33 research outputs found

    Principles of proteome allocation are revealed using proteomic data and genome-scale models

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    Integrating omics data to refine or make context-specific models is an active field of constraint-based modeling. Proteomics now cover over 95% of the Escherichia coli proteome by mass. Genome-scale models of Metabolism and macromolecular Expression (ME) compute proteome allocation linked to metabolism and fitness. Using proteomics data, we formulated allocation constraints for key proteome sectors in the ME model. The resulting calibrated model effectively computed the "generalist" (wild-type) E. coli proteome and phenotype across diverse growth environments. Across 15 growth conditions, prediction errors for growth rate and metabolic fluxes were 69% and 14% lower, respectively. The sector-constrained ME model thus represents a generalist ME model reflecting both growth rate maximization and "hedging" against uncertain environments and stresses, as indicated by significant enrichment of these sectors for the general stress response sigma factor σS. Finally, the sector constraints represent a general formalism for integrating omics data from any experimental condition into constraint-based ME models. The constraints can be fine-grained (individual proteins) or coarse-grained (functionally-related protein groups) as demonstrated here. This flexible formalism provides an accessible approach for narrowing the gap between the complexity captured by omics data and governing principles of proteome allocation described by systems-level models

    Diversity in lac Operon Regulation among Diverse Escherichia coli Isolates Depends on the Broader Genetic Background but Is Not Explained by Genetic Relatedness

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Transcription of bacterial genes is controlled by the coordinated action of cis- and trans-acting regulators. The activity and mode of action of these regulators can reflect different requirements for gene products in different environments. A well-studied example is the regulatory function that integrates the environmental availability of glucose and lactose to control the Escherichia coli lac operon. Most studies of lac operon regulation have focused on a few closely related strains. To determine the range of natural variation in lac regulatory function, we introduced a reporter construct into 23 diverse E. coli strains and measured expression with combinations of inducer concentrations. We found a wide range of regulatory functions. Several functions were similar to the one observed in a reference lab strain, whereas others depended weakly on the presence of cAMP. Some characteristics of the regulatory function were explained by the genetic relatedness of strains, indicating that differences varied on relatively short time scales. The regulatory characteristics explained by genetic relatedness were among those that best predicted the initial growth of strains following transition to a lactose environment, suggesting a role for selection. Finally, we transferred the lac operon, with the lacI regulatory gene, from five natural isolate strains into a reference lab strain. The regulatory function of these hybrid strains revealed the effect of local and global regulatory elements in controlling expression. Together, this work demonstrates that regulatory functions can be varied within a species and that there is variation within a species to best match a function to particular environments

    d-mannose treatment neither affects uropathogenic Escherichia coli properties nor induces stable FimH modifications

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    Abstract: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are mainly caused by uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC). Acute and recurrent UTIs are commonly treated with antibiotics, the efficacy of which is limited by the emergence of antibiotic resistant strains. The natural sugar d-mannose is considered as an alternative to antibiotics due to its ability to mask the bacterial adhesin FimH, thereby preventing its binding to urothelial cells. Despite its extensive use, the possibility that d-mannose exerts “antibiotic-like” activity by altering bacterial growth and metabolism or selecting FimH variants has not been investigated yet. To this aim, main bacterial features of the prototype UPEC strain CFT073 treated with d-mannose were analyzed by standard microbiological methods. FimH functionality was analyzed by yeast agglutination and human bladder cell adhesion assays. Our results indicate that high d-mannose concentrations have no effect on bacterial growth and do not interfere with the activity of different antibiotics. d-mannose ranked as the least preferred carbon source to support bacterial metabolism and growth, in comparison with d-glucose, d-fructose, and l-arabinose. Since small glucose amounts are physiologically detectable in urine, we can conclude that the presence of d-mannose is irrelevant for bacterial metabolism. Moreover, d-mannose removal after long-term exposure did not alter FimH’s capacity to bind to mannosylated proteins. Overall, our data indicate that d-mannose is a good alternative in the prevention and treatment of UPEC-related UTIs

    Quantification and Classification of <i>E. coli </i>Proteome Utilization and Unused Protein Costs across Environments

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    The costs and benefits of protein expression are balanced through evolution. Expression of un-utilized protein (that have no benefits in the current environment) incurs a quantifiable fitness costs on cellular growth rates; however, the magnitude and variability of un-utilized protein expression in natural settings is unknown, largely due to the challenge in determining environment-specific proteome utilization. We address this challenge using absolute and global proteomics data combined with a recently developed genome-scale model of Escherichia coli that computes the environment-specific cost and utility of the proteome on a per gene basis. We show that nearly half of the proteome mass is unused in certain environments and accounting for the cost of this unused protein expression explains >95% of the variance in growth rates of Escherichia coli across 16 distinct environments. Furthermore, reduction in unused protein expression is shown to be a common mechanism to increase cellular growth rates in adaptive evolution experiments. Classification of the unused protein reveals that the unused protein encodes several nutrient- and stress- preparedness functions, which may convey fitness benefits in varying environments. Thus, unused protein expression is the source of large and pervasive fitness costs that may provide the benefit of hedging against environmental change

    Limited by sensing-A minimal stochastic model of the lag-phase during diauxic growth

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    Many microbes when grown on a mixture of two carbon sources utilise first and exclusively the preferred sugar, before switching to the less preferred carbon source. This results in two distinct exponential growth phases, often interrupted by a lag-phase of reduced growth termed the lag-phase. While the lag-phase appears to be an evolved feature, it is not clear what drives its evolution, as it comes with a substantial up-front fitness penalty due to lost growth. In this article a minimal mathematical model based on a master-equation approach is proposed. This model can explain many empirically observed phenomena. It suggests that the lag-phase can be understood as a manifestation of the trade-off between switching speed and switching efficiency. Moreover, the model predicts heterogeneity of the population during the lag-phase. Finally, it is shown that the switch from one carbon source to another one is a sensing problem and the lag-phase is a manifestation of known fundamental limitations of biological sensors

    Understanding beta-lactam-induced lysis at the single-cell level

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    Mechanical rupture, or lysis, of the cytoplasmic membrane is a common cell death pathway in bacteria occurring in response to β-lactam antibiotics. A better understanding of the cellular design principles governing the susceptibility and response of individual cells to lysis could indicate methods of potentiating β-lactam antibiotics and clarify relevant aspects of cellular physiology. Here, we take a single-cell approach to bacterial cell lysis to examine three cellular features—turgor pressure, mechanosensitive channels, and cell shape changes—that are expected to modulate lysis. We develop a mechanical model of bacterial cell lysis and experimentally analyze the dynamics of lysis in hundreds of single Escherichia coli cells. We find that turgor pressure is the only factor, of these three cellular features, which robustly modulates lysis. We show that mechanosensitive channels do not modulate lysis due to insufficiently fast solute outflow, and that cell shape changes result in more severe cellular lesions but do not influence the dynamics of lysis. These results inform a single-cell view of bacterial cell lysis and underscore approaches of combatting antibiotic tolerance to β-lactams aimed at targeting cellular turgor.</jats:p