4,845 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Subtle Expression Detection and Recognition based on Facial Strain

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    Optical strain is an extension of optical flow that is capable of quantifying subtle changes on faces and representing the minute facial motion intensities at the pixel level. This is computationally essential for the relatively new field of spontaneous micro-expression, where subtle expressions can be technically challenging to pinpoint. In this paper, we present a novel method for detecting and recognizing micro-expressions by utilizing facial optical strain magnitudes to construct optical strain features and optical strain weighted features. The two sets of features are then concatenated to form the resultant feature histogram. Experiments were performed on the CASME II and SMIC databases. We demonstrate on both databases, the usefulness of optical strain information and more importantly, that our best approaches are able to outperform the original baseline results for both detection and recognition tasks. A comparison of the proposed method with other existing spatio-temporal feature extraction approaches is also presented.Comment: 21 pages (including references), single column format, accepted to Signal Processing: Image Communication journa

    Descriptive temporal template features for visual motion recognition

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    In this paper, a human action recognition system is proposed. The system is based on new, descriptive `temporal template' features in order to achieve high-speed recognition in real-time, embedded applications. The limitations of the well known `Motion History Image' (MHI) temporal template are addressed and a new `Motion History Histogram' (MHH) feature is proposed to capture more motion information in the video. MHH not only provides rich motion information, but also remains computationally inexpensive. To further improve classification performance, we combine both MHI and MHH into a low dimensional feature vector which is processed by a support vector machine (SVM). Experimental results show that our new representation can achieve a significant improvement in the performance of human action recognition over existing comparable methods, which use 2D temporal template based representations

    Objective Classes for Micro-Facial Expression Recognition

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    Micro-expressions are brief spontaneous facial expressions that appear on a face when a person conceals an emotion, making them different to normal facial expressions in subtlety and duration. Currently, emotion classes within the CASME II dataset are based on Action Units and self-reports, creating conflicts during machine learning training. We will show that classifying expressions using Action Units, instead of predicted emotion, removes the potential bias of human reporting. The proposed classes are tested using LBP-TOP, HOOF and HOG 3D feature descriptors. The experiments are evaluated on two benchmark FACS coded datasets: CASME II and SAMM. The best result achieves 86.35\% accuracy when classifying the proposed 5 classes on CASME II using HOG 3D, outperforming the result of the state-of-the-art 5-class emotional-based classification in CASME II. Results indicate that classification based on Action Units provides an objective method to improve micro-expression recognition.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures and 5 tables. This paper will be submitted for journal revie

    Dynamic texture recognition using time-causal and time-recursive spatio-temporal receptive fields

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    This work presents a first evaluation of using spatio-temporal receptive fields from a recently proposed time-causal spatio-temporal scale-space framework as primitives for video analysis. We propose a new family of video descriptors based on regional statistics of spatio-temporal receptive field responses and evaluate this approach on the problem of dynamic texture recognition. Our approach generalises a previously used method, based on joint histograms of receptive field responses, from the spatial to the spatio-temporal domain and from object recognition to dynamic texture recognition. The time-recursive formulation enables computationally efficient time-causal recognition. The experimental evaluation demonstrates competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art. Especially, it is shown that binary versions of our dynamic texture descriptors achieve improved performance compared to a large range of similar methods using different primitives either handcrafted or learned from data. Further, our qualitative and quantitative investigation into parameter choices and the use of different sets of receptive fields highlights the robustness and flexibility of our approach. Together, these results support the descriptive power of this family of time-causal spatio-temporal receptive fields, validate our approach for dynamic texture recognition and point towards the possibility of designing a range of video analysis methods based on these new time-causal spatio-temporal primitives.Comment: 29 pages, 16 figure

    Going Deeper into Action Recognition: A Survey

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    Understanding human actions in visual data is tied to advances in complementary research areas including object recognition, human dynamics, domain adaptation and semantic segmentation. Over the last decade, human action analysis evolved from earlier schemes that are often limited to controlled environments to nowadays advanced solutions that can learn from millions of videos and apply to almost all daily activities. Given the broad range of applications from video surveillance to human-computer interaction, scientific milestones in action recognition are achieved more rapidly, eventually leading to the demise of what used to be good in a short time. This motivated us to provide a comprehensive review of the notable steps taken towards recognizing human actions. To this end, we start our discussion with the pioneering methods that use handcrafted representations, and then, navigate into the realm of deep learning based approaches. We aim to remain objective throughout this survey, touching upon encouraging improvements as well as inevitable fallbacks, in the hope of raising fresh questions and motivating new research directions for the reader

    Action Recognition in Videos: from Motion Capture Labs to the Web

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    This paper presents a survey of human action recognition approaches based on visual data recorded from a single video camera. We propose an organizing framework which puts in evidence the evolution of the area, with techniques moving from heavily constrained motion capture scenarios towards more challenging, realistic, "in the wild" videos. The proposed organization is based on the representation used as input for the recognition task, emphasizing the hypothesis assumed and thus, the constraints imposed on the type of video that each technique is able to address. Expliciting the hypothesis and constraints makes the framework particularly useful to select a method, given an application. Another advantage of the proposed organization is that it allows categorizing newest approaches seamlessly with traditional ones, while providing an insightful perspective of the evolution of the action recognition task up to now. That perspective is the basis for the discussion in the end of the paper, where we also present the main open issues in the area.Comment: Preprint submitted to CVIU, survey paper, 46 pages, 2 figures, 4 table

    Action Classification with Locality-constrained Linear Coding

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    We propose an action classification algorithm which uses Locality-constrained Linear Coding (LLC) to capture discriminative information of human body variations in each spatiotemporal subsequence of a video sequence. Our proposed method divides the input video into equally spaced overlapping spatiotemporal subsequences, each of which is decomposed into blocks and then cells. We use the Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG3D) feature to encode the information in each cell. We justify the use of LLC for encoding the block descriptor by demonstrating its superiority over Sparse Coding (SC). Our sequence descriptor is obtained via a logistic regression classifier with L2 regularization. We evaluate and compare our algorithm with ten state-of-the-art algorithms on five benchmark datasets. Experimental results show that, on average, our algorithm gives better accuracy than these ten algorithms.Comment: ICPR 201