19 research outputs found

    A Multiple-objective ILP based Global Routing Approach for VLSI ASIC Design

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    A VLSI chip can today contain hundreds of millions transistors and is expected to contain more than 1 billion transistors in the next decade. In order to handle this rapid growth in integration technology, the design procedure is therefore divided into a sequence of design steps. Circuit layout is the design step in which a physical realization of a circuit is obtained from its functional description. Global routing is one of the key subproblems of the circuit layout which involves finding an approximate path for the wires connecting the elements of the circuit without violating resource constraints. The global routing problem is NP-hard, therefore, heuristics capable of producing high quality routes with little computational effort are required as we move into the Deep Sub-Micron (DSM) regime. In this thesis, different approaches for global routing problem are first reviewed. The advantages and disadvantages of these approaches are also summarized. According to this literature review, several mathematical programming based global routing models are fully investigated. Quality of solution obtained by these models are then compared with traditional Maze routing technique. The experimental results show that the proposed model can optimize several global routing objectives simultaneously and effectively. Also, it is easy to incorporate new objectives into the proposed global routing model. To speedup the computation time of the proposed ILP based global router, several hierarchical methods are combined with the flat ILP based global routing approach. The experimental results indicate that the bottom-up global routing method can reduce the computation time effectively with a slight increase of maximum routing density. In addition to wire area, routability, and vias, performance and low power are also important goals in global routing, especially in deep submicron designs. Previous efforts that focused on power optimization for global routing are hindered by excessively long run times or the routing of a subset of the nets. Accordingly, a power efficient multi-pin global routing technique (PIRT) is proposed in this thesis. This integer linear programming based techniques strives to find a power efficient global routing solution. The results indicate that an average power savings as high as 32\% for the 130-nm technology can be achieved with no impact on the maximum chip frequency

    Routing congestion analysis and reduction in deep sub-micron VLSI design

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    Congestion is one of the main optimization objectives in global routing. However, the optimization performance is constrained because the cells are already fixed at this stage. Therefore, designer can save substantial time and resources by detecting and reducing congested regions during the planning stages. An efficient and yet accurate congestion estimation model is crucial to be included in the inner loop of floorplanning and placement design. In this dissertation, we mainly focus on routing congestion modeling and reduction during floorplanning and placement

    Graphics Processing Unit-Based Computer-Aided Design Algorithms for Electronic Design Automation

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    The electronic design automation (EDA) tools are a specific set of software that play important roles in modern integrated circuit (IC) design. These software automate the design processes of IC with various stages. Among these stages, two important EDA design tools are the focus of this research: floorplanning and global routing. Specifically, the goal of this study is to parallelize these two tools such that their execution time can be significantly shortened on modern multi-core and graphics processing unit (GPU) architectures. The GPU hardware is a massively parallel architecture, enabling thousands of independent threads to execute concurrently. Although a small set of EDA tools can benefit from using GPU to accelerate their speed, most algorithms in this field are designed with the single-core paradigm in mind. The floorplanning and global routing algorithms are among the latter, and difficult to render any speedup on the GPU due to their inherent sequential nature. This work parallelizes the floorplanning and global routing algorithm through a novel approach and results in significant speedups for both tools implemented on the GPU hardware. Specifically, with a complete overhaul of solution space and design space exploration, a GPU-based floorplanning algorithm is able to render 4-166X speedup, while achieving similar or improved solutions compared with the sequential algorithm. The GPU-based global routing algorithm is shown to achieve significant speedup against existing state-of-the-art routers, while delivering competitive solution quality. Importantly, this parallel model for global routing renders a stable solution that is independent from the level of parallelism. In summary, this research has shown that through a design paradigm overhaul, sequential algorithms can also benefit from the massively parallel architecture. The findings of this study have a positive impact on the efficiency and design quality of modern EDA design flow

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationPortable electronic devices will be limited to available energy of existing battery chemistries for the foreseeable future. However, system-on-chips (SoCs) used in these devices are under a demand to offer more functionality and increased battery life. A difficult problem in SoC design is providing energy-efficient communication between its components while maintaining the required performance. This dissertation introduces a novel energy-efficient network-on-chip (NoC) communication architecture. A NoC is used within complex SoCs due it its superior performance, energy usage, modularity, and scalability over traditional bus and point-to-point methods of connecting SoC components. This is the first academic research that combines asynchronous NoC circuits, a focus on energy-efficient design, and a software framework to customize a NoC for a particular SoC. Its key contribution is demonstrating that a simple, asynchronous NoC concept is a good match for low-power devices, and is a fruitful area for additional investigation. The proposed NoC is energy-efficient in several ways: simple switch and arbitration logic, low port radix, latch-based router buffering, a topology with the minimum number of 3-port routers, and the asynchronous advantages of zero dynamic power consumption while idle and the lack of a clock tree. The tool framework developed for this work uses novel methods to optimize the topology and router oorplan based on simulated annealing and force-directed movement. It studies link pipelining techniques that yield improved throughput in an energy-efficient manner. A simulator is automatically generated for each customized NoC, and its traffic generators use a self-similar message distribution, as opposed to Poisson, to better match application behavior. Compared to a conventional synchronous NoC, this design is superior by achieving comparable message latency with half the energy

    Benchmark methodologies for the optimized physical synthesis of RISC-V microprocessors

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    As technology continues to advance and chip sizes shrink, the complexity and design time required for integrated circuits have significantly increased. To address these challenges, Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools have been introduced to streamline the design flow. These tools offer various methodologies and options to optimize power, performance, and chip area. However, selecting the most suitable methods from these options can be challenging, as they may lead to trade-offs among power, performance, and area. While architectural and Register Transfer Level (RTL) optimizations have been extensively studied in existing literature, the impact of optimization methods available in EDA tools on performance has not been thoroughly researched. This thesis aims to optimize a semiconductor processor through EDA tools within the physical synthesis domain to achieve increased performance while maintaining a balance between power efficiency and area utilization. By leveraging floorplanning tools and carefully selecting technology libraries and optimization options, the CV32E40P open-source processor is subjected to various floorplans to analyze their impact on chip performance. The employed techniques, including multibit components prefer option, multiplexer tree prefer option, identification and exclusion of problematic cells, and placement blockages, lead to significant improvements in cell density, congestion mitigation, and timing. The optimized synthesis results demonstrate a 71\% enhancement in chip design performance without a substantial increase in area, showcasing the effectiveness of these techniques in improving large-scale integrated circuits' performance, efficiency, and manufacturability. By exploring and implementing the available options in EDA tools, this study demonstrates how the processor's performance can be significantly improved while maintaining a balanced and efficient chip design. The findings contribute valuable insights to the field of electronic design automation, offering guidance to designers in selecting suitable methodologies for optimizing processors and other integrated circuits

    FieldPlacer - A flexible, fast and unconstrained force-directed placement method for heterogeneous reconfigurable logic architectures

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    The field of placement methods for components of integrated circuits, especially in the domain of reconfigurable chip architectures, is mainly dominated by a handful of concepts. While some of these are easy to apply but difficult to adapt to new situations, others are more flexible but rather complex to realize. This work presents the FieldPlacer framework, a flexible, fast and unconstrained force-directed placement method for heterogeneous reconfigurable logic architectures, in particular for the ever important heterogeneous FPGAs. In contrast to many other force-directed placers, this approach is called ‘unconstrained’ as it does not require a priori fixed logic elements in order to calculate a force equilibrium as the solution to a system of equations. Instead, it is based on a free spring embedder simulation of a graph representation which includes all logic block types of a design simultaneously. The FieldPlacer framework offers a huge amount of flexibility in applying different distance norms (e. g., the Manhattan distance) for the force-directed layout and aims at creating adapted layouts for various objective functions, e. g., highest performance or improved routability. Depending on the individual situation, a runtime-quality trade-off can be considered to either produce a decent placement in a very short time or to generate an exceptionally good placement, which takes longer. An extensive comparison with the latest simulated annealing placement method from the well-known Versatile Place and Route (VPR) framework shows that the FieldPlacer approach can create placements of comparable quality much faster than VPR or, alternatively, generate better placements in the same time. The flexibility in defining arbitrary objective functions and the intuitive adaptability of the method, which, among others, includes different concepts from the field of graph drawing, should facilitate further developments with this framework, e. g., for new upcoming optimization targets like the energy consumption of an implemented design

    Limitations and opportunities for wire length prediction in gigascale integration

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    Wires have become a major source of bottleneck in current VLSI designs, and wire length prediction is therefore essential to overcome these bottlenecks. Wire length prediction is broadly classified into two types: macroscopic prediction, which is the prediction of wire length distribution, and microscopic prediction, which is the prediction of individual wire lengths. The objective of this thesis is to develop a clear understanding of limitations to both macroscopic and microscopic a priori, post-placement, pre-routing wire length predictions, and thereby develop better wire length prediction models. Investigations carried out to understand the limitations to macroscopic prediction reveal that, in a given design (i) the variability of the wire length distribution increases with length and (ii) the use of Rent s rule with a constant Rent s exponent p, to calculate the terminal count of a given block size, limits the accuracy of the results from a macroscopic model. Therefore, a new model for the parameter p is developed to more accurately reflect the terminal count of a given block size in placement, and using this, a new more accurate macroscopic model is developed. In addition, a model to predict the variability is also incorporated into the macroscopic model. Studies to understand limitations to microscopic prediction reveal that (i) only a fraction of the wires in a given design are predictable, and these are mostly from shorter nets with smaller degrees and (ii) the current microscopic prediction models are built based on the assumption that a single metric could be used to accurately predict the individual length of all the wires in a design. In this thesis, an alternative microscopic model is developed for the predicting the shorter wires based on a hypothesis that there are multiple metrics that influence the length of the wires. Three different metrics are developed and fitted into a heuristic classification tree framework to provide a unified and more accurate microscopic model.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Dr. Jeff Davis; Committee Member: Dr. James D. Meindl; Committee Member: Dr. Paul Kohl; Committee Member: Dr. Scott Wills; Committee Member: Dr. Sung Kyu Li

    Driving the Network-on-Chip Revolution to Remove the Interconnect Bottleneck in Nanoscale Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip

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    The sustained demand for faster, more powerful chips has been met by the availability of chip manufacturing processes allowing for the integration of increasing numbers of computation units onto a single die. The resulting outcome, especially in the embedded domain, has often been called SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (SoC) or MULTI-PROCESSOR SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (MP-SoC). MPSoC design brings to the foreground a large number of challenges, one of the most prominent of which is the design of the chip interconnection. With a number of on-chip blocks presently ranging in the tens, and quickly approaching the hundreds, the novel issue of how to best provide on-chip communication resources is clearly felt. NETWORKS-ON-CHIPS (NoCs) are the most comprehensive and scalable answer to this design concern. By bringing large-scale networking concepts to the on-chip domain, they guarantee a structured answer to present and future communication requirements. The point-to-point connection and packet switching paradigms they involve are also of great help in minimizing wiring overhead and physical routing issues. However, as with any technology of recent inception, NoC design is still an evolving discipline. Several main areas of interest require deep investigation for NoCs to become viable solutions: • The design of the NoC architecture needs to strike the best tradeoff among performance, features and the tight area and power constraints of the onchip domain. • Simulation and verification infrastructure must be put in place to explore, validate and optimize the NoC performance. • NoCs offer a huge design space, thanks to their extreme customizability in terms of topology and architectural parameters. Design tools are needed to prune this space and pick the best solutions. • Even more so given their global, distributed nature, it is essential to evaluate the physical implementation of NoCs to evaluate their suitability for next-generation designs and their area and power costs. This dissertation performs a design space exploration of network-on-chip architectures, in order to point-out the trade-offs associated with the design of each individual network building blocks and with the design of network topology overall. The design space exploration is preceded by a comparative analysis of state-of-the-art interconnect fabrics with themselves and with early networkon- chip prototypes. The ultimate objective is to point out the key advantages that NoC realizations provide with respect to state-of-the-art communication infrastructures and to point out the challenges that lie ahead in order to make this new interconnect technology come true. Among these latter, technologyrelated challenges are emerging that call for dedicated design techniques at all levels of the design hierarchy. In particular, leakage power dissipation, containment of process variations and of their effects. The achievement of the above objectives was enabled by means of a NoC simulation environment for cycleaccurate modelling and simulation and by means of a back-end facility for the study of NoC physical implementation effects. Overall, all the results provided by this work have been validated on actual silicon layout

    Broadening the Scope of Multi-Objective Optimizations in Physical Synthesis of Integrated Circuits.

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    In modern VLSI design, physical synthesis tools are primarily responsible for satisfying chip-performance constraints by invoking a broad range of circuit optimizations, such as buffer insertion, logic restructuring, gate sizing and relocation. This process is known as timing closure. Our research seeks more powerful and efficient optimizations to improve the state of the art in modern chip design. In particular, we integrate timing-driven relocation, retiming, logic cloning, buffer insertion and gate sizing in novel ways to create powerful circuit transformations that help satisfy setup-time constraints. State-of-the-art physical synthesis optimizations are typically applied at two scales: i) global algorithms that affect the entire netlist and ii) local transformations that focus on a handful of gates or interconnections. The scale of modern chip designs dictates that only near-linear-time optimization algorithms can be applied at the global scope — typically limited to wirelength-driven placement and legalization. Localized transformations can rely on more time-consuming optimizations with accurate delay models. Few techniques bridge the gap between fully-global and localized optimizations. This dissertation broadens the scope of physical synthesis optimization to include accurate transformations operating between the global and local scales. In particular, we integrate groups of related transformations to break circular dependencies and increase the number of circuit elements that can be jointly optimized to escape local minima. Integrated transformations in this dissertation are developed by identifying and removing obstacles to successful optimizations. Integration is achieved through mapping multiple operations to rigorous mathematical optimization problems that can be solved simultaneously. We achieve computational scalability in our techniques by leveraging analytical delay models and focusing optimization efforts on carefully selected regions of the chip. In this regard, we make extensive use of a linear interconnect-delay model that accounts for the impact of subsequent repeated insertion. Our integrated transformations are evaluated on high-performance circuits with over 100,000 gates. Integrated optimization techniques described in this dissertation ensure graceful timing-closure process and impact nearly every aspect of a typical physical synthesis flow. They have been validated in EDA tools used at IBM for physical synthesis of high-performance CPU and ASIC designs, where they significantly improved chip performance.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78744/1/iamyou_1.pd

    Techniques de routage pseudo-aléatoire pour une application micro-électronique

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    Résumé La problématique de routage est très actuelle. On en trouve des applications dans les GPS, les prévisions de trafic routier, mais aussi pour le prototypage sur FPGA, la fabrication de puces électroniques ou le trafic TCP/IP sur Internet. On trouve des publications sur le sujet depuis plusieurs dizaines d'années, mais on observe actuellement une recrudescence confirmant l'actualité, l'importance et la complexité de ce problème. Cette thèse concerne le routage et ses ressources pour une application dans un nouveau type de système micro-électronique, nommé le WaferBoardTM . Son noyau consiste en un circuit électronique intégré à l'échelle d'une tranche de silicium (wafer). Peu d'applications commerciales de la micro-électronique ont exploité ce niveau d'intégration. Ce système de prototypage rapide vise à réduire d'un ou deux ordres de grandeur le temps de développement de systèmes électroniques. Il nécessite un ensemble d'outils logiciel de support, dont un outil de routage très rapide, capable de produire des solutions valables en des temps de l'ordre de la minute, et de certaines fonctionnalités spécifiques, l'équilibrage de délai ou le reroutage à la volée, au sein d'une netlist déjà routée. La problématique de routage pour cette application peut être imagée comme suit. Étant donné un réseau routier régulier (les routes d’Amériques du Nord en version cartésienne par exemple) et 100,000 voitures au départ lundi à 8h a.m. dans tout le pays avec des sources et destinations très variées; calculer les chemins pour toutes les voitures de telle sorte qu'aucune ne prenne la même route dans la journée. Il est 7h59 a.m, vous avez 1 minute, et des ponts sont inaccessibles pour travaux, en voici la liste. Cet exemple simpliste donne une idée des ordres de grandeurs de la problématique de routage que l'on cherche à résoudre pour cette application. Un algorithme de routage prend en paramètres deux structures de données : un graphe (ou réseau d'interconnexions) constitué de n\oe{}uds (sommets) et d'arcsUn arc relie deux sommets du graphe, et une netlistDans ce contexte, un netlist réfère à une liste d'interconnexions entre composants, liste de n\oe{}uds électriques dont les points de départ et d'arrivée sont positionnés géographiquement. Ainsi, au lieu de voitures, il s'agit de router des signaux électriques dont les points de départ et d'arrivée sont dictés par la position des broches des composants placés sur le système de prototypage. Un réseau régulier maillé mufti-dimensionnel (plus généralement appelé « réseau d'interconnexions ») sert de réseau routier dont certaines routes sont défectueuses, des ponts inaccessibles. En effet, le réseau d'interconnexions est un circuit électronique intégré à l'échelle d'une tranche de silicium complète, ce qui implique la présence de défectuosités au sein de chaque circuit fabriqué. Contrairement aux circuits électroniques classiques, où chacun est testé et les défectueux écartés, une intégration à l'échelle de la tranche demande de fortes redondances au sein du circuit pour minimiser le taux de rejets. Pour l'application du WaferBoard, un certain nombre d'éléments du réseau d'interconnexions seront fort probablement défectueux sur chaque circuit produit; l'algorithme de routage se doit de prendre en compte ces éléments très particuliers. Cette contrainte ne se retrouve pas dans les applications plus classiques des routeurs que l'on retrouve dans les PCB, circuits FPGA ou circuits VLSI. D'autres contraintes s'appliquent à ce projet particulier : la latence induite par la technologie est environ un ordre de grandeur plus importante que celle dans les circuits sur PCB, ce qui impose un routage orienté vers sa réduction.----------Abstract The routing problem is very actual. Applications are found in GPS, road traffic forecast, but also for prototyping on FPGA, or TCP/IP traffic on the Internet. Publications on the subject have existed for several decades, but new publications keep appearing, confirming the importance and complexity of the problem. This thesis deals with routing and the resources it requires for a new category of micro-electronic applications, called the WaferBoard. It is an electronic circuit integrated at the wafer scale. Few commercial applications of micro-electronics have exploited this level of integration. This rapid prototyping system aims at reducing by one or two orders of magnitude the development time of digital circuits. It requires a very fast routing tool, capable of producing viable solutions in a few minutes, with dedicated functionality such as balancing delays and rerouting on the fly parts of a netlist. The routing problem for this application can be pictured as follows. Given a regular road network of the size of north america, if 100.000 cars were to start Monday 8 a.m. across the continent with a wide variety of sources and destinations; the challenge is to compute paths for all cars so none of them take the same route that day. It is 7:59 am, you have 1 minute, and some bridges are under road work: here is the list. This simplistic example gives an idea of the orders of magnitude of the problem that need to be solved for this application. A routing algorithm takes as input: a graph (or interconnection network) made of nodes and edges, and a netlst, a list of electrical nodes with starting and ending points physically placed. Therefore, instead of cars, the problem consists of routing electrical signals with points of departure and arrival dictated by the pin position of components placed on the prototyping system. A regular, multi-dimensional mesh (also called "interconnection network") serves as a road network, which contains defective roads and inaccessible bridges. Indeed, the interconnection network is an electronic circuit integrated across a full wafer, implying the presence of defects within each manufactured circuit. Unlike conventional electronic circuits, where each is tested and defective ones are set apart, wafer scale integrated applications require lots of redundancy in the circuit to minimize the rejection rate. In the WaferBoard, a number of elements of the interconnection network will be defective in each circuit; the routing algorithm must take into account these very specific elements. This constraint is not found in the classic applications of routers found in PCB, FPGA or VLSI circuits. Other restrictions apply to this particular project: the latency induced by the technology is about one order of magnitude greater than that in the circuits of PCBs, which requires a routing oriented towards computation time reduction. This constraint partly explains the network architecture used. Within the WaferIC, the shortest distance is not necessarily the one that offers the smallest latency. This property of the network complexifies the routing problem. Balancing delays within a group of arbitrary size nets is a necessary feature of the routing algorithm, and the difficulty is amplified by the computation time limit. Indeed, the interest of the application is to reduce the time for a user to test a circuit: the time of setup is extremely short, and estimated at a few minutes only