96 research outputs found

    Conference Proceedings: 3rd International GET UP Workshop on University based Start-ups: International Cooperation of Universities and its Impact on University based Start-ups

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    Conference Proceedings: 3rd International GET UP Workshop on University based Start-ups: International Cooperation of Universities and its Impact on University based Start-ups, October 29-31, 2004, Jena 2004. ISBN 3-00-014920-


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    Entrepreneurship has a tremendous impact on the economic development of a country. As can be expected, many public policies foster the development of self- entrepreneurship in times of unemployment, praise the creation of firms and con- sider the willingness to start new ventures as a sign of good fortune. Are those behaviours inherent to a human being, to his genetic code, his psychology or can students, younger children or even adults be taught to become entrepreneurs? What should be the position of universities, of policy makers and how much does it matter for a country? This book presents several articles, following different research approaches to answer those difficult questions. The researchers explore in particular the psychology of entrepreneurship, the role of academia and the macroeconomic impact of entrepreneurship

    Innopolis University - From Zero to Hero

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    This open access book describes the development of Innopolis, a young Russian university established in 2012 to focus on teaching excellence in computer science, engineering, and robotics. It reports on the problems that were faced in the first decade of its development, and the adopted solutions. It shows how the key aspects for the development of the faculty, the curricula, the university structure, and the challenge of internationalization have been successfully addressed by the university management and professors, and how the solutions are scalable for other newly founded research organizations. The book is divided in five parts: “The Beginning” describes the very early days in general, from the foundation and start-up of the university with the related processes. “The People” reports on the initial hiring of the faculty members, the selection of students, and the curriculum development. “The Activities” provide information about the creation of the single research institutions and labs, and their relation to industry. “The Future” gives an outlook on the planned internationalization and faculty strategy. Eventually, “A Visual Journey” shows a selection of photographs illustrating highlights of the whole process and the current achievements. The processes and the components described built the basis for the development of Innopolis, and many of them still have a big impact on its present and its future. The fewer mistakes are made at the beginning, the higher the probability to fully achieve the initial goals

    The sustainability perspective of corporate entrepreneurship: Sustainable venturing at the intersection of established corporations and corporate start-ups

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    The topic of sustainability has found its way into the corporate entrepreneurship activities of large corporations. The Sustainable Corporate Entrepreneurship (SCE) strand is still in its infancy. Since most large corporations engage in corporate entrepreneurship and are exploring new business models inside and outside corporate boundaries, several questions arise from different viewpoints. First, from corporate perspective researchers and business leaders wonder which internal modes of SCE activities have emerged in business practice and how large corporations explore sustainable value propositions. Second, from entrepreneur and investor perspective, the question emerges which factors influence the likelihood of corporate ventures, such as spin-offs from corporations, raising venture capital to scale sustainable business models. Therefore, to further develop the field of SCE, this cumulative dissertation presents three research papers analysing sustainable corporate entrepreneurship at the intersection of corporations and start-ups

    The promotion of assets in the community

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    Espoon keskuksessa toteutetun osallistava budjetointi Mun Idea -hankkeen osatuoto

    Contemporary Research on Management and Business

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    This book contains 74 selected papers presented at the 5th International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM 2021), which was organized by the Alliance of Indonesian Master of Management Program (APMMI) and held in Jakarta, Indonesia on 18 December 2021. This online conference was hosted by the Master of Management Program of Indonesia University. This year, ISCRBM focused on research related to driving sustainable business through innovation. Business has had to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, so a new approach towards managing business to survive competition is indispensable. Innovation is the key for all organizations in surviving in the new normal and beyond. The Seminar aimed to provide a forum for leading scholars, academics, researchers, and practitioners in the business and management area to reflect on the issues, challenges and opportunities, and to share the latest innovative research and best practices. This seminar brought together participants to exchange ideas on the future development of management disciplines: human resource, marketing, operation, finance, strategic management and entrepreneurship

    Development of small and medium enterprises: the EU and East-partnership countries experience: monograph

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    The monograph reveals challenging issues of small and medium enterprises development in the European Union and East-Partnership countries. Special attention is paid to a new paradigm of financing investments and fostering innovations at all levels of legal entities including SMEs, enhancing innovative entrepreneurship in conditions of global social and technological challenges as well as determining priority sectors for small and medium enterprises as drivers of economic growth. The authors of the monograph emphasize on such European approaches to financing SMEs as crowd-funding and SME-bonds, analyze experience of applying fiscal instruments to support investment and innovations. The researchers underline the role of social investment as an innovative strategy for European SMEs that could be applied in Ukraine and East-partnership countries, suggest new conceptual approach to the evaluation of innovative business development. They also analyse trends of Ukrainian IT enterprises development in the context of modern information services in a global market. Additional attention is paid to the analysis of SMEs’ entrepreneurial potential in conditions of global social and technological changes, estimation effects of applying electronic governance technologies to provide administrative services by public authorities of various levels of governance. Finally, the researchers disclose economic mentality of legal entities as an informal side of financial assets and substantiate the necessity of creation entrepreneurial universities as drivers of innovative development of economy. The materials of the monograph will be useful to scholars, financial managers of companies, financial analysts, representatives of state bodies who implement the state policy in the field of SMEs development in the East-partnership countries, as well as students of economic universities

    In search of the interrelatedness of innovation and internationalisation processes in entrepreneurial life science companies

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    This study is motivated by the question how resource scarce innovative entrepreneurial companies seek and leverage global resources. This study takes a resource-seeking perspective a step forward and suggests that resources that enable the entrepreneurial internationalisation are largely accrued from the early stages of entrepreneurial life; that is from the innovation development. Consequently, this study seeks to explain how innovation and internationalisation processes are interrelated in the entrepreneurial internationalisation. This main objective is approached through three research questions, (1) What role do inter-organisational relationships in innovation have in the entrepreneurial internationalisation process? (2) What kind of inward–outward links do inter-organisational relationships create in the resource-seeking-based entrepreneurial internationalisation process? (3) What kind of capability to collaborate forms in the interaction of inter-organisational relationship deployment? The research design is a mixed methods design that consists of quantitative pilot study and qualitative multiple case study of five entrepreneurial life science companies from Finland and Austria. The findings show that innovation and internationalisation processes are tightly interwoven in pre-internationalisation state. The findings also reveal that the more experienced companies are able to take advantage of complexcross-border inter-organisational relationship structures better than the starting companies. However, very minor evidence was found on inward links translating into outward links in the entrepreneurial internationalisation process, despite the expectation to observe more of these links in the data. Combined intangible-tangible resource-seeking was the most preferred to build links between inward–outward internationalisation but also to develop competence to collaborate. By adopting a resource- instead of market-seeking approach, this study illustrated that internationalisation extends to early stages of innovative companies, and that in high-technology companies’ potentially significant cross-border relationships have started to form long before incorporation. Therefore, these observations justified the firmer inclusion of pre-company history in innovative entrepreneurship studies. The study offers a conceptualisation of entrepreneurial internationalisation that is perceived as a process. The main theoretical contributions are in the areas of international entrepreneurship and in the behavioural process studies of entrepreneurial internationalisation and resource-based internationalisation. The inclusion of the innovation-based discussion, namely the innovation process, in the internationalisation process theories has clearly contributed to the understanding of entrepreneurial internationalisation in the context of international entrepreneurship. Innovation development is a central act of entrepreneurial companies, and neglecting innovation process investigation from entrepreneurial internationalisation leaves potentially influential mechanisms unexplored.Yrittäjävetoisten life science -yritysten innovaatio- ja kansainvälistymisprosessien yhteyttä etsimässä Tämän tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on kysymys siitä, kuinka resurssiniukat innovatiiviset yrittäjävetoiset yritykset hakevat ja hyödyntävät globaalisti saa-tavilla olevia resursseja. Tutkimus laajentaa resurssien hankinta -näkökulmaa ja esittää, että yrittäjyysvetoisessa kansainvälistymisessä hyödylliset resurssit kertyvät enimmäkseen jo yrittäjyyden alkuvaiheessa eli innovaation kehittämisen aloittamisesta. Tämän vuoksi tutkimus pyrkii selittämään, kuinka innovaatio- ja kansainvälistymisprosessi ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa yrittäjyysvetoisessa kansainvälistymisessä. Tutkimuksen päätavoitetta lähestytään kolmen tutkimuskysymyksen kautta: (1) Minkälainen rooli organisaatioiden välisillä innovaatiosuhteilla on yrittäjyysvetoisessa kansainvälistymisprosessissa? (2) Minkälaisia sisäisiä ja ulkoisia linkkejä organisaatioiden väliset suhteet luovat resurssienhankkimisperustaiseen, yrittäjyysvetoiseen kansainvälistymisprosessiin? (3) Minkälainen yhteistyökyvykkyys muodostuu organisaatioiden välisten suhteiden hyödyntämisen vuorovaikutuksessa? Tutkimusasetelmana on monimenetelmätutkimus (mixed methods), joka koostuu määrällisestä pilotti-tutkimuksesta ja laadullisesta monitapaustutkimuksesta, jossa kohteena on viisi yrittäjävetoista life science -yritystä Suomesta ja Itävallasta. Tulokset osoittavat, että innovaatio- ja kansainvälistymisprosessi ovat tiukasti kietoutuneita toisiinsa yrityksen esikansainvälistymisasteesta alkaen. Lisäksi tutkimuksen havainnot paljastavat kokeneempien yritysten olevan valmiimpia hyödyntämään ulkomaisia monitahoisia yhteistyösuhteitaaloittavia yrityksiä paremmin. Ennakoidusta huolimatta yrittäjyysvetoisen kansainvälistymisprosessin sisäänpäin suuntautuvien linkkien muuntamisesta ulkoisiksi linkeiksi saatiin vain vähän todisteita. Kansainvälistymisen sisäistenja ulkoisten linkkien muodostumiseen vaikuttivat eniten resurssit, joissa yhdistyvät aineettomat ja aineelliset ulottuvuudet. Nämä samat resurssityypit olivat myös arvokkaita yhteistyökyvykkyyden muodostumisessa. Markkinoiden hankinta -näkökulman sijaan valittu resurssien hankinta -näkökulma paljastaa, että kansainvälistyminen ulottuu innovatiivisten yritysten ensivaiheisiin asti sekä sen, että korkean teknologian yrityksissä mahdollisesti merkittävät ulkomaiset yhteistyösuhteet ovat alkaneet muodostua kauan ennen yrityksen virallista perustamista. Nämä havainnot osoittavat tärkeäksi yrityksen esihistorian tiukemman sisällyttämisen innovatiivista yrittäjyyttä käsitteleviin tutkimuksiin. Tutkimus käsitteellistää yrittäjyysvetoisen kansainvälistymisen prosessiksi. Tutkimuksen kontribuutio kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan tutkimusalueella kohdistuu kansainväliseen yrittäjyyteen ja nimenomaan käyttäytymis- ja resurssiperustaisten prosessien ymmärtämiseen yrittäjyysvetoisessa kansainvälistymisessä. Innovaatioprosessin kytkeminen kansainvälistymisprosessiteorioiden tarkasteluun auttoi ymmärtämään yrittäjyysvetoista kansainvälistymistä innovaation kehityksen alkuajoista asti. Innovaation kehitys on keskeinentapahtuma yrittäjävetoisessa yrityksessä, ja innovaatioprosessin poissulkeminen kansainvälistymisen tarkastelusta saattaa jättää keskeisiä kansainvälistymisen mekanismeja kartoittamatta.Siirretty Doriast
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