153,923 research outputs found

    English language knowledge of first-year university students on performance-based tests

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    Come espresso nelle linee guida del MIUR, gli obiettivi previsti nel curriculum di lingua straniera per gli studenti del 5° anno del liceo corrispondono al livello B2 del Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per la conoscenza delle lingue (QCER). In questo livello gli studenti dovrebbero dimostrare un accettabile livello di fluency linguistica. Questo articolo si occupa della capacità degli studenti del primo anno di università di saper utilizzare la propria competenza in lingua inglese nell’espletamento di compiti autentici. Il test costruito e somministrato valuta la conoscenza linguistica degli studenti a livello B2 mediante due compiti e scale di valutazione olistiche e analitiche basate sul Framework delle competenze linguistiche di Bachman e Palmer. Insieme al test è stato somministrato il questionario. Il risultato rivela che il 23% degli studenti che hanno completato il test soddisfano i requisiti del MIUR.As stated by the Guidelines of the Italian Ministry of Education, the aims and objectives of the fifth-year foreign language curriculum of lyceums correspond to the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR). At this level, students are expected to demonstrate an acceptable level of fluency in writing and speaking. This paper addresses the issue of the ability of first-year university students to employ their English language knowledge to perform authentic tasks, such as writing an enquiry email. The test designed and administered to gather data aims at evaluating student knowledge at a B2 level, by means of two tasks and holistic and analytic rating scales based on Bachman and Palmer’s framework of language competence. At the same time, a student questionnaire was administered. The results reveal that 23% of students who have completed the test meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education

    Technology-driven online marketing performance measurement: lessons from affiliate marketing

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    Although the measurement of offline and online marketing is extensively researched, the literature on online performance measurement still has a number of limitations such as slow theory advancement and predominance of technology- and practitioner-driven measurement approaches. By focusing on the widely employed but under-researched affiliate marketing channel, this study addresses these limitations and evaluates the effectiveness of practitioner-led online performance assessment. The paper offers a comprehensive review of extant performance measurement research across traditional, online and affiliate marketing and, employing grounded theory, presents a qualitative in-depth analysis of 72 online forum discussions and 37 semi-structured interviews with the major affiliate marketing stakeholders. As a result, the research identifies a growing need for change in the technology-pushed measurement approaches in affiliate marketing, and proposes actionable improvement recommendations for affiliate and online marketing managers

    Farm SMEs sustainability assessment based on Bellagio Principles. The case of Messinian Region, Greece

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    Purpose: Sufficient support of the sustainability of farm products embedded in a region (such as Products of Designated Origin / PDOs) to overcome significant obstacles to access domestic and remote markets. Main research question is how to overcome such inherent difficulties and transform them into challenges and opportunities to the new market environment. Design/methodology /approach: Combination of simplicity with the complicated issue of sustainability for awareness of small farmers SMEs and their collective representatives. Improve the understanding of the Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM), to facilitate sustainability through use of the ‘Bellagio Principles’ for assessing sustainability of local farm products and facilitating further enhancement. Use of certain PDOs farm products of the Messinian region of Greece, such as local Sfela Feta cheese, olive oil, olives and raisins, to assess sustainability and improvement. Formation of a conceptual constructive action R&D framework of broader use in building-up and performing implementation of holistic supply chain strategy. Expected Findings: Providing better understanding of the SSCM. Insights on how SMEs co-operatives can collectively apply holistic strategies concerning local farm PDOs to fulfil competitiveness and sustainability requirements, under variant product and market conditions. Originality / Value : Improving the know-how, focusing on the sustainability of regional, traditional products and its effects upon supply chain performance and market access. Practical implications for regional-based farm SMEs in the design of holistic value creation strategies to produce sustainable competitive advantage. Interactive cause and effect dynamic implications of sustainable development on social, economic and physical environment

    The role of linked data and the semantic web in building operation

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    Effective Decision Support Systems (DSS) for building service managers require adequate performance data from many building data silos in order to deliver a complete view of building performance. Current performance analysis techniques tend to focus on a limited number of data sources, such as BMS measured data (temperature, humidity, C02), excluding a wealth of other data sources increasingly available in the modern building, including weather data, occupant feedback, mobile sensors & feedback systems, schedule information, equipment usage information. This paper investigates the potential for using Linked Data and Semantic Web technologies to improve interoperability across AEC domains, overcoming many of the roadblocks hindering information transfer currently

    Reconfiguring Household Management in Times of Discontinuity as an Open System: The Case of Agro-food Chains

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.This article is based upon a heterodox approach to economics that rejects the oversimplification made by closed economic models and the mainstream concept of ‘externality.’ This approach re-imagines economics as a holistic evaluation of resources versus human needs, which requires judgement based on understanding of the complexity generated by the dynamic relations between different systems. One re-imagining of the economic model is as a holistic and systemic evaluation of agri-food systems’ sustainability that was performed through the multi-dimensional Governance Assessment Matrix Exercise (GAME). This is based on the five capitals model of sustainability, and the translation of qualitative evaluations into quantitative scores. This is based on the triangulation of big data from a variety of sources. To represent quantitative interactions, this article proposes a provisional translation of GAME’s qualitative evaluation into a quantitative form through the identification of measurement units that can reflect the different capital dimensions. For instance, a post-normal, ecological accounting method, Emergy is proposed to evaluate the natural capital. The revised GAME re-imagines economics not as the ‘dismal science,’ but as one that has potential leverage for positive, adaptive and sustainable ecosystemic analyses and global ‘household’ management. This article proposes an explicit recognition of economics nested within the social spheres of human and social capital which are in turn nested within the ecological capital upon which all life rests and is truly the bottom line. In this article, the authors make reference to an on-line retailer of local food and drink to illustrate the methods for evaluation of the five capitals model

    An impact evaluation framework: Local government community festivals

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    This article brings together the author's previous research and consultancy along with a review of literature from several disciplines to develop a framework that summarizes the concepts, methods, and processes required to successfully evaluate the impacts of local government community festivals. Events and festivals are a relatively underresearched area but have experienced a growing amount of public sector expenditure. The framework developed and presented here is in response to the need to encourage greater evaluation of this activity and in doing so recognize the complexity of the process. The impacts of many such festivals are diverse (economic, social, environmental), far reaching (local, national, international), and long term. The evaluation of these impacts, therefore, requires an understanding of the concepts involved and the development of a range of tools and methods. The proposed framework is informed by the empirical research, theory, and practice in the areas of information systems, marketing communications, event studies, and public sector evaluation. Bringing together these distinct but related fields of study has enabled the development of a comprehensive and novel approach to event impact evaluation. Copyright © 2009 Cognizant Comm. Corp

    Fundamental principles in drawing inference from sequence analysis

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    Individual life courses are dynamic and can be represented as a sequence of states for some portion of their experiences. More generally, study of such sequences has been made in many fields around social science; for example, sociology, linguistics, psychology, and the conceptualisation of subjects progressing through a sequence of states is common. However, many models and sets of data allow only for the treatment of aggregates or transitions, rather than interpreting whole sequences. The temporal aspect of the analysis is fundamental to any inference about the evolution of the subjects but assumptions about time are not normally made explicit. Moreover, without a clear idea of what sequences look like, it is impossible to determine when something is not seen whether it was not actually there. Some principles are proposed which link the ideas of sequences, hypothesis, analytical framework, categorisation and representation; each one being underpinned by the consideration of time. To make inferences about sequences, one needs to: understand what these sequences represent; the hypothesis and assumptions that can be derived about sequences; identify the categories within the sequences; and data representation at each stage. These ideas are obvious in themselves but they are interlinked, imposing restrictions on each other and on the inferences which can be draw