17 research outputs found

    The Impacts of Lockdown on Open Source Software Contributions during the COVID-19 Outbreak

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    We leverage the lockdown of Wuhan, China in January 2020 in response to COVID-19 as a natural experiment to study its impacts on individuals’ contributions to open source software (OSS) on GitHub – the world’s largest OSS platform. We find that Wuhan developers’ contributions decreased by 10.2% relative to those in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan (HMT) regions in the five weeks after the lockdown. Moreover, the contributions of Wuhan developers who interacted more with local developers on GitHub were reduced more after the lockdown. We conjecture that the lack of face-to-face (F2F) collaboration for Wuhan developers is the main driver of their reduced contributions, providing important insights for OSS platforms and stakeholders

    Analysis Software Developer Productivity Based On Work Schedule Scheme With Git Commit Metric And Deployment With CI/CD

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    Pada bulan Desember 2019, terjadi pandemi COVID-19 sehingga membuat PT. XYZ mewajibkan karyawannya untuk bekerja dari rumah dan bekerja dari kantor secara bergantian berdasarkan skema jadwal kerja yang ditentukan oleh PT. XYZ secara acak berdasarkan tim yang ada. Produktivitas bagi Pengembang Perangkat Lunak saat ini masih belum memiliki nilai yang pasti tentang bagaimana menilai produktivitas seorang Pengembang Perangkat Lunak. Hal inilah yang membuat penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji lebih lanjut produktivitas pengembang perangkat lunak di PT. XYZ berada di antara skema jadwal kerja tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini kami melakukan investigasi terhadap produktivitas pengembang perangkat lunak berdasarkan skema jadwal kerja yang telah ditentukan dari perusahaan, PT.XYZ menerapkan 3 skema untuk jadwal karyawan, yang kemudian disesuaikan dengan kondisi pandemi COVID yang terjadi agar sesuai dengan peraturan pemerintah , skemanya adalah, 2 hari WFO 3 hari WFH, 3 hari WFO 2 hari WFH, 4 hari WFO 1 hari WFH untuk menghindari banyaknya karyawan yang bekerja dari kantor pusat PT. XYZ, kemudian kumpulan data yang dikumpulkan dari aktivitas kontribusi pada repositori PT.XYZ GitHub berdasarkan git commit dan bergabung ke cabang master, kemudian akan di-deploy menggunakan CI/CD. sesuai dengan skema jadwal kerja. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa skema jadwal kerja 3 WFH dan 2 WFO memiliki tingkat produktivitas yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan skema lainnya. Dari jenis proyek, Back-end memiliki kontribusi lebih dibandingkan dengan Front-end serta bahasa pemrograman

    Dampak Covid Terhadap Pekerja Animasi Indonesia

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    ABSTRAKMunculnya covid-19 tidak hanya berimbas pada aspek kesehatan saja. Namun disaat yang sama juga menyangkut pada aspek sosioekonomi dari para pekerja yang memiliki posisi sangat rentan di masa pandemi ini. Pada penelitian sebelumnya memperlihatkan banyak sekali dampak yang dirasakan oleh para pekerja di sektor pendidikan, kesehatan, sektor non-formal, pariwisata, dan pekerja migran. Namun sayangnya masih belum menyentuh secara mendalam dalam melihat dampak pandemi pada pekerja kreatif khususnya di bidang animasi. Disisi lain sektor animasi dianggap sebagai salah satu sektor industri yang dianggap mampu bertahan pada masa pandemi ini. Sehingga mengetahui seperti apa dampak pandemi pada pekerja di sektor animasi menjadi sangat penting. penelitian ini akan menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus dengan mewawancarai 120 pekerja animasi di 23 kota di seluruh Indonesia. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa dampak pandemi covid-19 ini terdiri dari 2 aspek, yaitu aspek internal dan eksternal. Para pekerja animasi seringkali dianggap sebagai pihak yang bisa beradaptasi pada masa pandemi karena kemampuannya dalam memanfaatkan teknologi terbaru. Faktanya tidak semua pekerjaan di bidang animasi dapat dikerjakan secara jarak jauh atau remote, karena masih dibutuhkan proses kerja secara onsite untuk memudahkan proses komunikasi dan koordinasi

    COVID-19 Remote Work: Body Stress, Self-Efficacy, Teamwork, and Perceived Productivity of Knowledge Workers

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    Due to COVID-19, companies were forced to adopt new work processes, and reduce modern work environments such as collaboration spaces. Pro-fessionals from many fields were forced to work remotely, almost over-night. Little is known about the impact of such non volunteer, long-term remote work on productivity, stress, and other key aspects of work perfor-mance. To further our understanding of the impacts of this situation and re-mote work in general, we conducted an exploratory study by studying 28 knowledge work professionals (researchers, software developers, interior designers, service designers, and development consultants) from the view-point of perceived productivity and aspects affecting it in this unusual set-ting. Early results showed the positive influence of self-efficacy and team-work on productivity during the remote work, while no moderating effect of measured physical stress on productivity either through the intrinsic or so-cial factor was present

    A Deep Dive on the Impact of COVID-19 in Software Development

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    Context: COVID-19 pandemic has impacted different business sectors around the world. Objective. This study investigates the impact of COVID-19 on software projects and software development professionals. Method: We conducted a mining software repository study based on 100 GitHub projects developed in Java using ten different metrics. Next, we surveyed 279 software development professionals for better understanding the impact of COVID-19 on daily activities and wellbeing. Results: We identified 12 observations related to productivity, code quality, and wellbeing. Conclusions: Our findings highlight that the impact of COVID-19 is not binary (reduce productivity vs. increase productivity) but rather a spectrum. For many of our observations, substantial proportions of respondents have differing opinions from each other. We believe that more research is needed to uncover specific conditions that cause certain outcomes to be more prevalent

    Sorry you're on mute: Towards determining the factors that impact the productivity and job motivation of remote workers and a conceptual framework

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    The Covid-19 pandemic caused major work disruptions and made remote working the only prevailing work arrangement for knowledge workers and organizations across the globe. The primary objective of this study is to identify the key drivers that impact the self-reported productivity and job motivation of remote working employees. The secondary objective is to identify the underlying factors that remote working employees perceive as important to increase the success of remote work. We adopt a mixed-methods approach through quantitative and qualitative research methods. Through the analysis of a self-administered questionnaire from 142 participants, we identified factors that impact the productivity and job motivation of remote workers and used these insights to create a conceptual framework. We then conducted Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) to discover the factor structure of the large set of variables in our study. Based on our findings, an interactive application with three features was proposed. To validate the features and to gather feedback about the usability, we conducted focus group interviews using storyboards in phase two of the study. This paper helps in understanding the five factors that remote working employees perceive important to increase the success of remote working teams. Researchers predict that the post-pandemic work will be a hybrid mix of traditional in-office and remote work where the latter will be more prevalent. Consequently, the findings and factors determined in this research contribute to the knowledge of remote work and can benefit the HCI community for designing usable, meaningful products and services for remote and hybrid teams

    To work from home (WFH) or not to work from home? Lessons learned by software engineers during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This research investigates software engineering during the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on the lessons learned and predictions for future software engineering work. Four themes are explored: Remote work, Team management, Work/Life balance, and Technology/Software Engineering Methods. Our research has demonstrated that software companies will derive tangible benefits from supporting their employees during this uncertain time through ergonomic home offices, listening to their concerns, as well as encouraging breaks and hard stops to boost long term well-being and productivity. It shows that communication and collaboration tools, critical to project success, have been utilised. The hiring of new talent has been reimagined, with managers playing a vital role in the process. The insights gained are significant as they will assuage some pre-existing concerns regarding remote work, creating a new understanding of its role in the future. Looking to a post-COVID-19 future, we envision the rise of hybrid software development working arrangements, with a focus on the Working-From-Home to Not-Working-From-Home ratio - WFH: NWFH - perhaps colloquialised as Home: Not Home (HNH). For many this ratio will be neither 100:0 or 0:100, the former would lead to team breakdowns, developer isolation, difficulties onboarding and too many communication gaps, the latter would lead to disaffected employees. We identify plausible future software engineering working arrangements, noting that there are challenging times ahead for employers and employees as they navigate this HNH future, but there are benefits for both parties in getting the balance right