20 research outputs found

    Robust control of a bimorph mirror for adaptive optics system

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    We apply robust control technics to an adaptive optics system including a dynamic model of the deformable mirror. The dynamic model of the mirror is a modification of the usual plate equation. We propose also a state-space approach to model the turbulent phase. A continuous time control of our model is suggested taking into account the frequential behavior of the turbulent phase. An H_\infty controller is designed in an infinite dimensional setting. Due to the multivariable nature of the control problem involved in adaptive optics systems, a significant improvement is obtained with respect to traditional single input single output methods

    Robust Nonlinear Feedback Control of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems with Mixed Performance Criteria

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    Abstract-A novel nonlinear state feedback control design is presented for discrete-time nonlinear systems and mixed performance criteria. The purpose behind this new approach is to convert a nonlinear system control design into a convex optimization problem involving state dependent linear matrix inequality solutions. By solving the inequalities at each time step, the optimal control solution is found to satisfy mixed performance criteria guaranteeing quadratic optimality with inherent stability property in combination wit

    Nonlinear Control and Estimation with General Performance Criteria

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    This dissertation is concerned with nonlinear systems control and estimation with general performance criteria. The purpose of this work is to propose general design methods to provide systematic and effective design frameworks for nonlinear system control and estimation problems. First, novel State Dependent Linear Matrix Inequality control approach is proposed, which is optimally robust for model uncertainties and resilient against control feedback gain perturbations in achieving general performance criteria to secure quadratic optimality with inherent asymptotic stability property together with quadratic dissipative type of disturbance reduction. By solving a state dependent linear matrix inequality at each time step, the sufficient condition for the control solution can be found which satisfies the general performance criteria. The results of this dissertation unify existing results on nonlinear quadratic regulator, Hinfinity and positive real control. Secondly, an H2-Hinfinity State Dependent Riccati Equation controller is proposed in this dissertation. By solving the generalized State Dependent Riccati Equation, the optimal control solution not only achieves the optimal quadratic regulation performance, but also has the capability of external disturbance reduction. Numerically efficient algorithms are developed to facilitate effective computation. Thirdly, a robust multi-criteria optimal fuzzy control of nonlinear systems is proposed. To improve the optimality and robustness, optimal fuzzy control is proposed for nonlinear systems with general performance criteria. The Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model is used as an effective tool to control nonlinear systems through fuzzy rule models. General performance criteria have been used to design the controller and the relative weighting matrices of these criteria can be achieved by choosing different coefficient matrices. The optimal control can be achieved by solving the LMI at each time step. Lastly, since any type of controller and observer is subject to actuator failures and sensors failures respectively, novel robust and resilient controllers and estimators are also proposed for nonlinear stochastic systems to address these failure problems. The effectiveness of the proposed control and estimation techniques are demonstrated by simulations of nonlinear systems: the inverted pendulum on a cart and the Lorenz chaotic system, respectively

    Fixed order controller design via linear programming

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    Fixed order controllers, such as PD, PI and PID controllers, are the most commonly used in hardware implementations. Therefore, control engineers are often given the task to design fixed order controllers with time domain specifications as the system design requirements. To solve this problem, a systematic fixed order controller design process employing mathematical programming is developed in this thesis. The design process is based on fixed order pole assignment problem. Natural frequencies and minimum damping ratio are the design parameters of the developed controller design process. The design parameters are insightful since damping ratio and frequencies are closely related to time domain specifications. The interval polynomial search algorithm is formulated to maximize the interval characteristic polynomial within the design domain defined by the design parameters on the s-plane. The Edge Theorem is applied to ensure the performance and stability of the interval characteristic polynomial [3]. It is followed by solving the optimal controller, using the linear or non-linear programming with linear constraints technique. This proposed method ensures that the controller will attain the acceptable performance and stability even if the plant dynamic consists of some level of uncertainties. The advantage of this method is the freedom of the choices of design emphasis

    Damping controller design for FACTS devices in power systems using novel control techniques

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    Power systems are under increasing stress as deregulation introduces several new economic objectives for operation. Since power systems are being operated close to their limits, weak connections, unexpected events, hidden failures in protection system, human errors, and a host of other factors may cause a system to lose stability and even lead to catastrophic failure. Therefore, the need for improved system damping in a wider operating range is gaining more attention. Among the available damping control methods, each approach has advantages and disadvantages in different systems. The effectiveness of damping control depends on the devices chosen, the system modal feature, and the applied controller design method;In the literature, many approaches have been proposed to undertake this task. However, some of these approaches only take a fixed operating point into consideration without describing the changing uncertainty in varying system conditions; computational effort. Furthermore, no systematic comparison of controller design methods has been conducted with regard to different system profiles. Attention has been drawn to the enhanced susceptibility to inter-area oscillations between groups of machines under large others require a great deal of variation of system operating conditions. The linear parameter varying (LPV) approach, which has been widely studied in the literature, provides a potential method for capturing the varying system condition precisely without formulation of system uncertainty. However, in some cases no solution can be achieved if the system variation is too large using the traditional LPV approach. Also, sometimes the system structure imposes limitations in the achievable damping performance. In general, there is a critical need for a cost-effective control strategy applicable to different systems from an economic point of view;In this dissertation, a comprehensive comparison among controller design methods has been conducted to study the damping effectiveness of different FACTS devices. Based on these, a robust regional pole-placement method is applied in a TCSC damping controller design in a 4-machine system; an interpolated LPV approach is proposed and applied to designing a SVC damping controller in the IEEE 50-machine system; finally with the advantage of an additional feedback signal, limitations in achieving satisfactory damping performance can be relieved using a two-input single-output (TISO) damping controller for a TCSC in the IEEE 50-machine system

    Reducing RRT metric sensitivity for motion planning with differential constraints

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    Design and verification of Guidance, Navigation and Control systems for space applications

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    In the last decades, systems have strongly increased their complexity in terms of number of functions that can be performed and quantity of relationships between functions and hardware as well as interactions of elements and disciplines concurring to the definition of the system. The growing complexity remarks the importance of defining methods and tools that improve the design, verification and validation of the system process: effectiveness and costs reduction without loss of confidence in the final product are the objectives that have to be pursued. Within the System Engineering context, the modern Model and Simulation based approach seems to be a promising strategy to meet the goals, because it reduces the wasted resources with respect to the traditional methods, saving money and tedious works. Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) starts from the idea that it is possible at any moment to verify, through simulation sessions and according to the phase of the life cycle, the feasibility, the capabilities and the performances of the system. Simulation is used during the engineering process and can be classified from fully numerical (i.e. all the equipment and conditions are reproduced as virtual model) to fully integrated hardware simulation (where the system is represented by real hardware and software modules in their operational environment). Within this range of simulations, a few important stages can be defined: algorithm in the loop (AIL), software in the loop (SIL), controller in the loop (CIL), hardware in the loop (HIL), and hybrid configurations among those. The research activity, in which this thesis is inserted, aims at defining and validating an iterative methodology (based on Model and Simulation approach) in support of engineering teams and devoted to improve the effectiveness of the design and verification of a space system with particular interest in Guidance Navigation and Control (GNC) subsystem. The choice of focusing on GNC derives from the common interest and background of the groups involved in this research program (ASSET at Politecnico di Torino and AvioSpace, an EADS company). Moreover, GNC system is sufficiently complex (demanding both specialist knowledge and system engineer skills) and vital for whatever spacecraft and, last but not least the verification of its behavior is difficult on ground because strong limitations on dynamics and environment reproduction arise. Considering that the verification should be performed along the entire product life cycle, a tool and a facility, a simulator, independent from the complexity level of the test and the stage of the project, is needed. This thesis deals with the design of the simulator, called StarSim, which is the real heart of the proposed methodology. It has been entirely designed and developed from the requirements definition to the software implementation and hardware construction, up to the assembly, integration and verification of the first simulator release. In addition, the development of this technology met the modern standards on software development and project management. StarSim is a unique and self-contained platform: this feature allows to mitigate the risk of incompatibility, misunderstandings and loss of information that may arise using different software, simulation tools and facilities along the various phases. Modularity, flexibility, speed, connectivity, real time operation, fidelity with real world, ease of data management, effectiveness and congruence of the outputs with respect to the inputs are the sought-after features in the StarSim design. For every iteration of the methodology, StarSim guarantees the possibility to verify the behavior of the system under test thanks to the permanent availability of virtual models, that substitute all those elements not yet available and all the non-reproducible dynamics and environmental conditions. StarSim provides a furnished and user friendly database of models and interfaces that cover different levels of detail and fidelity, and supports the updating of the database allowing the user to create custom models (following few, simple rules). Progressively, pieces of the on board software and hardware can be introduced without stopping the process of design and verification, avoiding delays and loss of resources. StarSim has been used for the first time with the CubeSats belonging to the e-st@r program. It is an educational project carried out by students and researchers of the “CubeSat Team Polito” in which StarSim has been mainly used for the payload development, an Active Attitude Determination and Control System, but StarSim’s capabilities have also been updated to evaluate functionalities, operations and performances of the entire satellite. AIL, SIL, CIL, HIL simulations have been performed along all the phases of the project, successfully verifying a great number of functional and operational requirements. In particular, attitude determination algorithms, control laws, modes of operation have been selected and verified; software has been developed step by step and the bugs-free executable files have been loaded on the micro-controller. All the interfaces and protocols as well as data and commands handling have been verified. Actuators, logic and electrical circuits have been designed, built and tested and sensors calibration has been performed. Problems such as real time and synchronization have been solved and a complete hardware in the loop simulation test campaign both for A-ADCS standalone and for the entire satellite has been performed, verifying the satisfaction of a great number of CubeSat functional and operational requirements. The case study represents the first validation of the methodology with the first release of StarSim. It has been proven that the methodology is effective in demonstrating that improving the design and verification activities is a key point to increase the confidence level in the success of a space mission

    Approximate Gaussian Conjugacy: Parametric Recursive Filtering Under Nonlinearity, Multimodal, Uncertainty, and Constraint, and Beyond

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.1700379Since the landmark work of R. E. Kalman in the 1960s, considerable efforts have been devoted to time series state space models for a large variety of dynamic estimation problems. In particular, parametric filters that seek analytical estimates based on a closed-form Markov–Bayes recursion, e.g., recursion from a Gaussian or Gaussian mixture (GM) prior to a Gaussian/GM posterior (termed ‘Gaussian conjugacy’ in this paper), form the backbone for a general time series filter design. Due to challenges arising from nonlinearity, multimodality (including target maneuver), intractable uncertainties (such as unknown inputs and/or non-Gaussian noises) and constraints (including circular quantities), etc., new theories, algorithms, and technologies have been developed continuously to maintain such a conjugacy, or to approximate it as close as possible. They had contributed in large part to the prospective developments of time series parametric filters in the last six decades. In this paper, we review the state of the art in distinctive categories and highlight some insights that may otherwise be easily overlooked. In particular, specific attention is paid to nonlinear systems with an informative observation, multimodal systems including Gaussian mixture posterior and maneuvers, and intractable unknown inputs and constraints, to fill some gaps in existing reviews and surveys. In addition, we provide some new thoughts on alternatives to the first-order Markov transition model and on filter evaluation with regard to computing complexity

    Robust state estimation for the control of flexible robotic manipulators

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    In this thesis, a novel robust estimation strategy for observing the system state variables of robotic manipulators with distributed flexibility is established. Motivation for the derived approach stems from the observation that lightweight, high speed, and large workspace robotic manipulators often suffer performance degradation because of inherent structural compliance. This flexibility often results in persistent residual vibration, which must be damped before useful work can resume. Inherent flexibility in robotic manipulators, then, increases cycle times and shortens the operational lives of the robots. Traditional compensation techniques, those which are commonly used for the control of rigid manipulators, can only approach a fraction of the open-loop system bandwidth without inducing significant excitation of the resonant dynamics. To improve the performance of these systems, the structural flexibility cannot simply be ignored, as it is when the links are significantly stiff and approximate rigid bodies. One thus needs a model to design a suitable compensator for the vibration, but any model developed to correct this problem will contain parametric error. And in the case of very lightly damped systems, like flexible robotic manipulators, this error can lead to instability of the control system for even small errors in system parameters. This work presents a systematic solution for the problem of robust state estimation for flexible manipulators in the presence of parametric modeling error. The solution includes: 1) a modeling strategy, 2) sensor selection and placement, and 3) a novel, multiple model estimator. Modeling of the FLASHMan flexible gantry manipulator is accomplished using a developed hybrid transfer matrix / assumed modes method (TMM/AMM) approach to determine an accurate low-order state space representation of the system dynamics. This model is utilized in a genetic algorithm optimization in determining the placement of MEMs accelerometers for robust estimation and observability of the system’s flexible state variables. The initial estimation method applied to the task of determining robust state estimates under conditions of parametric modeling error was of a sliding mode observer type. Evaluation of the method through analysis, simulations and experiments showed that the state estimates produced were inadequate. This led to the development of a novel, multiple model adaptive estimator. This estimator utilizes a bank of similarly designed sub-estimators and a selection algorithm to choose the true value from a given set of possible system parameter values as well as the correct state vector estimate. Simulation and experimental results are presented which demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the derived method for the task of state variable estimation for flexible robotic manipulators.Ph.D