11 research outputs found

    Performance Estimation of Task Graphs Based on Path Profiling

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    Correctly estimating the speed-up of a parallel embedded application is crucial to efficiently compare different parallelization techniques, task graph transformations or mapping and scheduling solutions. Unfortunately, especially in case of control-dominated applications, task correlations may heavily affect the execution time of the solutions and usually this is not properly taken into account during performance analysis. We propose a methodology that combines a single profiling of the initial sequential specification with different decisions in terms of partitioning, mapping, and scheduling in order to better estimate the actual speed-up of these solutions. We validated our approach on a multi-processor simulation platform: experimental results show that our methodology, effectively identifying the correlations among tasks, significantly outperforms existing approaches for speed-up estimation. Indeed, we obtained an absolute error less than 5 % in average, even when compiling the code with different optimization levels

    Co-simulation techniques based on virtual platforms for SoC design and verification in power electronics applications

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    En las últimas décadas, la inversión en el ámbito energético ha aumentado considerablemente. Actualmente, existen numerosas empresas que están desarrollando equipos como convertidores de potencia o máquinas eléctricas con sistemas de control de última generación. La tendencia actual es usar System-on-chips y Field Programmable Gate Arrays para implementar todo el sistema de control. Estos dispositivos facilitan el uso de algoritmos de control más complejos y eficientes, mejorando la eficiencia de los equipos y habilitando la integración de los sistemas renovables en la red eléctrica. Sin embargo, la complejidad de los sistemas de control también ha aumentado considerablemente y con ello la dificultad de su verificación. Los sistemas Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) se han presentado como una solución para la verificación no destructiva de los equipos energéticos, evitando accidentes y pruebas de alto coste en bancos de ensayo. Los sistemas HIL simulan en tiempo real el comportamiento de la planta de potencia y su interfaz para realizar las pruebas con la placa de control en un entorno seguro. Esta tesis se centra en mejorar el proceso de verificación de los sistemas de control en aplicaciones de electrónica potencia. La contribución general es proporcionar una alternativa a al uso de los HIL para la verificación del hardware/software de la tarjeta de control. La alternativa se basa en la técnica de Software-in-the-loop (SIL) y trata de superar o abordar las limitaciones encontradas hasta la fecha en el SIL. Para mejorar las cualidades de SIL se ha desarrollado una herramienta software denominada COSIL que permite co-simular la implementación e integración final del sistema de control, sea software (CPU), hardware (FPGA) o una mezcla de software y hardware, al mismo tiempo que su interacción con la planta de potencia. Dicha plataforma puede trabajar en múltiples niveles de abstracción e incluye soporte para realizar co-simulación mixtas en distintos lenguajes como C o VHDL. A lo largo de la tesis se hace hincapié en mejorar una de las limitaciones de SIL, su baja velocidad de simulación. Se proponen diferentes soluciones como el uso de emuladores software, distintos niveles de abstracción del software y hardware, o relojes locales en los módulos de la FPGA. En especial se aporta un mecanismo de sincronizaron externa para el emulador software QEMU habilitando su emulación multi-core. Esta aportación habilita el uso de QEMU en plataformas virtuales de co-simulacion como COSIL. Toda la plataforma COSIL, incluido el uso de QEMU, se ha analizado bajo diferentes tipos de aplicaciones y bajo un proyecto industrial real. Su uso ha sido crítico para desarrollar y verificar el software y hardware del sistema de control de un convertidor de 400 kVA

    사이버-물리 시스템을 위한 기능적/시간적 정확성 보장 시뮬레이션 기법

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 공과대학 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2017. 8. 이창건.When developing a Cyber-Physical System (CPS), simulators are commonly used to predict the final performance of the system at the design phase. However, current simulation tools do not consider timing behaviors of the cyber-system such as varying execution times and task preemptions. Thus, their control performance predictions are far different from the real performance, and this leads to enormous time and cost for a system development, because multiple re-design and re-implementation phases are required, until an acceptable system configuration is determined. Motivated by this limitation, this dissertation proposes functionally and temporally correct simulation for the cyber-side of a CPS. The key idea of the proposed approach is to keep the data and time correctness only at the physical interaction points to maximally enjoy the freedom of scheduling simulated jobs. For this, we transform the simulation problem to a real-time job scheduling problem with precedence constraints necessary for the functional and temporal correctness. Then, we propose an efficient scheduling algorithm for the functionally and temporally correct real-time simulation. The proposed approach significantly improves the real-time simulation capacity of the state-of-the-art simulation methods while keeping the functional and temporal correctness. Our evaluation through both synthetic workload and actual implementation confirms both high accuracy and high efficiency of our approach compared with other state-of-the-art methods.1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation and Objective 1 1.2 Approach 3 1.3 Contributions 8 1.4 Organization 8 2 Related Work 10 2.1 Design and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems 10 2.2 Verification Approaches 12 2.2.1 Model-Based Simulations 12 2.2.2 Cycle-Accurate Simulations and Host-Compiled Simulations 14 2.2.3 Real-Time Execution Platforms 15 2.2.4 Distributed Simulations 16 2.3 Job Scheduling Approaches 17 3 System Model and Problem Description 22 3.1 Description on the real cyber-system 23 3.2 Description on the simulated cyber-system 27 3.3 Formal definition of the simulation problem 28 4 Real-Time Simulation for Deterministic Cyber-Systems 31 4.1 Introduction 31 4.2 Construction of Offline Guider 31 4.3 Online Progressive Scheduling of Simulated Jobs 34 4.4 Evaluation 38 5 Real-Time Simulation for Non-Deterministic Cyber-Systems 45 5.1 Introduction 45 5.2 Overview of Approach 45 5.3 Construction of Offline Guider 50 5.4 Online Progressive Scheduling of Simulated Jobs 63 5.5 Evaluation 74 5.5.1 Evaluation Using Synthesized Cyber-Systems 78 5.5.2 Implementation 86 6 Practical Discussions 95 6.1 Data Exchange Delay 95 6.2 Simulation Overhead 97 6.2.1Offline Overhead 97 6.2.2 Online Overhead 100 6.3 Other Useful Features 100 7 Extension for Multicore Simulation PC 102 8 Conclusion 108 8.1 Summary 108 8.2 Future Work 108 References 110Docto

    Hybrid prototyping of multicore embedded systems

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    Multicore platforms are becoming increasingly pervasive in modern embedded systems. System level modeling techniques have enabled creation of fast software models of multicore platforms, commonly known as Virtual Prototypes, for early functional validation of embedded software, before the hardware is available. On the other hand, for accurate performance validation, the complete multicore platform can be implemented as a physical prototype on FPGA. Both virtual platforms and FPGA prototypes have their respective pros and cons. Virtual platforms have the advantage of high speed functional simulation and, typically, scale well with the number of cores. However, the accuracy of performance estimation is sacrificed. FPGA prototypes provide cycle-accurate performance estimation, because the software executes directly on an FPGA implementation of the target cores. However, it takes a significant amount of time to design, implement and test the inter-core communication architecture on the FPGA. In this thesis we propose to design a novel system-level modeling framework, called Hybrid Prototyping. Our goal is to provide the benefits of both virtual platforms and FPGA prototypes. It aims to provide early, fast, and scalable models, similar to virtual platforms, along with the cycle-accuracy of FPGA prototypes. Using hybrid prototyping, embedded software designers will be able to create concurrent applications and accurately analyze the performance implication of their optimizations before the chip is delivered. At the same time, multicore architects will be able to modify the platform model without having to do full system prototyping. Therefore, hybrid prototyping will enable early and reliable multicore embedded system design, resulting in huge productivity gains for both embedded software designers and multicore chip architects