7 research outputs found

    On the Role of Social Identity and Cohesion in Characterizing Online Social Communities

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    Two prevailing theories for explaining social group or community structure are cohesion and identity. The social cohesion approach posits that social groups arise out of an aggregation of individuals that have mutual interpersonal attraction as they share common characteristics. These characteristics can range from common interests to kinship ties and from social values to ethnic backgrounds. In contrast, the social identity approach posits that an individual is likely to join a group based on an intrinsic self-evaluation at a cognitive or perceptual level. In other words group members typically share an awareness of a common category membership. In this work we seek to understand the role of these two contrasting theories in explaining the behavior and stability of social communities in Twitter. A specific focal point of our work is to understand the role of these theories in disparate contexts ranging from disaster response to socio-political activism. We extract social identity and social cohesion features-of-interest for large scale datasets of five real-world events and examine the effectiveness of such features in capturing behavioral characteristics and the stability of groups. We also propose a novel measure of social group sustainability based on the divergence in group discussion. Our main findings are: 1) Sharing of social identities (especially physical location) among group members has a positive impact on group sustainability, 2) Structural cohesion (represented by high group density and low average shortest path length) is a strong indicator of group sustainability, and 3) Event characteristics play a role in shaping group sustainability, as social groups in transient events behave differently from groups in events that last longer

    Computational Sociolinguistics: A Survey

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    Language is a social phenomenon and variation is inherent to its social nature. Recently, there has been a surge of interest within the computational linguistics (CL) community in the social dimension of language. In this article we present a survey of the emerging field of "Computational Sociolinguistics" that reflects this increased interest. We aim to provide a comprehensive overview of CL research on sociolinguistic themes, featuring topics such as the relation between language and social identity, language use in social interaction and multilingual communication. Moreover, we demonstrate the potential for synergy between the research communities involved, by showing how the large-scale data-driven methods that are widely used in CL can complement existing sociolinguistic studies, and how sociolinguistics can inform and challenge the methods and assumptions employed in CL studies. We hope to convey the possible benefits of a closer collaboration between the two communities and conclude with a discussion of open challenges.Comment: To appear in Computational Linguistics. Accepted for publication: 18th February, 201

    Detecting Popularity of Ideas and Individuals in Online Community

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    Research in the last decade has prioritized the effects of online texts and online behaviors on user information prediction. However, the previous research overlooks the overall meaning of online texts and more detailed features about users’ online behaviors. The purpose of the research is to detect the adopted ideas, the popularity of ideas, and the popularity of individuals by identifying the overall meaning of online texts and the centrality features based on user’s online interactions within an online community. To gain insights into the research questions, the online discussions on MyStarbucksIdea website is examined in this research. MyStarbucksIdea had launched since 2008 that encouraged people to submit new ideas for improving Starbuck’s products and services. Starbucks had adopted hundreds of ideas from this crowdsourcing platform. Based on the example of the MyStarbucksIdea community, a new document representation approach, Doc2Vec, synthesized with the users’ centrality features was unitized in this research. Additionally, it also is essential to study the surface-level features of online texts, the sentiment features of online texts, and the features of users’ online behaviors to determine the idea adoption as well as the popularity of ideas and individuals in the online community. Furthermore, supervised machine learning approaches, including Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, and Random Forest, with the adjustments for the imbalanced classes, served as the classifiers for the experiments. The results of the experiments showed that the classifications of the idea adoption, the popularity of ideas, and the popularity of individuals were all considered successful. The overall meaning of idea texts and user’s centrality features were most accurate in detecting the adopted ideas and the popularity of ideas. The overall meaning of idea texts and the features of users’ online behaviors were most accurate in detecting the popularity of individuals. These results are in accord with the results of the previous studies, which used behavioral and textual features to predict user information and enhance the previous studies\u27 results by providing the new document embedding approach and the centrality features. The models used in this research can become a much-needed tool for the popularity predictions of future research

    Community-Based Behavioral Understanding of Mobility Trends and Public Attitude through Transportation User and Agency Interactions on Social Media in the Emergence of Covid-19

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    The increased availability of technology-enabled transportation options and modern communication devices (smartphones, in particular) is transforming travel-related decision-making in the population differently at different places, points in time, modes of transportation, and socio-economic groups. The emergence of COVID-19 made the dynamics of passenger travel behavior more complex, forcing a worldwide, unparalleled change in human travel behavior and introducing a new normal into their existence. This dissertation explores the potential of social media platforms (SMPs) as a viable alternative to traditional approaches (e.g., travel surveys) to understand the complex dynamics of people’s mobility patterns in the emergence of COVID-19. In this dissertation, we focus on three objectives. First, a novel approach to developing comparative infographics of emerging transportation trends is introduced by natural language processing and data-driven techniques using large-scale social media data. Second, a methodology has been developed to model community-based travel behavior under different socioeconomic and demographic factors at the community level in the emergence of COVID-19 on Twitter, inferring users’ demographics to overcome sampling bias. Third, the communication patterns of different transportation agencies on Twitter regarding message kinds, communication sufficiency, consistency, and coordination were examined by applying text mining techniques and dynamic network analysis. The methodologies and findings of the dissertation will allow real-time monitoring of transportation trends by agencies, researchers, and professionals. Potential applications of the work may include: (1) identifying spatial diversity of public mobility needs and concerns through social media platforms; (2) developing new policies that would satisfy the diverse needs at different locations; (3) introducing new plans to support and celebrate equity, diversity, and inclusion in the transportation sector that would improve the efficient flow of goods and services; (4) designing new methods to model community-based travel behavior at different scales (e.g., census block, zip code, etc.) using social media data inferring users’ socio-economic and demographic properties; and (5) implementing efficient policies to improve existing communication plans, critical information dissemination efficacy, and coordination of different transportation actors to raise awareness among passengers in general and during unprecedented health crises in the fragmented communication world

    Hierarchical Bayesian Models for Latent Attribute Detection in Social Media

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    We present several novel minimally-supervised models for detecting latent attributes of social media users, with a focus on ethnicity and gender. Previouswork on ethnicity detection has used coarse-grained widely separated classes of ethnicity and assumed the existence of large amounts of training data such as the US census, simplifying the problem. Instead, we examine content generated by users in addition to name morpho-phonemics to detect ethnicity and gender. Further, weaddress this problem in a challenging setting where the ethnicity classes are more fine grained -- ethnicity classes in Nigeria -- and with very limited training data

    Information Reliability on the Social Web - Models and Applications in Intelligent User Interfaces

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    The Social Web is undergoing continued evolution, changing the paradigm of information production, processing and sharing. Information sources have shifted from institutions to individual users, vastly increasing the amount of information available online. To overcome the information overload problem, modern filtering algorithms have enabled people to find relevant information in efficient ways. However, noisy, false and otherwise useless information remains a problem. We believe that the concept of information reliability needs to be considered along with information relevance to adapt filtering algorithms to today's Social Web. This approach helps to improve information search and discovery and can also improve user experience by communicating aspects of information reliability.This thesis first shows the results of a cross-disciplinary study into perceived reliability by reporting on a novel user experiment. This is followed by a discussion of modeling, validating, and communicating information reliability, including its various definitions across disciplines. A selection of important reliability attributes such as source credibility, competence, influence and timeliness are examined through different case studies. Results show that perceived reliability of information can vary greatly across contexts. Finally, recent studies on visual analytics, including algorithm explanations and interactive interfaces are discussed with respect to their impact on the perception of information reliability in a range of application domains