2,453 research outputs found

    Studying strategies and types of players:Experiments, logics and cognitive models

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    How do people reason about their opponent in turn-taking games? Often, people do not make the decisions that game theory would prescribe. We present a logic that can play a key role in understanding how people make their decisions, by delineating all plausible reasoning strategies in a systematic manner. This in turn makes it possible to construct a corresponding set of computational models in a cognitive architecture. These models can be run and fitted to the participants’ data in terms of decisions, response times, and answers to questions. We validate these claims on the basis of an earlier game-theoretic experiment about the turn-taking game “Marble Drop with Surprising Opponent”, in which the opponent often starts with a seemingly irrational move. We explore two ways of segregating the participants into reasonable “player types”. The first way is based on latent class analysis, which divides the players into three classes according to their first decisions in the game: Random players, Learners, and Expected players, who make decisions consistent with forward induction. The second way is based on participants’ answers to a question about their opponent, classified according to levels of theory of mind: zero-order, first-order and second-order. It turns out that increasing levels of decisions and theory of mind both correspond to increasing success as measured by monetary awards and increasing decision times. Next, we use the logical language to express different kinds of strategies that people apply when reasoning about their opponent and making decisions in turn-taking games, as well as the ‘reasoning types’ reflected in their behavior. Then, we translate the logical formulas into computational cognitive models in the PRIMs architecture. Finally, we run two of the resulting models, corresponding to the strategy of only being interested in one’s own payoff and to the myopic strategy, in which one can only look ahead to a limited number of nodes. It turns out that the participant data fit to the own-payoff strategy, not the myopic one. The article closes the circle from experiments via logic and cognitive modelling back to predictions about new experiments

    A Phenomenological Investigation of Sport and Fandom Through Hans-Georg Gadamer and Maurice Merleau-Ponty

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    This project aims to uncover the phenomenological and communicative roots of sport fandom from the fan perspective, taking into account the many ways in which fans come to contact sport and integrate corresponding experiences into their own lives and sense of being in the world. Hans-Georg Gadamer and Maurice Merleau-Ponty are used to understand the conventions of play that manifest in sport, leading not only to the co-creation of the game experience due to the intertwining of spectators and players but also to the interplay of temporal realms that leads to what Gadamer calls the fusion of horizons. Through this fusion, we come to recognize difference and intertwine perspectives to craft a constructive hermeneutic approach to dialogue. Additionally, this project surveys the importance of sport for society, the ability of fandom to join people together and establish meaning, the creation of shared spaces through attachment to stadia, and the influence of sport on how we consume in the marketplace

    The Ultimatum Game and Expected Utility Maximization – In View of Attachment Theory

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    In this paper we import a mainstream psycholgical theory, known as attachment theory, into economics and show the implications of this theory for economic behavior by individuals in the ultimatum bargaining game. Attachment theory examines the psychological tendency to seek proximity to another person, to feel secure when that person is present, and to feel anxious when that person is absent. An individual's attachment style can be classified along two-dimensional axes, one representing attachment "avoidance" and one representing attachment "anxiety". Avoidant people generally feel discomfort when being close to others, have trouble trusting people and distance themselves from intimate or revealing situations. Anxious people have a fear of abandonment and of not being loved. Utilizing attachment theory, we evaluate the connection between attachment types and economic decision making, and find that in an Ultimatum Game both proposers' and responders' behavior can be explained by their attachment styles, as explained by the theory. We believe this theory has implications for economic behavior in different settings, such as negotiations, in general, and more specifically, may help explain behavior, and perhaps even anomalies, in other experimental settings.Attachment Theory, Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics, Ultimatum Game, Psychology and Economics

    Why are they so boring? – the educational context of computer games from a design and a research perspective

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    Można powiedzieć, że gry elektroniczne od samych swoich początków miały istotny kontekst edukacyjny. W przeszło czterdziestoletniej historii wielokrotnie spierano się o to, czy mogą one mieć takie walory, czy też wręcz przeciwnie, nie mają ich lub też przynoszą odwrotny skutek, który niewybrednie określano jako „ogłupiająco-demoralizujący”. W artykule dokonano przeglądu najważniejszych osiągnięć w dziedzinie gier edukacyjnych, uwzględniając zarówno stanowiska badawcze, jak i praktykę kreacji gier. W tekście przedstawiono takie zagadnienia, jak wymiary edukacji w grach czy dyskusja nad wartością edukacyjną gier w perspektywie opinii ich przeciwników i zwolenników. Dokonano przeglądu ustaleń terminologicznych oraz opisano typy gier edukacyjnych i kryteria ich wyróżniania. Odniesiono się do relacji między gatunkiem gry a kwestią jej edukacyjności. Przeanalizowano technologiczne aspekty gier edukacyjnych, a także możliwości budowania wartości edukacyjnej w grach za pośrednictwem strategii rywalizacyjnych

    Why so serious?:game-based learning in health profession education: state of the art and future directions

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    If you look around carefully, you see a lot of use of game elements that aim to motivate people towards a certain behaviour. From smileys on posts that aim to lower your driving speed, to earning stars in language learning apps. Game-based learning is the use of game elements to make learning more attractive and to encourage people to continue their learning. This is logical right? The longer you learn, the better the outcome. Or not? This doctoral thesis examines the effects of using game-based learning in medical education. Why and when should it be applied? We have investigated whether it is advisable to develop a game suitable for everyone. We discovered that there are 5 different game personas (player types): competitors, socializers, social achievers, explorers and trolls. Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to social interactions and achieving goals within a game. From this we were able to develop a taxonomy, which has been tested at almost all medical universities in the Netherlands. It shows that medical students are mainly socially oriented players. While most game based learnings are not at all. This doctoral research can offer perspective in current developments, gives direction where it could go, but also has a critical note on the use of game-based learning that is should not be applied too much

    Games for a new climate: experiencing the complexity of future risks

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    This repository item contains a single issue of the Pardee Center Task Force Reports, a publication series that began publishing in 2009 by the Boston University Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future.This report is a product of the Pardee Center Task Force on Games for a New Climate, which met at Pardee House at Boston University in March 2012. The 12-member Task Force was convened on behalf of the Pardee Center by Visiting Research Fellow Pablo Suarez in collaboration with the Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre to “explore the potential of participatory, game-based processes for accelerating learning, fostering dialogue, and promoting action through real-world decisions affecting the longer-range future, with an emphasis on humanitarian and development work, particularly involving climate risk management.” Compiled and edited by Janot Mendler de Suarez, Pablo Suarez and Carina Bachofen, the report includes contributions from all of the Task Force members and provides a detailed exploration of the current and potential ways in which games can be used to help a variety of stakeholders – including subsistence farmers, humanitarian workers, scientists, policymakers, and donors – to both understand and experience the difficulty and risks involved related to decision-making in a complex and uncertain future. The dozen Task Force experts who contributed to the report represent academic institutions, humanitarian organization, other non-governmental organizations, and game design firms with backgrounds ranging from climate modeling and anthropology to community-level disaster management and national and global policymaking as well as game design.Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centr

    Designing for a playful future:a review of how humorous play within the urban realm can make adult play a part of everyday life

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    Abstract. Everybody plays. It is a behaviour that is common to all people and indeed most species. A person’s inclination to play is dependant, not only on his mental and emotional state, but also on his surroundings. Despite our physiological separation from the rest of the evolving natural kingdom, our brains have scarcely evolved further than those of our hunter-gatherer forefathers. So often the playful side of adults is forgotten, un-nurtured and neglected, much to the detriment of public physical and mental health. In this ever-changing and fast-paced human society, we are constantly trying to avoid or subdue our primal instincts because we believe we are somehow different... “We are not animals”. We make our primal desire to be free and rampant something to be ashamed of, afraid of and even embarrassed by. This thesis discusses the importance of play with regard to mental health and how urban environments can be and become conducive to play in adults. It poses some ideas about how designers can provide opportunities for both active and fantasy play in transitional urban spaces that we use on a regular basis. The thesis addresses the issue of ‘what is play?’ by establishing a working definition of play in terms of an individual adult player and their surroundings. This definition then serves as the basis for evaluating how contemporary urban design uses a wide array of techniques and strategies to incorporate adult play within everyday life through literature review and case studies. Moreover, it tackles the concept of humour and identifies the benefits to encouraging communication of the self through humour and freedom of expression within the urban realm. These observations provide the basic structure for developing some design parameters which an architect or urban designer might utilise in designing spaces and environments that facilitate play and designing humour for playable cities in order to attain the ‘playful’ city

    A Narrative Inquiry into the Learning Experiences of Deaf Individuals in Tennis

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    Deaf individuals do not have equal access to participating in sports as their hearing counterparts in the United States. Tennis is one sport to which this lack of access applies. The purpose of this qualitative, narrative research study was to add to the research literature by illuminating the learning experiences of Deaf individuals in tennis in the United States. This study was built on a tripartite conceptual framework consisting of motivation, interaction, and the flow experience. The study explored how tennis influenced other aspects in the lives of Deaf individuals. These other aspects included exposure to the game, learning opportunities, underlying motivations, and social interaction. Participants were 9 Deaf adults who had tennis playing experience. Data were collected from the Deaf Tennis Profile Questionnaire, Deaf Tennis Experience Questionnaire, and a Deaf Tennis Videophone Interview. A priori typological and inductive analyses were used to search for themes and patterns from the data. Findings indicated that learning the game of tennis was relevant to participants\u27 lives. As individuals experienced improvements in their tennis abilities, positive changes in self-perceptions occurred. Participants reported that experiencing the highs and lows while playing tennis increased their motivation and social interaction. Insights from these Deaf tennis participants will give administrators, physical education teachers, coaches, and recreation professionals a better understanding of more effective ways to provide tennis instruction and skills. Self-confident, skillful Deaf tennis players are better contributors to society as a whole. Participation in sports enhances the confidence, self-worth, self-image, and interaction skills of Deaf persons

    An Examination of the Cooperativeness of Games in the Context of Culture

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    Despite being one of the few human-specific types of play that humans of various ages engage in, games are understudied in cross-cultural research. Games are not distributed randomly across cultures and vary with some socio-ecological aspects of human cultures. Previous observational studies suggest that the cooperativeness and egalitarianism of cultural groups is reflected in the games that are played across cultures, but this has yet to be studied using a breadth of method- ological approaches. In this dissertation, I investigate the relationship the cooperativeness of games may have with the cooperativeness of cultural groups and offer one potential avenue as to how and why games are distributed across cultures. This dissertation consists of two main parts. The first part (chapters 2 - 3) focuses on gathering and analyzing descriptions of historical games and cultural levels of cooperation from ethnolinguistic groups on the Austronesian language phylogeny. The second part (chapters 4 - 6) focuses on gathering games, cultural levels of cooperation, and investigating the relationship between games and cultural levels of cooperation by three modern-day cultural groups. In chapter two, I describe the making of the Austronesian Game Taxonomy, an open-access database of game descriptions as gathered from historical, ethnographic, and other sources. I also describe my goal structure coding scheme and apply it to the 907 games in the Austronesian Game Taxonomy. In chapter three, I test the relationship between the goal structure of games from the Austronesian Game Taxonomy and several proxies for cultural levels of cooperation in 25 ethnolin- guistic groups. I find that the cooperativeness of games is negatively related to cultural levels of intra-group conflict and positively related with inter-cultural conflict. The goal structure of games is not associated with the social structure of cultures, nor reliably correlate with measures of interdependence in subsistence. Chapter four provides a detailed description of the three cultures that are the focus of Part two of this dissertation: Hai||om and Ovambo in Namibia, and Germans in Leipzig, Germany. I use three semi-structured interviews to obtain information about the levels of social stratification, intra-group conflict, and inter-cultural conflict experienced by these three groups. Chapter five documents the games played by Hai||om and Ovambo children and adults during my research visit to Namibia. I describe a handful of games with variety of goal structures. I provide the interview used to gather this information for future cross-cultural game collection. In chapter six, I examine the relationship between the preference for games that are cooperative or competitive, and cultural levels of cooperation in three modern-day cultures. I also interview caretakers on their attitudes toward children’s play and games. I find cross-cultural variation in children’s game preferences, but adult game preferences do not vary across cultures. Game preferences do not systematically vary with predicted cultural levels of cooperation. In the general discussion, I discuss my research findings in terms of the relationship between games and cultural levels of cooperation and suggest further improvements for the field of cross-cultural game research. This dissertation provides some evidence that games relate with types of conflict, but not with levels of social stratification nor interdependence in subsistence