesia. To evaluate the success of social media we develop a model base on Delone and McLeane IS Success Model. In this article, we would like discuss the process of developing the research model. In developing the model, we conduct literature review from knowledge management, social media and IS Success Model area from previous study. This study resulted in the social success model for academic knowledge sharing in Indonesia.The aim of this study is to investigate how success is the social media as a tool for knowledge sharing among scholars in Indonesia. To evaluate the success of social media we develop a model base on Delone and McLeane IS Success Model. In this article, we would like discuss the process of developing the research model. In developing the model, we conduct literature review from knowledge management, social media and IS Success Model area from previous study. This study resulted in the social success model for academic knowledge sharing in Indonesia

    Managing inter-organizational knowledge sharing

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    Corporate knowledge is considered a crucial determinant of sustainable competitive advantages. Recent resource-leveraging strategies emphasize inter-firm collaboration and knowledge sharing across firm boundaries, however. This strategic paradox of protecting versus sharing knowledge suggests the need for new paradigms that reconcile intra- and inter-organizational knowledge sharing. Building on organizational collaboration and control theory, this paper investigates contingencies of inter-organizational knowledge sharing and proposes four configurations of inter-organizational knowledge sharing for managing the paradox. It concludes with a critical review, suggestions for further conceptual and empirical research, and implications for research and practice

    Social Media Success for Knowledge Sharing: Instrument Content Validation

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    Knowledge sharing is important activity for create a new knowledge. Information technology today brings big oppurtubity for people in conduct knowledge sharing. This media provides effective and competitive technology tool for knowledge sharing. The aimed of this study is to report the on process research that investigates the success of social media for sharing knowledge among scholars in Indonesia. This study focus to discuss the instrument development stages from the research especially discuss how content validity conduct for in instrument validation progress. Method for content validation progress was adopting from Beck and Gale approach in nursing area. This study resulted in a validated instrument from content validation approach

    Theory borrowing in IT-rich contexts : lessons from IS strategy research

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    While indigenous theorizing in information systems has clear merits, theory borrowing will not, and should not, be eschewed given its appeal and usefulness. In this article, we aim at increasing our understanding of modifying of borrowed theories in IT-rich contexts. We present a framework in which we discuss how two recontextualization approaches of specification and distinction help with increasing the IT-richness of borrowed constructs and relationships. In doing so, we use several illustrative examples from information systems strategy. The framework can be used by researchers as a tool to explore the multitude of ways in which a theory from another discipline can yield the understanding of IT phenomena

    Authentic Leadership, Employee Wellbeing and Employee Creativity: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing

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    The role of authentic leadership has been stressed in the management literature. We have examined how an authentic leader can influence employee well-being, creativity and knowledge sharing in the context of Pakistan. The results derived from a sample of 200 project managers suggest that authentic leadership plays a significant role in creating a culture of knowledge sharing and creativity. Moreover, leaders are also concerned about the well-being of employees. In addition, authentic leaders through knowledge sharing influence employee creativity. The study recommends that managers should adopt an authentic leadership style as it creates a culture of knowledge sharing and give autonomy to workers. Moreover, authentic leaders are open to new ideas and welcome personal and organizational criticism. This helps employees to relieve their job-related stress which positively influences employee attitude and gives the firm a competitive edge.Keywords: Authentic leadership, knowledge sharing, employee well-being, employee creativity

    Social Media Success Model for Knowledge Sharing (Scale Development and Validation)

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    This study aimed to evaluate the success of social media as a means of sharing knowledge among scholars in Indonesia. By using Information System Success Model (DeLone and McLean), this study develops a research model that will be used to investigate what factors are contributing to the success of social media as tool for sharing knowledge among academics. This article would focus on the discussion of instrument development and validation process. The method for development and validation the research instrument was refers to the framework proposed by McKanzie et al. This study resulted in a validated instrument, the instrument could use by researchers who are interested in study social media success for knowledge sharing

    Online Communities and Dynamic Capabilities: A Cross-Case Examination of Sensing, Seizing, and Reconfiguration

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    Strategy researchers have long been concerned with the sources of competitive advantage, i.e., why some firms’ performance is superior over others. One argument to answer this question is provided by the dynamic capability view which posits that some firms are better at adapting to a changing business environment than others. This study scrutinizes online communities and their interplay with dynamic capabilities. We present evidence which shows that organizations may use online communities to sense and shape opportunities and threats, to seize opportunities, and to reconfigure the enterprise’s intangible and tangible assets, thus helping their host organizations adapt to a changing business environment. In doing so, the paper bridges the strategy and the information systems literature and provides novel empirical insights into the strategic use of information technology
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