26 research outputs found

    Heart over Heels? An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Emotions and Review Helpfulness for Experience and Credence Goods

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    According to current scholarly and practitioner thinking, one way of enhancing the perceived helpfulness of reviews is by encouraging the use of emotional language. Yet, studies on review helpfulness have paid little attention to studying this effect as it applies to different product types, namely experience and credence goods. Using data from amazon.com, we conduct an empirical test using a natural language understanding algorithm. Our results suggest that for both experience and credence goods, fear, joy, and sadness are correlated with an increase in review helpfulness, whereas anger is negatively correlated with it. These emotions are perceived as more helpful for experience goods than for credence goods

    Temporal Changes in the Impact of Drivers of Online Review Influence

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    Traditional IT introduction approaches tend to follow a goal-driven, top-down logic, whereby management evaluates and selects technology that is then imposed on end-users. In this research-in-progress paper, it is argued that such approaches are not appropriate for enterprise social software (ESS) as a type of malleable technology requiring end-user appropriation. Through an embedded researcher relationship with a case organisation, a research approach and preliminary findings are presented in which the juxtaposition of two, client and consultant, practices align with either a top-down or employee-centric view regarding ESS. By utilizing a practice breakdown lens, this paper explores the tensions that are revealed in ESS projects as the two practices struggle to socially construct a joint solution for ESS inside client organisations. This unique context affords studying the particular nature of ESS and solutions for its uptake, as breakdowns foreground the role of the end-user in malleable technologies

    Emotion as a Signal of Product Quality: Exploring Its Effects on Purchase Decisions In Online Customer Reviews

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    Two critical problems of online customer reviews is the caused information asymmetry and information overload. To reveal consumers’ information processing under this circumstance, this paper proposes a model to investigate pleasure versus displeasure embedded in reviews as a potential signal of product quality and the moderating effects of perceived empathy and perceived cognitive effort based on the signaling theory. A laboratory experiment with 120 subjects was used to empirically test the research hypotheses. The results show that pleasure and displeasure embedded in reviews influence perceived product quality, which subsequently affects purchase decisions. Additionally, pleasant online reviews were found to have a greater influence on perceived product quality compared to unpleasant online reviews when the perceived empathy and perceived cognitive effort are higher. The findings demonstrate positive effects of pleasant online customer reviews, and provide important practical implications for both sellers and consumers

    Deteksi Duplikasi Metadata File pada Media Penyimpanan menggunakan Metode Latent Semantic Analysis

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    Metadata files help user find relevant information, provides digital identification, archives and conserves stored files so that they are easily found and reused. The large number of data files on the storage media often makes the user unaware of the duplication and redundancy of the files that have an impact on the waste of storage media space, affecting the speed of a computer in the indexing process, finding or backing up data. This study employ the Latent Semantic Analysis method to detect file duplication and analyze the metadata of various file types in storage media. The findings showed that Latent Semantic Analysis method is able to detect duplicate file metadata in various types of storage media thereby further increasing the usability and speed of access of the data storage media.Metadata file membantu pengguna menemukan informasi yang relevan, menyediakan identifikasi digital, mengarsipkan dan melestarikan file yang disimpan sehingga mudah ditemukan dan digunakan kembali. Banyaknya data file pada media penyimpanan seringkali membuat pengguna tidak menyadari adanya duplikasi dan redudansi file yang berdampak pada pemborosan ruang media penyimpanan, mempengaruhi kecepatan sebuah komputer dalam proses pengindeksan, proses pencarian data maupun pencadangan data. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode Latent Semantic Analysis untuk mengekstrak kata-kata yang terdapat pada metadata file, mempresentasikan kedalam bentuk vektor dan matrik sehingga bisa digunakan untuk mendeteksi duplikasi file dan menganalisa metadata dari berbagai jenis file dalam media penyimpanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode Latent Semantic Analysis mampu mendeteksi metadata file yang duplikasi dalam berbagai jenis media penyimpanan sehingga lebih meningkatkan daya guna dan kecepatan akses dari media penyimpanan tersebut

    Understanding the Emotional and Informational Influence on Customer Knowledge Contribution through Quantitative Content Analysis

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    Customer knowledge contribution is a vital source of business value. Existing studies paid limited attention to emotional influence on knowledge contribution. Drawing upon social support theory, this study attempts to elaborate the influence of emotional support and informational support on knowledge contribution of customers in a firm-hosted online community. Through quantitative content analysis including product feature extraction and sentiment analysis, we analyzed content data from 2318 users. A set of research hypotheses were tested via regression analysis of panel data. We found that informational support (information diagnosticity and source credibility) and emotional support (emotional consistency and emotional difference) significantly affect customer knowledge contribution. This study contributes to knowledge contribution literature by showing the emotional and informational influence, and provides insights for community managers

    Culture, Conformity, and Emotional Suppression in Online Reviews

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    In this study, we examine consumers’ cultural background as an antecedent of online review characteristics. We theoretically propose and empirically examine the effect of cultural background (specifically individualism (versus collectivism)) on consumers’ tendency to conform to prior opinion and review texts’ emotionality. We also examine how conformity and emotionality relate to review helpfulness. We test our hypotheses using a unique dataset that combines online restaurant reviews from TripAdvisor with measures of individualism/collectivism values. We found that consumers from a collectivist culture were less likely to deviate from the average prior rating and to express emotion in their reviews. Moreover, individuals perceived those reviews that exhibited high conformity and intense emotions to be less helpful. We also present several important implications for managing online review platforms in light of these findings, which reflect the previously unidentified drivers of systematic differences in the characteristics of online reviews


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    Over the last decade, quantitative text mining approaches to content analysis have gained increasing traction within information systems research, and related fields, such as business administration. Recently, topic models, which are supposed to provide their user with an overview of themes being dis-cussed in documents, have gained popularity. However, while convenient tools for the creation of this model class exist, the evaluation of topic models poses significant challenges to their users. In this research, we investigate how questions of model validity and trustworthiness of presented analyses are addressed across disciplines. We accomplish this by providing a structured review of methodological approaches across the Financial Times 50 journal ranking. We identify 59 methodological research papers, 24 implementations of topic models, as well as 33 research papers using topic models in In-formation Systems (IS) research, and 29 papers using such models in other managerial disciplines. Results indicate a need for model implementations usable by a wider audience, as well as the need for more implementations of model validation techniques, and the need for a discussion about the theoretical foundations of topic modelling based research

    Muslim fashion dynamics: The mediating role of positive emotion in elucidating impulsive buying behavior

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    Growing Muslim fashion trends drive diverse demands. Business must cater to varied preferences, offering a range of styles to suit consumer wishes in the expanding Muslim fashion industry. This study conducted in Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia involved 150 respondents and employed SmartPLS to test the interplay of fashion involvement, positive emotion, and impulsive buying. Contrary to expectations, a direct link between fashion involvement and impulsive buying was not significant. However, positive emotions emerged as a crucial mediator, indicating that emotional experiences play a pivotal role in shaping impulsive buying behaviors, especially within Muslim fashion. This research contributes novel insights by uncovering the nuanced relationship between fashion involvement and impulsive buying, highlighting the significant mediating role of positive emotions. It enriches the broader understanding of consumer behavior in the context of the Muslim fashion industry, offering valuable psychological perspectives for consumer management. The absence of a significant direct effect prompts exploration into moderating variables, such as cultural and religious factors within the Muslim community. Concerns about self-reported data and response bias suggest avenues for further refinement in future studies. The study enriches existing theories by emphasizing the intricate interplay between fashion involvement, positive emotions, and impulsive buying

    What makes information in online consumer reviews diagnostic over time? The role of review relevancy, factuality, currency, source credibility and ranking score

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    Online consumer reviews (OCRs) have become one of the most helpful and influential information in consumers purchase decisions. However, the proliferation of OCRs has made it difficult for consumers to orientate themselves with the wealth of reviews available. Therefore, it is paramount for online organizations to understand the determinants of perceived information diagnosticity in OCRs. In this study, we investigate consumer perceptions and we adopt the Elaboration Likelihood Model to analyze the influence of central (long, relevant, current, and factual OCRs) and peripheral cues (source credibility, overall ranking scores) on perceived information diagnosticity (PID). We consider the potential moderating effect of consumer involvement, and tested the robustness of the theoretical framework across time. Based on two surveys carried out in 2011 and in 2016, this study demonstrates the dynamic nature of the antecedents of PID in e-WOM. We found that long reviews are not perceived as helpful, while relevant and current reviews as well as overall ranking scores are perceived as diagnostic information in both samples. The significance of the predicting power of review factuality and source credibility has evolved over time. Both central (review quality dimensions) and peripheral cues (ranking score) were found to influence PID in high-involvement decisions

    Muslim fashion dynamics: The mediating role of positive emotion in elucidating impulsive buying behavior

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    Growing Muslim fashion trends drive diverse demands. Business must cater to varied preferences, offering a range of styles to suit consumer wishes in the expanding Muslim fashion industry. This study conducted in Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia involved 150 respondents and employed SmartPLS to test the interplay of fashion involvement, positive emotion, and impulsive buying. Contrary to expectations, a direct link between fashion involvement and impulsive buying was not significant. However, positive emotions emerged as a crucial mediator, indicating that emotional experiences play a pivotal role in shaping impulsive buying behaviors, especially within Muslim fashion. This research contributes novel insights by uncovering the nuanced relationship between fashion involvement and impulsive buying, highlighting the significant mediating role of positive emotions. It enriches the broader understanding of consumer behavior in the context of the Muslim fashion industry, offering valuable psychological perspectives for consumer management. The absence of a significant direct effect prompts exploration into moderating variables, such as cultural and religious factors within the Muslim community. Concerns about self-reported data and response bias suggest avenues for further refinement in future studies. The study enriches existing theories by emphasizing the intricate interplay between fashion involvement, positive emotions, and impulsive buying