6 research outputs found

    High-speed PAM4-based Optical SDM Interconnects with Directly Modulated Long-wavelength VCSEL

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    This paper reports the demonstration of high-speed PAM-4 transmission using a 1.5-{\mu}m single-mode vertical cavity surface emitting laser (SM-VCSEL) over multicore fiber with 7 cores over different distances. We have successfully generated up to 70 Gbaud 4-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM-4) signals with a VCSEL in optical back-to-back, and transmitted 50 Gbaud PAM-4 signals over both 1-km dispersion-uncompensated and 10-km dispersion-compensated in each core, enabling a total data throughput of 700 Gbps over the 7-core fiber. Moreover, 56 Gbaud PAM-4 over 1-km has also been shown, whereby unfortunately not all cores provide the required 3.8 ×\times 10 −3^{-3} bit error rate (BER) for the 7% overhead-hard decision forward error correction (7% OH HDFEC). The limited bandwidth of the VCSEL and the adverse chromatic dispersion of the fiber are suppressed with pre-equalization based on accurate end-to-end channel characterizations. With a digital post-equalization, BER performance below the 7% OH-HDFEC limit is achieved over all cores. The demonstrated results show a great potential to realize high-capacity and compact short-reach optical interconnects for data centers.Comment: 7 pages, accepted to publication in 'Journal of Lightwave Technology (JLT

    Split-enabled 350–630 Gb/s optical interconnect with direct detection NOMA-CAP and 7-core multi-core fiber

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    The ever-growing data traffic volume inside data centers caused by the popularization of cloud services and edge computing demands scalable and cost-efficient network infrastructures. With this premise, optical interconnects have recently gained more and more research attention as a key building block to ensure end-to-end energy efficient solutions, offering high throughput, low latency and reduced energy consumption compared to current networks based on active optical cables. An efficient way for performing such optical interconnects is to make use of multi-core fibers (MCFs), which enables the multiplexing of several spatial channels, each using a different core inside the same fiber cladding. Moreover, non-orthogonal multiple access combined with multi-band carrierless amplitude and phase modulation (NOMA-CAP) has been recently proposed as a potential candidate to increase the network capacity and an efficiency/flexibility resource management. In this paper, using direct detection we experimentally demonstrate the transmission of NOMA-CAP signals through a 2 km MCF with 7 spatial channels for high capacity optical interconnect applications. The results show negligible transmission penalty for different total aggregated traffics ranging from 350 Gb/s to 630 Gb/s.This work was supported in part by ALLIANCE (TEC2017-90034-C2-2-R) project co-funded by FEDER, the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no780997 (plaCMOS), as well as MINECO FPI-BES-2015-074302Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Kernel mapping for mitigating nonlinear impairments in optical short-reach communications

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    Nonlinear impairments induced by the opto-electronic components are one of the fundamental performance-limiting factors in high-speed optical short-reach communications, significantly hindering capacity improvement. This paper proposes to employ a kernel mapping function to map the signals in a Hilbert space to its inner product in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space, which has been successfully demonstrated to mitigate nonlinear impairments in optical short-reach communication systems. The operation principle is derived. An intensity modulation/direct detection system with 1.5-mu m vertical cavity surface emitting laser and 10-km 7-core fiber achieving 540.68-Gbps (net-rate 505.31-Gbps) has been carried out. The experimental results reveal that the kernel mapping based schemes are able to realize comparable transmission performance as the Volterra filtering scheme even with a high order. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreemen

    200 Gbps/lane IM/DD Technologies for Short Reach Optical Interconnects

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    Client-side optics are facing an ever-increasing upgrading pace, driven by upcoming 5G related services and datacenter applications. The demand for a single lane data rate is soon approaching 200 Gbps. To meet such high-speed requirement, all segments of traditional intensity modulation direct detection (IM/DD) technologies are being challenged. The characteristics of electrical and optoelectronic components and the performance of modulation, coding, and digital signal processing (DSP) techniques are being stretched to their limits. In this context, we witnessed technological breakthroughs in several aspects, including development of broadband devices, novel modulation formats and coding, and high-performance DSP algorithms for the past few years. A great momentum has been accumulated to overcome the aforementioned challenges. In this article, we focus on IM/DD transmissions, and provide an overview of recent research and development efforts on key enabling technologies for 200 Gbps per lane and beyond. Our recent demonstrations of 200 Gbps short-reach transmissions with 4-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) and discrete multitone signals are also presented as examples to show the system requirements in terms of device characteristics and DSP performance. Apart from digital coherent technologies and advanced direct detection systems, such as Stokes–vector and Kramers–Kronig schemes, we expect high-speed IM/DD systems will remain advantageous in terms of system cost, power consumption, and footprint for short reach applications in the short- to mid- term perspective

    Enabling Technologies for Optical Data Center Networks: Spatial Division Multiplexing

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    With the continuously growing popularity of cloud services, the traffic volume inside the\ua0data\ua0centers is dramatically increasing. As a result, a scalable and efficient infrastructure\ua0for\ua0data\ua0center\ua0networks\ua0(DCNs) is required. The current\ua0optical\ua0DCNs using either individual fibers or fiber ribbons are costly, bulky, hard to manage, and not scalable.\ua0Spatial\ua0division\ua0multiplexing\ua0(SDM) based on multicore or multimode (few-mode) fibers is recognized as a promising technology to increase the\ua0spatial\ua0efficiency\ua0for\ua0optical\ua0DCNs, which opens a new way towards high capacity and scalability. This tutorial provides an overview of the components, transmission options, and interconnect architectures\ua0for\ua0SDM-based DCNs, as well as potential technical challenges and future directions. It also covers the co-existence of SDM and other\ua0multiplexing\ua0techniques, such as wavelength-division\ua0multiplexing\ua0and flexible spectrum\ua0multiplexing, in\ua0optical\ua0DCNs