30 research outputs found

    Lobby index as a network centrality measure

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    We study the lobby index (l-index for short) as a local node centrality measure for complex networks. The l-inde is compared with degree (a local measure), betweenness and Eigenvector centralities (two global measures) in the case of biological network (Yeast interaction protein-protein network) and a linguistic network (Moby Thesaurus II). In both networks, the l-index has poor correlation with betweenness but correlates with degree and Eigenvector. Being a local measure, one can take advantage by using the l-index because it carries more information about its neighbors when compared with degree centrality, indeed it requires less time to compute when compared with Eigenvector centrality. Results suggests that l-index produces better results than degree and Eigenvector measures for ranking purposes, becoming suitable as a tool to perform this task.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1005.480


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    Both Lisbon Council in March 2000 and the one in Barcelona in 2002 represent major turning points in science and research activities at European level. At that time there was a formal recognition that science, technology and innovation, coupled with a quality education is the key to development and long-term competitiveness of European space. Moreover, the decade 2000-2010 was declared as a dedicated to the investment in these sectors, and 2009 was named Year of Creativity and Innovation at European level. In a study in the EU States and candidate countries, whose results were published in 2010, it was noted however that, despite the special attention given lately to these issues, index fund allocations for research and development budgets national level of 2007 is 0.67% on average in the EU (27 countries), compared with Japan (0.68%), South Korea (0.80%) and especially the United States (1.03 %). The purpose of this paper is to identify those factors that influence a nation\'s potential of scientific creativity and to find a way to compare different countries in terms of such potential. If until now many attempts were made to create an index of national or regional creativity, our goal is to narrow the field of creativity to scientific research and to compare the performance / potential of Romania compared to other European Union countries. Among the basic elements which have a direct impact on the potential for innovative scientific development, one can identify investment, human resources and current performance. Based on the above factors, a composite index of scientific creativity potential was developed, which takes into account the three main elements described above: human capital (human resources in science and technology and researchers), financial capital (investment in research and development) and scientific performance (Hirsch Index). Data for the first two were extracted from the Eurostat database for comparisons to be made between countries, while the third one has been estimated by specialized research teams based on data available on Essential Science Indicators (ESI) of Web of Knowledge. The main limit is the level of accuracy in data provided by each nation, and the extent to which such data were estimated, not final. The main benefit is that of identifying the position one country compared to others, but also to find the main factors that placed that country at one level or another in the overall classifications, thus allowing for the development of action plans particularly focused on those elements.research and development,human reources, creative potential, investment in research and development

    Bandwagon of impact factor for journal scientometrics

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    Российские лингвисты: наукометрическое ранжирование

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    The article deals with scientometric analysis of publications by 40 wide-known Russian linguists. The linguists are ranked by h-index, the number of publications and citations according to the data of Russian Science Citation Index. This research examines the factors affecting h-index and citation rates: involvement in leading research areas, carrying out scientific inquiries in top universities and academic research institutes, high prestige of relevant journals and publishers, and publishing textbooks and monographs. The s-index (self-citation index) is proposed as an additional scienometric measuring of individual's publication record. The s-index is computed by taking the ratio of h-index to h-index calculated without self-citations. It is concluded that scientometric analysis of h-index and s-index can be one of the objective tools for evaluation of scholars. At the same time, the methods of scientometrics need to be improved, including better coordination of national databases and global scientometric sources (Scopus, Web of Science, etc.). A promising area of applied scientometrics is the use of expert assessments made by qualified specialists in the relevant field of knowledge and the expansion of evaluation parameters.В статье представлен наукометрический анализ публикаций широко известных российских языковедов. Проведено ранжирование по количеству публикаций, количеству цитирований и индексу Хирша на основе данных Российского индекса научного цитирования. Выделены факторы, способствующие активной цитируемости и росту индекса Хирша: принадлежность к активно развивающимся научным направлениям, работа в ведущих университетах и академических научных институтах, высокий авторитет соответствующих журналов и издательств, публикация учебников, монографий и обзорных статей. Для определения роли самоцитирования в наукометрических показателях ученого предложено использовать S-индекс (S-index), который вычисляется по формуле S-индекс = h-индекс / h-индекс без самоцитирования. Сделан вывод о том, что наукометрический анализ может служить одним из объективных инструментов для оценки научной деятельности. Вместе с тем методы наукометрии нужно совершенствовать, в том числе на основе сопоставления рейтингов национальных баз данных с материалами, полученными из глобальных наукометрических источников (Scopus, Web of Science и др.). Перспективное направление прикладной наукометрии – использование экспертных оценок, сделанных квалифицированными специалистами в соответствующей области знаний и расширение параметров оценки

    On the measurement of scientific performance: Do we really need to take the distribution of citations into account?

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    Despite the drawbacks already pointed out and the wide set of variants suggested to overcome some of them, the ℎ-index is the most used measure to conduct the author-level scientific evaluation. Simplicity is probably its main advantage and the reason for its popularity. The main goal of the current study is to propose an index that is directly linked and almost perfectly correlated with the ℎ-index but is even simpler to obtain. Our index does not require any form of calculation. It disregards the distribution of citations among the papers of the author. Instead, only the total number of papers and the total number of citations of the author is used to obtain the final score. The score of each author can be seen in the table we present in this study. Although much simpler than the ℎ-index (and other measures that account for citation distribution), our index produces the same general conclusions. We illustrate the application of this index with a sample of economists.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Highlighting the excellence in civil engineering research in Portugal with the help of the h-index

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    The Portuguese FCT-“Excellence Stimulus” prize is attributed to Investigators and Professors that published at least 100 papers in the Web of Science-WoS with 500 citations or else 50 papers published in the WoS with 250 citations and the supervision of 10 PhD Thesis. So far almost 70% of these prizes have been awarded to investigators and Professors working in the field of Chemistry. The present paper shows that the fact that this prize has never been award to an Investigator or to a Professor working in the field of Civil Engineering does not mean that excellence is lacking in this particular field. The highest h-index for Associate and Full Professors of Civil Engineering Departments of the six most productive Portuguese Universities are presented in this paper. Comparisons with world top Professors and researchers in the field of Civil Engineering are made

    A tudományos teljesítmény mérése Hirsch-indexszel

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    Napjainkban a tudománymetriai mutatók egyre inkább meghatározó szerepet töltenek be a kutatói teljesítmények értékelésében, a tudományos fokozatok, díjak odaítélésében, a pályázati pénzek elosztásában. A tanulmány a tudománymetria hazai történetének rövid áttekintése után részletesen bemutatja a Hirsch-indexet, azt a tudományos teljesítmény mérésére alkalmas mérőszámot, amely egyszerre jellemzi a kibocsátást/mennyiséget (a publikációk számát) és a hatást/minőséget (e publikációkra való hivatkozások számát) (Glänzel [2006]). A szerző ismerteti a Hirsch-index definícióját, kialakulásának történetét, meghatározásának módját, majd sorra veszi előnyeit és hátrányait, illetve említést tesz néhány további változatáról is

    Scientometric Analysis of Medical and Non-Medical Highly Cited Papers of Iran in Essential Science Indicator (ESI)

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    The aim of the present research is to study scientometric indicators (the number of articles and citations, the mean citation per paper, H-index, Y-index, and the national and international collaboration) of medical and non-medical highly cited papers of Iran in the Essential Science Indicators (ESI). The research population is all highly cited articles of Iran in ESI during 2005 to 2015. Data was retrieved from ESI and was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings show that Iran has achieved the 35th global rank in terms of the number of highly cited articles. This rank encompasses % 0.1 of the highly cited medical subject areas and % 0.6 of the global portion in non-medical areas. The growth of highly cited papers in non-medical subject areas is more than medical subject ones. Y-index indicates that the role of authors in most highly cited articles in both medical and non-medical subject areas is either as the corresponding or the first author, with an inclination towards the first author. Most of Iran’s highly cited articles in the medical subject areas are based on international collaborations, but in the non-medical areas, they are based on national collaborations. The most international collaborations are with U.S, Canada and England, respectively. H-index of Iran is 141. As a whole, in quantitative and qualitative assessment, non-medical subject areas have a better status than medical subject areas. In general, it can be said that the status of scientific products and the international status of Iran is not satisfactory. Professional planning and policy should be taken into consideration by Iran.