1,447 research outputs found

    Gaze-based interaction for effective tutoring with social robots

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    Gaze-based interaction for effective tutoring with social robots

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    Technology-Enhanced Application in L2 Pragmatic Instruction: A Systematic Literature Review

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    This systematic literature review focuses on the use of technology-enhanced applications in second language (L2) pragmatic instruction. This paper will systematically analyze papers from several electronic databases between the years 2012 and 2023 that investigate the use of technology in L2 pragmatic instruction, with a focus on the type of technology used, its effectiveness in enhancing pragmatic competence, and its impact on learners' motivation and engagement. The review also considers the pedagogical implication that underlie the design and implementation of technology-enhanced pragmatic instruction. The findings suggest that technology-enhanced applications can effectively enhance learners' pragmatic competence, motivation, and engagement. However, the effectiveness of such applications is highly dependent on the pedagogical principles that inform their design and implementation, including the incorporation of authentic materials, task-based instruction, and learner-centered approaches. The review concludes with recommendations for future research and pedagogical practice in this area.

    An investigation of fast and slow mapping

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    Children learn words astonishingly skilfully. Even infants can reliably “fast map” novel category labels to their referents without feedback or supervision (Carey & Bartlett, 1978; Houston-Price, Plunkett, & Harris, 2005). Using both empirical and neural network modelling methods this thesis presents an examination of both the fast and slow mapping phases of children's early word learning in the context of object and action categorisation. A series of empirical experiments investigates the relationship between within-category perceptual variability on two-year-old children’s ability to learn labels for novel categories of objects and actions. Results demonstrate that variability profoundly affects both noun and verb learning. A review paper situates empirical word learning research in the context of recent advances in the application of computational models to developmental research. Data from the noun experiments are then simulated using a Dynamic Neural Field (DNF) model (see Spencer & Schöner, 2009), suggesting that children’s early object categories can emerge dynamically from simple label-referent associations strengthened over time. Novel predictions generated by the model are replicated empirically, providing proofof- concept for the use of DNF models in simulations of word learning, as well emphasising the strong featural basis of early categorisation. The noun data are further explored using a connectionist architecture (Morse, de Greef, Belpaeme & Cangelosi, 2010) in a robotic system, providing the groundwork for future research in cognitive robotics. The implications of these different approaches to cognitive modelling are discussed, situating the current work firmly in the dynamic systems tradition whilst emphasising the value of interdisciplinary research in motivating novel research paradigms

    Boosting children's creativity through creative interactions with social robots

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    Creativity is an ability with psychological and developmental benefits. Creative levels are dynamic and oscillate throughout life, with a first major decline occurring at the age of 7 years old. However, creativity is an ability that can be nurtured if trained, with evidence suggesting an increase in this ability with the use of validated creativity training. Yet, creativity training for young children (aged between 6-9 years old) appears as scarce. Additionally, existing training interventions resemble test-like formats and lack of playful dynamics that could engage children in creative practices over time. This PhD project aimed at contributing to creativity stimulation in children by proposing to use social robots as intervention tools, thus adding playful and interactive dynamics to the training. Towards this goal, we conducted three studies in schools, summer camps, and museums for children, that contributed to the design, fabrication, and experimental testing of a robot whose purpose was to re-balance creative levels. Study 1 (n = 140) aimed at testing the effect of existing activities with robots in creativity and provided initial evidence of the positive potential of robots for creativity training. Study 2 (n = 134) aimed at including children as co-designers of the robot, ensuring the robot’s design meets children’s needs and requirements. Study 3 (n = 130) investigated the effectiveness of this robot as a tool for creativity training, showing the potential of robots as creativity intervention tools. In sum, this PhD showed that robots can have a positive effect on boosting the creativity of children. This places social robots as promising tools for psychological interventions.Criatividade é uma habilidade com benefícios no desenvolvimento saudável. Os níveis de criatividade são dinâmicos e oscilam durante a vida, sendo que o primeiro maior declínio acontece aos 7 anos de idade. No entanto, a criatividade é uma habilidade que pode ser nutrida se treinada e evidências sugerem um aumento desta habilidade com o uso de programas validados de criatividade. Ainda assim, os programas de criatividade para crianças pequenas (entre os 6-9 anos de idade) são escassos. Adicionalmente, estes programas adquirem o formato parecido ao de testes, faltando-lhes dinâmicas de brincadeira e interatividade que poderão motivar as crianças a envolverem-se em práticas criativas ao longo do tempo. O presente projeto de doutoramento procurou contribuir para a estimulação da criatividade em crianças propondo usar robôs sociais como ferramenta de intervenção, adicionando dinâmicas de brincadeira e interação ao treino. Assim, conduzimos três estudos em escolas, campos de férias, e museus para crianças que contribuíram para o desenho, fabricação, e teste experimental de um robô cujo objetivo é ser uma ferramenta que contribui para aumentar os níveis de criatividade. O Estudo 1 (n = 140) procurou testar o efeito de atividade já existentes com robôs na criatividade e mostrou o potencial positivo do uso de robôs para o treino criativo. O Estudo 2 (n = 134) incluiu crianças como co-designers do robô, assegurando que o desenho do robô correspondeu às necessidades das crianças. O Estudo 2 (n = 130) investigou a eficácia deste robô como ferramenta para a criatividade, demonstrando o seu potencial para o treino da criatividade. Em suma, o presente doutoramento mostrou que os robôs poderão ter um potencial criativo em atividades com crianças. Desta forma, os robôs sociais poderão ser ferramentas promissoras em intervenções na psicologia

    Developing a Measure of Social, Ethical, and Legal Content for Intelligent Cognitive Assistants

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    We address the issue of consumer privacy against the backdrop of the national priority of maintaining global leadership in artificial intelligence, the ongoing research in Artificial Cognitive Assistants, and the explosive growth in the development and application of Voice Activated Personal Assistants (VAPAs) such as Alexa and Siri, spurred on by the needs and opportunities arising out of the COVID-19 global pandemic. We first review the growth and associated legal issues of the of VAPAs in private homes, banks, healthcare, and education. We then summarize the policy guidelines for the development of VAPAs. Then, we classify these into five major categories with associated traits. We follow by developing a relative importance weight for each of the traits and categories; and suggest the establishment of a rating system related to the legal, ethical, functional, and social content policy guidelines established by these organizations. We suggest the establishment of an agency that will use the proposed rating system to inform customers of the implications of adopting a particular VAPA in their sphere

    Advancing the understanding of children's digital engagement: responsive methodologies and ethical considerations in psychological research

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    Children’s perspectives and experiences with digital media (digital engagement for short) are becoming difficult to observe and measure in today’s highly multi-faceted, personalized and dynamic media ecosystem. In response, psychologists are developing a host of innovative methods. These may be broadly divided into those which prioritize children’s active participation in research and those which develop techniques for passive observation. This article presents a state-of-the-art review of emerging methodologies to highlight the ethical issues that arise, by drawing on the Belmont principles for ethical research. We identify strengths and weaknesses of both participatory and non-participatory methods and recommend ways for future research to harness the potential of child-centered, responsive, and ethical methods

    Mapping the evolving landscape of child-computer interaction research: structures and processes of knowledge (re)production

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    Implementing an iterative sequential mixed methods design (Quantitative → Qualitative → Quantitative) framed within a sociology of knowledge approach to discourse, this study offers an account of the structure of the field of Child-Computer Interaction (CCI), its development over time, and the practices through which researchers have (re)structured knowledge comprising the field. Thematic structure of knowledge within the field, and its evolution over time, is quantified through implementation of a Correlated Topic Model (CTM), an automated inductive content analysis method, in analysing 4,771 CCI research papers published between 2003 and 2021. Detailed understanding of practices through which researchers (re)structure knowledge within the field, including factors influencing these practices, is obtained through thematic analysis of online workshops involving prominent contributors to the field (n=7). Strategic practices utilised by researchers in negotiating tensions impeding integration of novel concepts in the field are investigated through analysis of semantic features of retrieved papers using linear and negative binomial regression models. Contributing an extensive mapping, results portray the field of CCI as a varied research landscape, comprising 48 major themes of study, which has evolved dynamically over time. Research priorities throughout the field have been subject to influence from a range of endogenous and exogenous factors which researchers actively negotiate through research and publication practices. Tacitly structuring research practices, these factors have broadly sustained a technology-driven, novelty-dominated paradigm throughout the field which has failed to substantively progress cumulative knowledge. Through strategic negotiation of persistent tensions arising as consequence of these factors, researchers have nonetheless affected structural change within the field, contributing to a shift towards a user needs-driven agenda and progression of knowledge therein. Findings demonstrate that the field of CCI is proceeding through an intermediary phase in maturation, forming an increasingly distinct disciplinary shape and identity through the cumulative structuring effect of community members’ continued negotiation of tensions
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