61 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Survey of Deep Learning in Remote Sensing: Theories, Tools and Challenges for the Community

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    In recent years, deep learning (DL), a re-branding of neural networks (NNs), has risen to the top in numerous areas, namely computer vision (CV), speech recognition, natural language processing, etc. Whereas remote sensing (RS) possesses a number of unique challenges, primarily related to sensors and applications, inevitably RS draws from many of the same theories as CV; e.g., statistics, fusion, and machine learning, to name a few. This means that the RS community should be aware of, if not at the leading edge of, of advancements like DL. Herein, we provide the most comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art RS DL research. We also review recent new developments in the DL field that can be used in DL for RS. Namely, we focus on theories, tools and challenges for the RS community. Specifically, we focus on unsolved challenges and opportunities as it relates to (i) inadequate data sets, (ii) human-understandable solutions for modelling physical phenomena, (iii) Big Data, (iv) non-traditional heterogeneous data sources, (v) DL architectures and learning algorithms for spectral, spatial and temporal data, (vi) transfer learning, (vii) an improved theoretical understanding of DL systems, (viii) high barriers to entry, and (ix) training and optimizing the DL.Comment: 64 pages, 411 references. To appear in Journal of Applied Remote Sensin

    Multimodal Navigation for Accurate Space Rendezvous Missions

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    © Cranfield University 2021. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright ownerRelative navigation is paramount in space missions that involve rendezvousing between two spacecraft. It demands accurate and continuous estimation of the six degree-of-freedom relative pose, as this stage involves close-proximity-fast-reaction operations that can last up to five orbits. This has been routinely achieved thanks to active sensors such as lidar, but their large size, cost, power and limited operational range remain a stumbling block for en masse on-board integration. With the onset of faster processing units, lighter and cheaper passive optical sensors are emerging as the suitable alternative for autonomous rendezvous in combination with computer vision algorithms. Current vision-based solutions, however, are limited by adverse illumination conditions such as solar glare, shadowing, and eclipse. These effects are exacerbated when the target does not hold cooperative markers to accommodate the estimation process and is incapable of controlling its rotational state. This thesis explores novel model-based methods that exploit sequences of monoc ular images acquired by an on-board camera to accurately carry out spacecraft relative pose estimation for non-cooperative close-range rendezvous with a known artificial target. The proposed solutions tackle the current challenges of imaging in the visible spectrum and investigate the contribution of the long wavelength infrared (or “thermal”) band towards a combined multimodal approach. As part of the research, a visible-thermal synthetic dataset of a rendezvous approach with the defunct satellite Envisat is generated from the ground up using a realistic orbital camera simulator. From the rendered trajectories, the performance of several state-of-the-art feature detectors and descriptors is first evaluated for both modalities in a tailored scenario for short and wide baseline image processing transforms. Multiple combinations, including the pairing of algorithms with their non-native counterparts, are tested. Computational runtimes are assessed in an embedded hardware board. From the insight gained, a method to estimate the pose on the visible band is derived from minimising geometric constraints between online local point and edge contour features matched to keyframes generated offline from a 3D model of the target. The combination of both feature types is demonstrated to achieve a pose solution for a tumbling target using a sparse set of training images, bypassing the need for hardware-accelerated real-time renderings of the model. The proposed algorithm is then augmented with an extended Kalman filter which processes each feature-induced minimisation output as individual pseudo measurements, fusing them to estimate the relative pose and velocity states at each time-step. Both the minimisation and filtering are established using Lie group formalisms, allowing for the covariance of the solution computed by the former to be automatically incorporated as measurement noise in the latter, providing an automatic weighing of each feature type directly related to the quality of the matches. The predicted states are then used to search for new feature matches in the subsequent time-step. Furthermore, a method to derive a coarse viewpoint estimate to initialise the nominal algorithm is developed based on probabilistic modelling of the target’s shape. The robustness of the complete approach is demonstrated for several synthetic and laboratory test cases involving two types of target undergoing extreme illumination conditions. Lastly, an innovative deep learning-based framework is developed by processing the features extracted by a convolutional front-end with long short-term memory cells, thus proposing the first deep recurrent convolutional neural network for spacecraft pose estimation. The framework is used to compare the performance achieved by visible-only and multimodal input sequences, where the addition of the thermal band is shown to greatly improve the performance during sunlit sequences. Potential limitations of this modality are also identified, such as when the target’s thermal signature is comparable to Earth’s during eclipse.PH

    Clustering algorithm for D2D communication in next generation cellular networks : thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

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    Next generation cellular networks will support many complex services for smartphones, vehicles, and other devices. To accommodate such services, cellular networks need to go beyond the capabilities of their previous generations. Device-to-Device communication (D2D) is a key technology that can help fulfil some of the requirements of future networks. The telecommunication industry expects a significant increase in the density of mobile devices which puts more pressure on centralized schemes and poses risk in terms of outages, poor spectral efficiencies, and low data rates. Recent studies have shown that a large part of the cellular traffic pertains to sharing popular contents. This highlights the need for decentralized and distributive approaches to managing multimedia traffic. Content-sharing via D2D clustered networks has emerged as a popular approach for alleviating the burden on the cellular network. Different studies have established that D2D communication in clusters can improve spectral and energy efficiency, achieve low latency while increasing the capacity of the network. To achieve effective content-sharing among users, appropriate clustering strategies are required. Therefore, the aim is to design and compare clustering approaches for D2D communication targeting content-sharing applications. Currently, most of researched and implemented clustering schemes are centralized or predominantly dependent on Evolved Node B (eNB). This thesis proposes a distributed architecture that supports clustering approaches to incorporate multimedia traffic. A content-sharing network is presented where some D2D User Equipment (DUE) function as content distributors for nearby devices. Two promising techniques are utilized, namely, Content-Centric Networking and Network Virtualization, to propose a distributed architecture, that supports efficient content delivery. We propose to use clustering at the user level for content-distribution. A weighted multi-factor clustering algorithm is proposed for grouping the DUEs sharing a common interest. Various performance parameters such as energy consumption, area spectral efficiency, and throughput have been considered for evaluating the proposed algorithm. The effect of number of clusters on the performance parameters is also discussed. The proposed algorithm has been further modified to allow for a trade-off between fairness and other performance parameters. A comprehensive simulation study is presented that demonstrates that the proposed clustering algorithm is more flexible and outperforms several well-known and state-of-the-art algorithms. The clustering process is subsequently evaluated from an individual user’s perspective for further performance improvement. We believe that some users, sharing common interests, are better off with the eNB rather than being in the clusters. We utilize machine learning algorithms namely, Deep Neural Network, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine, to identify the users that are better served by the eNB and form clusters for the rest of the users. This proposed user segregation scheme can be used in conjunction with most clustering algorithms including the proposed multi-factor scheme. A comprehensive simulation study demonstrates that with such novel user segregation, the performance of individual users, as well as the whole network, can be significantly improved for throughput, energy consumption, and fairness

    A Survey on Explainable Anomaly Detection

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    In the past two decades, most research on anomaly detection has focused on improving the accuracy of the detection, while largely ignoring the explainability of the corresponding methods and thus leaving the explanation of outcomes to practitioners. As anomaly detection algorithms are increasingly used in safety-critical domains, providing explanations for the high-stakes decisions made in those domains has become an ethical and regulatory requirement. Therefore, this work provides a comprehensive and structured survey on state-of-the-art explainable anomaly detection techniques. We propose a taxonomy based on the main aspects that characterize each explainable anomaly detection technique, aiming to help practitioners and researchers find the explainable anomaly detection method that best suits their needs.Comment: Paper accepted by the ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) for publication (preprint version


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    九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:情工博甲第370号 学位授与年月日:令和4年9月26日1: Introduction|2: Background & Theory|3: Methodology|4: Experiments and Discussion|5: Conclusions九州工業大学令和4年

    Localisation in 3D Images Using Cross-features Correlation Learning

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    Object detection and segmentation have evolved drastically over the past two decades thanks to the continuous advancement in the field of deep learning. Substantial research efforts have been dedicated towards integrating object detection techniques into a wide range of real-world prob-lems. Most existing methods take advantage of the successful application and representational ability of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Generally, these methods target mainstream applications that are typically based on 2D imaging scenarios. Additionally, driven by the strong correlation between the quality of the feature embedding and the performance in CNNs, most works focus on design characteristics of CNNs, e.g., depth and width, to enhance their modelling capacity and discriminative ability. Limited research was directed towards exploiting feature-level dependencies, which can be feasibly used to enhance the performance of CNNs. More-over, directly adopting such approaches into more complex imaging domains that target data of higher dimensions (e.g., 3D multi-modal and volumetric images) is not straightforwardly appli-cable due to the different nature and complexity of the problem. In this thesis, we explore the possibility of incorporating feature-level correspondence and correlations into object detection and segmentation contexts that target the localisation of 3D objects from 3D multi-modal and volumetric image data. Accordingly, we first explore the detection problem of 3D solar active regions in multi-spectral solar imagery where different imaging bands correspond to different 2D layers (altitudes) in the 3D solar atmosphere.We propose a joint analysis approach in which information from different imaging bands is first individually analysed using band-specific network branches to extract inter-band features that are then dynamically cross-integrated and jointly analysed to investigate spatial correspon-dence and co-dependencies between the different bands. The aggregated embeddings are further analysed using band-specific detection network branches to predict separate sets of results (one for each band). Throughout our study, we evaluate different types of feature fusion, using convo-lutional embeddings of different semantic levels, as well as the impact of using different numbers of image bands inputs to perform the joint analysis. We test the proposed approach over different multi-modal datasets (multi-modal solar images and brain MRI) and applications. The proposed joint analysis based framework consistently improves the CNN’s performance when detecting target regions in contrast to single band based baseline methods.We then generalise our cross-band joint analysis detection scheme into the 3D segmentation problem using multi-modal images. We adopt the joint analysis principles into a segmentation framework where cross-band information is dynamically analysed and cross-integrated at vari-ous semantic levels. The proposed segmentation network also takes advantage of band-specific skip connections to maximise the inter-band information and assist the network in capturing fine details using embeddings of different spatial scales. Furthermore, a recursive training strat-egy, based on weak labels (e.g., bounding boxes), is proposed to overcome the difficulty of producing dense labels to train the segmentation network. We evaluate the proposed segmen-tation approach using different feature fusion approaches, over different datasets (multi-modal solar images, brain MRI, and cloud satellite imagery), and using different levels of supervisions. Promising results were achieved and demonstrate an improved performance in contrast to single band based analysis and state-of-the-art segmentation methods.Additionally, we investigate the possibility of explicitly modelling objective driven feature-level correlations, in a localised manner, within 3D medical imaging scenarios (3D CT pul-monary imaging) to enhance the effectiveness of the feature extraction process in CNNs and subsequently the detection performance. Particularly, we present a framework to perform the 3D detection of pulmonary nodules as an ensemble of two stages, candidate proposal and a false positive reduction. We propose a 3D channel attention block in which cross-channel informa-tion is incorporated to infer channel-wise feature importance with respect to the target objective. Unlike common attention approaches that rely on heavy dimensionality reduction and computa-tionally expensive multi-layer perceptron networks, the proposed approach utilises fully convo-lutional networks to allow directly exploiting rich 3D descriptors and performing the attention in an efficient manner. We also propose a fully convolutional 3D spatial attention approach that elevates cross-sectional information to infer spatial attention. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed attention approaches against a number of popular channel and spatial attention mechanisms. Furthermore, for the False positive reduction stage, in addition to attention, we adopt a joint analysis based approach that takes into account the variable nodule morphology by aggregating spatial information from different contextual levels. We also propose a Zoom-in convolutional path that incorporates semantic information of different spatial scales to assist the network in capturing fine details. The proposed detection approach demonstrates considerable gains in performance in contrast to state-of-the-art lung nodule detection methods.We further explore the possibility of incorporating long-range dependencies between arbi-trary positions in the input features using Transformer networks to infer self-attention, in the context of 3D pulmonary nodule detection, in contrast to localised (convolutional based) atten-tion . We present a hybrid 3D detection approach that takes advantage of both, the Transformers ability in modelling global context and correlations and the spatial representational characteris-tics of convolutional neural networks, providing complementary information and subsequently improving the discriminative ability of the detection model. We propose two hybrid Transformer CNN variants where we investigate the impact of exploiting a deeper Transformer design –in which more Transformer layers and trainable parameters are incorporated– is used along with high-level convolutional feature inputs of a single spatial resolution, in contrast to a shallower Transformer design –of less Transformer layers and trainable parameters– while exploiting con-volutional embeddings of different semantic levels and relatively higher resolution.Extensive quantitative and qualitative analyses are presented for the proposed methods in this thesis and demonstrate the feasibility of exploiting feature-level relations, either implicitly or explicitly, in different detection and segmentation problems