3,857 research outputs found

    High efficiency realization for a wide-coverage unification grammar

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    We give a detailed account of an algorithm for efficient tactical generation from underspecified logical-form semantics, using a wide-coverage grammar and a corpus of real-world target utterances. Some earlier claims about chart realization are critically reviewed and corrected in the light of a series of practical experiments. As well as a set of algorithmic refinements, we present two novel techniques: the integration of subsumption-based local ambiguity factoring, and a procedure to selectively unpack the generation forest according to a probability distribution given by a conditional, discriminative model

    Natural language software registry (second edition)

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    Instance-based natural language generation

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    In recent years, ranking approaches to Natural Language Generation have become increasingly popular. They abandon the idea of generation as a deterministic decision¬ making process in favour of approaches that combine overgeneration with ranking at some stage in processing.In this thesis, we investigate the use of instance-based ranking methods for surface realization in Natural Language Generation. Our approach to instance-based Natural Language Generation employs two basic components: a rule system that generates a number of realization candidates from a meaning representation and an instance-based ranker that scores the candidates according to their similarity to examples taken from a training corpus. The instance-based ranker uses information retrieval methods to rank output candidates.Our approach is corpus-based in that it uses a treebank (a subset of the Penn Treebank II containing management succession texts) in combination with manual semantic markup to automatically produce a generation grammar. Furthermore, the corpus is also used by the instance-based ranker. The semantic annotation of a test portion of the compiled subcorpus serves as input to the generator.In this thesis, we develop an efficient search technique for identifying the optimal candidate based on the A*-algorithm, detail the annotation scheme and grammar con¬ struction algorithm and show how a Rete-based production system can be used for efficient candidate generation. Furthermore, we examine the output of the generator and discuss issues like input coverage (completeness), fluency and faithfulness that are relevant to surface generation in general

    A library for automatic natural language generation of Spanish texts

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    In this article we present a novel system for natural language generation (nlg) of Spanish sentences from a minimum set of meaningful words (such as nouns, verbs and adjectives) which, unlike other state-of-the-art solutions, performs the nlg task in a fully automatic way, exploiting both knowledge-based and statistical approaches. Relying on its linguistic knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, the system is able to generate complete, coherent and correctly spelled sentences from the main word sets presented by the user. The system, which was designed to be integrable, portable and efficient, can be easily adapted to other languages by design and can feasibly be integrated in a wide range of digital devices. During its development we also created a supplementary lexicon for Spanish, aLexiS, with wide coverage and high precision, as well as syntactic trees from a freely available definite-clause grammar. The resulting nlg library has been evaluated both automatically and manually (annotation). The system can potentially be used in different application domains such as augmentative communication and automatic generation of administrative reports or news.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED341D R2016/012Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC 2014/046Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad | Ref. TEC2016-76465-C2-2-

    The Spanish DELPH-IN grammar

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    In this article we present a Spanish grammar implemented in the Linguistic Knowledge Builder system and grounded in the theoretical framework of Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar. The grammar is being developed in an international multilingual context, the DELPH-IN Initiative, contributing to an open-source repository of software and linguistic resources for various Natural Language Processing applications. We will show how we have refined and extended a core grammar, derived from the LinGO Grammar Matrix, to achieve a broad-coverage grammar. The Spanish DELPH-IN grammar is the most comprehensive grammar for Spanish deep processing, and it is being deployed in the construction of a treebank for Spanish of 60,000 sentences based in a technical corpus in the framework of the European project METANET4U (Enhancing the European Linguistic Infrastructure, GA 270893GA; http://​www.​meta-net.​eu/​projects/​METANET4U/​.) and a smaller treebank of about 15,000 sentences based in a corpus from the pres

    Semantics-based Question Generation and Implementation

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    This paper presents a question generation system based on the approach of semantic rewriting. The state-of-the-art deep linguistic parsing and generation tools are employed to convert (back and forth) between the natural language sentences and their meaning representations in the form of Minimal Recursion Semantics (MRS). By carefully operating on the semantic structures, we show a principled way of generating questions without ad-hoc manipulation of the syntactic structures. Based on the (partial) understanding of the sentence meaning, the system generates questions which are semantically grounded and purposeful. And with the support of deep linguistic grammars, the grammaticality of the generation results is warranted. Further, with a specialized ranking model, the linguistic realizations from the general purpose generation model are further refined for our the question generation task. The evaluation results from QGSTEC2010 show promising prospects of the proposed approach