6 research outputs found

    Attuning Entanglements : Notes on a Fermentation Workshop

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    The Impact of the Internationalisation of Higher Education on Scientists’ Multimodal Communication: A case study from Catalonia

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    Les universitats de tot el món són instades a participar en el procés d' ‘internacionalització’ com a distintiu de qualitat i com a reclam per atraure estudiants. Aquest estudi aborda aquesta qüestió des del context de les institucions catalanes d’educació superior, que afronten el dilema de donar suport a la/les llengua/gües local/s i, alhora, abraçar el multilingüisme i, sobretot, l’anglès. L'objectiu principal d'aquest estudi és examinar l'impacte de la internacionalització de l'educació superior en la comunicació diària dels científics. Les dades etnogràfiques s’han recopilat al llarg d’un període d’11 mesos d’observació de dos grups de recerca (RGs) multinacionals amb seu en una universitat catalana, i s’han contrastat amb dades extretes d’un RG amb seu a Alemanya i amb idees inspirades en les pràctiques del RG de la pròpia investigadora. De l'objectiu empíric n’ha derivat un objectiu teòric, que consisteix a dissenyar i provar un marc teòric adequat per estudiar el fenomen proposat de manera integral. Aquest estudi té l’objectiu de contribuir a la limitada literatura que descriu aquelles pràctiques comunicatives "informals" i inèdites dels científics, així com a la literatura sobre la internacionalització de l’ensenyament superior. A nivell pràctic, aquest treball pretén contribuir a la millora de les polítiques d’internacionalització de les institucions d’ensenyament superior de Catalunya, d’Europa i potencialment d’altres contextos arreu del món.Las universidades de todo el mundo son instadas a participar en el proceso de ‘internacionalización’ como distintivo de calidad y como reclamo para atraer estudiantes. Este estudio aborda esta cuestión desde el contexto de las instituciones catalanas de educación superior, que afrontan el dilema de apoyar la/s lengua/s local/es y, a la vez, abrazar el multilingüismo y, sobre todo, el inglés. El objetivo principal de este estudio es examinar el impacto de la internacionalización de la educación superior en la comunicación diaria de los científicos. Los datos etnográficos se han recopilado a lo largo de un período de 11 meses de observación de dos grupos de investigación (RGs) multinacionales con sede en una universidad catalana, y se han contrastado con datos extraídos de un RG con sede en Alemania y con ideas inspiradas en las prácticas del RG de la propia investigadora. Del objetivo empírico ha derivado un objetivo teórico, que consiste en diseñar y probar un marco teórico adecuado para estudiar el fenómeno propuesto de manera integral. Este estudio tiene el objetivo de contribuir a la limitada literatura que describe aquellas prácticas comunicativas "informales" e inéditas de los científicos, así como a la literatura sobre la internacionalización de la enseñanza superior. A nivel práctico, este trabajo pretende contribuir a la mejora de las políticas de internacionalización de las instituciones de enseñanza superior de Cataluña, de Europa y potencialmente de otros contextos en todo el mundo.Universities worldwide are urged to engage in the process of ‘internationalisation’ as a hallmark of quality and as a lure to attract students. The current study approaches this issue from the context of Catalan higher education institutions, which deal with the dilemma of supporting the local language(s) and at the same time embracing multilingualism and especially English. The main aim of this study is to examine the impact of the internationalisation of higher education on the daily communication of scientists. Ethnographic data have been collected throughout a period of 11 months from two multinational research groups (RGs) based in a Catalan state university, and contrasted with data taken from a RG based in Germany and with insights from the researcher’s own RG. From the empirical objective has derived a theoretical objective, consisting in designing and proving a suitable theoretical framework to study the phenomenon holistically. This study aims to contribute to the limited body of research describing scientists’ "informal" and unpublished communicative practices, as well as to the literature on the internationalisation of higher education. On a practical level, this work is intended to aid in the improvement of internationalisation policies of higher education institutions in Catalonia, in Europe and potentially in other contexts worldwide

    Changing the way the world thinks about computer security.

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    Small changes in an established system can result in larger changes in the overall system (e.g. network effects, émergence, criticality, broken Windows theory). However, in an immature discipline, such as computer security, such changes can be difficult to envision and even more difficult to amplement, as the immature discipline is likely to lack the scientific framework that would allow for the introduction of even minute changes. (Cairns, P. and Thimbleby, H, 2003) describe three of the signs of an immature discipline as postulated by (Kuhn, 1970): a. squabbles over what are legitimate tools for research b. disagreement over which phenomenon are legitimate to study, and c. inability to scope the domain of study. The research presented in this document demonstrates how the computer security field, at the time this research began, was the embodiment of thèse characteristics. It presents a cohesive analysis of the intentional introduction of a séries of small changes chosen to aid in maturation of the discipline. Summarily, it builds upon existing theory, exploring the combined effect of coordinated and strategie changes in an immature system and establishing a scientific framework by which the impact of the changes can be quantified. By critically examining the nature of the computer security system overall, this work establishes the need for both increased scientific rigor, and a multidisciplinary approach to the global computer security problem. In order for these changes to take place, many common assumptions related to computer security had to be questioned. However, as the discipline was immature, and controlled by relatively few entities, questioning the status quo was not without difficulties. However, in order for the discipline to mature, more feedback into the overall computer security (and in particular, the computer malware/virus) system was needed, requiring a shift from a mostly closed system to one that was forced to undergo greater scrutiny from various other communities. The input from these communities resulted in long-term changes and increased maturation of the system. Figure 1 illustrates the specific areas in which the research presented herein addressed these needs, provides an overview of the research context, and outlines the specific impact of the research, specifically the development of new and significant scientific paradigms within the discipline

    Engaging Citizens and Higher Education for Innovation and Sustainable Development Goals

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    Changing the way the world thinks about computer security

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    Small changes in an established system can result in larger changes in the overall system (e.g. network effects, émergence, criticality, broken Windows theory). However, in an immature discipline, such as computer security, such changes can be difficult to envision and even more difficult to amplement, as the immature discipline is likely to lack the scientific framework that would allow for the introduction of even minute changes. (Cairns, P. and Thimbleby, H, 2003) describe three of the signs of an immature discipline as postulated by (Kuhn, 1970): a. squabbles over what are legitimate tools for research b. disagreement over which phenomenon are legitimate to study, and c. inability to scope the domain of study. The research presented in this document demonstrates how the computer security field, at the time this research began, was the embodiment of thèse characteristics. It presents a cohesive analysis of the intentional introduction of a séries of small changes chosen to aid in maturation of the discipline. Summarily, it builds upon existing theory, exploring the combined effect of coordinated and strategie changes in an immature system and establishing a scientific framework by which the impact of the changes can be quantified. By critically examining the nature of the computer security system overall, this work establishes the need for both increased scientific rigor, and a multidisciplinary approach to the global computer security problem. In order for these changes to take place, many common assumptions related to computer security had to be questioned. However, as the discipline was immature, and controlled by relatively few entities, questioning the status quo was not without difficulties. However, in order for the discipline to mature, more feedback into the overall computer security (and in particular, the computer malware/virus) system was needed, requiring a shift from a mostly closed system to one that was forced to undergo greater scrutiny from various other communities. The input from these communities resulted in long-term changes and increased maturation of the system. Figure 1 illustrates the specific areas in which the research presented herein addressed these needs, provides an overview of the research context, and outlines the specific impact of the research, specifically the development of new and significant scientific paradigms within the discipline.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo