8 research outputs found

    A Library Love Triangle? : An analysis of the relationship between data, information and knowledge in Library and Information Studies (or, Pullman’s Dust : A new model for data, information and knowledge).

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    Across the decades, many writers within the Library and Information Science (LIS) sector have sought to define and discuss issues surrounding data, information and knowledge, often drawing on other disciplines. What is lacking, however is any kind of consensus as different ideas and opinions are merely presented and argued. This dissertation seeks to compare and contrast different definitions of the concepts data, information and knowledge within LIS before comparing and discussing different views of the relationships between them. It will also look for evidence within three fields of LIS other than Information Theory (Information Retrieval, Information Literacy and Knowledge Management) in order to see if, and how, the more practical side of the profession alters the view of the theoretical. The Methodology is one of desk research, a literature search conducted in order to ensure a comprehensive and wide-ranging discussion. The dissertation will find that there is little agreement as to how data, information and knowledge interact, and that this is due to different views of the definitions of the concepts, different views of the LIS discipline and because of the widely differing views of how knowledge interacts with information. However, it will be found that knowledge is a large concept comprising of many parts and that can be affected in many ways; and that knowledge should be viewed as a more overarching concept than the many linear views of the relationship between data, information and knowledge often shown. As such, it will be suggested that Pullman’s Dust (a concept drawn from Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials books) provides an adequate analogy for knowledge and a new model of the relationship between data, information and knowledge is suggested along with other future suggestions for research

    The nature of information science: Changing models

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    Introduction. This paper considers the nature of information science as a discipline and profession. Method. It is based on conceptual analysis of the information science literature, and consideration of philosophical perspectives, particularly those of Kuhn and Peirce. Results. It is argued that information science may be understood as a field of study, with human recorded information as its concern, focusing on the components of the information chain, studied through the perspective of domain analysis, in specific or general contexts. A particular aspect of interest is those aspects of information organization, and of human information-related behaviour, which are invariant to changes in technology. Information science can also be seen as a science of evaluation of information, understood as semantic content with respect to qualitative growth of knowledge and change in knowledge structures in domains. Conclusions. This study contributes to the understanding of the unique 'academic territory' of information science, a discipline with an identity distinct from adjoining subjects

    As ciências sociais e as questões da informação

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    Como programa de pesquisa, propõe-se uma abordagem da Ciência da Informação como Ciência Social, enquanto indagação sobre o presente, buscando entender qual seria a ancoragem das ações de informação no contexto das relações e ações sociais, num complexo cenário a ser explorado sobre os duplos conceitos de regimes e políticas de informação. Ao mesmo tempo, ao caracterizar os domínios contemporâneos em que a informação se constitui como tema, como sintoma e como questão, espera-se desenhar a posição e a distribuição epistemológica dos conhecimentos que a interpelam e reconstroem, em algum ponto de vista e dimensão

    Análise de domínio sob a luz do conceito de agenciamento de Gilles Deleuze

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, Florianópolis, 2015.Diante adissensão sobre a Análise de Domínio, pretende-se analisar a proposta de Hjørland sob a óptica da Filosofia pós-moderna de Deleuze. Tem-se como objetivo geral deste trabalho a revisão do conceito de Análise de Domínio de Hjørland em uma perspectiva filosófica deleuziana. Os objetivos específicos são:a) identificar e caracterizar as propriedades que sustentam o conceito de Análise de Domínio; b) levantar na Filosofia de Deleuze um conceito que norteie a análise sobre a teoria de Hjørland; c) interpretar o conceito de Análise de Domínio de Hjørland com base no conceito deleuziano. Com a Análise de Conteúdo, dividiu-se o trabalho em três etapas: levantamento e leitura dos artigos de autoria de Hjørland encontradosnas bases Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) e Web of Science e Scopus (WoS) e no periódico Advances in Knowledge Organization (AKO), a fim de estabelecer índices de análise, definidos como comunidade discursiva, domínio e linguagem. Verificou-se que os três índices fundamentam a Análise de Domínio, pois as concepções compreendem os aspectos sociais que implicam o uso da informação. Além disso, identificou-se que os três índices não estabelecem relações hierárquicas rígidas nos textos de Hjørland, mas relações maleáveis. Com base na obraMil Platôs de Deleuze e Guattari, elegeu-se o conceito de agenciamento por compatibilizar com os índices anteriores. O conceito de agenciamento diz respeito ao funcionamento dos processos de atualização, operados por máquinas abstratas e constituído por duas duplas de elementos, a dinâmica conteúdo e expressão, além dos movimentos de territorialização e desterritorialização. Num segundo momento, realizou-se um cruzamento entre os índices e os componentes do conceito deleuziano, consolidando diretrizes para o estudo de domínios. Por fim, na última etapa, os resultados foram discutidos em relação ao referencial teórico Ainda, propos-se o conceito filosófico de Indomável, indicando à impossibilidade da fidelidade das representações. Os resultados apontam que só a análise sobre a linguagem não basta aos estudos de domínio, que exige a compreensão do meio composto por subjetividades e instituições.Concluiu-se que a Análise de Domínio se alinha à pós-modernidade e que as Filosofias dessa vertente podem contribuir com o avanço teórico e metodológico da área.Abstract : On the dissension on Domain Analysis, it intends to analyze the proposed Hjørland from the perspective of postmodern philosophy of Deleuze. It has the general objective of this work to review the Hjørland?sconcept of Domain Analysis in a Deleuzian philosophical perspective.The specific objectives are: a) identify and characterize the properties that support the concept of Domain Analysis; b) find in Deleuze's philosophy a concept that guides the analysis of the theory Hjørland; c) interpret the Hjørland's concept of Domain Analysis based on the Deleuzian concept. With content analysis, work was divided in three stages: survey and readingthe Hjørland authored articles found the Library and Information Science Abstracts databases (LISA) and Web of Science and Scopus (WoS) and in the journal Advances in Knowledge Organization (AKO), in order to establish analytical indices defined as a discursive community, domain and language. It was found that the three indices underlie Domain Analysis, for the concepts that comprise the social aspects involve the use of information. In addition, it was identified that the three indices do not establish rigid hierarchical relationships in Hjørland's texts, but malleable relations. Based on the work A Thousand Plateaus of Deleuze and Guattari, was elected the concept of assemblage by compatible with previous rates. The concept of assemblage refers to the operation of the update process, operated by abstract machines and consisting of two pairs of elements, the dynamic content and expression, in addition to the movements of territorialisation and desterritorialization. Secondly, there was a cross between the indices and components of the Deleuzian concept, consolidating guidelines for the study domains. Finally, in the last step, the results were discussed in relation to the theoretical framework. Still, it proposed the philosophical concept of Indomitable, indicating the impossibility of fidelity representations. The results show that only the analysis of the language is not enough to study of domain, which requires an understanding of the environment composed of subjectivities and institutions.It is concluded that the Domain Analysis aligns with post-modernity and the philosophies of this mainstream can contribute to the theoretical and methodological advance of the area

    iRun: a situational, neo-assemblage perspective of information and records in running.

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    Running is a popular leisure activity, and there is great interest and use of data and information amongst its participants. Researching information about running has attracted scholarly attention in human-computer interaction (HCI) and digital sociology through self-tracking studies. There has also been limited attention in research on information behaviour upon embodied representations in short-term information use. Archival science has not considered long term running data practices despite some runners keeping information about their leisure pursuits for a long time. Both information behaviour and archival science have attempted to understand personal information and record creation contexts outside of running. This study provides a new lens to understand the interconnected complexity between people who run, technology and information environments. It uses the concept of the neo-assemblage to achieve this understanding. The research also gives a renewed understanding of the types of information runners collect and use, whether they value their running information, and to what extent runners are concerned about its long- term existence and third party involvement with their data. An innovative mobile method using a 360-degree action camera collected data whilst the researcher ran with four participants asking them questions. The four participants then participated in virtual interviews to understand how they used information created during their running. A virtual interview method collected data from four more participants about their information use in their running activities. The researcher applied situational analysis and a complementary neo-assemblage theory analysis to the collected data. Runners use both embodied information and information derived from devices when running. Both types of information are valuable to a runner’s short-term running goals. Most participants gave little thought to their represented information in the distant future. There is evidence that such information can have emotional meaning for some participants because it is central to their running identity. There was very little concern about how third parties held their personal information, such as running watch companies. Underscoring this is using the neo-assemblage theory lens to understand the interrelated complexity of the human, information and technology in these findings. The originality of this work is drawing together the study of information behaviour and archival science in a poststructural perspective using situational analysis and neo- assemblage theory. The result contributes a new perspective on the complex relationships between embodied and recorded forms of information, including records, people, and technology. This thesis makes an empirical contribution by documenting the creation and use of information during and after physical activity. This thesis contributes to data collection methods by considering the ethical implications and practicalities of recording data with a 360-degree camera. This data capture method led to a further contribution in using a virtual reality viewer as an immersive technology for data analysis

    Hjørland's critique of bates' work on defining information

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