782 research outputs found

    Geographic Information Systems: The Developer\u27s Perspective

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    Geographic information systems, which manage data describing the surface of the earth, are becoming increasingly popular. This research details the current state of the art of geographic data processing in terms of the needs of the geographic information system developer. The research focuses chiefly on the geographic data model--the basic building block of the geographic information system. The two most popular models, tessellation and vector, are studied in detail, as well as a number of hybrid data models. In addition, geographic database management is discussed in terms of geographic data access and query processing. Finally, a pragmatic discussion of geographic information system design is presented covering such topics as distributed database considerations and artificial intelligence considerations

    A Cosmic Watershed: the WVF Void Detection Technique

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    On megaparsec scales the Universe is permeated by an intricate filigree of clusters, filaments, sheets and voids, the Cosmic Web. For the understanding of its dynamical and hierarchical history it is crucial to identify objectively its complex morphological components. One of the most characteristic aspects is that of the dominant underdense Voids, the product of a hierarchical process driven by the collapse of minor voids in addition to the merging of large ones. In this study we present an objective void finder technique which involves a minimum of assumptions about the scale, structure and shape of voids. Our void finding method, the Watershed Void Finder (WVF), is based upon the Watershed Transform, a well-known technique for the segmentation of images. Importantly, the technique has the potential to trace the existing manifestations of a void hierarchy. The basic watershed transform is augmented by a variety of correction procedures to remove spurious structure resulting from sampling noise. This study contains a detailed description of the WVF. We demonstrate how it is able to trace and identify, relatively parameter free, voids and their surrounding (filamentary and planar) boundaries. We test the technique on a set of Kinematic Voronoi models, heuristic spatial models for a cellular distribution of matter. Comparison of the WVF segmentations of low noise and high noise Voronoi models with the quantitatively known spatial characteristics of the intrinsic Voronoi tessellation shows that the size and shape of the voids are succesfully retrieved. WVF manages to even reproduce the full void size distribution function.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures, MNRAS accepted, for full resolution, see http://www.astro.rug.nl/~weygaert/tim1publication/watershed.pd

    Clusters and the Cosmic Web

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    We discuss the intimate relationship between the filamentary features and the rare dense compact cluster nodes in this network, via the large scale tidal field going along with them, following the cosmic web theory developed Bond et al. The Megaparsec scale tidal shear pattern is responsible for the contraction of matter into filaments, and its link with the cluster locations can be understood through the implied quadrupolar mass distribution in which the clusters are to be found at the sites of the overdense patches. We present a new technique for tracing the cosmic web, identifying planar walls, elongated filaments and cluster nodes in the galaxy distribution. This will allow the practical exploitation of the concept of the cosmic web towards identifying and tracing the locations of the gaseous WHIM. These methods, the Delaunay Tessellation Field Estimator (DTFE) and the Morphology Multiscale Filter (MMF) find their basis in computational geometry and visualization.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, appeared in proceedings workshop "Measuring the Diffuse Intergalactic Medium", eds. J-W. den Herder and N. Yamasaki, Hayama, Japan, October 2005. For version with high-res figures see http://www.astro.rug.nl/~weygaert/weywhim05.pd

    Cell shape analysis of random tessellations based on Minkowski tensors

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    To which degree are shape indices of individual cells of a tessellation characteristic for the stochastic process that generates them? Within the context of stochastic geometry and the physics of disordered materials, this corresponds to the question of relationships between different stochastic models. In the context of image analysis of synthetic and biological materials, this question is central to the problem of inferring information about formation processes from spatial measurements of resulting random structures. We address this question by a theory-based simulation study of shape indices derived from Minkowski tensors for a variety of tessellation models. We focus on the relationship between two indices: an isoperimetric ratio of the empirical averages of cell volume and area and the cell elongation quantified by eigenvalue ratios of interfacial Minkowski tensors. Simulation data for these quantities, as well as for distributions thereof and for correlations of cell shape and volume, are presented for Voronoi mosaics of the Poisson point process, determinantal and permanental point processes, and Gibbs hard-core and random sequential absorption processes as well as for Laguerre tessellations of polydisperse spheres and STIT- and Poisson hyperplane tessellations. These data are complemented by mechanically stable crystalline sphere and disordered ellipsoid packings and area-minimising foam models. We find that shape indices of individual cells are not sufficient to unambiguously identify the generating process even amongst this limited set of processes. However, we identify significant differences of the shape indices between many of these tessellation models. Given a realization of a tessellation, these shape indices can narrow the choice of possible generating processes, providing a powerful tool which can be further strengthened by density-resolved volume-shape correlations.Comment: Chapter of the forthcoming book "Tensor Valuations and their Applications in Stochastic Geometry and Imaging" in Lecture Notes in Mathematics edited by Markus Kiderlen and Eva B. Vedel Jense

    Mechanical properties and failure modes of additively-manufactured chiral metamaterials based on Euclidean tessellations: an experimental and finite element study

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    Purpose The “chiralisation” of Euclidean polygonal tessellations is a novel, recent method which has been used to design new auxetic metamaterials with complex topologies and improved geometric versatility over traditional chiral honeycombs. This paper aims to design and manufacture chiral honeycombs representative of four distinct classes of 2D Euclidean tessellations with hexagonal rotational symmetry using fused-deposition additive manufacturing and experimentally analysed the mechanical properties and failure modes of these metamaterials. Design/methodology/approach Finite Element simulations were also used to study the high-strain compressive performance of these systems under both periodic boundary conditions and realistic, finite conditions. Experimental uniaxial compressive loading tests were applied to additively manufactured prototypes and digital image correlation was used to measure the Poisson’s ratio and analyse the deformation behaviour of these systems. Findings The results obtained demonstrate that these systems have the ability to exhibit a wide range of Poisson’s ratios (positive, quasi-zero and negative values) and stiffnesses as well as unusual failure modes characterised by a sequential layer-by-layer collapse of specific, non-adjacent ligaments. These findings provide useful insights on the mechanical properties and deformation behaviours of this new class of metamaterials and indicate that these chiral honeycombs could potentially possess anomalous characteristics which are not commonly found in traditional chiral metamaterials based on regular monohedral tilings. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the authors have analysed for the first time the high strain behaviour and failure modes of chiral metamaterials based on Euclidean multi-polygonal tessellations

    The Spine of the Cosmic Web

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    We present the SpineWeb framework for the topological analysis of the Cosmic Web and the identification of its walls, filaments and cluster nodes. Based on the watershed segmentation of the cosmic density field, the SpineWeb method invokes the local adjacency properties of the boundaries between the watershed basins to trace the critical points in the density field and the separatrices defined by them. The separatrices are classified into walls and the spine, the network of filaments and nodes in the matter distribution. Testing the method with a heuristic Voronoi model yields outstanding results. Following the discussion of the test results, we apply the SpineWeb method to a set of cosmological N-body simulations. The latter illustrates the potential for studying the structure and dynamics of the Cosmic Web.Comment: Accepted for publication HIGH-RES version: http://skysrv.pha.jhu.edu/~miguel/SpineWeb
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