974 research outputs found

    High resolution temporal transcriptomics of mouse embryoid body development reveals complex expression dynamics of coding and noncoding loci.

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    Cellular responses to stimuli are rapid and continuous and yet the vast majority of investigations of transcriptional responses during developmental transitions typically use long interval time courses; limiting the available interpretive power. Moreover, such experiments typically focus on protein-coding transcripts, ignoring the important impact of long noncoding RNAs. We therefore evaluated coding and noncoding expression dynamics at unprecedented temporal resolution (6-hourly) in differentiating mouse embryonic stem cells and report new insight into molecular processes and genome organization. We present a highly resolved differentiation cascade that exhibits coding and noncoding transcriptional alterations, transcription factor network interactions and alternative splicing events, little of which can be resolved by long-interval developmental time-courses. We describe novel short lived and cycling patterns of gene expression and dissect temporally ordered gene expression changes in response to transcription factors. We elucidate patterns in gene co-expression across the genome, describe asynchronous transcription at bidirectional promoters and functionally annotate known and novel regulatory lncRNAs. These findings highlight the complex and dynamic molecular events underlying mammalian differentiation that can only be observed though a temporally resolved time course

    Model-Based Deconvolution of Cell Cycle Time-Series Data Reveals Gene Expression Details at High Resolution

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    In both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, gene expression is regulated across the cell cycle to ensure “just-in-time” assembly of select cellular structures and molecular machines. However, present in all time-series gene expression measurements is variability that arises from both systematic error in the cell synchrony process and variance in the timing of cell division at the level of the single cell. Thus, gene or protein expression data collected from a population of synchronized cells is an inaccurate measure of what occurs in the average single-cell across a cell cycle. Here, we present a general computational method to extract “single-cell”-like information from population-level time-series expression data. This method removes the effects of 1) variance in growth rate and 2) variance in the physiological and developmental state of the cell. Moreover, this method represents an advance in the deconvolution of molecular expression data in its flexibility, minimal assumptions, and the use of a cross-validation analysis to determine the appropriate level of regularization. Applying our deconvolution algorithm to cell cycle gene expression data from the dimorphic bacterium Caulobacter crescentus, we recovered critical features of cell cycle regulation in essential genes, including ctrA and ftsZ, that were obscured in population-based measurements. In doing so, we highlight the problem with using population data alone to decipher cellular regulatory mechanisms and demonstrate how our deconvolution algorithm can be applied to produce a more realistic picture of temporal regulation in a cell

    Two-photon imaging and analysis of neural network dynamics

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    The glow of a starry night sky, the smell of a freshly brewed cup of coffee or the sound of ocean waves breaking on the beach are representations of the physical world that have been created by the dynamic interactions of thousands of neurons in our brains. How the brain mediates perceptions, creates thoughts, stores memories and initiates actions remains one of the most profound puzzles in biology, if not all of science. A key to a mechanistic understanding of how the nervous system works is the ability to analyze the dynamics of neuronal networks in the living organism in the context of sensory stimulation and behaviour. Dynamic brain properties have been fairly well characterized on the microscopic level of individual neurons and on the macroscopic level of whole brain areas largely with the help of various electrophysiological techniques. However, our understanding of the mesoscopic level comprising local populations of hundreds to thousands of neurons (so called 'microcircuits') remains comparably poor. In large parts, this has been due to the technical difficulties involved in recording from large networks of neurons with single-cell spatial resolution and near- millisecond temporal resolution in the brain of living animals. In recent years, two-photon microscopy has emerged as a technique which meets many of these requirements and thus has become the method of choice for the interrogation of local neural circuits. Here, we review the state-of-research in the field of two-photon imaging of neuronal populations, covering the topics of microscope technology, suitable fluorescent indicator dyes, staining techniques, and in particular analysis techniques for extracting relevant information from the fluorescence data. We expect that functional analysis of neural networks using two-photon imaging will help to decipher fundamental operational principles of neural microcircuits.Comment: 36 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Reports on Progress in Physic

    Network reconstruction by ChIP-seq in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Neurospora crassa

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityIn order to respond to environmental stimuli, cells utilize an interconnected network of molecules. This work describes the application of next-generation sequencing data to unravel these networks, with a focus on ChiP-seq for the identification of transcriptional regulatory networks. A ChiP-seq pipeline designed to analyze high coverage sequence data is described. This pipeline utilizes a simple model of background coverage, along with filtering steps and blind deconvolution to identify sites accurately and at high resolution. Comparisons to other peak calling algorithms on ChiP-seq experiments for previously characterized regulons show that this pipeline is the only method that identifies all previously identified targets for two previously characterized transcription factors in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, DosR and KstR. This pipeline has been applied to ChiP-seq data in order to identify a genome scale regulatory network of the human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This network was identified using an inducible promoter system to induce the expression of over half of the transcription factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This network is highly interconnected, containing more binding sites than initially expected for each transcription factor assayed. A subnetwork involving hypoxia and lipid metabolism genes is described using molecular profiling data to support these findings. The pipeline was also applied for the identification of a regulatory subnetwork of clock-regulated light-induced genes in Neurospora crassa. This network is also highly interconnected, and shows complex regulatory feedback onto the core clock genes. Finally, the use of ChiP-seq and microarray data to predict a small RNA (sRNA) regulatory network in Mycobacterium tuberculosis is described. sRNA-gene regulations were predicted using network inference and target prediction algorithms, and the transcriptional regulatory network was used to filter predicted interactions that could be described by transcriptional regulation. Known sRNA targets of Mtb transcription factors are identified, and small RNAs that may play a role in the hypoxic response are identified. Predicted targets of these sRNAs are consistent with the known function of many of the regulators of the sRNA. Together, these studies have produced resources that can be applied to better understand not only the biology of these organisms, but also the general nature of regulatory networks

    Cell Type-specific Analysis of Human Interactome and Transcriptome

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    Cells are the fundamental building block of complex tissues in higher-order organisms. These cells take different forms and shapes to perform a broad range of functions. What makes a cell uniquely eligible to perform a task, however, is not well-understood; neither is the defining characteristic that groups similar cells together to constitute a cell type. Even for known cell types, underlying pathways that mediate cell type-specific functionality are not readily available. These functions, in turn, contribute to cell type-specific susceptibility in various disorders

    The Neural Correlates of Visual Hallucinations in Parkinson's Disease

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    Visual hallucinations are common in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and linked to worse outcomes: increased mortality, higher carer burden, cognitive decline, and worse quality of life. Recent functional studies have aided our understanding, showing large-scale brain network imbalance in PD hallucinations. Imbalance of different influences on visual perception also occurs, with impaired accumulation of feedforward signals from the eyes and visual parts of the brain. Whether feedback signals from higher brain control centres are also affected is unknown and the mechanisms driving network imbalance in PD hallucinations remain unclear. In this thesis I will clarify the computational and structural changes underlying PD hallucinations and link these to functional abnormalities and regional changes at the cellular level. To achieve this, I will employ behavioural testing, diffusion weighted imaging, structural and functional MRI in PD patients with and without hallucinations. I will quantify the use of prior knowledge during a visual learning task and show that PD with hallucinations over-rely on feedback signals. I will examine underlying structural connectivity changes at baseline and longitudinally and will show that posterior thalamic connections are affected early, with frontal connections remaining relatively preserved. I will show that PD hallucinations are associated with a subnetwork of reduced structural connectivity strength, affecting areas crucial for switching the brain between functional states. I will assess the role of the thalamus as a potential driver of network-level changes and show preferential medial thalamus involvement. I will utilise data from the Allen Institute transcription atlas and show how differences in regional gene expression in health contributes to the selective vulnerability of specific white matter connections in PD hallucinations. These findings reveal the structural correlates of visual hallucinations in PD, link these to functional and behavioural changes and provide insights into the cellular mechanisms that drive regional vulnerability, ultimately leading to hallucinations

    Regulation of Single-Cell Bacterial Gene Expression at the Stage of Transcription Initiation

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    One of the qualities that allow bacterial cells to survive in diverse, fluctuating environments is phenotypic plasticity, which is the ability to exhibit different phenotypes depending on the environmental conditions. Phenotypic plasticity arises via coordinated work of small genetic circuits that provide the cell with the means for decision-making. The behavior of these circuits depends, among other factors, on the ability of protein numbers to cross certain thresholds for a sufficient amount of time. In bacteria, RNA numbers largely define protein numbers and thus can be used to study the decision-making processes. Previous research outlined the effects of mean and variance in RNA or protein numbers on the behavior of small genetic circuits. However, noise in gene expression is often highly asymmetric. This could impact the threshold-crossing abilities of molecular numbers in a way that is not detectable by considering only their mean and variance. The focus of this thesis is to study the regulation of multi-step kinetics of bacterial gene expression in live bacteria and its effects on the shape of the distribution of RNA or protein levels. In particular, the thesis investigates how the rate-limiting steps in bacterial transcription, such as closed and open complex formation, intermittent inactive states, and promoter escape contribute to the dynamics of RNA numbers, and how this dynamics propagates to the distribution of protein levels in a cell population. This study made use of already existing techniques such as measurements at the single-RNA level and dynamically accurate stochastic modeling, complemented by the novel methodology developed in this work. First, the thesis introduced a new method for estimating the numbers of fluorescently tagged molecules present in a cell from time series data obtained by microscopy. This method allows improving the accuracy of the estimation when fluorescently tagged molecules are absent from the cell image for time intervals comparable with cell lifetime. Second, the new methodology for dissecting in vivo kinetics of rate-limiting steps in transcription initiation was proposed. Applying this methodology to study initiation kinetics at lac/ara-1 promoter provided insights on the amount, duration, and reversibility of the rate-limiting steps in this process. Further, the thesis investigated the kinetics of transcription activation of lac/ara-1 promoter at various temperatures. The results indicate that additional rate-limiting steps emerge in inducer intake kinetics as temperature decreases from optimal (37 °C). Finally, the focus was shifted specifically to quantifying the asymmetry and tailedness in RNA and protein level distributions, since these features are relevant for determining threshold crossing propensities. Here, these features were found to depend both on promoter sequence and on regulatory molecules, thus being evolvable and adaptable. Overall, the work conducted in this thesis suggests that asymmetries in RNA and protein numbers may be crucial for decision-making in bacteria, since they can be regulated by promoter sequence, regulatory molecules levels, and temperature shifts. The thesis also contributes to the pool of existing methodology for studying in vivo bacterial gene expression using single-cell biology approach. These findings should be of use both for better understanding of natural systems and for fine-tuning behavior of synthetic gene circuits