3,314 research outputs found

    Levitating Particle Displays with Interactive Voxels

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    Levitating objects can be used as the primitives in a new type of display. We present levitating particle displays and show how research into object levitation is enabling a new way of presenting and interacting with information. We identify novel properties of levitating particle displays and give examples of the interaction techniques and applications they allow. We then discuss design challenges for these displays, potential solutions, and promising areas for future research

    PRHOLO: 360º Interactive Public Relations

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    In the globalized world, possessing good products may not be enough to reach potential clients unless creative marketing strategies are well delineated. In this context, public relations are also important when it comes to capture the client’s attention, making the first contact between the clients and the company’s products, while being persuasive enough to make them confident that the company has the right products to fit their needs. Three virtual public relations installations were purposed in this chapter, combining technology with a human like public relations ability, capable of interacting with potential clients located in front of the installation, at angles of up to 57º (degrees), 180º and 360º, respectively. From one to several Microsoft Kinects were used to develop the three interaction models, which allows tracking and recognition of users’ gestures and positions (heat map), sound sources, voice commands and face and body extraction of the user interacting with the installation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Holographic reality: enhancing the artificial reality experience throuhg interactive 3D holography

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    Holography was made know by several science-fiction productions, however this technology dates back to the year 1940. Despite the considerable age of this discovery, this technology remains inaccessible to the average consumer. The main goal of this manuscript is to advance the state of the art in interactive holography, providing an accessible and low-cost solution. The final product intends to nudge the HCI com munity to explore potential applications, in particular to be aquatic centric and environmentally friendly. Two main user studies are performed, in order to determine the impact of the proposed solution by a sample audience. Provided user studies include a first prototype as a Tangible User Interface - TUI for Holographic Reality - HR Second study included the Holographic Mounted Display - HMD for proposed HR interface, further analyzing the interactive holographic experience without hand-held devices. Both of these studies were further compared with an Augmented Reality setting. Obtained results demonstrate a significantly higher score for the HMD approach. This suggests it is the better solution, most likely due to the added simplicity and immersiveness features it has. However the TUI study did score higher in several key parameters, and should be considered for future studies. Comparing with an AR experience, the HMD study scores slightly lower, but manages to surpass AR in several parameters. Several approaches were outlined and evaluated, depicting different methods for the creation of Interactive Holographic Reality experiences. In spite of the low maturity of holographic technology, it can be concluded it is comparable and can keep up to other more developed and mature artificial reality settings, further supporting the need for the existence of the Holographic Reality conceptA tecnologia holográfica tornou-se conhecida através da ficção científica, contudo esta tecnologia remonta até ao ano 1940. Apesar da considerável idade desta descoberta, esta tecnologia continua a não ser acessíveil para o consumidor. O objetivo deste manuscrito é avançar o estado de arte da Holografia Interactiva, e fornecer uma solução de baixo custo. O objetivo do produto final é persuadir a comunidade HCI para a exploração de aplicações desta tecnologia, em particular em contextos aquáticos e pró-ambientais. Dois estudos principais foram efetuados, de modo a determinar qual o impacto da solução pro posta numa amostra. Os estudos fornecidos incluem um protótipo inicial baseado numa Interface Tangível e Realidade Holográfica e um dispositivo tangível. O segundo estudo inclui uma interface baseada num dispositivo head-mounted e em Realidade Holográfica, de modo a analisar e avaliar a experiência interativa e holográfica. Ambos os estudos são comparados com uma experiência semelhante, em Realidade Aumentada. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o estudo HMD recebeu uma avaliação significante mel hor, em comparação com a abordagem TUI. Isto sugere que uma abordagem "head-mounted" tende a ser melhor solução, muito provavelmente devido às vantagens que possui em relação à simplicidade e imersividade que oferece. Contudo, o estudo TUI recebeu pontuações mais altas em alguns parâmetros chave, e deve ser considerados para a implementação de futuros estudos. Comparando com uma experiência de realidade aumentada, o estudo HMD recebeu uma avaliação ligeiramente menor, mas por uma margem mínima, e ultrapassando a AR em alguns parâmetros. Várias abordagens foram deliniadas e avaliadas, com diferentes métodos para a criação de experiências de Realidade Holográfica. Apesar da pouca maturidade da tecnologia holográfica, podemos concluir que a mesma é comparável e consegue acompanhar outros tipos de realidade artificial, que são muito mais desenvolvidos, o que suporta a necessidade da existência do conceito de Realidade Holográfica

    Evaluating the Microsoft HoloLens through an augmented reality assembly application

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    Industry and academia have repeatedly demonstrated the transformative potential of Augmented Reality (AR) guided assembly instructions. In the past, however, computational and hardware limitations often dictated that these systems were deployed on tablets or other cumbersome devices. Often, tablets impede worker progress by diverting a user\u27s hands and attention, forcing them to alternate between the instructions and the assembly process. Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) overcome those diversions by allowing users to view the instructions in a hands-free manner while simultaneously performing an assembly operation. Thanks to rapid technological advances, wireless commodity AR HMDs are becoming commercially available. Specifically, the pioneering Microsoft HoloLens, provides an opportunity to explore a hands-free HMD’s ability to deliver AR assembly instructions and what a user interface looks like for such an application. Such an exploration is necessary because it is not certain how previous research on user interfaces will transfer to the HoloLens or other new commodity HMDs. In addition, while new HMD technology is promising, its ability to deliver a robust AR assembly experience is still unknown. To assess the HoloLens’ potential for delivering AR assembly instructions, the cross-platform Unity 3D game engine was used to build a proof of concept application. Features focused upon when building the prototype were: user interfaces, dynamic 3D assembly instructions, and spatially registered content placement. The research showed that while the HoloLens is a promising system, there are still areas that require improvement, such as tracking accuracy, before the device is ready for deployment in a factory assembly setting

    Virtual Reality and Oceanography: Overview, Applications, and Perspective

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    With the ongoing, exponential increase in ocean data from autonomous platforms, satellites, models, and in particular, the growing field of quantitative imaging, there arises a need for scalable and cost-efficient visualization tools to interpret these large volumes of data. With the recent proliferation of consumer grade head-mounted displays, the emerging field of virtual reality (VR) has demonstrated its benefit in numerous disciplines, ranging from medicine to archeology. However, these benefits have not received as much attention in the ocean sciences. Here, we summarize some of the ways that virtual reality has been applied to this field. We highlight a few examples in which we (the authors) demonstrate the utility of VR as a tool for ocean scientists. For oceanic datasets that are well-suited for three-dimensional visualization, virtual reality has the potential to enhance the practice of ocean science

    Towards Engaging Intangible Holographic Public Displays

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    Public displays are some of the most challenging interfaces to design because of two key characteristics. First, the experience should be engaging, to attract and maintain users’ attention. Second, the interaction with the display should be natural, meaning that users should be able to receive the desired output with little or no training. Holographic displays are increasingly popular in public spaces such as museums and concert halls but there is little published research on users’ experiences with such displays. Previous research has suggested both tangible and intangible inputs as engaging and natural options for holographic displays, but there is no conclusive evidence on their relative merits. Hence, we run a study to investigate the user experience with a holographic display comparing the level of engagement and feeling of natural experience in the interacting process. We used a mix of surveys, interviews, video recordings, and task-based metrics to measure users’ performance on a specific task, the perceived usability, and levels of engagement and satisfaction. Our findings suggest that a tangible input was reported as more natural than the intangible one, however, both tangible and intangible inputs were found to be equally engaging. The latter findings contribute to the efforts of designing intangible public holographic displays and other interactive systems that take into consideration health safety issues, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic era in which contamination can be established with tangible and physical interaction between users and public displays, yet without affecting the level of engagement compared to the tangible experience
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