205,790 research outputs found

    Reading Habits in Different Communities

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    Reading is foundational to learning and the information acquisition upon which people make decisions. For centuries, the capacity to read has been a benchmark of literacy and involvement in community life. In the 21st Century, across all types of U.S. communities, reading is a common activity that is pursued in myriad ways. As technology and the digital world expand and offer new types of reading opportunities, residents of urban, suburban, and rural communities at times experience reading and e-reading differently. In the most meaningful ways, these differences are associated with the demographic composition of differentkinds of communities -- the age of the population, their overall level of educational attainment, and the general level of household income.Several surveys by the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project reveal interesting variations among communities in the way their residents read and use reading-related technology and institutions

    Meeting the Challenges of an Aging Population with Success

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    With 117,099 people over the age of 65, Franklin County has the second-highest number of seniors among all Ohio counties. Projection data from the Ohio Department of Development indicates that Franklin County's 65-and-over population will grow to 224,340 by the year 2040. Key findings from this report indicate that improved coordination between the complex web of federal, state, county, and municipal resources would have significant impact on seniors' health and quality of life. The report also includes an analysis of the most vulnerable seniors in Franklin County identified at the neighborhood level

    Identifying predictive features of autism spectrum disorders in a clinical sample of adolescents and adults using machine learning

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    Diagnosing autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is a complicated, time-consuming process which is particularly challenging in older individuals. One of the most widely used behavioral diagnostic tools is the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS). Previous work using machine learning techniques suggested that ASD detection in children can be achieved with substantially fewer items than the original ADOS. Here, we expand on this work with a specific focus on adolescents and adults as assessed with the ADOS Module 4. We used a machine learning algorithm (support vector machine) to examine whether ASD detection can be improved by identifying a subset of behavioral features from the ADOS Module 4 in a routine clinical sample of N = 673 high-functioning adolescents and adults with ASD (n = 385) and individuals with suspected ASD but other best-estimate or no psychiatric diagnoses (n = 288). We identified reduced subsets of 5 behavioral features for the whole sample as well as age subgroups (adolescents vs. adults) that showed good specificity and sensitivity and reached performance close to that of the existing ADOS algorithm and the full ADOS, with no significant differences in overall performance. These results may help to improve the complicated diagnostic process of ASD by encouraging future efforts to develop novel diagnostic instruments for ASD detection based on the identified constructs as well as aiding clinicians in the difficult question of differential diagnosis

    An Internationally Adopted Child\u27s Transition: A Family Story

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    The goal of this study was to contribute to the literature on international adoption by conducting a case study with one adoptive family. Data was collected using a semi-structured, in-depth interview that was audio recorded and transcribed word-for-word. The interview questions asked about family configuration, language background and use, adoptive family decisions about cultural inclusiveness, and the transition from home to school. The analysis was member-checked following coding for the themes that emerged. Results indicated that lingering differences from reduced exposure to language in the first year of life took the form of subtle language differences that continued through the early school years. These were offset through family and community supports that facilitated successful transition to school. The culmination of the study is a family’s story that may help others appreciate the joys and challenges of international adoption

    Intergenerationality in a Digital World: Proposals of Activities:Bilingual (EN and PT)

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    A educação para os media tem ganho um grande fôlego nos últimos anos, porém ainda precisa de passos de gigante, muito em especial ao nível da forma como é tratada e enraizada junto dos cidadãos. Este e-book surge com essa preocupação. As fichas de atividades tão diversificadas, todas elas com uma componente digital, embora não esquecendo em alguns casos a ligação a outros dispositivos não digitais e formas de estar na vida no dia a dia. Estas 20 propostas do e-book Intergeracionalidade e o mundo digital: Propostas de atividades/Intergenerationality in a Digital World: Proposals of activities tentam dar forma a uma necessidade que encontramos de fazer com que as pessoas, além das crianças e dos jovens em espaço escolar e no contexto mais formal, questionem, pensem e ajam sobre as interpelações do mundo mediático e da informação.Media Education has gained momentum in recent years, but this area still needs to be improved, especially in terms of how it is perceived and implemented among citizens. This e-book is the result of this concern. The activities are diverse and include a digital component, without forgetting the connection to other non-digital devices in daily life. These 20 proposals of the e-book Intergeracionalidade e o mundo digital: Propostas de atividades/Intergenerationality in a Digital World: Proposals of activities intend to respond to the need that people, besides children in education, question, think and act on the interpellations of a mediatised world full of information available.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Revising strategies for different text types

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    Forty-eight children and forty-eight adults of contrasting degrees of expertise made a series of corrections in order to improve a text (narrative or description) in which three within-statement errors and three between-statement errors had been inserted. Subjects used a simplified word processor (SCRIPREV) which recorded all movements of linguistic units. The purpose of this research was to study revising strategies by examining the correction-sequencing procedures implemented by these subjects. The procedures, which were coded in the form of time series, were compared to the time series of model revising procedures (i.e. effective ones) representing three strategies based on certain predefined functional principles (linguistic level, execution order). The adults used two of these strategies: the Simultaneous Strategy for the narrative, and the Local-then-Global Strategy for the description. The children used the Local-then-Global Strategy for the narrative, but did not use any identifiable procedure to revise the description, which they did not manage to totally improve in the expected manner

    Aspirations for later life: a report of research carried out by the National Centre for Social Research on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions (Research Report No 737)

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    This research report presents new survey findings on people’s aspirations for later life (that is, aged 60 onwards) in Great Britain. The survey sought to determine whether people hold aspirations for their later life and, if so, what these might be. In addition, it sought to provide an insight into what are the enablers and barriers to achieving these aspirations. Questions were asked of adults of all ages, not just those in middle and older age groups to explore when people start thinking about later life and how these attitudes change across the life cycle. This survey was carried out as part of the National Centre for Social Research Omnibus Survey. The sample was drawn from the Postcode Address File (PAF), commonly used in general population surveys. Face-to-face interviews were carried out in summer 2010. A total of 1,867 adults aged 16 years and over took part in the survey. However, it was assumed that respondents aged 45 to 65 years (i.e. those closer to retirement) would be most likely to have aspirations for later life, and so the number of respondents in this category was boosted, to allow more detailed analysis of their answers

    Mapping New Directions: Higher Education for Older Adults

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    Based on surveys and focus group discussions, explores what, where, why, and how adults age 50 and up learn, how they pay for it, and how their needs are served. Suggests ways for higher education to adapt their outreach efforts, programs, and services
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