5 research outputs found

    About Fokker-Planck equation with measurable coefficients and applications to the fast diffusion equation

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    The object of this paper is the uniqueness for a dd-dimensional Fokker-Planck type equation with non-homogeneous (possibly degenerated) measurable not necessarily bounded coefficients. We provide an application to the probabilistic representation of the so called Barenblatt solution of the fast diffusion equation which is the partial differential equation ∂tu=∂xx2um\partial_t u = \partial^2_{xx} u^m with m∈(0,1)m\in(0,1). Together with the mentioned Fokker-Planck equation, we make use of small time density estimates uniformly with respect to the initial conditio

    A finite volume scheme for nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations

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    We propose a second order finite volume scheme for nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations. For some of these models (porous media equation, drift-diffusion system for semiconductors, ...) it has been proved that the transient solution converges to a steady-state when time goes to infinity. The present scheme preserves steady-states and provides a satisfying long-time behavior. Moreover, it remains valid and second-order accurate in space even in the degenerate case. After describing the numerical scheme, we present several numerical results which confirm the high-order accuracy in various regime degenerate and non degenerate cases and underline the efficiency to preserve the large-time asymptotic

    Numerical methods for all-speed ïŹ‚ows in ïŹ‚uid-dynamics and non-linear elasticity

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    In this thesis we are concerned with the numerical simulation of compressible materials flows, including gases, liquids and elastic solids. These materials are described by a monolithic Eulerian model of conservation laws, closed by an hyperelastic state law that includes the different behaviours of the considered materials. A novel implicit relaxation scheme to solve compressible flows at all speeds is proposed, with Mach numbers ranging from very small to the order of unity. The scheme is general and has the same formulation for all the considered materials, since a direct dependence on the state law is avoided via the relaxation. It is based on a fully implicit time discretization, easily implemented thanks to the linearity of the transport operator in the relaxation system. The spatial discretization is obtained by a combination of upwind and centered schemes in order to recover the correct numerical viscosity in different Mach regimes. The scheme is validated with one and two dimensional simulations of fluid flows and of deformations of compressible solids. We exploit the domain discretization through Cartesian grids, allowing for massively parallel computations (HPC) that drastically reduce the computational times on 2D test cases. Moreover, the scheme is adapted to the resolution on adaptive grids based on quadtrees, implementing adaptive mesh refinement techinques. The last part of the thesis is devoted to the numerical simulation of heterogeneous multi-material flows. A novel sharp interface method is proposed, with the derivation of implicit equilibrium conditions. The aim of the implicit framework is the solution of weakly compressible and low Mach flows, thus the proposed multi-material conditions are coupled with the implicit relaxation scheme that is solved in the bulk of the flow. Dans cette thĂšse on s’intĂ©resse Ă  la simulation numĂ©rique d’écoulements des matĂ©riaux compressibles, voir fluides et solides Ă©lastiques. Les matĂ©riaux considĂ©rĂ©s sont dĂ©crits avec un modĂšle monolithique eulĂ©rian, fermĂ© avec une loi d’état hyperĂ©lastique qui considĂšre les diffĂ©rents comportĂ©ments des matĂ©riaux. On propose un nouveau schĂ©ma de relaxation qui rĂ©sout les Ă©coulements compressibles dans des diffĂ©rents rĂ©gimes, avec des nombres de Mach trĂšs petits jusqu’à l’ordre 1. Le schĂ©ma a une formulation gĂ©nĂ©rale qui est la mĂȘme pour tous le matĂ©riaux considĂ©rĂ©s, parce que il ne dĂ©pend pas directement de la loi d’état. Il se base sur une discrĂ©tization complĂ©tement implicite, facile Ă  implĂ©menter grĂące Ă  la linearitĂ© de l’opĂ©rateur de transport du systĂšme de relaxation. La discrĂ©tization en Ă©space est donnĂ©e par la combinaison de flux upwind et centrĂ©s, pour retrouver la correcte viscositĂ© numĂ©rique dans les diffĂ©rents rĂ©gimes. L’utilisation de mailles cartĂ©siennes pour les cas 2D s’adapte bien Ă  une parallĂ©lisation massive, qui permet de rĂ©duire drastiquement le temps de calcul. De plus, le schĂ©ma a Ă©tĂ© adaptĂ© pour la rĂ©solution sur des mailles quadtree, pour implĂ©menter l’adaptivitĂ© de la maille avec des critĂšres entropiques. La derniĂšre partie de la thĂšse concerne la simulation numĂ©rique d’écoulements multi-matĂ©riaux. On a proposĂ© une nouvelle mĂ©thode d’interface “sharp”, en dĂ©rivant les conditions d’équilibre en implicite. L’objectif est la rĂ©solution d’interfaces physiques dans des rĂ©gimes faiblement compressibles et avec un nombre de Mach faible, donc les conditions multi-matĂ©riaux sont couplĂ©es au schĂ©ma implicite de relaxation

    Numerical Modeling Of Degenerate Equations In Porous Media Flow: Degenerate Multiphase Flow Equations In Porous Media

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    In this paper is introduced a new numerical formulation for solving degenerate nonlinear coupled convection dominated parabolic systems in problems of flow and transport in porous media by means of a mixed finite element and an operator splitting technique, which, in turn, is capable of simulating the flow of a distinct number of fluid phases in different porous media regions. This situation naturally occurs in practical applications, such as those in petroleum reservoir engineering and groundwater transport. To illustrate the modelling problem at hand, we consider a nonlinear three-phase porous media flow model in one- and two-space dimensions, which may lead to the existence of a simultaneous one-, two- and three-phase flow regions and therefore to a degenerate convection dominated parabolic system. Our numerical formulation can also be extended for the case of three space dimensions. As a consequence of the standard mixed finite element approach for this flow problem the resulting linear algebraic system is singular. By using an operator splitting combined with mixed finite element, and a decomposition of the domain into different flow regions, compatibility conditions are obtained to bypass the degeneracy in order to the degenerate convection dominated parabolic system of equations be numerically tractable without any mathematical trick to remove the singularity, i.e., no use of a parabolic regularization. Thus, by using this procedure, we were able to write the full nonlinear system in an appropriate way in order to obtain a nonsingular system for its numerical solution. The robustness of the proposed method is verified through a large set of high-resolution numerical experiments of nonlinear transport flow problems with degenerating diffusion conditions and by means of a numerical convergence study. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2012.553688717Aarnes, J.E., Krogstad, S., Lie, K.-A., A hierarchical multiscale method for two-phase flow based upon mixed finite elements and nonuniform coarse grids (2006) Multiscale Model. Simul., 5 (2), pp. 337-363Aarnes, J.E., Hauge, V.L., Efendiev, Y., Coarsening of three-dimensional structured and unstructured grids for subsurface flow (2007) Adv. Water Resour., 30 (11), pp. 2177-2193Aarnes, J.E., Krogstad, S., Lie, K.-A., Multiscale mixed/mimetic methods on corner-point grids (2008) Comput. Geosci., 12, pp. 297-315Abreu, E., Furtado, F., Pereira, F., On the numerical simulation of three-phase reservoir transport problem (2004) Transp. Theory Stat. 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