14 research outputs found

    Parallelization and Visual Analysis of Multidimensional Fields: Application to Ozone Production, Destruction, and Transport in Three Dimensions

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    This final report has four sections. We first describe the actual scientific results attained by our research team, followed by a description of the high performance computing research enhancing those results and prompted by the scientific tasks being undertaken. Next, we describe our research in data and program visualization motivated by the scientific research and also enabling it. Last, we comment on the indirect effects this research effort has had on our work, in terms of follow up or additional funding, student training, etc

    Computational steering and the SCIRun integrated problem solving environment

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    Journal ArticleSCIRun is a problem solving environment that allows the interactive construction, debugging, and steering of large-scale scientific computations. We review related systems and introduce a taxonomy that explores different computational steering solutions. Considering these approaches, we discuss why a tightly integrated problem solving environment, such as SCIRun, simplifies the design and debugging phases of computational science applications and how such an environment aids in the scientific discovery process

    A survey of computational steering environments

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    Computational steering is a powerful concept that allows scientists to interactively control a computational process during its execution. In this paper, a survey of computational steering environments for the on-line steering of ongoing scientific and engineering simulations is presented. These environments can be used to create steerable applications for model exploration, algorithm experimentation, or performance optimization. For each environment the scope is identified, the architecture is summarized, and the concepts of the user interface is described. The environments are compared and conclusions and future research issues are given

    Computational Steering in the Problem Solving Environment WBCSim

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    Computational steering allows scientists to interactively control a numerical experiment and adjust parameters of the computation on-the-fly and explore “what if ” analysis. Computational steering effectively reduces computational time, makes research more efficient, and opens up new product design opportunities. There are several problem solving environments (PSEs) featuring computational steering. However, there is hardly any work explaining how to enable computational steering for PSEs embedded with legacy simulation codes. This paper describes a practical approach to implement computational steering for such PSEs by using WBCSim as an example. WBCSim is a Web based simulation system designed to increase the productivity of wood scientists conducting research on wood-based composites manufacturing processes. WBCSim serves as a prototypical example for the design, construction, and evaluation of small-scale PSEs. Various changes have been made to support computational steering across the three layers—client, server, developer—comprising the WBCSim system. A detailed description of the WBCSim system architecture is presented, along with a typical scenario of computational steering usage

    Vers le pilotage des simulations numériques sur la grille

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    National audienceLe projet EPSN a pour but de développer un environnement logiciel pour le pilotage de simulations numériques parallèles et distribuées. L'environnement EPSN permet d'instrumenter les simulations numériques et de construire des applications clientes, typiquement dédiées à la visualisation, capables de controler, d'extraire ou de modifier les données de la simulation a distance. Afin de mettre en oeuvre un couplage générique, nous avons introduit un modèle abstrait des simulations interactives reposant sur une description XML et une annotation du code source. Cette abstraction nous permet de développer des clients de pilotage indépendamment d'une simulation particulière. La couche de communication d'EPSN met a profit la technologie CORBA (portabilité́ , interopérabilité et transparence du réseau), tout en masquant aux utilisateurs finaux la complexité inhérente de cet intergiciel. Cet article présente le prototype séquentiel Epsilon ainsi que les premiers travaux autour des simulations parallèles SPMD

    A wrapper generation tool for the creation of scriptable scientific applications

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    Journal ArticleIn recent years, there has been considerable interest in the use of scripting languages as a mechanism for controlling and developing scientific software. Scripting languages allow scientific applications to be encapsulated in an interpreted environment similar to that found in commercial scientific packages such as MATLAB, Mathematica, and IDL. This improves the usability of scientific software by providing a powerful meachanism for specifyling and controlling cimplex problems as well as giving users an interactive and exploratory problem solving environment. Scripting languages also provide a framework for building and integrating software components that allows tools be used in a more efficient manner. This streamlines the problem solving process and enable scientists to be more productive