54,308 research outputs found

    Topologically Protected Quantum State Transfer in a Chiral Spin Liquid

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    Topology plays a central role in ensuring the robustness of a wide variety of physical phenomena. Notable examples range from the robust current carrying edge states associated with the quantum Hall and the quantum spin Hall effects to proposals involving topologically protected quantum memory and quantum logic operations. Here, we propose and analyze a topologically protected channel for the transfer of quantum states between remote quantum nodes. In our approach, state transfer is mediated by the edge mode of a chiral spin liquid. We demonstrate that the proposed method is intrinsically robust to realistic imperfections associated with disorder and decoherence. Possible experimental implementations and applications to the detection and characterization of spin liquid phases are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum Memories. A Review based on the European Integrated Project "Qubit Applications (QAP)"

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    We perform a review of various approaches to the implementation of quantum memories, with an emphasis on activities within the quantum memory sub-project of the EU Integrated Project "Qubit Applications". We begin with a brief overview over different applications for quantum memories and different types of quantum memories. We discuss the most important criteria for assessing quantum memory performance and the most important physical requirements. Then we review the different approaches represented in "Qubit Applications" in some detail. They include solid-state atomic ensembles, NV centers, quantum dots, single atoms, atomic gases and optical phonons in diamond. We compare the different approaches using the discussed criteria.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    Temporal Fidelity in Dynamic Social Networks

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    It has recently become possible to record detailed social interactions in large social systems with high resolution. As we study these datasets, human social interactions display patterns that emerge at multiple time scales, from minutes to months. On a fundamental level, understanding of the network dynamics can be used to inform the process of measuring social networks. The details of measurement are of particular importance when considering dynamic processes where minute-to-minute details are important, because collection of physical proximity interactions with high temporal resolution is difficult and expensive. Here, we consider the dynamic network of proximity-interactions between approximately 500 individuals participating in the Copenhagen Networks Study. We show that in order to accurately model spreading processes in the network, the dynamic processes that occur on the order of minutes are essential and must be included in the analysis

    Zero phase sequence voltage injection for the alternate arm converter

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    The Alternate Arm Converter (AAC) is a voltage source converter being developed as an alternative to the Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) for HVDC power transmission and reactive power compensation. Each Arm of the converter contains high voltage series IGBT Director Switches and full-bridge cells, which enables the VSC to ride through AC and DC network faults. This paper describes how the AAC can be optimised by modulating the converter terminal voltages with zerophase sequence triplen harmonic components. The optimisation reduces the ratio of the number of the full-bridge cells compared to the simpler Director Switches which offers a valuable improvement in footprint and efficiency