108,804 research outputs found

    Ultrasensitive mechanical detection of magnetic moment using a commercial disk drive write head

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    Sensitive detection of weak magnetic moments is an essential capability in many areas of nanoscale science and technology, including nanomagnetism, quantum readout of spins, and nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging. Here, we show that the write head of a commercial hard drive may enable significant advances in nanoscale spin detection. By approaching a sharp diamond tip to within 5 nm from the pole and measuring the induced diamagnetic moment with a nanomechanical force transducer, we demonstrate a spin sensitivity of 0.032 Bohr magnetons per root Hz, equivalent to 21 proton magnetic moments. The high sensitivity is enabled in part by the pole's strong magnetic gradient of up to 28 million Tesla per meter and in part by the absence of non-contact friction due to the extremely flat writer surface. In addition, we demonstrate quantitative imaging of the pole field with about 10 nm spatial resolution. We foresee diverse applications for write heads in experimental condensed matter physics, especially in spintronics, ultrafast spin manipulation, and mesoscopic physics.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Patterned ferrimagnetic thin films of spinel ferrites obtained directly by laser irradiation

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    Some spinel ferrites can be oxidized or transformed at moderate temperatures. Such modifications werecarried out on thin films of mixed cobalt copper ferrites and maghemite, by heating small regions with alow-power laser spot applied for about 100 ns. The very simple laser heating process, which can be donedirectly with a conventional photolithographic machine, made it possible to generate two-dimensionalmagnetization heterogeneities in ferrimagnetic films. Such periodic structures could display the specificproperties of magneto-photonic or magnonic crystals

    Halbach arrays at the nanoscale from chiral spin textures

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    Mallinson's idea that some spin textures in planar magnetic structures could produce an enhancement of the magnetic flux on one side of the plane at the expense of the other gave rise to permanent magnet configurations known as Halbach magnet arrays. Applications range from wiggler magnets in particle accelerators and free electron lasers, to motors, to magnetic levitation trains, but exploiting Halbach arrays in micro- or nanoscale spintronics devices requires solving the problem of fabrication and field metrology below 100 {\mu}m size. In this work we show that a Halbach configuration of moments can be obtained over areas as small as 1 x 1 {\mu}m^2 in sputtered thin films with N\'eel-type domain walls of unique domain wall chirality, and we measure their stray field at a controlled probe-sample distance of 12.0 x 0.5 nm. Because here chirality is determined by the interfacial Dyzaloshinkii-Moriya interaction the field attenuation and amplification is an intrinsic property of this film, allowing for flexibility of design based on an appropriate definition of magnetic domains. 100 nm-wide skyrmions illustrate the smallest kind of such structures, for which our measurement of stray magnetic fields and mapping of the spin structure shows they funnel the field toward one specific side of the film given by the sign of the Dyzaloshinkii-Moriya interaction parameter D.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetic domain structure and dynamics in interacting ferromagnetic stacks with perpendicular anisotropy

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    The time and field dependence of the magnetic domain structure at magnetization reversal were investigated by Kerr microscopy in interacting ferromagnetic Co/Pt multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy. Large local inhomogeneous magnetostatic fields favor mirroring domain structures and domain decoration by rings of opposite magnetization. The long range nature of these magnetostatic interactions gives rise to ultra-slow dynamics even in zero applied field, i.e. it affects the long time domain stability. Due to this additionnal interaction field, the magnetization reversal under short magnetic field pulses differs markedly from the well-known slow dynamic behavior. Namely, in high field, the magnetization of the coupled harder layer has been observed to reverse more rapidly by domain wall motion than the softer layer alone.Comment: 42 pages including 17 figures. submitted to JA