6 research outputs found


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    Technological developments are inseparable from changes in the life and mindset of each individual, as well as generation z. Generation Z is a generation that is very close and able to follow the flow of technological change. One of those technological changes is online investments such as crypto. The era of postmodernism is an era or mass in which everything that is not commonplace or taboo in the modernism era becomes normal for humans. This is what makes researchers draw the formulation of the problem, namely how Crypto Traders as Generation Z Professional Interest Changes in the Era of Postmodernism. With the aim of knowing Crypto Traders as Generation Z Professional Interest Changes in the Era of Postmodernism. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research method with data collection using interviews and data analysis model Miles and Hubermen. The results of this study found that the speed and intelligence of Generation Z in keeping up with technological changes made crypto traders a change of professional interest in the era of postmodernism.Perkembangan teknologi tidak terlepas dengan perubahan kehidupan dan pola pikir setiap individu, begitu pula dengan generasi z. Generasi Z merupakan generasi yang sangat dekat dan mampu mengikuti arus perubahan teknologi. Salah satu dari perubahan teknologi itu ialah investasi online seperti crypto. Era postmodernisme merupakan era atau massa dimana segala sesuatu yang tidak lumrah atau terbilang tabu di era modernisme menjadi lumrah bagi manusia. Hal tersebut yang membuat peneliti menarik rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana Trader Crypto sebagai Perubahan Minat Profesi Generasi Z di Era Postmodernisme. Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui Trader Crypto sebagai Perubahan Minat Profesi Generasi Z di Era Postmodernisme. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan analisis data model Miles dan Hubermen. Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kecepatan dan kecerdasan generasi z dalam mengikuti perubahan teknolgi membuat trader crypto menjadi perubahan minat profesi di era postmodernisme

    Cultural Appropriation of Asian Cuisines in Western Chefs’ Cooking Videos: An Audience Reception

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    The globalization era eliminates borders between cultures, making people mistakenly know cultural appropriation with cultural appreciation when recreating or adopting specific cultures outside their own. Examples of cultural appropriation are seen in Uncle Roger's reactional videos of the five western chefs recreating Asian dishes inaccurately. This study intends to improve the awareness of cultural appropriation by communicating cultural appropriation characteristics through videos and unveiling the harmful effects of cultural appropriation on the targeted culture. This study uses multimodal analysis to discover the inaccurate elements in the cooking videos and audience reception analysis to show audience response to cultural appropriation and its harmful effect based on James O. Young's cultural appropriation theory. The findings highlight three main elements that are presented inaccurately in the videos: (1) the kitchen utensils, (2) ingredients and seasonings, and (3) the cooking method. Spotlighting the inappropriate representation of Asian food by the five western chefs attracts massive protests toward them led by Uncle Roger. There are numerous responses from netizens who agree with Uncle Roger about the inaccurate food adaptation and find the harmful effect of cultural appropriation that gives misrecognition and bad stereotypes of Asian cuisine. Based on the previous response, the cooking videos by five western chefs are also classified as cultural exploitation because they received massive engagement and did not plan to revise their recipes

    Enhancing customer satisfaction through open innovation communities: A comparison of knowledge management approaches

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    Organizational learning integrates core specialized tacit resources and knowledge to facilitate development of strategic interdisciplinary knowledge development, integration, management and innovation. To promote open innovation within a gig economy, we address three problems: first, to identify which knowledge management view may contribute more in deriving, creating and increasing value and customer satisfaction; second, to educate users to learn, improve, and transfer the value to his/her designs via the user innovation community’s (UIC) feedback; third, from the reviews and findings, to identify implications/factors that we should pay more attention to when synergizing strategies and technology amidst co-evolving markets. Scoping our research to individual and additive/incremental Resource-based view (RBVKM), Knowledge-based view (KBV-KM), and Mixed-based view (MBV-KM) knowledge management approaches, the UIC are framed (positioned) as novice product designers-customers learning via HerAll, a Malaysian B2C niche card design e-commerce website. Hypothetically, RBV-KM may evidence more participation; KBV-KM more meaningful knowledge-sharing, moderated by the leader’s design and leadership skills; MBV-KM better design outcomes, knowledge sharing and the highest designer-customer satisfaction. Findings indicate 75.85% overall average customer satisfaction for RBV-KM, 71.40% KBV-KM and 81.35% MBV-KM. These correspond with the Diamond model and Customer Relationship Models. With perceived value in the midst of interconnected, co-evolving business models as motivator, customer satisfaction is influenced most by familiarity with the learning environment and tasks, followed by the type and quality of leadership, feedback/comments from the UIC, which influence the development of community and identity, ability, and cultural fit. Findings on the type and timing of rewards and (intelligent) guidance concur with prior literature

    Fãs em um contexto de público líquido: Contribuições para recuperar um sentido de comunidade na cultura da mídia

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    The contemporary media ecosystem, fueled by digital technology and social media, faces the challenge of reaching an increasingly fragmented and elusive audience. This audience profile can be understood from the proposal of liquid modernity, where the volatile behavior and focused on the experience of the moment stands out precisely. Faced with this context, this research presents an exploration of the concepts of liquid communication and liquid audience in order to reflect on the challenges of recovering a sense of communication that fosters the generation of communities. For this, it delves into the traits of fans such as that profile that is linked intellectually and emotionally with the stories, and that participates and dialogues in the digital environment creating communities and fostering a sense of belonging through shared knowledge and traditions.El ecosistema de medios contemporáneo, dinamizado por la tecnología digital y las redes sociales, se enfrenta al reto de alcanzar a una audiencia cada vez más fragmentada y esquiva. Este perfil de audiencia se puede entender a partir de la propuesta de la modernidad líquida, donde se destaca justamente el comportamiento volátil y centrado en la experiencia del momento. Frente a este contexto, esta investigación presenta una exploración de los conceptos de comunicación líquida y audiencia líquida para reflexionar en torno a los retos de recuperar un sentido de comunicación que fomente la generación de comunidades. Para esto, se profundiza en los rasgos de los fans como ese perfil que se vincula intelectual y emocionalmente con las historias, y que participa y dialoga en el entorno digital creando comunidades y propiciando un sentido de pertenencia a través de los conocimientos y tradiciones compartidas.O ecossistema contemporâneo da mídia, dinamizado pela tecnologia digital e as redes sociais, enfrenta o desafio de alcançar um público cada vez mais fragmentado e elusivo. Para compreender este perfil de público, esta pesquisa apresenta uma exploração do conceito de modernidade líquida e suas implicâncias negativas na comunicação e no público. Após esta análise, aprofunda-se nas características dos fãs com o objetivo de refletir sobre os desafios de recuperar um sentido de comunicação que fomente a criação de comunidades. Desse modo, a figura do fã aparece como aquele perfil que está intelectual e emocionalmente ligado às histórias, e que participa e dialoga no ambiente digital criando comunidades e propiciando um sentimento de pertencimento por meio dos conhecimentos e tradições compartilhadas

    Landing the ‘Tiger of Rivers’: Understanding Recreational Angling of Mahseers in India using YouTube Videos

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    Megafish mahseers popularly known as the ‘tiger of rivers’, are the dream catch of recreational anglers in India. The present study explored the Recreational Angling (RA) videos of five mahseer species Tor khudree (deccan mahseer), T. putitora (golden mahseer), T. remadevii (humpback mahseer), T. mosal (mosal mahseer) and Neolissochilus hexagonolepis (chocolate mahseer) recorded from India and uploaded on the social media platform YouTube from January 2010 to October 2022. We did not come across any RA videos of T. mosal and T. remadevii on YouTube hence further analyses were carried out on the remaining three focal species. No seasonality was observed in the frequency of RA videos uploaded on YouTube and T. khudree attracted the highest number of views per video. Catch and Release (C&R), an ethical RA practice was noticeably low in the case of N. hexagonolepis. The size of the catch was found to be positively associated with the social engagement received by the RA videos of all the three mahseer species focused. Angler and angling-related remarks and words associated with the emotion ‘trust’ dominated the comments received by the videos. The results are discussed in light of the trending discourses on developing social media data as a complementary tool for monitoring and managing RA and conserving fish

    Student Engagement with Specialised Videos in Higher Education

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    Over the past few years, student engagement has been increasingly linked to positive learning outcomes. Therefore, this Media studies research aims to explore student engagement with specialised videos in higher education from an interdisciplinary perspective, drawing on literature from the disciplines of Media Studies, Education, Computing, Business Studies and Psychology. This research uses a new UK based elearning media provider as a case study. The term “specialised” will refer to the company’s use of high-quality filming resources, academic storytelling and visual animation. To measure student engagement, the researcher will utilise a variation of the NSSE (national survey for student engagement)’s Online Student Engagement scale (OSE) which benchmarks four factors of student engagement: skills, emotion, participation and performance. The research will also identify video-based education platforms used by students during their undergraduate studies. Study findings will be useful to media professionals and academic institutions looking to provide students with engaging academic media