258 research outputs found

    Privacy in the Genomic Era

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    Genome sequencing technology has advanced at a rapid pace and it is now possible to generate highly-detailed genotypes inexpensively. The collection and analysis of such data has the potential to support various applications, including personalized medical services. While the benefits of the genomics revolution are trumpeted by the biomedical community, the increased availability of such data has major implications for personal privacy; notably because the genome has certain essential features, which include (but are not limited to) (i) an association with traits and certain diseases, (ii) identification capability (e.g., forensics), and (iii) revelation of family relationships. Moreover, direct-to-consumer DNA testing increases the likelihood that genome data will be made available in less regulated environments, such as the Internet and for-profit companies. The problem of genome data privacy thus resides at the crossroads of computer science, medicine, and public policy. While the computer scientists have addressed data privacy for various data types, there has been less attention dedicated to genomic data. Thus, the goal of this paper is to provide a systematization of knowledge for the computer science community. In doing so, we address some of the (sometimes erroneous) beliefs of this field and we report on a survey we conducted about genome data privacy with biomedical specialists. Then, after characterizing the genome privacy problem, we review the state-of-the-art regarding privacy attacks on genomic data and strategies for mitigating such attacks, as well as contextualizing these attacks from the perspective of medicine and public policy. This paper concludes with an enumeration of the challenges for genome data privacy and presents a framework to systematize the analysis of threats and the design of countermeasures as the field moves forward

    Exploring Privacy-Preserving Disease Diagnosis: A Comparative Analysis

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    In the healthcare sector, data is considered as a valuable asset, with enormous amounts generated in the form of patient records and disease-related information. Leveraging machine learning techniques enables the analysis of extensive datasets, unveiling hidden patterns in diseases, facilitating personalized treatments, and forecasting potential health issues. However, the flourish of online diagnosis and prediction still faces some challenges related to information security and privacy as disease diagnosis technologies utilizes a lot of clinical records and sensitive patient data. Hence, it becomes imperative to prioritize the development of innovative methodologies that not only advance the accuracy and efficiency of disease prediction but also ensure the highest standards of privacy protection. This requires collaborative efforts between researchers, healthcare practitioners, and policymakers to establish a comprehensive framework that addresses the evolving landscape of healthcare data while safeguarding individual privacy. Addressing this constraint, numerous researchers integrate privacy preservation measures with disease prediction techniques to develop a system capable of diagnosing diseases without compromising the confidentiality of sensitive information. The survey paper conducts a comparative analysis of privacy-preserving techniques employed in disease diagnosis and prediction. It explores existing methodologies across various domains, assessing their efficacy and trade-offs in maintaining data confidentiality while optimizing diagnostic accuracy. The review highlights the need for robust privacy measures in disease prediction, shortcomings related to existing techniques of privacy preserving disease diagnosis, and provides insights into promising directions for future research in this critical intersection of healthcare and privacy preservation

    Privacy-Aware Architectures for NFC and RFID Sensors in Healthcare Applications

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    World population and life expectancy have increased steadily in recent years, raising issues regarding access to medical treatments and related expenses. Through last-generation medical sensors, NFC (Near Field Communication) and radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies can enable healthcare internet of things (H-IoT) systems to improve the quality of care while reducing costs. Moreover, the adoption of point-of-care (PoC) testing, performed whenever care is needed to return prompt feedback to the patient, can generate great synergy with NFC/RFID H-IoT systems. However, medical data are extremely sensitive and require careful management and storage to protect patients from malicious actors, so secure system architectures must be conceived for real scenarios. Existing studies do not analyze the security of raw data from the radiofrequency link to cloud-based sharing. Therefore, two novel cloud-based system architectures for data collected from NFC/RFID medical sensors are proposed in this paper. Privacy during data collection is ensured using a set of classical countermeasures selected based on the scientific literature. Then, data can be shared with the medical team using one of two architectures: in the first one, the medical system manages all data accesses, whereas in the second one, the patient defines the access policies. Comprehensive analysis of the H-IoT system can be useful for fostering research on the security of wearable wireless sensors. Moreover, the proposed architectures can be implemented for deploying and testing NFC/RFID-based healthcare applications, such as, for instance, domestic PoCs

    Enhancing Confidentiality and Privacy Preservation in e-Health to Enhanced Security

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    Electronic health (e-health) system use is growing, which has improved healthcare services significantly but has created questions about the privacy and security of sensitive medical data. This research suggests a novel strategy to overcome these difficulties and strengthen the security of e-health systems while maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of patient data by utilising machine learning techniques. The security layers of e-health systems are strengthened by the comprehensive framework we propose in this paper, which incorporates cutting-edge machine learning algorithms. The suggested framework includes data encryption, access control, and anomaly detection as its three main elements. First, to prevent unauthorised access during transmission and storage, patient data is secured using cutting-edge encryption technologies. Second, to make sure that only authorised staff can access sensitive medical records, access control mechanisms are strengthened using machine learning models that examine user behaviour patterns. This research's inclusion of machine learning-based anomaly detection is its most inventive feature. The technology may identify variations from typical data access and usage patterns, thereby quickly spotting potential security breaches or unauthorised activity, by training models on past e-health data. This proactive strategy improves the system's capacity to successfully address new threats. Extensive experiments were carried out employing a broad dataset made up of real-world e-health scenarios to verify the efficacy of the suggested approach. The findings showed a marked improvement in the protection of confidentiality and privacy, along with a considerable decline in security breaches and unauthorised access events
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