6,562 research outputs found

    Implementation of a sigma delta modulator for a class D audio power amplifier

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadore

    Vidutinių dažnių 5G belaidžių tinklų galios stiprintuvų tyrimas

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    This dissertation addresses the problems of ensuring efficient radio fre-quency transmission for 5G wireless networks. Taking into account, that the next generation 5G wireless network structure will be heterogeneous, the device density and their mobility will increase and massive MIMO connectivity capability will be widespread, the main investigated problem is formulated – increasing the efficiency of portable mid-band 5G wireless network CMOS power amplifier with impedance matching networks. The dissertation consists of four parts including the introduction, 3 chapters, conclusions, references and 3 annexes. The investigated problem, importance and purpose of the thesis, the ob-ject of the research methodology, as well as the scientific novelty are de-fined in the introduction. Practical significance of the obtained results, defended state-ments and the structure of the dissertation are also included. The first chapter presents an extensive literature analysis. Latest ad-vances in the structure of the modern wireless network and the importance of the power amplifier in the radio frequency transmission chain are de-scribed in detail. The latter is followed by different power amplifier archi-tectures, parameters and their improvement techniques. Reported imped-ance matching network design methods are also discussed. Chapter 1 is concluded distinguishing the possible research vectors and defining the problems raised in this dissertation. The second chapter is focused around improving the accuracy of de-signing lumped impedance matching network. The proposed methodology of estimating lumped inductor and capacitor parasitic parameters is dis-cussed in detail provi-ding complete mathematical expressions, including a summary and conclusions. The third chapter presents simulation results for the designed radio fre-quency power amplifiers. Two variations of Doherty power amplifier archi-tectures are presented in the second part, covering the full step-by-step de-sign and simulation process. The latter chapter is concluded by comparing simulation and measurement results for all designed radio frequency power amplifiers. General conclusions are followed by an extensive list of references and a list of 5 publications by the author on the topic of the dissertation. 5 papers, focusing on the subject of the discussed dissertation, have been published: three papers are included in the Clarivate Analytics Web of Sci-ence database with a citation index, one paper is included in Clarivate Ana-lytics Web of Science database Conference Proceedings, and one paper has been published in unreferred international conference preceedings. The au-thor has also made 9 presentations at 9 scientific conferences at a national and international level.Dissertatio

    Integrated Filters and Couplers for Next Generation Wireless Tranceivers

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    The main focus of this thesis is to investigate the critical nonlinear distortion issues affecting RF/Microwave components such as power amplifiers (PA) and develop new and improved solutions that will improve efficiency and linearity of next generation RF/Microwave mobile wireless communication systems. This research involves evaluating the nonlinear distortions in PA for different analog and digital signals which have been a major concern. The second harmonic injection technique is explored and used to effectively suppress nonlinear distortions. This method consists of simultaneously feeding back the second harmonics at the output of the power amplifier (PA) into the input of the PA. Simulated and measured results show improved linearity results. However, for increasing frequency bandwidth, the suppression abilities reduced which is a limitation for 4G LTE and 5G networks that require larger bandwidth (above 5 MHz). This thesis explores creative ways to deal with this major drawback. The injection technique was modified with the aid of a well-designed band-stop filter. The compact narrowband notch filter designed was able to suppress nonlinear distortions very effectively when used before the PA. The notch filter is also integrated in the injection technique for LTE carrier aggregation (CA) with multiple carriers and significant improvement in nonlinear distortion performance was observed. This thesis also considers maximizing efficiency alongside with improved linearity performance. To improve on the efficiency performance of the PA, the balanced PA configuration was investigated. However, another major challenge was that the couplers used in this configuration are very large in size at the desired operating frequency. In this thesis, this problem was solved by designing a compact branch line coupler. The novel coupler was simulated, fabricated and measured with performance comparable to its conventional equivalent and the coupler achieved substantial size reduction over others. The coupler is implemented in the balanced PA configuration giving improved input and output matching abilities. The proposed balanced PA is also implemented in 4G LTE and 5G wireless transmitters. This thesis provides simulation and measured results for all balanced PA cases with substantial efficiency and linearity improvements observed even for higher bandwidths (above 5 MHz). Additionally, the coupler is successfully integrated with rectifiers for improved energy harvesting performance and gave improved RF-dc conversion efficienc

    Amplificadores de potência para radiofrequência insensíveis à impedância de carga

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    Solid state power amplifiers (SSPAs) evolved significantly over the last few decades, mainly, due to the use of new transistor technologies, such as gallium nitride (GaN) high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs), very advanced computer-aided design (CAD) software, and very effective digital pre-distortion (DPD) algorithms. This led to a considerable performance improvement, in terms of energy efficiency, output power, and linearity. To achieve this performance, power amplifier (PA) designers normally push the used transistors very close to their physical safe operating limits, and consider them to operate for a fixed output load. However, the designed PAs are used for many different industrial and/or telecommunication applications, and, in some cases, such as, for example, microwave cooking or massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) fifth generation (5G) base stations (BSs), the output load of these amplifiers can change. Under this nonoptimal scenario, the used transistors will operate for non-nominal loads, and the PAs performance can be severely degraded. Moreover, in highly optimized designs, where the transistors are operated close to their safe limits, their reliability can be reduced or, in extreme cases, they can even be permanently damaged. Therefore, load insensitive PA architectures, and/or techniques that aim at reducing the load variation seen by the PA, are necessary to improve the performance under load varying scenarios. This thesis presents various strategies to improve load insensitiveness of PAs. The presented techniques are based on tunable matching networks (TMNs) and on the amplifiers’ drain supply voltage (VDS) variation. The developed TMNs successfully reduced the load variation seen by the PA, and its performance was greatly improved, for non-optimal loading, by also using the derived load dependent VDS variation. These different approaches were tested and validated on single-ended PAs and then, based on their advantages and disadvantages, the most promising technique – the supply voltage modulation – was selected for the design of a Doherty power amplifier (DPA), which is of paramount importance for telecommunication applications. Moreover, since in some applications the output load variation can be unpredictable, we also developed a complete quasi-load insensitive (QLI) PA system that includes an impedance tracking circuit and an automatic real-time compensation of the amplifier performance.Os amplificadores de potência de estado sólido (SSPAs) evoluíram significativamente nas últimas décadas, principalmente devido à utilização de novas tecnologias de transístores, como os transístores de alta mobilidade (HEMTs) de nitreto de gálio (GaN), de ferramentas muito avançadas de projeto assistido por computador (CAD) e de algoritmos de pré-distorção digital (DPD) muito evoluídos. Isto levou a uma melhoria de desempenho considerável, em termos de eficiência energética, potência de saída e linearidade. Normalmente, para obter estes níveis de desempenho, os engenheiros projetam os amplificadores permitindo que os transístores utilizados operem muito perto do seu limite físico de funcionamento seguro e considerando que vão operar para uma carga fixa. No entanto, os amplificadores projetados são utilizados em diversas aplicações industriais e/ou telecomunicações e, em alguns casos, como por exemplo fornos micro-ondas ou estações base 5G, a sua carga de saída pode variar devido a várias causas, que podem ser previsíveis ou imprevisíveis. Neste cenário não ideal, os transístores utilizados operam para cargas não ótimas e o desempenho dos amplificadores pode ser muito degradado. Além disso, em projetos muito otimizados, onde os transístores são operados perto do seu limite de funcionamento seguro, a sua durabilidade pode ser reduzida ou, em casos extremos, podem até ser permanentemente danificados. Portanto, para melhorar o desempenho dos amplificadores em cenários de carga variável, são necessárias novas arquiteturas e/ou técnicas que visam reduzir a variação da carga vista pelos transístores utilizados. Esta tese apresenta várias estratégias para melhorar a insensibilidade dos amplificadores em relação à variação de carga. As técnicas apresentadas são baseadas em malhas de adaptação dinâmicas (TMNs) e na variação da tensão de alimentação dos amplificadores. As malhas de adaptação desenvolvidas permitiram reduzir a variação de carga vista pelo amplificador e a variação da sua tensão de alimentação permitiu melhorar o desempenho para operação com cargas não ótimas. Estas abordagens foram testadas e validadas em amplificadores baseados num só transístor, e, posteriormente, com base nas suas vantagens e desvantagens, a técnica mais promissora – a modulação da tensão de alimentação – foi selecionada para o projeto de um amplificador Doherty, que é imprescindível para telecomunicações. Além disso, como em algumas aplicações a variação da carga de saída pode ser imprevisível, também desenvolvemos um sistema completo que inclui um circuito de medida de impedância e compensação do desempenho do amplificador em tempo real.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrotécnic

    Optimization of 8-Plate Multi-Resonant Coupling Structure Using Class-E\u3csup\u3e2\u3c/sup\u3e Based Capacitive-Wireless Power Transfer System

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    Capacitive-wireless power transfer (CPT) effectively charges battery-powered devices without a physical contact. It is an alternative to inductive-wireless power transfer (IPT) which is available in the present market. Compared with IPT, CPT offers flexibility in designing the coupling section. Because of its flexibility, CPT utilizes various coupling methods to enhance the coupling capacitance. Misalignment is a common issue in any WPT system. Among IPT and CPT, IPT has better performance for misalignments, but it requires bulk and expensive ferrite core to attain a high coupling coefficient. This work focuses on designing a CPT system to minimize the impact of misalignments. In this research, a novel 8-plate multi-resonant Class-E2 CPT system is developed to improve the performance of the CPT system for misalignments. The proposed CPT model expands the resonant frequency band, which results in better performance for misalignments compared with the regular 4-plate CPT system. The 8-plate coupling structure is designed to charge a 100 Ah drone battery. For this application, the coupling is formed when the drone lands on the capacitive- wireless charging pad. This work also presents the analysis of several dielectric materials with different dielectric constants. A well-designed capacitive coupler can effectively limit harmonics during the interaction between transmitter and receiver. Also, the effect of coupling plate shape is identified on the CPT system. The hardware tests indicate the round-shaped plates have better stability in coupling capacitance with the variation in frequency. The effect of misalignments is studied through the impedance tracking of the Class-E2 power converter. Impedance plots for 50 μH, and 100 μH resonant inductors are used to determine input current peak for each case. Additionally, hardware tests are performed to study the variation of input current and output voltage for a range of frequencies. The test results indicate the efficiency at optimal impedance point for a resonant inductor with 50 μH is 8% higher compared to the CPT with a 100 μH resonant inductor which highlights the effects of the resonant inductor on efficiency. The zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) limits are also identified for varying frequencies and duty cycles. Later in this research, the optimal design of the Class-E rectifier is identified to enhance the power transfer. Several cases were considered to investigate the impact of the secondary inductor on the output voltage and the ZVS property. Hardware tests validate that under optimal conditions the efficiency of the Class-E2 based CPT system improves by 18% compared with Ar \u3e\u3c 1. Further work presents the advantages of 8-plate multi-resonant coupling for misalignments. The proposed model has a simple design procedure which enhances the power flow from the inverter to the rectifier section. The hardware results of the proposed 8-plate multi-resonant coupling show an increase in efficiency to 88.5% for the 20.8 W test, which is 18% higher than regular 4-plate coupling. Because of the wider resonant frequency band [455- 485 kHz], compared with regular 4-plate coupling, the proposed design minimized the output voltage drop by 15% for 10% misalignment. Even for large misalignments, 8-plate improves the CPT performance by 40% compared with 4-plate coupling

    Compensation technique for nonlinear distortion in RF circuits for multi-standard wireless systems

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    Recent technological advances in the RF and wireless industry has led to the design requirement of more sophisticated devices which can meet stringent specifications of bandwidth, data rate and throughput. These devices are required to be extremely sensitive and hence any external interference from other systems can severely affect the device and the output. This thesis introduces the existing problem in nonlinear components in a multi-standard wireless system due to interfering signals and suggests potential solution to the problem. Advances in RF and wireless systems with emerging new communication standards have made reconfigurablility and tunability a very viable option. RF transceivers are optimised for multi-standard operation, where one band of frequency can act as an interfering signal to the other band. Due to the presence of nonlinear circuits in the transceiver chains such as power amplifiers, reconfigurable and tunable filters and modulators, these interfering signals produce nonlinear distortion products which can deform the output signal considerably. Hence it becomes necessary to block these interfering signals using special components. The main objective of this thesis is to analyse and experimentally verify the nonlinear distortions in various RF circuits such as reconfigurable and tunable filters and devise ways to minimize the overall nonlinear distortion in the presence of other interfering signals. Reconfigurbality and tunablity in filters can be achieved using components such as varactor diodes, PIN diodes and optical switches. Nonlinear distortions in such components are measured using different signals and results noted. The compensation method developed to minimize nonlinear distortions in RF circuits caused due to interfering signals is explored thoroughly in this thesis. Compensation method used involves the design of novel microstrip bandstop filters which can block the interfering signals and hence give a clean output spectrum at the final stage. Recent years have seen the emergence of electronic band gap technology which has “band gap” properties meaning that a bandstop response is seen within particular range of frequency. This concept was utilised in the design of several novel bandstop filters using defected microstrip structure. Novel tunable bandstop filters has been introduced in order to block the unwanted signal. Fixed single-band and dual-band filters using DMS were fabricated with excellent achieved results. These filters were further extended to tunable structures. A dual-band tunable filter with miniaturized size was developed and designed. The designed filters were further used in the compensation technique where different scenarios showing the effect of interfering signals in wireless transceiver were described. Mathematical analysis proved the validation of the use of a bandstop filter as an inter-stage component. Distortion improvements of around 10dB have been experimentally verified using a power amplifier as device under test. Further experimental verification was carried out with a transmitter which included reconfigurable RF filters and power amplifier where an improvement of 15dB was achieved


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    Modern RF and millimeter-wave communication links call for high-efficiency front end systems with high output power and high linearity to meet minimum transmission requirements. Advanced modulation techniques, such as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) require a large power amplifier (PA) dynamic range due to the high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). This thesis provides the analysis, design, and experimental verification of a high-efficiency, high-linearity S-band Doherty power amplifier (DPA) based on the Class F PA. Traditional Class F PAs use harmonically tuned output matching networks to obtain up to 88.4% power-added efficiency (PAE) theoretically, however the amplifier experiences poor linearity performance due to switched mode operation, typically yielding less than 30dB C/I ratio [1]. The DPA overcomes this linearity limitation by using an auxiliary amplifier to boost output power when the amplifier is subject to a high input power due to its limited conduction cycle. The DPA also provides improved saturated output power back-off performance to maintain high PAE during operation. The DPA presented in this thesis optimizes PAE while maintaining linearity by employing harmonically tuned Class F amplifier topology on a primary and an auxiliary amplifier. A Class F PA is first designed and fabricated to optimize output network linearity – this is followed by a DPA design based on the fabricated Class F PA. A GaN HEMT Class F PA and DPA operating at 2.2GHz are implemented with the PAs measuring 40% and 45% PAE respectively while maintaining a 30dB carrier-to-intermodulation (C/I) ratio on a two-tone test. The PAE is characterized at maximum 21dBm input power per tone and 20MHz tone spacing. When subject to a single 24dBm continuous wave input tone, the Class F PA and DPA output 37dBm and 35.5dBm respectively. The PAs presented in the thesis provide over 30dB C/I ratio up to 21dBm input tones while maintaining over 40% PAE suitable for base station applications

    A survey on RF and microwave doherty power amplifier for mobile handset applications

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    This survey addresses the cutting-edge load modulation microwave and radio frequency power amplifiers for next-generation wireless communication standards. The basic operational principle of the Doherty amplifier and its defective behavior that has been originated by transistor characteristics will be presented. Moreover, advance design architectures for enhancing the Doherty power amplifier’s performance in terms of higher efficiency and wider bandwidth characteristics, as well as the compact design techniques of Doherty amplifier that meets the requirements of legacy 5G handset applications, will be discussed.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. TEC2017-88242-C3-2-RFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDP/50008/201