60 research outputs found

    Energy efficiency parametric design tool in the framework of holistic ship design optimization

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    Recent International Maritime Organization (IMO) decisions with respect to measures to reduce the emissions from maritime greenhouse gases (GHGs) suggest that the collaboration of all major stakeholders of shipbuilding and ship operations is required to address this complex techno-economical and highly political problem efficiently. This calls eventually for the development of proper design, operational knowledge, and assessment tools for the energy-efficient design and operation of ships, as suggested by the Second IMO GHG Study (2009). This type of coordination of the efforts of many maritime stakeholders, with often conflicting professional interests but ultimately commonly aiming at optimal ship design and operation solutions, has been addressed within a methodology developed in the EU-funded Logistics-Based (LOGBASED) Design Project (2004–2007). Based on the knowledge base developed within this project, a new parametric design software tool (PDT) has been developed by the National Technical University of Athens, Ship Design Laboratory (NTUA-SDL), for implementing an energy efficiency design and management procedure. The PDT is an integral part of an earlier developed holistic ship design optimization approach by NTUA-SDL that addresses the multi-objective ship design optimization problem. It provides Pareto-optimum solutions and a complete mapping of the design space in a comprehensive way for the final assessment and decision by all the involved stakeholders. The application of the tool to the design of a large oil tanker and alternatively to container ships is elaborated in the presented paper

    Optimización del diseño holístico de buques: embarcaciones mercantes y navales

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    The present paper provides a brief introduction to a holistic approach to ship design optimization, defines the generic ship design optimization problem, and demonstrates its solution by using advanced optimization techniques for the computer-aided generation, exploration, and selection of optimal designs. It discusses proposed methods on the basis of some typical ship design optimization problems of cargo and naval ships related to multiple objectives, leading to improved and partly innovative design features with respect to ships’ economy, cargo carrying capacity, safety, survivability, comfort, required powering, environmental protection, or combat strength, as applicable.Este documento brinda una breve introducción a un enfoque holístico a la optimización del diseño de embarcaciones, define el problema genérico de la optimización del diseño de embarcaciones y demuestra su solución mediante el uso de técnicas avanzadas de optimización asistidas por computador para la generación, exploración y selección de diseños óptimos. Discute los métodos propuestos sobre la base de algunos problemas típicos de optimización de diseño de embarcación de buques de carga y navales relacionados a los objetivos múltiples, conllevando a características de diseño mejoradas y parcialmente innovadoras con respecto a la economía de la embarcación, capacidad de carga, seguridad, supervivencia, comodidad, potencia requerida, protección ambiental o fortaleza de combate, como sea aplicable

    An integrated methodology for the design of Ro-Ro passenger ships

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    The present paper provides a brief introduction to the holistic approach to ship design, defines the generic ship design optimization problem and demonstrates its solution by use of advanced optimization techniques

    Stochastic life cycle ship design optimization

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    In the presented research study, a parametric model of a bulk carrier design is utilized in order to explore the technical and economic ship design features (design attributes) in the frame of a stochastic optimization procedure. The life cycle assessment of a newbuilding's investment that includes ship's acquisition and operation cost for ship's life cycle is affected by a variety of cost and other parameters have an inherent uncertainty. The ship design attributes are herein represented by six main ship parameters that define the basic characteristics of a vessel: length, breadth, depth, draft, block coefficient and speed. Among the ship characteristics that are related to high uncertainty are ship's energy consumption in terms of fuel consumption, fuel mix and fuel prices. In the present paper, an attempt is made to investigate how the uncertainty of estimations of the fuel consumption, fuel mix and prices, which are made at an early stage of ship design, can affect the outcome of the ship design optimization procedure with respect to ship's life cycle cost. Therefore, a stochastic optimization procedure is being applied, which is utilizing well established optimization algorithms and techniques in a robust and efficient manner. Sample results of this stochastic optimization are compared with solutions of a deterministic optimization and eventually lead to a rational basis for the decision making regarding the life cycle assessment of ship investments

    Rancang Bangun Prototipe Kapal Katamaran Glass Bottom Ekowisata Laut

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    A glass-bottom catamaran is a vessel with two hulls with a layer of glass at the bottom of the boat, allowing passengers to view underwater scenery. This research focused on the planning stage in designing a prototype of a glass bottom catamaran, intending to determine the optimal main dimensions and produce a high-quality vessel. The results showed that determining the main dimensions of the prototype vessel is highly influenced by the aspect ratio, particularly the L/B ratio. This ratio is used as a reference in designing the prototype vessel as it affects vessel parameters such as resistance, maneuverability, and cost. Additionally, dividing the process of manufacturing the prototype vessel into several stages, including conceptual design, system design, structural design, steering system design, and electrical system design, is crucial to ensure the quality and safety of the prototype vessel. The visual depiction of the shape and characteristics of the glass bottom catamaran prototype indicates that the prototype vessel has two demi hulls and an asymmetrical hull shape..Kapal katamaran bottom glass adalah jenis kapal yang memiliki dua lambung dengan lapisan kaca pada bagian bawah kapal, sehingga penumpang dapat melihat ke bawah laut. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada tahapan perencanaan dalam proses desain prototipe kapal katamaran bottom glass, dengan tujuan untuk menentukan dimensi utama kapal yang optimal dan menghasilkan kapal yang berkualitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penentuan dimensi utama prototipe kapal sangat dipengaruhi oleh rasio dimensi utama kapal, khususnya rasio L/B menurut Watson and Gilfillan. Rasio ini digunakan sebagai acuan dalam mendesain prototipe kapal karena mempengaruhi parameter kapal seperti resistensi, manuverabilitas, dan biaya. Selain itu, pembagian proses desain prototipe kapal menjadi beberapa tahapan, yaitu tahap konseptual desain, tahap perancangan sistem, tahap perancangan struktur, tahap perancangan sistem kemudi, dan tahap perancangan sistem listrik, sangat penting untuk memastikan kualitas dan keamanan prototipe kapal. Gambaran visual tentang bentuk dan karakteristik prototipe kapal katamaran bottom glass menunjukkan bahwa prototipe kapal memiliki dua lambung (demihull) dan bentuk lambung yang tidak simetris

    Prediction of Manoeuvring Characteristics in the Concept Design of a Destroyer

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    Manoeuvring is one of the fundamental qualities of the ship. It has a direct impact on the operability of the unit and therefore on the shipowner’s perception of quality. Furthermore, the manoeuvrability forecasting models are extremely sensitive to the geometry of the hull and appendages and thus closely related with the type of the unit. In this article, an innovative methodology for predicting the manoeuvring characteristics during the conceptual design phase is presented. It may be applied to all types of vessels, especially those requiring a specific study of manoeuvrability, such as fast hulls. Here, a destroyer has been considered. Starting from 15 hulls geometries, a fleet of 225 ships has been generated, by changing systematically the ratio L/B, B/T and the block coefficient CB. This way a 3-dimensional Central Composite Circumscribed (CCC) has been obtained, that comprehends a total of 15 experimental points for each base hull. Manoeuvring calculations has been performed on each vessel of the fleet and the main manoeuvring dimensionless quantities has been related to some simple variables, known during the conceptual phase. With a greedy approach, the adjusted coefficient of determination R2 has been maximized. This way, from the collected data, the best possible linear models for manoeuvring characteristics are obtained. This is because no statistical significance filtering of the variables is performed, as instead happens in the classic stepwise approach

    TrAM - Transport : advanced and modular

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    Europe has taken a leading role in the international effort for a drastic reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Transport systems play a crucial role in this effort and the competition among the various transportation modes for the shrinkage of their environmental footprint, is mounting. Maintaining its focus on sustainability, Europe is seeking to produce transport solutions with a cost effective and environmentally friendly life cycle, integrated in its smart cities. This is what the H2020 funded project "TrAM-Transport: Advanced and Modular" aims to offer (https://tramproject.eu/). It is validating a concept for waterborne transport by implementing state-of-the-art "Industry 4.0" holistic ship design and production methods, for fully electrical vessels, operating at reasonably high speed in the vicinity of urban areas. The project will lead to significant lower construction costs and reduction in engineering hours for new zero emission fast vessels. Three different catamarans will be designed by implementing the developed methods, while one of them will be undergoing detailed design and physical model testing, prior to its construction and start of operation in Stavanger/Norway before the end of the TrAM project in 2022. The paper outlines the objectives, first R&D outcomes and the main challenges of the project

    Desain Kapal Lcu Tni-al Menggunakan Metode Optimisasi

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    Landing Craft Utility (LCU) mempunyai peranan yang penting bagi Tentara Nasional Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL) digunakan sebagai kapal amphibious mendaratkan: pasukan, logistik dan kendaraan. Desain LCU TNI-AL mengunakan metode optimasi belum pernah dilakukan, desain kapal umumnya menggunakan metode spiral design yang berlangsung beberapa putaran secara manual yang membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan seringkali tidak mencapai hasil yang optimal. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dalam makalah ini digunakan metode Non Linier Constrains Optimization sehingga perlu satu putaran untuk menyelesaikannya yaitu pada tahap preliminary design. Pemodelan optimasinya dilibatkan ukuran utama dan hull form secara bersamaan sehingga tidak diperlukan pembuatan lines plan. Variables yang dicari adalah ukuran utama dan propulsi kapal; constrains adalah ukuran utama, rasio ukuran utama, stabilitas dan propulsi; objective functions adalah meminimalkan biaya pembanguan. Dari hasil perhitungan didapatkan Landing Craft Utility yang optimal adalah: bentuk round bilge, Lpp=46,76m, B=9,63m, T=2,56m, H=4,63m, dan Vs= 11knot

    Parametric design and multi-objective optimisation of containerships

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    The introduction of new regulations by the International Maritime Organisation, the fluctuation of fuel price levels, along with the continuous endeavour of the shipping industry for economic growth and profits has led the shipbuilding industry to explore new and cost-efficient designs for various types of merchant ships. In this respect, proper use of modern computer-aided design/computer-aided engineering systems (CAD/CAE) extends the design space, while generating competitive designs in short lead time. The present paper deals with the parametric design and optimisation of containerships. The developed methodology, which is based on the CAESES/Friendship-Framework software system, is demonstrated by the conceptual design and multi-objective optimisation of a midsized, 6,500 TEU containership. The methodology includes a complete parametric model of the ship’s external and internal geometry and the development and coding of all models necessary for the determination of the design constraints and the design efficiency indicators, which are used for the evaluation of parametrically generated designs. Such indicators defining the objective functions of a multi-objective optimisation problem are herein the energy efficiency design index, the required freight rate, the ship’s zero ballast container box capacity and the ratio of the above to below deck number of containers. The set-up multi-objective optimisation problem is solved by use of the genetic algorithms