121,556 research outputs found

    Third homology of general linear groups

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    The third homology group of GL_n(R) is studied, where R is a `ring with many units' with center Z(R). The main theorem states that if K_1(Z(R))_Q \simeq K_1(R)_Q, (e.g. R a commutative ring or a central simple algebra), then H_3(GL_2(R), Q) --> H_3(GL_3(R), Q) is injective. If R is commutative, Q can be replaced by a field k such that 1/2 is in k. For an infinite field R (resp. an infinite field R such that R*=R*^2), we get a better result that H_3(GL_2(R), Z[1/2] --> H_3(GL_3(R), Z[1/2]) (resp. H_3(GL_2(R), Z) --> H_3(GL_3(R), Z)) is injective. As an application we study the third homology group of SL_2(R) and the indecomposable part of K_3(R).Comment: 24 pages, Latex, new title, some results are generalized, added reference

    Euler class groups, and the homology of elementary and special linear groups

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    We prove homology stability for elementary and special linear groups over rings with many units improving known stability ranges. Our result implies stability for unstable Quillen K-groups and proves a conjecture of Bass. For commutative local rings with infinite residue fields, we show that the obstruction to further stability is given by Milnor-Witt K-theory. As an application we construct Euler classes of projective modules with values in the cohomology of the Milnor Witt K-theory sheaf. For d-dimensional commutative noetherian rings with infinite residue fields we show that the vanishing of the Euler class is necessary and sufficient for a projective module P of rank d to split off a rank 1 free direct summand. Along the way we obtain a new presentation of Milnor-Witt K-theory.Comment: 64 pages. Revised Section 5. Comments welcome

    The rational stable homology of mapping class groups of universal nil-manifolds

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    We compute the rational stable homology of the automorphism groups of free nilpotent groups. These groups interpolate between the general linear groups over the ring of integers and the automorphism groups of free groups, and we employ functor homology to reduce to the abelian case. As an application, we also compute the rational stable homology of the outer automorphism groups and of the mapping class groups of the associated aspherical nil-manifolds in the TOP, PL, and DIFF categories.Comment: 25 pages, will appear at Annales de l'Institut Fourie

    Kostant homology formulas for oscillator modules of Lie superalgebras

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    We provide a systematic approach to obtain formulas for characters and Kostant u{\mathfrak u}-homology groups of the oscillator modules of the finite dimensional general linear and ortho-symplectic superalgebras, via Howe dualities for infinite dimensional Lie algebras. Specializing these Lie superalgebras to Lie algebras, we recover, in a new way, formulas for Kostant homology groups of unitarizable highest weight representations of Hermitian symmetric pairs. In addition, two new reductive dual pairs related to the above-mentioned u{\mathfrak u}-homology computation are worked out

    On finite simple and nonsolvable groups acting on homology 4-spheres

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    The only finite nonabelian simple group acting on a homology 3-sphere - necessarily non-freely - is the dodecahedral group A5≅PSL(2,5)\Bbb A_5 \cong {\rm PSL}(2,5) (in analogy, the only finite perfect group acting freely on a homology 3-sphere is the binary dodecahedral group A5∗≅SL(2,5)\Bbb A_5^* \cong {\rm SL}(2,5)). In the present paper we show that the only finite simple groups acting on a homology 4-sphere, and in particular on the 4-sphere, are the alternating or linear fractional groups groups A5≅PSL(2,5)\Bbb A_5 \cong {\rm PSL}(2,5) and A6≅PSL(2,9)\Bbb A_6 \cong {\rm PSL}(2,9). From this we deduce a short list of groups which contains all finite nonsolvable groups admitting an action on a homology 4-spheres.Comment: 15 page

    The third homology of the special linear group of a field

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    We prove that for any infinite field homology stability for the third integral homology of the special linear groups SL(n,F)SL(n,F) begins at n=3n=3. When n=2n=2 the cokernel of the map from the third homology of SL(2,F)SL(2,F) to the third homology of SL(3,F)SL(3,F) is naturally isomorphic to the square of Milnor K3K_3. We discuss applications to the indecomposable K3K_3 of the field and to Milnor-Witt K-theory.Comment: PDFLatex, 21 page
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