4 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Pan-Sharpening Techniques Using Lagrange Optimization

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    Earth’s observation satellites, such as IKONOS, provide simultaneously multispectral and panchromatic images. A multispectral image comes with a lower spatial and higher spectral resolution in contrast to a panchromatic image which usually has a high spatial and a low spectral resolution. Pan-sharpening represents a fusion of these two complementary images to provide an output image that has both spatial and spectral high resolutions. The objective of this paper is to propose a new method of pan-sharpening based on pixel-level image manipulation and to compare it with several state-of-art pansharpening methods using different evaluation criteria.  The paper presents an image fusion method based on pixel-level optimization using the Lagrange multiplier. Two cases are discussed: (a) the maximization of spectral consistency and (b) the minimization of the variance difference between the original data and the computed data. The paper compares the results of the proposed method with several state-of-the-art pan-sharpening methods. The performance of the pan-sharpening methods is evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively using evaluation criteria, such as the Chi-square test, RMSE, SNR, SD, ERGAS, and RASE. Overall, the proposed method is shown to outperform all the existing methods

    Divide-and-conquer framework for image restoration and enhancement

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    Abstract(#br)We develop a novel divide-and-conquer framework for image restoration and enhancement based on their task-driven requirements, which takes advantage of visual importance differences of image contents (i.e., noise versus image, edge-based structures versus smoothing areas, high-frequency versus low-frequency components) and sparse prior differences of image contents for performance improvements. The proposed framework is efficient in implementation of decomposition-processing-integration. An observed image is first decomposed into different subspaces based on considering visual importance of different subspaces and exploiting their prior differences. Different models are separately established for image subspace restoration and enhancement, and existing image restoration and enhancement methods are utilized to deal with them effectively. Then a simple but effective fusion scheme with different weights is used to integrate the post-processed subspaces for the final reconstructed image. Final experimental results demonstrate that the proposed divide-and-conquer framework outperforms several restoration and enhancement algorithms in both subjective results and objective assessments. The performance improvements of image restoration and enhancement can be yielded by using the proposed divide-and-conquer strategy, which greatly benefits in terms of mixed Gaussian and salt-and-pepper noise removal, non-blind deconvolution, and image enhancement. In addition, our divide-and-conquer framework can be simply extensible to other restoration and enhancement algorithms, and can be a new way to promote their performances for image restoration and enhancement

    Panchromatic and multispectral image fusion for remote sensing and earth observation: Concepts, taxonomy, literature review, evaluation methodologies and challenges ahead

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    Panchromatic and multispectral image fusion, termed pan-sharpening, is to merge the spatial and spectral information of the source images into a fused one, which has a higher spatial and spectral resolution and is more reliable for downstream tasks compared with any of the source images. It has been widely applied to image interpretation and pre-processing of various applications. A large number of methods have been proposed to achieve better fusion results by considering the spatial and spectral relationships among panchromatic and multispectral images. In recent years, the fast development of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning (DL) has significantly enhanced the development of pan-sharpening techniques. However, this field lacks a comprehensive overview of recent advances boosted by the rise of AI and DL. This paper provides a comprehensive review of a variety of pan-sharpening methods that adopt four different paradigms, i.e., component substitution, multiresolution analysis, degradation model, and deep neural networks. As an important aspect of pan-sharpening, the evaluation of the fused image is also outlined to present various assessment methods in terms of reduced-resolution and full-resolution quality measurement. Then, we conclude this paper by discussing the existing limitations, difficulties, and challenges of pan-sharpening techniques, datasets, and quality assessment. In addition, the survey summarizes the development trends in these areas, which provide useful methodological practices for researchers and professionals. Finally, the developments in pan-sharpening are summarized in the conclusion part. The aim of the survey is to serve as a referential starting point for newcomers and a common point of agreement around the research directions to be followed in this exciting area

    Panchromatic and multispectral image fusion for remote sensing and earth observation: Concepts, taxonomy, literature review, evaluation methodologies and challenges ahead

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    Panchromatic and multispectral image fusion, termed pan-sharpening, is to merge the spatial and spectral information of the source images into a fused one, which has a higher spatial and spectral resolution and is more reliable for downstream tasks compared with any of the source images. It has been widely applied to image interpretation and pre-processing of various applications. A large number of methods have been proposed to achieve better fusion results by considering the spatial and spectral relationships among panchromatic and multispectral images. In recent years, the fast development of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning (DL) has significantly enhanced the development of pan-sharpening techniques. However, this field lacks a comprehensive overview of recent advances boosted by the rise of AI and DL. This paper provides a comprehensive review of a variety of pan-sharpening methods that adopt four different paradigms, i.e., component substitution, multiresolution analysis, degradation model, and deep neural networks. As an important aspect of pan-sharpening, the evaluation of the fused image is also outlined to present various assessment methods in terms of reduced-resolution and full-resolution quality measurement. Then, we conclude this paper by discussing the existing limitations, difficulties, and challenges of pan-sharpening techniques, datasets, and quality assessment. In addition, the survey summarizes the development trends in these areas, which provide useful methodological practices for researchers and professionals. Finally, the developments in pan-sharpening are summarized in the conclusion part. The aim of the survey is to serve as a referential starting point for newcomers and a common point of agreement around the research directions to be followed in this exciting area