308 research outputs found

    Bearing degradation assessment based on entropy with time parameter and fuzzy c-means clustering

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    Bearings are one of the most crucial elements in rotating machine. The condition of bearings decides the operation of machine. Consequently, it is necessary to study the assessment of bearing degradation in order to develop condition-based maintenance. This paper improves an indicator based on entropy which is calculated by wavelet packet decomposition and auto-regressive model. By introducing time parameter, the indicator solves the problem of instability in the initial stage of operation and it is less influenced by the operational conditions. Then, fuzzy c-means clustering can evaluate the process of degradation. Moreover, it can provide the threshold adaptively and help to repair by unit replacement. To ensure the applicability, the data of this paper comes from two laboratories, FEMTO-ST Institute and Intelligent Maintenance System Center. The result indicates that the method is effective to assess bearing degradation process

    Pembangunan model penentuan keperluan perumahan kajian kes: Johor Bahru, Malaysia

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    Perumahan merupakan satu komponen penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi di mana ia telah menjadi dasar kerajaan untuk menyediakan rumah bagi setiap rakyat. Rancangan Malaysia terdahulu telah cuba merancang bagi merealisasikan dasar ini. Walaupun anggaran keperluan perumahan dibuat di bawah Rancangan Malaysia, namun anggaran tersebut tidak membayangkan keperluan sebenar pembeli dan penyewa rumah di Malaysia. Negara-negara maju telah menggunakan pelbagai model dalam menentukan keperluan perumahan. Namun begitu, model-model tersebut tidak sesuai digunakan di Malaysia kerana data yang terhad. Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada dua objektif iaitu, mengenal pasti model dan faktor yang signifikan bagi menentukan keperluan perumahan, dan kedua menghasilkan model penentuan keperluan perumahan di Malaysia. Skop kajian ini tertumpu kepada pembeli dan penyewa rumah di Daerah Johor Bahru yang dipilih melalui kaedah pesampelan kelompok pelbagai peringkat. Data diperolehi melalui borang kaji selidik dan dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Analisis statistik deskriptif digunakan bagi menghuraikan taburan kekerapan, peratus, min, dan sisihan piawai manakala statistik inferensi iaitu ujian Korelasi Pearson dan Regresi Pelbagai digunakan untuk pembentukan model. Dengan menggunakan kaedah Enter, satu model yang signifikan dapat dihasilkan (F4,178 = 353.699 p < 0.05. Adjusted R square = .886) yang signifikan terhadap dua faktor utama iaitu demografi dan kemampuan. Model yang dihasilkan bagi kajian ini adalah General Linear Model. Model ini dapat digunakan bagi menentukan keperluan perumahan di Johor Bahru. Ia juga berfungsi sebagai alat penting dalam perancangan sektor perumahan pada masa hadapan di Malaysia

    Condition Based Maintenance of Low Speed Rolling Element Bearings using Hidden Markov Model

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    This paper presents an integrated hidden Markov model (HMM) approach to undertake fault diagnosis and maintenance planning for low-speed roller element bearings in a conveyor system. The components studied are relatively long-life components for which run-to-failure data is not available. Furthermore, the large number of these components in a conveyor system makes the individual monitoring of each bearing impractical. In this paper, HMM is employed to overcome both these challenges. For fault diagnosis, a number of bearings varying in age and usage were extracted from the system and tested to develop a baseline HMM model. This data was then used to calculate likelihood probabilities, which were subsequently used to determine the health state of an unknown bearing. For maintenance planning, experimentally determined thresholds from faulty bearings were used in conjunction with simulated degradation paths to parametrize a HMM. This HMM is then used to determine the state duration statistics and subsequently the calculation of residual useful life (RUL) based on bearing vibration data. The RUL distribution is then used for maintenance planning by optimizing the expected cost rate and the results so obtained are compared with the results obtained from a traditional age based replacement policy

    Process fault prediction and prognosis based on a hybrid technique

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    The present study introduces a novel hybrid methodology for fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) and fault prediction and prognosis (FPP). The hybrid methodology combines both data-driven and process knowledge driven techniques. The Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and the auxiliary codes detect and predict the abnormalities based on process history while the Bayesian Network (BN) diagnoses the root cause of the fault based on process knowledge. In the first step, the system performance is evaluated for fault detection and diagnosis and in the second step, prediction and prognosis are evaluated. In both cases, an HMM trained with Normal Operating Condition data is used to determine the log-likelihoods (LL) of each process history data string. It is then used to develop the Conditional Probability Tables of BN while the structure of BN is developed based on process knowledge. Abnormal behaviour of the system is identified through HMM. The time of detection of an abnormality, respective LL value, and the probabilities of being in the process condition at the time of detection are used to generate the likelihood evidence to BN. The updated BN is then used to diagnose the root cause by considering the respective changes of the probabilities. Performance of the new technique is validated with published data of Tennessee Eastman Process. Eight of the ten selected faults were successfully detected and diagnosed. The same set of faults were predicted and prognosed accurately at different levels of maximum added noise

    Análisis estocástico de señales vibratorias de motores de inducción para la detección de fallas usando descomposición de modo empírico

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    This paper presents a vibration analysis on induction motors using Hidden Markov Models (HMM) applied to features obtained from the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Hilbert-Huang transform to vibration signals obtained in the coordinates x and y, in order to detect malfunctions in bearings and bars. Additionally, a comparative analysis of the ability of the vibration signals in the x and y directions to provide information for failures detection is presented. Thus, an ergodic HMM initialized and trained by expectation maximization algorithm with convergence at 10e-7  and maximum iterations of 100 was applied to the feature space and its performance was determined by cross-validation with 80-20 with 30 fold for obtaining high performance fault detection in terms of accuracy.En este artículo se presenta un análisis de vibraciones en motores de inducción por medio de Modelos Ocultos de Markov (Hidden Markov Model - HMM) aplicado a características obtenidas de la Descomposición de Modo Empírico (Empirical Mode Decomposition - EMD) y transformada de Hilbert-Huang de señales de vibración obtenidas en las coordenadas x y y, con el fin de detectar fallas de funcionamiento en rodamientos y barras.  Además se presenta un análisis comparativo de la capacidad de las señales de vibración en dirección x y en dirección y, para aportar información en la detección de fallas. Así, un HMM ergódico inicializado y entrenado por medio del algoritmo de máxima esperanza, con convergencia en 10e-7 y un máximo de iteraciones de 100, se aplicó sobre el espacio de características y su desempeño fue determinado mediante validación cruzada 80-20 con 30 fold, obteniendo un alto desempeño para la detección de fallas en términos de exactitud

    Hidden Markov Model-based Methods In Condition Monitoring of Machinery Systems

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    Development of effective gearbox fault diagnosis methodologies utilising various levels of prior knowledge

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    Effective fault diagnosis techniques are important to ensure that expensive assets such as wind turbines can operate reliably. Vibration condition monitoring data are rich with information pertaining to the dynamics of the rotating machines and are therefore popular for rotating machine diagnostics. However, vibration data do not only contain diagnostic information, but operating condition information as well. The performance of many conventional fault diagnosis techniques is impeded by inherent varying operating conditions encountered in machines such as wind turbines and draglines. Hence, it is not only important to utilise fault diagnosis techniques that are sensitive to faults, but the techniques should also be robust to changes in operating conditions. Much research has been conducted to address the many facets of gearbox fault diagnosis e.g. understanding the interactions of the components, the characteristics of the vibration signals and the development of good vibration analysis techniques. The aforementioned knowledge, as well as the availability of historical data, are regarded as prior knowledge (i.e. information that is available before inferring the condition of the machine) in this thesis. The available prior knowledge can be utilised to ensure that e ective gearbox fault diagnosis techniques are designed. Therefore, methodologies are proposed in this work which can utilise the available prior knowledge to e ectively perform fault diagnosis, i.e. detection, localisation and trending, under varying operating conditions. It is necessary to design di erent methodologies to accommodate the di erent kinds of historical data (e.g. healthy historical data or historical fault data) that can be encountered and the di erent signal analysis techniques that can be used. More speci cally, a methodology is developed to automatically detect localised gear damage under varying operating conditions without any historical data being available. The success of the methodology is attributed to the fact that the interaction between gear teeth in a similar condition results in data being generated which are statistically similar and this prior knowledge may be utilised. Therefore, a dissimilarity measure between the probability density functions of two teeth can be used to detect a gear tooth with localised gear damage. Three methodologies are also developed to utilise the available historical data from a healthy machine for gearbox fault diagnosis. Firstly, discrepancy analysis, a powerful novelty detection technique which has been used for gear diagnostics under varying operating conditions, is extended for bearing diagnostics under varying operating conditions. The suitability of time-frequency analysis techniques and di erent models are compared for discrepancy analysis as well. Secondly, a methodology is developed where the spectral coherence, a powerful second-order cyclostationary technique, is supplemented with healthy historical data for fault detection, localisation and trending. Lastly, a methodology is proposed which utilises narrowband feature extraction methods such as the kurtogram to extract a signal rich with novel information from a vibration signal. This is performed by attenuating the historical information in the signal. Sophisticated signal analysis techniques such as the squared envelope spectrum and the spectral coherence are also used on the novel signal to highlight the bene ts of utilising the novel signal as opposed to raw vibration signal for fault diagnosis. Even though a healthy state is the desired operating condition of rotating machines, fault data will become available during the operational life of the machine. Therefore, a methodology, centred around discrepancy analysis, is developed to utilise the available historical fault data and to accommodate fault data becoming available during the operation of the machine. In this investigation, it is recognised that the machine condition monitoring problem is in fact an open set recognition problem with continuous transitions between the healthy machine condition and the failure conditions. This is explicitly incorporated into the methodology and used to infer the condition of the gearbox in an open set recognition framework. This methodology uses a di erent approach to the conventional supervised machine learning techniques found in the literature. The methodologies are investigated on numerical and experimental datasets generated under varying operating conditions. The results indicate the bene ts of incorporating prior knowledge into the fault diagnosis process: the fault diagnosis techniques can be more robust to varying operating conditions, more sensitive to damage and easier to interpret by a non-expert. In summary, fault diagnosis techniques are more e ective when prior knowledge is utilised.Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2019.Mechanical and Aeronautical EngineeringPhDUnrestricte


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    The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a concept of the development of education, gender,work, and mentality through the utilization of technological developments. Indonesian educationis continuously improved in line with the development of the era of globalization through thetransformation of the educational paradigm. In the world of education, there is a negativeimpact caused by the industrial revolution 4.0 for Indonesia's young generation, ranging fromradicalism, discrimination, fading of local culture, brawls to criminal acts from social mediaand the real world resulting from a lack of understanding of multicultural education in thepresent era. The correct cultivation of multicultural education is expected to be able to produceyoung people in the industrial revolution era 4.0 who are creative, innovative, and who have thecharacter, integrity and uphold tolerance in accordance with the Indonesian national identity.Keywords: Industrial Revolution, Education 4.0, Multicultural Educatio