25 research outputs found

    Stripe to spot transition in a plant root hair initiation model

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    A generalised Schnakenberg reaction-diffusion system with source and loss terms and a spatially dependent coefficient of the nonlinear term is studied both numerically and analytically in two spatial dimensions. The system has been proposed as a model of hair initiation in the epidermal cells of plant roots. Specifically the model captures the kinetics of a small G-protein ROP, which can occur in active and inactive forms, and whose activation is believed to be mediated by a gradient of the plant hormone auxin. Here the model is made more realistic with the inclusion of a transverse co-ordinate. Localised stripe-like solutions of active ROP occur for high enough total auxin concentration and lie on a complex bifurcation diagram of single and multi-pulse solutions. Transverse stability computations, confirmed by numerical simulation show that, apart from a boundary stripe, these 1D solutions typically undergo a transverse instability into spots. The spots so formed typically drift and undergo secondary instabilities such as spot replication. A novel 2D numerical continuation analysis is performed that shows the various stable hybrid spot-like states can coexist. The parameter values studied lead to a natural singularly perturbed, so-called semi-strong interaction regime. This scaling enables an analytical explanation of the initial instability, by describing the dispersion relation of a certain non-local eigenvalue problem. The analytical results are found to agree favourably with the numerics. Possible biological implications of the results are discussed.Comment: 28 pages, 44 figure

    Stability of monolayers and bilayers in a copolymer-homopolymer blend model

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    We study the stability of layered structures in a variational model for diblock copolymer-homopolymer blends. The main step consists of calculating the first and second derivative of a sharp-interface Ohta-Kawasaki energy for straight mono- and bilayers. By developing the interface perturbations in a Fourier series we fully characterise the stability of the structures in terms of the energy parameters. In the course of our computations we also give the Green's function for the Laplacian on a periodic strip and explain the heuristic method by which we found it.Comment: 40 pages, 34 Postscript figures; second version has some minor corrections; to appear in "Interfaces and Free Boundaries

    The H^{-1}-norm of tubular neighbourhoods of curves

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    We study the H-1-norm of the function 1 on tubular neighbourhoods of curves in R2. We take the limit of small thickness e, and we prove two different asymptotic results. The first is an asymptotic development for a fixed curve in the limit e ¿ 0, containing contributions from the length of the curve (at order e3), the ends (e4), and the curvature (e5). The second result is a G-convergence result, in which the central curve may vary along the sequence e ¿ 0. We prove that a rescaled version of the H-1-norm, which focuses on the e5 curvature term, G-converges to the L2-norm of curvature. In addition, sequences along which the rescaled norm is bounded are compact in the W1, 2-topology. Our main tools are the maximum principle for elliptic equations and the use of appropriate trial functions in the variational characterization of the H-1-norm. For the G-convergence result we use the theory of systems of curves without transverse crossings to handle potential intersections in the limit

    Nonlinear asymptotic stability of the semi-strong pulse dynamics in a regularized Gierer-Meinhardt model

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    We use renormalization group (RG) techniques to prove the nonlinear asymptotic stability for the semi-strong regime of two-pulse interactions in a regularized Gierer-Meinhardt system. In the semi-strong limit the strongly localized activator pulses interact through the weakly localized inhibitor, the interaction is not tail-tail as in the weak interaction limit, and the pulses change amplitude and even stability as their separation distance evolves on algebraically slow time scales. The RG approach employed here validates the interaction laws of quasi-steady pulse patterns obtained formally in the literature, and establishes that the pulse dynamics reduce to a closed system of ordinary differential equations for the activator pulse locations. Moreover, we fully justify the reduction to the nonlocal eigenvalue problem (NLEP) showing the large difference between the quasi-steady NLEP operator and the operator arising from linearization about the pulse is controlled by the resolven

    Spot dynamics in a reaction-diffusion model of plant root hair initiation

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    We study pattern formation in a 2-D reaction-diffusion (RD) sub-cellular model characterizing the effect of a spatial gradient of a plant hormone distribution on a family of G-proteins associated with root-hair (RH) initiation in the plant cell Arabidopsis thaliana. The activation of these G-proteins, known as the Rho of Plants (ROPs), by the plant hormone auxin, is known to promote certain protuberances on root hair cells, which are crucial for both anchorage and the uptake of nutrients from the soil. Our mathematical model for the activation of ROPs by the auxin gradient is an extension of the model of Payne and Grierson [PLoS ONE, 12(4), (2009)], and consists of a twocomponent Schnakenberg-type RD system with spatially heterogeneous coefficients on a 2-D domain. The nonlinear kinetics in this RD system model the nonlinear interactions between the active and inactive forms of ROPs. By using a singular perturbation analysis to study 2-D localized spatial patterns of active ROPs, it is shown that the spatial variations in the nonlinear reaction kinetics, due to the auxin gradient, lead to a slow spatial alignment of the localized regions of active ROPs along the longitudinal midline of the plant cell. Numerical bifurcation analysis, together with time-dependent numerical simulations of the RD system are used to illustrate both 2-D localized patterns in the model, and the spatial alignment of localized structures

    Stability of monolayers and bilayers in a copolymer-homopolymer blend model

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    We study the stability of layered structures in a variational model for diblock copolymer- homopolymer blends. The main step consists of calculating the first and second derivative of a sharp-interface Ohta-Kawasaki energy for straight mono- and bilayers. By developing the interface perturbations in a Fourier series we fully characterise the stability of the structures in terms of the energy parameters. In the course of our computations we also give the Green’s function for the Laplacian on a periodic strip and explain the heuristic method by which we found it

    Large amplitude radially symmetric spots and gaps in a dryland ecosystem model

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    We construct far-from-onset radially symmetric spot and gap solutions in a two-component dryland ecosystem model of vegetation pattern formation on flat terrain, using spatial dynamics and geometric singular perturbation theory. We draw connections between the geometry of the spot and gap solutions with that of traveling and stationary front solutions in the same model. In particular, we demonstrate the instability of spots of large radius by deriving an asymptotic relationship between a critical eigenvalue associated with the spot and a coefficient which encodes the sideband instability of a nearby stationary front. Furthermore, we demonstrate that spots are unstable to a range of perturbations of intermediate wavelength in the angular direction, provided the spot radius is not too small. Our results are accompanied by numerical simulations and spectral computations