567 research outputs found

    2D shape classification and retrieval

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    We present a novel correspondence-based technique for efficient shape classification and retrieval. Shape boundaries are described by a set of (ad hoc) equally spaced points ā€“ avoiding the need to extract ā€œlandmark pointsā€. By formulating the correspondence problem in terms of a simple generative model, we are able to efficiently compute matches that incorporate scale, translation, rotation and reflection invariance. A hierarchical scheme with likelihood cut-off provides additional speed-up. In contrast to many shape descriptors, the concept of a mean (prototype) shape follows naturally in this setting. This enables model based classification, greatly reducing the cost of the testing phase. Equal spacing of points can be defined in terms of either perimeter distance or radial angle. It is shown that combining the two leads to improved classification/retrieval performance.

    Probabilistic approaches to matching and modelling shapes

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    Perceptually Motivated Shape Context Which Uses Shape Interiors

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    In this paper, we identify some of the limitations of current-day shape matching techniques. We provide examples of how contour-based shape matching techniques cannot provide a good match for certain visually similar shapes. To overcome this limitation, we propose a perceptually motivated variant of the well-known shape context descriptor. We identify that the interior properties of the shape play an important role in object recognition and develop a descriptor that captures these interior properties. We show that our method can easily be augmented with any other shape matching algorithm. We also show from our experiments that the use of our descriptor can significantly improve the retrieval rates

    2D Shape Classification and Retrieval

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    We present a novel correspondence-based technique for efficient shape classification and retrieval. Shape boundaries are described by a set of (ad hoc) equally spaced points avoiding the need to extract landmark points. By formulating the correspondence problem in terms of a simple generative mode

    Hierarchical Graphical Models for Multigroup Shape Analysis using Expectation Maximization with Sampling in Kendall's Shape Space

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    This paper proposes a novel framework for multi-group shape analysis relying on a hierarchical graphical statistical model on shapes within a population.The framework represents individual shapes as point setsmodulo translation, rotation, and scale, following the notion in Kendall shape space.While individual shapes are derived from their group shape model, each group shape model is derived from a single population shape model. The hierarchical model follows the natural organization of population data and the top level in the hierarchy provides a common frame of reference for multigroup shape analysis, e.g. classification and hypothesis testing. Unlike typical shape-modeling approaches, the proposed model is a generative model that defines a joint distribution of object-boundary data and the shape-model variables. Furthermore, it naturally enforces optimal correspondences during the process of model fitting and thereby subsumes the so-called correspondence problem. The proposed inference scheme employs an expectation maximization (EM) algorithm that treats the individual and group shape variables as hidden random variables and integrates them out before estimating the parameters (population mean and variance and the group variances). The underpinning of the EM algorithm is the sampling of pointsets, in Kendall shape space, from their posterior distribution, for which we exploit a highly-efficient scheme based on Hamiltonian Monte Carlo simulation. Experiments in this paper use the fitted hierarchical model to perform (1) hypothesis testing for comparison between pairs of groups using permutation testing and (2) classification for image retrieval. The paper validates the proposed framework on simulated data and demonstrates results on real data.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, International Conference on Machine Learning 201

    Gait recognition based on shape and motion analysis of silhouette contours

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    This paper presents a three-phase gait recognition method that analyses the spatio-temporal shape and dynamic motion (STS-DM) characteristics of a human subjectā€™s silhouettes to identify the subject in the presence of most of the challenging factors that affect existing gait recognition systems. In phase 1, phase-weighted magnitude spectra of the Fourier descriptor of the silhouette contours at ten phases of a gait period are used to analyse the spatio-temporal changes of the subjectā€™s shape. A component-based Fourier descriptor based on anatomical studies of human body is used to achieve robustness against shape variations caused by all common types of small carrying conditions with folded hands, at the subjectā€™s back and in upright position. In phase 2, a full-body shape and motion analysis is performed by fitting ellipses to contour segments of ten phases of a gait period and using a histogram matching with Bhattacharyya distance of parameters of the ellipses as dissimilarity scores. In phase 3, dynamic time warping is used to analyse the angular rotation pattern of the subjectā€™s leading knee with a consideration of arm-swing over a gait period to achieve identification that is invariant to walking speed, limited clothing variations, hair style changes and shadows under feet. The match scores generated in the three phases are fused using weight-based score-level fusion for robust identification in the presence of missing and distorted frames, and occlusion in the scene. Experimental analyses on various publicly available data sets show that STS-DM outperforms several state-of-the-art gait recognition methods

    Silhouette-based gait recognition using Procrustes shape analysis and elliptic Fourier descriptors

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    This paper presents a gait recognition method which combines spatio-temporal motion characteristics, statistical and physical parameters (referred to as STM-SPP) of a human subject for its classification by analysing shape of the subject's silhouette contours using Procrustes shape analysis (PSA) and elliptic Fourier descriptors (EFDs). STM-SPP uses spatio-temporal gait characteristics and physical parameters of human body to resolve similar dissimilarity scores between probe and gallery sequences obtained by PSA. A part-based shape analysis using EFDs is also introduced to achieve robustness against carrying conditions. The classification results by PSA and EFDs are combined, resolving tie in ranking using contour matching based on Hu moments. Experimental results show STM-SPP outperforms several silhouette-based gait recognition methods
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