524 research outputs found

    A comparative study of probabilistic and language models for information retrieval

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    Language models for information retrieval have received much attention in recent years, with many claims being made about their performance. However, previous studies evaluating the language modelling approach for information retrieval used different query sets and heterogeneous collections, which make reported results difficult to compare. This research is a broad-based study that evaluates language models against a variety of search tasks --- topic finding, named-page finding and topic distillation. The standard Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) methodology is used to compare language models to the probabilistic Okapi BM25 system. Using consistent parameter choices, we compare results of different language models on three different search tasks, multiple query sets and three different text collections. For ad hoc retrieval, the Dirichlet smoothing method was found to be significantly better than Okapi BM25, but for named-page finding Okapi BM25 was more effective than the language modelling methods. Optimal smoothing parameters for each method were found to be dependent on the collection and the query set. For longer queries, the language modelling approaches required more aggressive smoothing but they were found to be more effective than with shorter queries. The choice of smoothing method was also found to have a significant effect on the performance of language models for information retrieval

    Methods for ranking user-generated text streams: a case study in blog feed retrieval

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    User generated content are one of the main sources of information on the Web nowadays. With the huge amount of this type of data being generated everyday, having an efficient and effective retrieval system is essential. The goal of such a retrieval system is to enable users to search through this data and retrieve documents relevant to their information needs. Among the different retrieval tasks of user generated content, retrieving and ranking streams is one of the important ones that has various applications. The goal of this task is to rank streams, as collections of documents with chronological order, in response to a user query. This is different than traditional retrieval tasks where the goal is to rank single documents and temporal properties are less important in the ranking. In this thesis we investigate the problem of ranking user-generated streams with a case study in blog feed retrieval. Blogs, like all other user generated streams, have specific properties and require new considerations in the retrieval methods. Blog feed retrieval can be defined as retrieving blogs with a recurrent interest in the topic of the given query. We define three different properties of blog feed retrieval each of which introduces new challenges in the ranking task. These properties include: 1) term mismatch in blog retrieval, 2) evolution of topics in blogs and 3) diversity of blog posts. For each of these properties, we investigate its corresponding challenges and propose solutions to overcome those challenges. We further analyze the effect of our solutions on the performance of a retrieval system. We show that taking the new properties into account for developing the retrieval system can help us to improve state of the art retrieval methods. In all the proposed methods, we specifically pay attention to temporal properties that we believe are important information in any type of streams. We show that when combined with content-based information, temporal information can be useful in different situations. Although we apply our methods to blog feed retrieval, they are mostly general methods that are applicable to similar stream ranking problems like ranking experts or ranking twitter users

    Learning to select for information retrieval

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    The effective ranking of documents in search engines is based on various document features, such as the frequency of the query terms in each document, the length, or the authoritativeness of each document. In order to obtain a better retrieval performance, instead of using a single or a few features, there is a growing trend to create a ranking function by applying a learning to rank technique on a large set of features. Learning to rank techniques aim to generate an effective document ranking function by combining a large number of document features. Different ranking functions can be generated by using different learning to rank techniques or on different document feature sets. While the generated ranking function may be uniformly applied to all queries, several studies have shown that different ranking functions favour different queries, and that the retrieval performance can be significantly enhanced if an appropriate ranking function is selected for each individual query. This thesis proposes Learning to Select (LTS), a novel framework that selectively applies an appropriate ranking function on a per-query basis, regardless of the given query's type and the number of candidate ranking functions. In the learning to select framework, the effectiveness of a ranking function for an unseen query is estimated from the available neighbouring training queries. The proposed framework employs a classification technique (e.g. k-nearest neighbour) to identify neighbouring training queries for an unseen query by using a query feature. In particular, a divergence measure (e.g. Jensen-Shannon), which determines the extent to which a document ranking function alters the scores of an initial ranking of documents for a given query, is proposed for use as a query feature. The ranking function which performs the best on the identified training query set is then chosen for the unseen query. The proposed framework is thoroughly evaluated on two different TREC retrieval tasks (namely, Web search and adhoc search tasks) and on two large standard LETOR feature sets, which contain as many as 64 document features, deriving conclusions concerning the key components of LTS, namely the query feature and the identification of neighbouring queries components. Two different types of experiments are conducted. The first one is to select an appropriate ranking function from a number of candidate ranking functions. The second one is to select multiple appropriate document features from a number of candidate document features, for building a ranking function. Experimental results show that our proposed LTS framework is effective in both selecting an appropriate ranking function and selecting multiple appropriate document features, on a per-query basis. In addition, the retrieval performance is further enhanced when increasing the number of candidates, suggesting the robustness of the learning to select framework. This thesis also demonstrates how the LTS framework can be deployed to other search applications. These applications include the selective integration of a query independent feature into a document weighting scheme (e.g. BM25), the selective estimation of the relative importance of different query aspects in a search diversification task (the goal of the task is to retrieve a ranked list of documents that provides a maximum coverage for a given query, while avoiding excessive redundancy), and the selective application of an appropriate resource for expanding and enriching a given query for document search within an enterprise. The effectiveness of the LTS framework is observed across these search applications, and on different collections, including a large scale Web collection that contains over 50 million documents. This suggests the generality of the proposed learning to select framework. The main contributions of this thesis are the introduction of the LTS framework and the proposed use of divergence measures as query features for identifying similar queries. In addition, this thesis draws insights from a large set of experiments, involving four different standard collections, four different search tasks and large document feature sets. This illustrates the effectiveness, robustness and generality of the LTS framework in tackling various retrieval applications

    Advanced Data Mining Techniques for Compound Objects

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    Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is the non-trivial process of identifying valid, novel, potentially useful, and ultimately understandable patterns in large data collections. The most important step within the process of KDD is data mining which is concerned with the extraction of the valid patterns. KDD is necessary to analyze the steady growing amount of data caused by the enhanced performance of modern computer systems. However, with the growing amount of data the complexity of data objects increases as well. Modern methods of KDD should therefore examine more complex objects than simple feature vectors to solve real-world KDD applications adequately. Multi-instance and multi-represented objects are two important types of object representations for complex objects. Multi-instance objects consist of a set of object representations that all belong to the same feature space. Multi-represented objects are constructed as a tuple of feature representations where each feature representation belongs to a different feature space. The contribution of this thesis is the development of new KDD methods for the classification and clustering of complex objects. Therefore, the thesis introduces solutions for real-world applications that are based on multi-instance and multi-represented object representations. On the basis of these solutions, it is shown that a more general object representation often provides better results for many relevant KDD applications. The first part of the thesis is concerned with two KDD problems for which employing multi-instance objects provides efficient and effective solutions. The first is the data mining in CAD parts, e.g. the use of hierarchic clustering for the automatic construction of product hierarchies. The introduced solution decomposes a single part into a set of feature vectors and compares them by using a metric on multi-instance objects. Furthermore, multi-step query processing using a novel filter step is employed, enabling the user to efficiently process similarity queries. On the basis of this similarity search system, it is possible to perform several distance based data mining algorithms like the hierarchical clustering algorithm OPTICS to derive product hierarchies. The second important application is the classification and search for complete websites in the world wide web (WWW). A website is a set of HTML-documents that is published by the same person, group or organization and usually serves a common purpose. To perform data mining for websites, the thesis presents several methods to classify websites. After introducing naive methods modelling websites as webpages, two more sophisticated approaches to website classification are introduced. The first approach uses a preprocessing that maps single HTML-documents within each website to so-called page classes. The second approach directly compares websites as sets of word vectors and uses nearest neighbor classification. To search the WWW for new, relevant websites, a focused crawler is introduced that efficiently retrieves relevant websites. This crawler minimizes the number of HTML-documents and increases the accuracy of website retrieval. The second part of the thesis is concerned with the data mining in multi-represented objects. An important example application for this kind of complex objects are proteins that can be represented as a tuple of a protein sequence and a text annotation. To analyze multi-represented objects, a clustering method for multi-represented objects is introduced that is based on the density based clustering algorithm DBSCAN. This method uses all representations that are provided to find a global clustering of the given data objects. However, in many applications there already exists a sophisticated class ontology for the given data objects, e.g. proteins. To map new objects into an ontology a new method for the hierarchical classification of multi-represented objects is described. The system employs the hierarchical structure of the ontology to efficiently classify new proteins, using support vector machines

    Information Retrieval on the World Wide Web and Active Logic: A Survey and Problem Definition

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    As more information becomes available on the World Wide Web (there are currently over 4 billion pages covering most areas of human endeavor), it becomes more difficult to provide effective search tools for information access. Today, people access web information through two main kinds of search interfaces: Browsers (clicking and following hyperlinks) and Query Engines (queries in the form of a set of keywords showing the topic of interest). The first process is tentative and time consuming and the second may not satisfy the user because of many inaccurate and irrelevant results. Better support is needed for expressing one's information need and returning high quality search results by web search tools. There appears to be a need for systems that do reasoning under uncertainty and are flexible enough to recover from the contradictions, inconsistencies, and irregularities that such reasoning involves. Active Logic is a formalism that has been developed with real-world applications and their challenges in mind. Motivating its design is the thought that one of the factors that supports the flexibility of human reasoning is that it takes place step-wise, in time. Active Logic is one of a family of inference engines (step-logics) that explicitly reason in time, and incorporate a history of their reasoning as they run. This characteristic makes Active Logic systems more flexible than traditional AI systems and therefore more suitable for commonsense, real-world reasoning. In this report we mainly will survey recent advances in machine learning and crawling problems related to the web. We will review the continuum of supervised to semi-supervised to unsupervised learning problems, highlight the specific challenges which distinguish information retrieval in the hypertext domain and will summarize the key areas of recent and ongoing research. We will concentrate on topic-specific search engines, focused crawling, and finally will propose an Information Integration Environment, based on the Active Logic framework. Keywords: Web Information Retrieval, Web Crawling, Focused Crawling, Machine Learning, Active Logic (Also UMIACS-TR-2001-69

    Index ordering by query-independent measures

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    There is an ever-increasing amount of data that is being produced from various data sources — this data must then be organised effectively if we hope to search though it. Traditional information retrieval approaches search through all available data in a particular collection in order to find the most suitable results, however, for particularly large collections this may be extremely time consuming. Our purposed solution to this problem is to only search a limited amount of the collection at query-time, in order to speed this retrieval process up. Although, in doing this we aim to limit the loss in retrieval efficacy (in terms of accuracy of results). The way we aim to do this is to firstly identify the most “important” documents within the collection, and then sort the documents within the collection in order of their "importance” in the collection. In this way we can choose to limit the amount of information to search through, by eliminating the documents of lesser importance, which should not only make the search more efficient, but should also limit any loss in retrieval accuracy. In this thesis we investigate various different query-independent methods that may indicate the importance of a document in a collection. The more accurate the measure is at determining an important document, the more effectively we can eliminate documents from the retrieval process - improving the query-throughput of the system, as well as providing a high level of accuracy in the returned results. The effectiveness of these approaches are evaluated using the datasets provided by the terabyte track at the Text REtreival Conference (TREC)
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