81 research outputs found

    Learning Sparse High Dimensional Filters: Image Filtering, Dense CRFs and Bilateral Neural Networks

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    Bilateral filters have wide spread use due to their edge-preserving properties. The common use case is to manually choose a parametric filter type, usually a Gaussian filter. In this paper, we will generalize the parametrization and in particular derive a gradient descent algorithm so the filter parameters can be learned from data. This derivation allows to learn high dimensional linear filters that operate in sparsely populated feature spaces. We build on the permutohedral lattice construction for efficient filtering. The ability to learn more general forms of high-dimensional filters can be used in several diverse applications. First, we demonstrate the use in applications where single filter applications are desired for runtime reasons. Further, we show how this algorithm can be used to learn the pairwise potentials in densely connected conditional random fields and apply these to different image segmentation tasks. Finally, we introduce layers of bilateral filters in CNNs and propose bilateral neural networks for the use of high-dimensional sparse data. This view provides new ways to encode model structure into network architectures. A diverse set of experiments empirically validates the usage of general forms of filters

    Dynamic Gaussian Splatting from Markerless Motion Capture can Reconstruct Infants Movements

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    Easy access to precise 3D tracking of movement could benefit many aspects of rehabilitation. A challenge to achieving this goal is that while there are many datasets and pretrained algorithms for able-bodied adults, algorithms trained on these datasets often fail to generalize to clinical populations including people with disabilities, infants, and neonates. Reliable movement analysis of infants and neonates is important as spontaneous movement behavior is an important indicator of neurological function and neurodevelopmental disability, which can help guide early interventions. We explored the application of dynamic Gaussian splatting to sparse markerless motion capture (MMC) data. Our approach leverages semantic segmentation masks to focus on the infant, significantly improving the initialization of the scene. Our results demonstrate the potential of this method in rendering novel views of scenes and tracking infant movements. This work paves the way for advanced movement analysis tools that can be applied to diverse clinical populations, with a particular emphasis on early detection in infants

    Visuelle Analyse großer Partikeldaten

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    Partikelsimulationen sind eine bewährte und weit verbreitete numerische Methode in der Forschung und Technik. Beispielsweise werden Partikelsimulationen zur Erforschung der Kraftstoffzerstäubung in Flugzeugturbinen eingesetzt. Auch die Entstehung des Universums wird durch die Simulation von dunkler Materiepartikeln untersucht. Die hierbei produzierten Datenmengen sind immens. So enthalten aktuelle Simulationen Billionen von Partikeln, die sich über die Zeit bewegen und miteinander interagieren. Die Visualisierung bietet ein großes Potenzial zur Exploration, Validation und Analyse wissenschaftlicher Datensätze sowie der zugrundeliegenden Modelle. Allerdings liegt der Fokus meist auf strukturierten Daten mit einer regulären Topologie. Im Gegensatz hierzu bewegen sich Partikel frei durch Raum und Zeit. Diese Betrachtungsweise ist aus der Physik als das lagrange Bezugssystem bekannt. Zwar können Partikel aus dem lagrangen in ein reguläres eulersches Bezugssystem, wie beispielsweise in ein uniformes Gitter, konvertiert werden. Dies ist bei einer großen Menge an Partikeln jedoch mit einem erheblichen Aufwand verbunden. Darüber hinaus führt diese Konversion meist zu einem Verlust der Präzision bei gleichzeitig erhöhtem Speicherverbrauch. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation werde ich neue Visualisierungstechniken erforschen, welche speziell auf der lagrangen Sichtweise basieren. Diese ermöglichen eine effiziente und effektive visuelle Analyse großer Partikeldaten

    Real-time rendering of large surface-scanned range data natively on a GPU

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    This thesis presents research carried out for the visualisation of surface anatomy data stored as large range images such as those produced by stereo-photogrammetric, and other triangulation-based capture devices. As part of this research, I explored the use of points as a rendering primitive as opposed to polygons, and the use of range images as the native data representation. Using points as a display primitive as opposed to polygons required the creation of a pipeline that solved problems associated with point-based rendering. The problems inves tigated were scattered-data interpolation (a common problem with point-based rendering), multi-view rendering, multi-resolution representations, anti-aliasing, and hidden-point re- moval. In addition, an efficient real-time implementation on the GPU was carried out

    Efficient Geometry and Illumination Representations for Interactive Protein Visualization

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    This dissertation explores techniques for interactive simulation and visualization for large protein datasets. My thesis is that using efficient representations for geometric and illumination data can help in developing algorithms that achieve better interactivity for visual and computational proteomics. I show this by developing new algorithms for computation and visualization for proteins. I also show that the same insights that resulted in better algorithms for visual proteomics can also be turned around and used for more efficient graphics rendering. Molecular electrostatics is important for studying the structures and interactions of proteins, and is vital in many computational biology applications, such as protein folding and rational drug design. We have developed a system to efficiently solve the non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann equation governing molecular electrostatics. Our system simultaneously improves the accuracy and the efficiency of the solution by adaptively refining the computational grid near the solute-solvent interface. In addition, we have explored the possibility of mapping the PBE solution onto GPUs. We use pre-computed accumulation of transparency with spherical-harmonics-based compression to accelerate volume rendering of molecular electrostatics. We have also designed a time- and memory-efficient algorithm for interactive visualization of large dynamic molecules. With view-dependent precision control and memory-bandwidth reduction, we have achieved real-time visualization of dynamic molecular datasets with tens of thousands of atoms. Our algorithm is linearly scalable in the size of the molecular datasets. In addition, we present a compact mathematical model to efficiently represent the six-dimensional integrals of bidirectional surface scattering reflectance distribution functions (BSSRDFs) to render scattering effects in translucent materials interactively. Our analysis first reduces the complexity and dimensionality of the problem by decomposing the reflectance field into non-scattered and subsurface-scattered reflectance fields. While the non-scattered reflectance field can be described by 4D bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (BRDFs), we show that the scattered reflectance field can also be represented by a 4D field through pre-processing the neighborhood scattering radiance transfer integrals. We use a novel reference-points scheme to compactly represent the pre-computed integrals using a hierarchical and progressive spherical harmonics representation. Our algorithm scales linearly with the number of mesh vertices

    Multiple Uncertainties in Time-Variant Cosmological Particle Data

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    Though the mediums for visualization are limited, the potential dimensions of a dataset are not. In many areas of scientific study, understanding the correlations between those dimensions and their uncertainties is pivotal to mining useful information from a dataset. Obtaining this insight can necessitate visualizing the many relationships among temporal, spatial, and other dimensionalities of data and its uncertainties. We utilize multiple views for interactive dataset exploration and selection of important features, and we apply those techniques to the unique challenges of cosmological particle datasets. We show how interactivity and incorporation of multiple visualization techniques help overcome the problem of limited visualization dimensions and allow many types of uncertainty to be seen in correlation with other variables