3 research outputs found

    An Optimized Method for Terrain Reconstruction Based on Descent Images

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    An optimization method is proposed to perform high-accuracy terrain reconstruction of the landing area of Chang'e III. First, feature matching is conducted using geometric model constraints. Then, the initial terrain is obtained and the initial normal vector of each point is solved on the basis of the initial terrain. By changing the vector around the initial normal vector in small steps a set of new vectors is obtained. By combining these vectors with the direction of light and camera, the functions are set up on the basis of a surface reflection model. Then, a series of gray values is derived by solving the equations. The new optimized vector is recorded when the obtained gray value is closest to the corresponding pixel. Finally, the optimized terrain is obtained after iteration of the vector field. Experiments were conducted using the laboratory images and descent images of Chang'e III. The results showed that the performance of the proposed method was better than that of the classical feature matching method. It can provide a reference for terrain reconstruction of the landing area in subsequent moon exploration missions

    Low–High Orthoimage Pairs-Based 3D Reconstruction for Elevation Determination Using Drone

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    This paper presents a 3D reconstruction method for fast elevation determination on construction sites. The proposed method is intended to automatically and accurately determine construction site elevations using drone-based, low–high orthoimage pairs. This method requires fewer images than other methods for covering a large target area of a construction site. An up–forward–down path was designed to capture approximately -scale images at different altitudes over target stations. A pixel grid matching and elevation determination algorithm was developed to automatically match images in dense pixel grid-style via self-adaptive patch feature descriptors, and simultaneously determine elevations based on a virtual elevation model. The 3D reconstruction results were an elevation map and an orthoimage at each station. Then, the large-scale results of the entire site were easily stitched from adjacent results with narrow overlaps. Moreover, results alignment was automatically performed via the U-net detected ground control point. Experiments validated that in 10–20 and 20–40 orthoimage pairs, 92% of 2,500- and 4,761-pixels were matched in the strongest and strong levels, which was better than sparse reconstructions via structure from motion; moreover, the elevation measurements were as accurate as photogrammetry using multiscale overlapping images

    Determination of Elevations for Excavation Operations Using Drone Technologies

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    Using deep learning technology to rapidly estimate depth information from a single image has been studied in many situations, but it is new in construction site elevation determinations, and challenges are not limited to the lack of datasets. This dissertation presents the research results of utilizing drone ortho-imaging and deep learning to estimate construction site elevations for excavation operations. It provides two flexible options of fast elevation determination including a low-high-ortho-image-pair-based method and a single-frame-ortho-image-based method. The success of this research project advanced the ortho-imaging utilization in construction surveying, strengthened CNNs (convolutional neural networks) to work with large scale images, and contributed dense image pixel matching with different scales.This research project has three major tasks. First, the high-resolution ortho-image and elevation-map datasets were acquired using the low-high ortho-image pair-based 3D-reconstruction method. In detail, a vertical drone path is designed first to capture a 2:1 scale ortho-image pair of a construction site at two different altitudes. Then, to simultaneously match the pixel pairs and determine elevations, the developed pixel matching and virtual elevation algorithm provides the candidate pixel pairs in each virtual plane for matching, and the four-scaling patch feature descriptors are used to match them. Experimental results show that 92% of pixels in the pixel grid were strongly matched, where the accuracy of elevations was within ±5 cm.Second, the acquired high-resolution datasets were applied to train and test the ortho-image encoder and elevation-map decoder, where the max-pooling and up-sampling layers link the ortho-image and elevation-map in the same pixel coordinate. This convolutional encoder-decoder was supplemented with an input ortho-image overlapping disassembling and output elevation-map assembling algorithm to crop the high-resolution datasets into multiple small-patch datasets for model training and testing. Experimental results indicated 128×128-pixel small-patch had the best elevation estimation performance, where 21.22% of the selected points were exactly matched with “ground truth,” 31.21% points were accurately matched within ±5 cm. Finally, vegetation was identified in high-resolution ortho-images and removed from corresponding elevation-maps using the developed CNN-based image classification model and the vegetation removing algorithm. Experimental results concluded that the developed CNN model using 32×32-pixel ortho-image and class-label small-patch datasets had 93% accuracy in identifying objects and localizing objects’ edges