341 research outputs found

    Modeling and noise parameter extraction of nano-wire transistors

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    Analysis and design of a high frequency induction-heating system

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    Includes bibliographical references.Advances in power electronic semiconductor technology are making high frequency converters for induction heating more feasible at power levels up to 50kW. This research presents the development and analysis of a solid-state induction-heating system, operating directly off single-phase mains frequency, which enables optimum and efficient operation over a frequency range of 80kHz to 200kHz. The system essentially comprises a DC-DC converter configured as a controlled current source, which feeds a load resonant DC-AC inverter, driving a parallel resonant load circuit. The load circuit comprises an induction-heating coil and a reactive power compensating capacitor. The systems active switching elements comprise power MOSFET's but can be extended to almost any other controlled power devices such as IGBT's, BJT's, SCR's, GTO's or SIT's. An automatic frequency control system ensures that the DC-AC inverter drives the load at its resonant frequency, thereby achieving zero voltage switching of the power semiconductors. This operating mode always ensures maximum power transfer to the load as well as maximum operating efficiency of the DC-AC inverter. Driving the load at resonance presents an essentially resistive load to the DC-DC converter, thereby reducing the losses associated with a reactive load. A compact circuit layout combined with this optimum mode of operation eliminates the need for any snubber circuit components in both the DC-DC and DC-AC converters at this power level. An overview into various applications and technologies of induction-heating is presented in this research. A detailed analysis of the induction-heating coil and work- piece are presented in order to aid the design of the load circuit. The induction-heating technology overview presents various induction-heating power sources, discussing the configurations of various topologies. A brief mathematical analysis is used to describe the operation of power electronic converters employed in the induction-heating system developed for this research. The parallel resonant induction-heating load circuit is characterised mathematically, allowing for the determination of the optimum operating conditions. This is followed by a simulation analysis, which is used to gain insight into the problem of frequency control. The frequency control system is modelled and the steady-state error response evaluated under different input conditions. Experimental results on the system implemented, based on operating waveforms and efficiency measurements of the solid-state induction-heating system are presented along with recommendations for future work. The implemented power source was tested at a maximum power of 2.3kW at 151kHz. A system efficiency of 86% at 1.3kW was measured when operating at 138kHz. This design however, provides for scaling to power levels up to 50kW. The induction-heating system's frequency tracking capability is evaluated by heating a steel work-piece through its Curie transition temperature. The induction-heating system is used to heat a 26mm x 35mm stainless-steel billet (work-piece) to 1200°C in 130 seconds using the calculated power of 1.35kW

    Design of a reliability methodology: Modelling the influence of temperature on gate Oxide reliability

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    An Integrated Reliability Methodology (IRM) is presented that encompasses the changes that technology growth has brought with it and includes several new device degradation models. Each model is based on a physics of failure approach and includes on the effects of temperature. At all stages the models are verified experimentally on modern deep sub-micron devices. The research provides the foundations of a tool which gives the user the opportunity to make appropriate trade-offs between performance and reliability, and that can be implemented in the early stages of product development

    A comparative study of advanced MOSFET concepts

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    Hot electron currents in MOSFETs.

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    Silicon has become the material of choice for fabrication of high circuit density, low defect density and high speed integration devices. CMOS technology has been favoured as an attractive candidate to take advantage of the performance enhancements available through miniturisation. However, hot carrier effects in general, and hot electron currents in particular, are posing as the main obstacle to a new era of sub-micron architecture in semiconductor device technology. Electron transport in modern sub-micron device is often governed by mechanisms that were not relevant to long-channel devices. Many of the classical device models are based upon such convenient assumptions as "thermal equilibrium" and "uniform local electric field". With the downscaling of devices, hot electron currents are becoming increasingly inherent. These currents arise from the fact that electrical fields in small geometry devices can reach very high values and can vary rapidly in space. The large electric field can Impart significant kinetic energies to the carriers. In thermal equilibrium, all elementary excitations in a semiconductor (eg. Electrons, holes, phonons) can be characterised by a temperature that is the same as the lattice temperature. Under the influence of large electric fields, however, the distribution function of these elementally excitations deviate from those in thermal equilibrium. The term "Hot Carriers" is often used to describe these non-equilibrium situations. In this thesis hot electron currents, in particular their physical origins and dependence upon various operational and geometrical parameters, have been discussed and then quantified in a number of models based on the "Lucky Drift" theory of transport. Temperature is then used as a tool to differentiate between the underlying physical processes, and to determine if reliability problems related to hot electron effects would improve under cryogenic operation. It has been the prime objective of this work from the outset to concentrate on the study of N-channel devices. This is primarily due to the fact that N-channel MOSFET's are more prone to hot electron effects, and therefore, studies in the nature of this enhanced susceptibility could prove to be more fruitful

    Evaluation of two prototype three phase photovoltaic water pumping systems

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    Bibliography: p. 221-223.Two prototype three phase AC photovoltaic pump systems (Solvo, ML T) and a DC PV pump (Miltek) were tested on a farm borehole in Namibia (latitude 21°6', longitude 17°6'). The PV array consisted of twelve modules (636Wpeak) mounted on a single-axis passive tracker. The depth of the water was 75m and a progressive cavity pump with a self-compensating stator was used in all the tests. Customised data acquisition was designed to measure performance characteristics through a range of operating conditions (mainly steady state); a secondary data acquisition system was used to capture samples of high frequency signals. The data allowed detailed analysis of system, subsystem and component performance, as well as performance evaluation over Standard Solar Days. The focus of the investigation was evaluation of the AC prototypes, in terms of performance, other technical factors, reliability and economic criteria. The analog-based DC system served as a basis for comparison. Both AC systems employed microprocessor control and PWM variable-frequency variable-voltage inversion. Efficiencies, optimality, stability, start-up behaviour, non-productive operating modes and protection were examined. A number of recommendations were proposed for improvements in the basic control algorithms, monitoring and managing non-productive modes, improved protection, layout and user diagnostic features