40 research outputs found

    Numerical Simulation of Fractional Fornberg-Whitham Equation by Differential Transformation Method

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    An approximate analytical solution of fractional Fornberg-Whitham equation was obtained with the help of the two-dimensional differential transformation method (DTM). It is indicated that the solutions obtained by the two-dimensional DTM are reliable and present an effective method for strongly nonlinear partial equations. Exact solutions can also be obtained from the known forms of the series solutions

    Wavelet Methods for the Solutions of Partial and Fractional Differential Equations Arising in Physical Problems

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    The subject of fractional calculus has gained considerable popularity and importance during the past three decades or so, mainly due to its demonstrated applications in numerous seemingly diverse and widespread fields of science and engineering. It deals with derivatives and integrals of arbitrary orders. The fractional derivative has been occurring in many physical problems, such as frequency-dependent damping behavior of materials, motion of a large thin plate in a Newtonian fluid, creep and relaxation functions for viscoelastic materials, the PI D controller for the control of dynamical systems etc. Phenomena in electromagnetics, acoustics, viscoelasticity, electrochemistry, control theory, neutron point kinetic model, anomalous diffusion, Brownian motion, signal and image processing, fluid dynamics and material science are well described by differential equations of fractional order. Generally, nonlinear partial differential equations of fractional order are difficult to solve. So for the last few decades, a great deal of attention has been directed towards the solution (both exact and numerical) of these problems. The aim of this dissertation is to present an extensive study of different wavelet methods for obtaining numerical solutions of mathematical problems occurring in disciplines of science and engineering. This present work also provides a comprehensive foundation of different wavelet methods comprising Haar wavelet method, Legendre wavelet method, Legendre multi-wavelet methods, Chebyshev wavelet method, Hermite wavelet method and Petrov-Galerkin method. The intension is to examine the accuracy of various wavelet methods and their efficiency for solving nonlinear fractional differential equations. With the widespread applications of wavelet methods for solving difficult problems in diverse fields of science and engineering such as wave propagation, data compression, image processing, pattern recognition, computer graphics and in medical technology, these methods have been implemented to develop accurate and fast algorithms for solving integral, differential and integro-differential equations, especially those whose solutions are highly localized in position and scale. The main feature of wavelets is its ability to convert the given differential and integral equations to a system of linear or nonlinear algebraic equations, which can be solved by numerical methods. Therefore, our main focus in the present work is to analyze the application of wavelet based transform methods for solving the problem of fractional order partial differential equations. The introductory concept of wavelet, wavelet transform and multi-resolution analysis (MRA) have been discussed in the preliminary chapter. The basic idea of various analytical and numerical methods viz. Variational Iteration Method (VIM), Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM), Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM), First Integral Method (FIM), Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method (OHAM), Haar Wavelet Method, Legendre Wavelet Method, Chebyshev Wavelet Method and Hermite Wavelet Method have been presented in chapter 1. In chapter 2, we have considered both analytical and numerical approach for solving some particular nonlinear partial differential equations like Burgers’ equation, modified Burgers’ equation, Huxley equation, Burgers-Huxley equation and modified KdV equation, which have a wide variety of applications in physical models. Variational Iteration Method and Haar wavelet Method are applied to obtain the analytical and numerical approximate solution of Huxley and Burgers-Huxley equations. Comparisons between analytical solution and numerical solution have been cited in tables and also graphically. The Haar wavelet method has also been applied to solve Burgers’, modified Burgers’, and modified KdV equations numerically. The results thus obtained are compared with exact solutions as well as solutions available in open literature. Error of collocation method has been presented in this chapter. Methods like Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM) and Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method (OHAM) are very powerful and efficient techniques for solving nonlinear PDEs. Using these methods, many functional equations such as ordinary, partial differential equations and integral equations have been solved. We have implemented HPM and OHAM in chapter 3, in order to obtain the analytical approximate solutions of system of nonlinear partial differential equation viz. the Boussinesq-Burgers’ equations. Also, the Haar wavelet method has been applied to obtain the numerical solution of BoussinesqBurgers’ equations. Also, the convergence of HPM and OHAM has been discussed in this chapter. The mathematical modeling and simulation of systems and processes, based on the description of their properties in terms of fractional derivatives, naturally leads to differential equations of fractional order and the necessity to solve such equations. The mathematical preliminaries of fractional calculus, definitions and theorems have been presented in chapter 4. Next, in this chapter, the Haar wavelet method has been analyzed for solving fractional differential equations. The time-fractional Burgers-Fisher, generalized Fisher type equations, nonlinear time- and space-fractional Fokker-Planck equations have been solved by using two-dimensional Haar wavelet method. The obtained results are compared with the Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method (OHAM), the exact solutions and the results available in open literature. Comparison of obtained results with OHAM, Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM), VIM and Operational Tau Method (OTM) has been demonstrated in order to justify the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed schemes. The convergence of two-dimensional Haar wavelet technique has been provided at the end of this chapter. In chapter 5, the fractional differential equations such as KdV-Burger-Kuramoto (KBK) equation, seventh order KdV (sKdV) equation and Kaup-Kupershmidt (KK) equation have been solved by using two-dimensional Legendre wavelet and Legendre multi-wavelet methods. The main focus of this chapter is the application of two-dimensional Legendre wavelet technique for solving nonlinear fractional differential equations like timefractional KBK equation, time-fractional sKdV equation in order to demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed wavelet method. Similarly in chapter 6, twodimensional Chebyshev wavelet method has been implemented to obtain the numerical solutions of the time-fractional Sawada-Kotera equation, fractional order Camassa-Holm equation and Riesz space-fractional sine-Gordon equations. The convergence analysis has been done for these wavelet methods. In chapter 7, the solitary wave solution of fractional modified Fornberg-Whitham equation has been attained by using first integral method and also the approximate solutions obtained by optimal homotopy asymptotic method (OHAM) are compared with the exact solutions acquired by first integral method. Also, the Hermite wavelet method has been implemented to obtain approximate solutions of fractional modified Fornberg-Whitham equation. The Hermite wavelet method is implemented to system of nonlinear fractional differential equations viz. the fractional Jaulent-Miodek equations. Convergence of this wavelet methods has been discussed in this chapter. Chapter 8 emphasizes on the application of Petrov-Galerkin method for solving the fractional differential equations such as the fractional KdV-Burgers’ (KdVB) equation and the fractional Sharma-TassoOlver equation with a view to exhibit the capabilities of this method in handling nonlinear equation. The main objective of this chapter is to establish the efficiency and accuracy of Petrov-Galerkin method in solving fractional differential equtaions numerically by implementing a linear hat function as the trial function and a quintic B-spline function as the test function. Various wavelet methods have been successfully employed to numerous partial and fractional differential equations in order to demonstrate the validity and accuracy of these procedures. Analyzing the numerical results, it can be concluded that the wavelet methods provide worthy numerical solutions for both classical and fractional order partial differential equations. Finally, it is worthwhile to mention that the proposed wavelet methods are promising and powerful methods for solving fractional differential equations in mathematical physics. This work also aimed at, to make this subject popular and acceptable to engineering and science community to appreciate the universe of wonderful mathematics, which is in between classical integer order differentiation and integration, which till now is not much acknowledged, and is hidden from scientists and engineers. Therefore, our goal is to encourage the reader to appreciate the beauty as well as the usefulness of these numerical wavelet based techniques in the study of nonlinear physical system

    A new modified homotopy perturbation method for fractional partial differential equations with proportional delay

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    In this paper, we suggest and analyze a technique by combining the Shehu transform method and the homotopy perturbation method. This method is called the Shehu transform homotopy method (STHM). This method is used to solve the time-fractional partial differential equations (TFPDEs) with proportional delay. The fractional derivative is described in Caputo's sense. The solutions proposed in the series converge rapidly to the exact solution. Some examples are solved to show the STHM is easy to apply

    New solution of conformable Fornberg-Whitham differential equation via conformable sumudu decomposition method

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    In this work, a new analytical method called the conformable Sumudu decomposition method is introduced to obtain approximate solutions of fractional FornbergWhitham differential equation. The proposed method is a combination between conformable Sumudu integral transform and the Adomian decomposition method. The fractional derivatives are taken in terms of the conformable sense. In order to demonstrate the applicability, efficiency and simplicity of the presented method, we compare the behavior of the obtained approximate solutions with the exact solution given in the literature.Publisher's Versio

    A New Technique of The q-Homotopy Analysis Method for Solving Non-Linear Initial Value Problems

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    In this paper, a new procedure of the q-homotopy analysis technique (NTqHAM) was submitted for solving non-linear initial value problems. The NTq-HAM contains just a single convergence control parameter α. To show the dependability and proficiency of the technique, this approach is applied to solve two non-linear IVPs, and the outcomes uncover that the NTq-HAM is more general of the He’s homotopy perturbation technique (HPM) [27] and the He’s HPM is only special case of the NTq-HAM when α = 1

    A novelty Multi-Step Associated with Laplace Transform Semi Analytic Technique for Solving Generalized Non-linear Differential Equations

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    في هذا البحث تناولنا تقنية جديدة للحصول على الحل الاكثر دقة خلال استخدام طريقتي الملتي ستيب مع تحويلات لابلاس مدمجة مع طريقة الفيريشنال . الطريقة التقليدية او الكلاسيكية للفيرسشنال تعطي نتائج جيدة لكن افترة صغيرة لا تتجاوز الفترة بين الصفر و الواحد في كل الاحوال بينما التقنية المقترحة تتخطى هذه الصعوبات ولها القدرة  بتزويدنا على حل اكثر دقة مع توسيع منطقة التقارب لكل الفترة المعطاة وبالتالي ستزودتا هذه التقتية ب حل مستمر يمكننا من دراسة السلوك الخاص للحل لكل التفرة المعطاة. هذه التقنية لها القدرة على ايجاد متعدد لاكرانج (لايمدا) بسهولة جدا . اضافة الى انه هذه التقنية تقلل الوقت والحسابات المعقدة . ميزة اخرى ان الحل الناتج يقترب بسرعة للحل المظبوط بتكرار و وقت قليل . للتحقق من هذه التقنية اخترنا مجموعة امثلة لعرض القدرة و الفعالية و الدقة  لهذه التقنية.        In this work, a novel technique to obtain an accurate solutions to nonlinear form by multi-step combination with Laplace-variational approach (MSLVIM) is introduced. Compared with the  traditional approach for variational it overcome all difficulties and enable to provide us more an accurate solutions with extended of the convergence region as well as covering to larger intervals which providing us a continuous representation of approximate analytic solution and it give more better information of the solution over the whole time interval. This technique is more easier for obtaining the general Lagrange multiplier with reduces the time and calculations. It converges rapidly to exact formula with simply computable terms with few time. To investigate of this technique, selected examples to show the ability, validity, accurately and effectiveness.

    A semi analytic iterative method for solving two forms of blasius equation / Mat Salim Selamat, Nurul Atkah Halmi and Nur Azyyati Ayob

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    In this paper, a semi analytic iterative method (SAIM) is presented for solving two forms of Blasius equation. Blasius equation is a third order nonlinear ordinary differential equation in the problem of the two-dimensional laminar viscous flow over half-infinite domain. In this scheme, the first solution which is in a form of convergent series solution is combined with Padé approximants to handle the boundary condition at infinity. Comparison the results obtained by SAIM with those obtained by other method such as variational iteration method and differential transform method revealed the effectiveness of the SAIM

    Numerical computation of Klein–Gordon equations arising in quantum field theory by using homotopy analysis transform method

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    AbstractIn this paper, we present a reliable algorithm based on the homotopy analysis transform method (HATM) to solve the linear and nonlinear Klein–Gordon equations. The Klein–Gordon equation is the equation of motion of a quantum scalar or pseudoscalar field, a field whose quanta are spinless particles. It describes the quantum amplitude for finding a point particle in various places, the relativistic wave function, but the particle propagates both forwards and backwards in time. The HATM is a combined form of the Laplace transform method and homotopy analysis method. The method provides the solution in the form of a rapidly convergent series. Some numerical examples are used to illustrate the preciseness and effectiveness of the proposed method. The results show that the HATM is very efficient, simple and can be applied to other nonlinear problems